Unit5 Lesson 25 Jenny’s family同步练习 (2课时含答案)

冀教版七年级上册Unit 5 Lesson 25同步练习
1.— Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncle’s child
—Yes, it’s my ________.
A.cousin B.mother C.aunt D.daughter
2.My aunt works in a hospital. She is a ________.
A.policeman B.nurse C.bus driver D.teacher
3. Is Ms White your ________
Yes. She’s my father’s sister.
A.aunt B.mother C.daughter D.sister
4.Mr. White is my father, but I’m not his son. I’m his _________.
A.brother B.daughter C.sister D.cousin
5.His brother’s car will ________ his home to take part in the party.
A.drive us B.take us to C.drive us to D.take us
(  )6.There are three ________ in Judy's family.
A.child B.peoples
C.members D.man
(  )7.—________ —I'm a teacher.
A.What is you B.How are you
C.What do you do D.Hello!
(  )8.The Smith family________ all at home on Sunday.
A.am B.are
C.is D.be
(  )9.—What is he doing
—He________ on the phone.
A.talk B.is talking
C.talks D.talking
(  )10.—Anna, can you answer the door?I ________ the room.
—I'm coming, Mum.
A.clean B.cleaned
C.have cleaned D.am cleaning
根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的横线上填写一个正确的单词。My name is Mary. I have 11.________ happy family. There are five 12.________(people) in my family. My father is forty 13.________(year) old. He is tall 14.________ thin. He is a 15.________(drive). Now he is driving the school bus. My mother is a 16.t________. She 17.________(like) her students. And her students all love 18.________(she). She is teaching English in her class now. I have a brother. His name is Tony. He is six years old. He is 19.________(sit) on the ground and playing 20.w________ toys. He wants to be a policeman. I love my family.
21.boy, in, China, lives, the
22.walks to, every day, she, school
23.family, are, now, Tom's, watching TV
24.are, going, they, where
25.you, photos, have, how, many, do
Hi, I'm Mary Brown. I have three photos. Look at the first one. Two girls are in it. They are my good friends, Linda and Jane. They are laughing. How happy they are!
Who are they in this photo They are my aunt and uncle. My uncle is my father's brother. He is a policeman. My aunt is a clerk. The two children are their son Jack and their daughter Alice.
The last one is my family photo. These are my grandparents. These are my parents. My father is a worker and my mother is a teacher. The boy is my brother Mike. Who's the girl Ha, it's me. I'm 6.
(  )26.Linda and Jane are Mary's ________.
A.classmates B.teachers
C.friends D.family
(  )27.Jack is Mary's ________.
A.friend B.cousin
C.brother D.uncle
(  )28.What does Mary's mother do
A.A policeman. B.A clerk.
C.A teacher. D.A worker.
(  )29.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Mary has three cousins.
B.Alice is Mary's friend.
C.Mary's father has no brothers.
D.Jack and Mike are cousins.
冀教版七年级上册Unit 5 Lesson 25同步练习
1.My ________(mother) name is Alice Brown.
2.The ________(policeman) are helping the little girl.
3.His father is a ________(work).
4.How many ________(member) are there in your family
5.Listen! Lucy________(talk) with Mr.Li.
6.Your brother is your mother’s ________.
A.cousin B.son C.father D.uncle
7.—Could you ________ these boys
—They will have a football match (比赛) next week.
A.take B.drive C.train D.mean
8.Helen is my aunt. Her son is my ________.
A.brother B.son C.uncle D.cousin
9.Mike is going to ________ the car to see the new action movie tonight with his friends.
A.make B.lend C.sell D.drive
10.My uncle’s son is Bob. He is my ________.
A.father B.brother C.son D.cousin
11.My mother is a ________, and she works at a ________ station.
A.policeman; police B.police; policeman C.policewoman; police D.police; policewoman
12.You can see a ________ near his bed. It says it’s 9:00 now.
A.clock B.map C.tape D.radio
13.How many syllables are there in the word “radio”
A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five
14.There are two ________ and three ________ in my bag.
A.radios; tomatoes B.radios; tomatos C.radioes; tomatos D.radioes; tomatoes
15.Mike and Helen are his grandfather and grandmother. We can also say that Mike and Helen are his ________.
A.parent B.parents C.grandparents D.son
The radio programme told us the brave firemen appeared and rescued many people from the hotel.
A.radio B.programme C.appeared D.rescued
17.I once worked for a travel magazine and the ________ helped me get a job as a guide.
A.environment B.expression C.example D.experience
18.I am a ________. My job is to show the visitors around in the museum.
