Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are单元质量评估卷(学生版+教师版含听力音频)

Unit 3 质量评估卷
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are
1. Where does the man want to go ( )
A. To the mall. B. To the library. C. To the bookstore.
2. How does the woman feel now ( )
A. Excited. B. Afraid. C. Bored.
3. Why does the woman refuse to go to the supermarket now ( )
A. Because she is too busy.
B. Because there are too many people.
C. Because there isn't a sale going on.
4. How long did it take the woman to get to the post office in total ( )
A. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes.
5. How will the man go to the hotel ( )
A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By subway.
6. Which direction does the woman need to go along this road before she sees a hotel ( )
A. West. B. North. C. East.
7. How much is the park ticket for a kid ( )
A. 10 yuan. B. 15 yuan. C. 20 yuan.
8. What does the woman think of London ( )
A. It's too tiring. B. It's too crowded. C. It's too expensive.
9. Why would the woman like to go to Hawaii ( )
A. Because it's clean. B. Because it's warm. C. Because it's cool.
10. Why did Mike make the road signs ( )
A. To protect animals. B. To protect plants. C. To protect the earth.
11. How did Mike go home that night ( )
A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By taxi.
12. What color are the road signs ( )
A. Red. B. Yellow. C. White.
13. What did Lily leave on the bus ( )
A. Her bag. B. Her keys. C. Her phone.
14. Which bus did Lily take ( )
A. Bus No.8. B. Bus No.18. C. Bus No.28.
15. What's the relationship between Sam and Lily ( )
A. Friends. B. Classmates. C. Husband and wife.
Between Beijing and Zhengzhou, the train is the way to go. China has the world's fastest passenger train. The 350 km/h high-speed train takes as little as three and a half hours to travel from Zhengzhou to Beijing.
Which stations
Most Zhengzhou-Beijing trains now use Zhengzhou East Station and Beijing West Station. You can go to Zhengzhou East Station easily by subway or you can take a taxi, but at a much higher price.
How much does it cost
second class seat first class seat business class seat
RMB 309 RMB 495 RMB 977
For children under the height of 120 cm: free
Between 120 cm and 150 cm: half
Over 150 cm: full
How to buy tickets
The easiest way to book a ticket is to buy it online. You can buy tickets 30 days ahead of time. Then all you need is to collect tickets from the station. Buying tickets in person at the station is also quick and easy.
Additional (额外的) tips:
●Seats are numbered with a row number and a seat letter (such as 12C). In all classes, A and F seats are window seats. C and D seats are aisle (过道) seats.
●You can take your bags onto the train with you and put them on the racks (架子) above your seat.
●You can take food and drinks with you or buy snacks, drinks and simple meals on the train.
21. How long does it take to travel from Zhengzhou to Beijing by high-speed train ( )
A. 1.5 hours. B. 2 hours. C. 3.5 hours. D. 2.5 hours.
22. If you want to buy first class tickets for you and your 140-centimeter-tall son, how much should you pay ( )
A. 309 yuan. B. 495 yuan. C. 742.5 yuan. D. 977 yuan.
23. From the text, what can we know about Seat 18F ( )
A. It's in the middle. B. It's by the window.
C. It's in the sixth row. D. It's a second class seat.
24. What can't we do on the train according to the text ( )
A. Sit wherever we like. B. Take our bags along.
C. Take our own food. D. Have simple meals.
25. In which section (部分) of a magazine can we find this text ( )
A. Health. B. Sports. C. Lifestyle. D. Travel.
[2022巴中]B[核心素养 勇于探究]
①Tom lived with his grandfather, who is regarded as the wisest man in the village. Many people went to his grandfather for advice or help.
②One day, Tom saw three men walking together. They found a single-log (独木) bridge halfway, below which there was a deep river.
③The first man didn't hesitate (犹豫) to step on the bridge and he made it to the other side of the river. The second man came close to the bridge. When seeing the deep river, he was so afraid that he made no move. Encouraged by the first man, he put his feet on the bridge. Although his right foot was hurt in the middle of the bridge,he got there safely. But the third man was the least brave to cross the river. It was getting dark. Behind him were some hungry wolves, he felt hopeless. But he had to be brave to cross the river. Only after a few steps, he fell into the river.
