Unit6 Tv Programmes Grammar课后作业(2课时无答案)

Unit 6 Tv Programmes-Grammar
1. Do you know how many________(摄影棚)there are in our city TV station?
2.Seeing the police, the three thieves got________(害怕)and ran away as quickly as possible.
3. If a polar bear is in danger,it will________(攻击)people.
4. A large number of________(小型公共汽车)have been introduced to our city.
5.You can find some________(男性的)nurses in some hospitals now.
1. If it ___________ (snow) tomorrow, I _________ (not fly) to London.
2. Tigers ___________ (live) as a family if they ___________ (have) babies.
3. He ____________ (not pass) the exam if he __________ (play) computer games.
4. You ___________(buy)your lunch at the restaurants in the studio unless you _________ (take) your own food with you.
5. Unless the weather report says it __________ (rain), you __________ (not have) to take an umbrella with you.
三 单项选择。(每个4分,共40分)
( ) 1. She will fail in the exam ___________ she studies harder than before.
A. or B. unless C. if D. until
( ) 2. They will arrive at the bus stop ___________ 10:30 a.m.
A. around B. about C. in D. to  
( ) 3. If he ___________ now, he won’t catch the early train.
A. leaves B. don’t leave C. doesn’t leave D. will have
( ) 4. I’ll be back this evening ___________ it rains.
A. if B. unless C. or D. until
( ) 5. If Kate __________ the game show, she will win the game.
A. Take part in B. takes part C. joins D. takes part in
( ) 6. I don’t know if the famous film star ___________ to my family at tonight’s party.
A. will introduce B. will be introduced C. introduce D. introduces
( ) 7. What will a bear do if it is _____________
A. in danger B. dangerous C. out of danger D. danger
( ) 8. If elephants are thirsty, they will walk ___________ they find a river.
A. or B. until C. if D. unless
( ) 9. Tigers ___________ their own food if they live in the wild.
A. will hunt B. will hunt for C. will be hunted D. hunt
( ) 10. I will be unhappy _____________ we don’t win the game.
A. or B. unless C. if D. until
Unit 6 Tv Programmes-Grammar
1. If Tom ___________(完成)all his homework quickly, he will go to the cinema.
2. If my brother finds a programme interesting, he __________ (介绍)it to me.
3. Male wolves will protect their families if there is __________(危险).
4. You will not take the _________ (观光) bus unless you are tired.
5. You will have a chance to see how a TV programme is recorded unless you have little _________ (兴趣)in it.
( )1.We should take the rest of the food home________we can't finish what we order.
A.if B.so C.unless D.until
( )2.You can't make progress in maths learning________you work harder.
A.if B.after C.unless D.because
( )3.-Will you go to Lisa's housewarming party next Sunday?
-Well,if I________,I will go on time.
A.invite B.will invite C.am invited D.will be invited
( )4.-Keep working,Paul! You will surely realize your dream of being a writer________you give it up halfway.
-I will, Miss Rowling.
A.unless B.if C.since D.that
( )5.-Do you think your teacher will answer my phone
-I'm afraid not,Mum. He________the phone unless he________the phone number.
A. won't answer; knows B.won't answer; doesn't know
C. never answers; won't know D. will answer; knows
1. If you don't help me, I can't finish the work on time.(改为同义句)
I________finish the work on time________you help me.
2. I will not win the match without your support.(改为复合句)
I________win the match________you don't support me.
3. Work harder, or you will fail the exam.(改为同义句)
________you don't work harder,you________fail the exam.
4. You won't feel sad about it unless you love animals.(改为同义句)
You won't feel sad about it________you________an animal-lover.
5. If we don't have homework, we will go for a picnic this afternoon.(改为同义句)
We will go for a picnic this afternoon________We________homework.
Nobody will know him unless he________________________at tomorrow's meeting.
if there is danger.It is certain that male wolves________________________.
What should you do________________________a bear
I always sleep________________unless________________.
After the discussion, we were provided with a chance________________at the studio.
Du Fu(712-770), one of the greatest poets in China, is familiar to most of us. However, Du has remained largely u 1 in the Western world.
The BBC's one-hour documentary Du Fu:China's Greatest Poet i 2 the great poet to Western audiences. As the first English-language documentary about Du, it c3him to Dante :and Shakespeare, two of the greatest literature masters of the West.
In the film, British historian Michael Wood e 4 the poet's life. He visits a number of places where Du used to live. Along the way, he meets and talks to people who help to tell the fascinating story of the poet.
The documentary explains why Du's works have been p 5 for centuries. “Chinese people really value the recording of history and Du Fu is better than anyone at showing h 6 in his poetry. That's because historical events are mirrored in his own life and spiritual(精神的)journey,” said Zeng Xiangbo, a professor at Renmin University.
Du lived under the r 7_ of the Tang emperor Xuanzong(712-756),a time of prosperity(繁荣).He was a civil servant(文职人员)in the Tang court(朝廷).But as the An Lushan Rebellion of 755 floored the empire, he escaped and suffered hunger and poverty. T 8 ups and downs, the poet never stopped writing, pouring out his concern for his country and people, as well as c 9 the simple joys of life. Known as China's “saint of poetry(诗圣)”,he wrote about1,400 poems that are s 10 with us today.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________
6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

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发布日期:2023年12月11日  所属分类:作业答案