A.singer B.policeman C.artist D.guide
19.— Are your brothers students
— No, they aren’t. They are ________.
A.policeman B.policewoman
C.policemen D.policewomen
20.My neighbour is always making a lot of noise in the night and he is ______ my family mad.
A.forcing B.causing C.leading D.driving
Who is the greatest person in the world Many people will say one word—Mother! When you are a baby, she ___21___ look after you day and night. When you are old enough to go to school, she still looks after you all the time.
But my mother is different from others. I thought she was ___22___ lazy mother! I often asked my mother for help when I had something ___23___ to do. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.”
I was not ___24___ about this at all.
For example, one day, I wanted to invite (邀请) some friends of ___25___ to my home. My bedroom was very dirty. Books were ___26___ and I didn’t make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it, but she still said, “Do it yourself.”
Because of my “lazy mother”, I had to wash my ___27___ and clean my room. I had to help my parents ___28___ housework.
It was really hard for me to do everything ___29___, but I learned a lot. When I grow up, I ____30____ my mother. She made me clever and diligent (勤奋的). She is a great mother.
21.A.must B.mustn’t C.can D.can’t
22.A.an B.the C.a D./
23.A.difficulty B.difficult C.difficulties D.difficulty
24.A.happiness B.happily C.happy D.happier
25.A.my B.me C.mine D.I
26.A.somewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere D.nowhere
27.A.clothing B.clothes C.cloth D.cloth’s
28.A.do B.doing C.does D.did
29.A.good B.better C.well D.best
30.A.am understanding B.understood C.understands D.understand
四、阅读单选 (一)
Mr Smith is my uncle. He has a house with a big garden. There are some apple trees in his garden. He looks after them very well. He spends lots of time watering them every day. Now there are many red apples on the trees and my uncle is very happy to see them.
One afternoon, when he looks out of the window, he sees a boy in a red T-shirt in one of his apple trees. He opens the window and shouts, “Hey, what are you doing there Come down. Or I will see your father!”
The boy is not afraid of my uncle at all. “Dad”, he looks at him and shouts, “Mr Smith wants to see you.” My uncle smiles, “Oh! It is my son, Daniel.”
31.Mr Smith has a big ________.
A.park B.school C.garden D.zoo
32.Mr Smith is very happy because ________.
A.he has a good friend B.he has a son
C.there are many apples on the trees D.his son is smart
33.Why does Mr Smith want to see the boy’s father
A.Because they are friends. B.Because the boy’s father is ill.
C.Because he thinks the boy helps him a lot. D.Because he thinks the boy steals (偷窃) his apples.
34.From the passage we know Daniel is ________.
A.Mr Smith’s son B.Mr Smith’s friend
C.a high school student D.wearing a black T-shirt
35.Which of the following is true
A.Mr Smith doesn’t like his apple trees. B.Mr Smith has bad eyesight.
C.Daniel is afraid of Mr Smith. D.Daniel is under the apple tree.
Cathy and her family spent their last weekend travelling. Here is Cathy’s diary(日记).
Day 1—Shanghai to Xi’anWe left for Xi’an by plane on Friday evening. On Saturday, we visited the Ancient City Wall(古城墙)and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda(大雁塔). In the evening we went to enjoy the Tang Dynasty(唐朝)show. How wonderful it was!
Day 2—Xi’an to Shanghai
On Sunday, we went to Lintong to visit the Terracotta Army(兵马俑). It’s really a great wonder. After that, we went to North Guangji Street(回民街)to enjoy local food of Xi’an. At about 4 o’clock, we flew back to Shanghai. It was really a nice weekend for me.
36.Where do Cathy and her family come from
A.Shanghai. B.Xi’an. C.Lintong. D.North Guangji.
37.When did they see the Tang Dynasty show
A.On Friday evening. B.On Saturday afternoon.
C.On Saturday evening. D.On Sunday evening.
38.Where did NOT they visit
A.The Ancient City Wall. B.The Terracotta Army.
C.The Small Wild Goose Pagoda. D.The Big Wild Goose Pagoda.
39.What did they do on North Guangji Street
A.They enjoyed local food. B.They learnt the history about Xi’an.
C.They visited the Terracotta Army. D.They enjoyed the Tang Dynasty show.
40.What is Cathy’s diary about
A.Delicious food in Xi’an. B.Famous places in Xi’an.
C.Tang Dynasty show. D.Cathy and her family’s travel in Xi’an.