④Seeing the puzzled (困惑的) look on Tom's face,Grandfather said sincerely(语重心长地), “When in difficulties, the more time it takes to hesitate, the higher price you'll have to pay.”
26. Why did many people go to Tom's grandfather for advice or help ( )
A. Because he knew much about the village.
B. Because he was the oldest man in the village.
C. Because he was the wisest man in the village.
D. Because he lived in the village for the longest time.
27. What did the three men find halfway one day ( )
A. A wolf. B. A single-log bridge. C. A wide river. D. A large bridge.
28. Which of the following is NOT true?( )
A. The first man succeeded in crossing the bridge.
B. The second man got to the other side of the river safely.
C. The third man fell into the river because of his fear.
D. The grandfather helped the three men cross the river.
29. What is the structure (结构) of the text?( )
A. ①②/③④ B. ①②③/④ C. ①/②③/④ D. ①②/③/④
30. What can we learn from the text ( )
A. Everyone should regard the wisest man as their friend.
B. The man who is in difficulties should not give up forever.
C. When we're in difficulties, we must ask the grandfather for advice.
D. When in difficulties, don't hesitate but act quickly.
Over a million people around the world died from car accidents each year. While nearly all of these deaths are the consequence of human mistakes, there are no good ways to cut down the number of deaths. Surely the best plan is to develop driverless technology.
Driverless cars are no longer an idea of the future. The technology for the driverless car has already developed for quite a long time, and some important inventions have already been seen in some cars, so the driverless car could soon be with us.
This is wonderful because driverless technology is expected to cut down the number of road deaths. A research group in the UK says that driverless cars will lead to 2,500 fewer road deaths before 2030.
Why are driverless cars safer First, driverless cars can help manage (管理) traffic. By using communication technology to “talk” to each other, driverless cars find the best roads. Information such as distance (距离) between two cars, traffic and time it takes to get to the place is sent to the cars. This means fewer chances of these cars running into each other. Second, the use of driverless cars means fewer accidents will happen because of human mistakes. For example, accidents caused by little sleep, drunk driving or speeding will be avoided (避免). Finally, the driverless technology of the future is expected to be more reliable (可信赖的) than a human driver.
If lives can be saved by driverless cars, let's hope these cars will be on our roads very soon.
31. What does the underlined word “consequence” mean in the text ( )
A. Result. B. Message. C. Chance. D. Fact.
32. The technology for the driverless car .( )
A. has just started B. has been widely used
C. has not been taken seriously D. has developed for long
33. What can we know about the driverless cars from the text?( )
A. They can talk to their human owners.
B. They can get off the roads very easily.
C. They can keep the same speed for long.
D. They can know how far they are from others.
34. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about ( )
A. The cause of road deaths.
B. The management of traffic.
C. The safety of driverless cars.
D. The development of driverless technology.
35. The writer hopes we can driverless cars soon.( )
A. improve B. use C. learn D. research
How to Ask Someone Nicely to Help You
One always has to ask for help. No one can do everything. 36 Asking politely for help can improve the chances that you receive help when you need it.
Politeness is important
37 So your words sound more like a request and less like an order. And you can be helped easily. Don't phrase your request negatively(否定地). For example, “I'm sure you probably can't,but could you please… ” 38 Or it seems that you don't believe the person you ask is willing to help you.
You need proper words
“Let the person know what you need in a simple and direct way. 39 And provide a way for that person to respond actively,” suggests Jodi Glickman, founder of Great on the Job. Your request might sound like,“Jenny,I need your help,please. I will understand if it's not convenient,but I'd be thankful if you could.”
The personal touch
Whenever possible,ask face-to-face or over the phone,and ask in time so the person doesn't feel hurried and would like to care about you. 40 It might come off sounding more like an order.
A.Sometimes you need help.
B.A text doesn't provide a personal touch.
C.It seems that you expect a “no” answer.
D.Begin with “please” and end with “thank you”!
E.Also let him understand the reason you are explaining now.
三、完形填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)[核心素养 人文情怀]
The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy (同情) as Susan made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to 41 the seats, sat in one of them.
She went blind a year ago. A sudden accident threw 42 into a world of darkness (黑暗). Susan's husband Mark tried everything to help her. Finally, Susan felt ready to 43 to her job, but how would she get there She used to take the bus, but she was now 44 of getting around by herself. Mark 45 to ride the bus with Susan 46 she could manage it by herself.
For two weeks, Mark 47 Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to use her other senses (感觉), 48 her hearing, to decide where she was. At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she kissed her 49 goodbye and, for the first time, they went their lonely ways.
Each day went perfectly. She was 50 she could do it!
On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was getting 51 the bus, the driver said, “Miss, I sure envy (羡慕) you.” Surprised, Susan asked the driver 52 .
“You know, every morning for the 53 week, a fine-looking gentleman has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely,” the bus driver said.
Her 54 were wet with happiness. She was so lucky. Her husband had given her a 55 more powerful (有影响力的) than sight. That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.
41. ( )
A. see B. take C. feel D. move
42. ( )
A. her B. him C. it D. them
43. ( )
A. turn B. ride C. return D. come
44. ( )
A. free B. shamed C. afraid D. tired
45. ( )
A. learned B. continued C. afforded D. offered
46. ( )
A. as B. until C. since D. unless
47. ( )
A. went after B. came up with C. ran after D. went with
48. ( )
A. actually B. especially C. mostly D. simply
49. ( )
A. brother B. mother C. father D. husband
50. ( )
A. excited B. worried C. nervous D. ready
51. ( )
A. off B. on C. away D. in
52. ( )
A. who B. how C. why D. where
53. ( )
A. first B. past C. next D. same
54. ( )
A. ears B. eyes C. sounds D. ideas
55. ( )
A. gift B. praise C. wealth D. fame
you listen with walk so friend careful head loud run
Being street smart is an important skill to have and it's a good way to take care of yourself.
Always carry your phone with you, but do not look at it while you are 56 . Being able to communicate or call for help is important, 57 keep a list of useful phone numbers. But put your phone away while you are walking so that you can keep your 58 up and see what's going on around. If you do need to check your phone, stop and look at it quickly.
Don't wear earphones (耳机) while you are out. If you have to 59 to something when you're out, use only one earphone or play it at a very low volume (音量).
Travel with 60 or family members when possible and never go anywhere with a stranger. It's important to be 61 with strangers. Do not get into a stranger's car.
Avoid (避免) dark and out-of-the-way places. Do not take short cuts through dark areas, even if it will make 62 trip much faster. If you have to go to a place, and you're not sure whether it's safe or not, go 63 someone you know or speak to someone on the phone while you are there.
64 and shout if you feel unsafe. Run away as fast as you can towards a police station, hospital, or nearby shop for help. Shout as 65 as you can to get the attention of people around.
Last May I stayed in a famous city for a week. That was my first trip there. One morning I set out (出发) to visit a famous museum, but I didn't know 66 way to go, so I stopped a stranger and asked, “Excuse me, does this street lead to the Grand Museum ”
“Yes,” he answered. “Go along this street and turn left 67 the second crossing. You can't miss it.”
So I walked two blocks (街区) and turned to my left, 68 the museum wasn't there. Then I asked a second stranger. He said, “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing.” But again I couldn't find the museum. I asked 69 third stranger and he said the same thing. This time I found the Grand Museum. Just then someone walked up and said, “Excuse me, where 70 the nearest bank ” I answered quickly, “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing!”
A: Excuse me. I'm afraid I'm lost.71.
B: The train station
A: Yes. I'm leaving for Shanghai by train.
B: Go along this street, and turn left at the second crossing. And then go straight along Huayuan Road until the end. You will see the train station on your right.
A: 72. I can't follow you.
B: OK. Go along this street, and turn left at the second crossing. Then go straight along Huayuan Road until the end. The train station is on your right.
A: How far is it from here to the train station
B: It's about 40 minutes' walk.
A: 73.
B: Yes, the No.12 bus can take you there. But the bus stop is a little far from here.
A: How can I get there quickly
B: 74. . Look! A taxi is coming.