It seemed like it was just yesterday. My father and I ___41___ (sit) on the bank of the Huangpu River, fishing and sharing ___42___ (story). But today, it is the 20th ___43___ (father) Day since his passing.In the past two decades (10年), I changed a lot. I turned ___44___ (my) from a lazy boy into an excellent man. I studied hard to be the ___45___ (good) student in my high school and I ___46___ (try) hard to make my dream come true, because I know I want to be a man just ___47___ my father.
My father worked at Yaohua Art Glass Factory in our home town for fifty years. He was a hark-working ___48___ (work). I remembered he always came home from the factory with a wet shirt. And he never ___49___ (take) a sick day away from work.
Twenty years is a long time, _____50_____ the time with my father keeps fresh in my mind and brings me a lot. At the moment, I want to say: Dad, I love you!
Dear Liz,
Thank you very much for your letter and the ____51____ (photo) of your friend and family. Your parents and friends look ____52____ (real) nice in the pictures. Now I can tell you something about me and my family here in New York.
I have two brothers. ____53____ (they) names are Lukas and Andreas. They are 16 and 19. My mother is Christine. She is a teacher. She ____54____ (work) in No 1 High school. My dad, Dieter, is a doctor in ___55___ hospital.
There ___56___ (be) a living room and four bedrooms in our house. My room is tidy, but my ___57___ (brother) are not. They don't often clean them. I ___58___ (not like) volleyball, ___59___ they like it. I like ____60____ (play) basketball. We have a dog, Zak, and we think he's cute. We love it a lot.
Please tell me all about your friends and school in your next letter. I'd like to know about English schools.
he she we teacher class be England in and have
My name is Wang Jun. I have an ____61____ friend at school. ___62___ name is Dave. He is eleven. He and I ___63___ in the same grade, but we are in different ____64____. I am in Class 7 and he is in Class 8. His classroom is next to ____65____ . Dave’s mom is a good ___66___ in our school. She ____67____ blue eyes ____68____ short hair. She is ___69___ a yellow shirt and white pants. She looks nice. I like ____70____ very much.
A: Hi, Cindy. Is that man your father
B: Yes. He is a geography teacher in our school.
A: Really That’s great! ____71____
B: No. I don’t go to school with him. He walks to school.
A: ____72____
B: I usually go to school by bus.
A: Why doesn’t he take the bus with you
B: He likes walking. He thinks it’s good for his health.
A: ____73____
B: It’s about 2 kilometers. It’s not very far.
A: ____74____
B: Well, thirty minutes. He usually leaves home at 6:30 in the morning and gets to school at 7:00 a.m. ____75____
A: Me Only fifteen minutes by bus.
请根据以下问题与提示,结合所学知识,请你用英语写一篇文章介绍一下你最喜欢的人吧!1. Who do you like best Why
2. What does she/he look like
3. What did she/he do last weekend
1. 要包含以上问题提示,也可适当发挥,注意语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。
2. 短文中不得出现任何真实的人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。
3. 不少于60词。
冀教版七年级上册Unit 5 Lesson 25同步练习
Ⅱ.6—10 CCBBD
Ⅲ.11.a 12.people 13.years 14.and
15.driver 16.teacher 17.likes 18.her
19.sitting 20.with
Ⅳ.21.The boy lives in China
22.She walks to school every day
23.Tom's family are watching TV now
24.Where are they going
25.How many photos do you have
Ⅴ.26—29 CBCD
冀教版七年级上册Unit 5 Lesson 25同步练习
Ⅰ.1.mother's 2.policemen 3.worker
4.members 5.is talking
41.sat 42.stories 43.Father’s 44.myself 45.best
46.tried 47.like 48.worker 49.took 50.but
51.photos 52.really 53.Their 54.works 55.a
56.is 57.brothers’ 58.don’t like 59.but 60.playing
61.English 62.His 63.are 64.classes 65.ours
66.teacher 67.has 68.and 69.in 70.her
71.So you go to school with your father every day, right
72.How do you go to school 73.How far is it from your home to school
74.How long does it take your father to walk to school
75.Do you spend thirty minutes getting to school, either
My favorite person is my cousin, because she is very cute. Her name is Betty. She is a beautiful girl with big eyes. She is good at playing basketball. She can play the guitar well. She likes reading books very much.
Last weekend she went to the library. There were many students reading books in the library. She read some interesting books there. At about 11: 00, she took a bus home. In the afternoon, she played basketball with her friends. She felt a little relaxed. What an interesting day it was!

  • Unit5 Lesson 25 Jenny’s family同步练习 (2课时含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月13日  所属分类:作业答案