A: Oh, yes. It's so kind of you. 75. .
B: My pleasure.
文明礼貌从我做起,从现在做起,从点滴小事做起。请根据写作要点和写作要求,以“When to say thank you”为题,写一篇短文。
1.写作要点: 1)在家庭中,父母对我们无微不至的照顾;
2.写作要求: 1)短文必须包括提示中的三个要点,可适当发挥;
When to say thank you
It's polite to say “Thank you” when others help us or say something kind to us.
第 页Unit 3 质量评估卷
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are
1. Where does the man want to go ( C )
A. To the mall. B. To the library. C. To the bookstore.
2. How does the woman feel now ( B )
A. Excited. B. Afraid. C. Bored.
3. Why does the woman refuse to go to the supermarket now ( B )
A. Because she is too busy.
B. Because there are too many people.
C. Because there isn't a sale going on.
4. How long did it take the woman to get to the post office in total ( C )
A. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes.
5. How will the man go to the hotel ( A )
A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By subway.
6. Which direction does the woman need to go along this road before she sees a hotel ( C )
A. West. B. North. C. East.
7. How much is the park ticket for a kid ( A )
A. 10 yuan. B. 15 yuan. C. 20 yuan.
8. What does the woman think of London ( C )
A. It's too tiring. B. It's too crowded. C. It's too expensive.
9. Why would the woman like to go to Hawaii ( B )
A. Because it's clean. B. Because it's warm. C. Because it's cool.
10. Why did Mike make the road signs ( A )
A. To protect animals. B. To protect plants. C. To protect the earth.
11. How did Mike go home that night ( C )
A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By taxi.
12. What color are the road signs ( B )
A. Red. B. Yellow. C. White.
13. What did Lily leave on the bus ( A )
A. Her bag. B. Her keys. C. Her phone.
14. Which bus did Lily take ( B )
A. Bus No.8. B. Bus No.18. C. Bus No.28.
15. What's the relationship between Sam and Lily ( C )
A. Friends. B. Classmates. C. Husband and wife.
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. E
20. D
Between Beijing and Zhengzhou, the train is the way to go. China has the world's fastest passenger train. The 350 km/h high-speed train takes as little as three and a half hours to travel from Zhengzhou to Beijing.
Which stations
Most Zhengzhou-Beijing trains now use Zhengzhou East Station and Beijing West Station. You can go to Zhengzhou East Station easily by subway or you can take a taxi, but at a much higher price.
How much does it cost
second class seat first class seat business class seat
RMB 309 RMB 495 RMB 977
For children under the height of 120 cm: free
Between 120 cm and 150 cm: half
Over 150 cm: full
How to buy tickets
The easiest way to book a ticket is to buy it online. You can buy tickets 30 days ahead of time. Then all you need is to collect tickets from the station. Buying tickets in person at the station is also quick and easy.
Additional (额外的) tips:
●Seats are numbered with a row number and a seat letter (such as 12C). In all classes, A and F seats are window seats. C and D seats are aisle (过道) seats.
●You can take your bags onto the train with you and put them on the racks (架子) above your seat.
●You can take food and drinks with you or buy snacks, drinks and simple meals on the train.
21. How long does it take to travel from Zhengzhou to Beijing by high-speed train ( C )
A. 1.5 hours. B. 2 hours. C. 3.5 hours. D. 2.5 hours.
22. If you want to buy first class tickets for you and your 140-centimeter-tall son, how much should you pay ( C )
A. 309 yuan. B. 495 yuan. C. 742.5 yuan. D. 977 yuan.
23. From the text, what can we know about Seat 18F ( B )
A. It's in the middle. B. It's by the window.
C. It's in the sixth row. D. It's a second class seat.
24. What can't we do on the train according to the text ( A )
A. Sit wherever we like. B. Take our bags along.
C. Take our own food. D. Have simple meals.
25. In which section (部分) of a magazine can we find this text ( D )
A. Health. B. Sports. C. Lifestyle. D. Travel.
[2022巴中]B[核心素养 勇于探究]
①Tom lived with his grandfather, who is regarded as the wisest man in the village. Many people went to his grandfather for advice or help.
②One day, Tom saw three men walking together. They found a single-log (独木) bridge halfway, below which there was a deep river.
③The first man didn't hesitate (犹豫) to step on the bridge and he made it to the other side of the river. The second man came close to the bridge. When seeing the deep river, he was so afraid that he made no move. Encouraged by the first man, he put his feet on the bridge. Although his right foot was hurt in the middle of the bridge,he got there safely. But the third man was the least brave to cross the river. It was getting dark. Behind him were some hungry wolves, he felt hopeless. But he had to be brave to cross the river. Only after a few steps, he fell into the river.
④Seeing the puzzled (困惑的) look on Tom's face,Grandfather said sincerely(语重心长地), “When in difficulties, the more time it takes to hesitate, the higher price you'll have to pay.”
26. Why did many people go to Tom's grandfather for advice or help ( C )
A. Because he knew much about the village.
B. Because he was the oldest man in the village.
C. Because he was the wisest man in the village.
D. Because he lived in the village for the longest time.
27. What did the three men find halfway one day ( B )
A. A wolf. B. A single-log bridge. C. A wide river. D. A large bridge.
28. Which of the following is NOT true?( D )
A. The first man succeeded in crossing the bridge.
B. The second man got to the other side of the river safely.
C. The third man fell into the river because of his fear.
D. The grandfather helped the three men cross the river.
29. What is the structure (结构) of the text?( C )
A. ①②/③④ B. ①②③/④ C. ①/②③/④ D. ①②/③/④
30. What can we learn from the text ( D )
A. Everyone should regard the wisest man as their friend.
B. The man who is in difficulties should not give up forever.
C. When we're in difficulties, we must ask the grandfather for advice.
D. When in difficulties, don't hesitate but act quickly.
Over a million people around the world died from car accidents each year. While nearly all of these deaths are the consequence of human mistakes, there are no good ways to cut down the number of deaths. Surely the best plan is to develop driverless technology.
Driverless cars are no longer an idea of the future. The technology for the driverless car has already developed for quite a long time, and some important inventions have already been seen in some cars, so the driverless car could soon be with us.
This is wonderful because driverless technology is expected to cut down the number of road deaths. A research group in the UK says that driverless cars will lead to 2,500 fewer road deaths before 2030.
Why are driverless cars safer First, driverless cars can help manage (管理) traffic. By using communication technology to “talk” to each other, driverless cars find the best roads. Information such as distance (距离) between two cars, traffic and time it takes to get to the place is sent to the cars. This means fewer chances of these cars running into each other. Second, the use of driverless cars means fewer accidents will happen because of human mistakes. For example, accidents caused by little sleep, drunk driving or speeding will be avoided (避免). Finally, the driverless technology of the future is expected to be more reliable (可信赖的) than a human driver.
If lives can be saved by driverless cars, let's hope these cars will be on our roads very soon.
31. What does the underlined word “consequence” mean in the text ( A )
A. Result. B. Message. C. Chance. D. Fact.
32. The technology for the driverless car .( D )
A. has just started B. has been widely used
C. has not been taken seriously D. has developed for long
33. What can we know about the driverless cars from the text?( D )
A. They can talk to their human owners.
B. They can get off the roads very easily.
C. They can keep the same speed for long.
D. They can know how far they are from others.
34. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about ( C )
A. The cause of road deaths.
B. The management of traffic.
C. The safety of driverless cars.
D. The development of driverless technology.
35. The writer hopes we can driverless cars soon.( B )
A. improve B. use C. learn D. research
How to Ask Someone Nicely to Help You
One always has to ask for help. No one can do everything. 36 A Asking politely for help can improve the chances that you receive help when you need it.
Politeness is important
37 D So your words sound more like a request and less like an order. And you can be helped easily. Don't phrase your request negatively(否定地). For example, “I'm sure you probably can't,but could you please… ” 38 C Or it seems that you don't believe the person you ask is willing to help you.
You need proper words
“Let the person know what you need in a simple and direct way. 39 E And provide a way for that person to respond actively,” suggests Jodi Glickman, founder of Great on the Job. Your request might sound like,“Jenny,I need your help,please. I will understand if it's not convenient,but I'd be thankful if you could.”
The personal touch
Whenever possible,ask face-to-face or over the phone,and ask in time so the person doesn't feel hurried and would like to care about you. 40 B It might come off sounding more like an order.
A.Sometimes you need help.
B.A text doesn't provide a personal touch.
C.It seems that you expect a “no” answer.
D.Begin with “please” and end with “thank you”!
E.Also let him understand the reason you are explaining now.
36. A
37. D
38. C
39. E
40. B
三、完形填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)[核心素养 人文情怀]
The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy (同情) as Susan made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to 41 C the seats, sat in one of them.
She went blind a year ago. A sudden accident threw 42 A into a world of darkness (黑暗). Susan's husband Mark tried everything to help her. Finally, Susan felt ready to 43 C to her job, but how would she get there She used to take the bus, but she was now 44 C of getting around by herself. Mark 45 D to ride the bus with Susan 46 B she could manage it by herself.
For two weeks, Mark 47 D Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to use her other senses (感觉), 48 B her hearing, to decide where she was. At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she kissed her 49 D goodbye and, for the first time, they went their lonely ways.
Each day went perfectly. She was 50 A she could do it!
On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was getting 51 A the bus, the driver said, “Miss, I sure envy (羡慕) you.” Surprised, Susan asked the driver 52 C .
“You know, every morning for the 53 B week, a fine-looking gentleman has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely,” the bus driver said.
Her 54 B were wet with happiness. She was so lucky. Her husband had given her a 55 A more powerful (有影响力的) than sight. That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.
41. ( C )
A. see B. take C. feel D. move
42. ( A )
A. her B. him C. it D. them
43. ( C )
A. turn B. ride C. return D. come
44. ( C )
A. free B. shamed C. afraid D. tired
45. ( D )
A. learned B. continued C. afforded D. offered
46. ( B )
A. as B. until C. since D. unless
47. ( D )
A. went after B. came up with C. ran after D. went with
48. ( B )
A. actually B. especially C. mostly D. simply
49. ( D )
A. brother B. mother C. father D. husband
50. ( A )
A. excited B. worried C. nervous D. ready
51. ( A )
A. off B. on C. away D. in
52. ( C )
A. who B. how C. why D. where
53. ( B )
A. first B. past C. next D. same
54. ( B )
A. ears B. eyes C. sounds D. ideas
55. ( A )
A. gift B. praise C. wealth D. fame
you listen with walk so friend careful head loud run
Being street smart is an important skill to have and it's a good way to take care of yourself.
Always carry your phone with you, but do not look at it while you are 56 walking. Being able to communicate or call for help is important, 57 so keep a list of useful phone numbers. But put your phone away while you are walking so that you can keep your 58 head up and see what's going on around. If you do need to check your phone, stop and look at it quickly.
Don't wear earphones (耳机) while you are out. If you have to 59 listen to something when you're out, use only one earphone or play it at a very low volume (音量).
Travel with 60 friends or family members when possible and never go anywhere with a stranger. It's important to be 61 careful with strangers. Do not get into a stranger's car.
Avoid (避免) dark and out-of-the-way places. Do not take short cuts through dark areas, even if it will make 62 your trip much faster. If you have to go to a place, and you're not sure whether it's safe or not, go 63 with someone you know or speak to someone on the phone while you are there.
64 Run and shout if you feel unsafe. Run away as fast as you can towards a police station, hospital, or nearby shop for help. Shout as 65 loudly as you can to get the attention of people around.
56. walking
57. so
58. head
59. listen
60. friends
61. careful
62. your
63. with
64. Run
65. loudly
Last May I stayed in a famous city for a week. That was my first trip there. One morning I set out (出发) to visit a famous museum, but I didn't know 66 which way to go, so I stopped a stranger and asked, “Excuse me, does this street lead to the Grand Museum ”
“Yes,” he answered. “Go along this street and turn left 67 at the second crossing. You can't miss it.”
So I walked two blocks (街区) and turned to my left, 68 but the museum wasn't there. Then I asked a second stranger. He said, “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing.” But again I couldn't find the museum. I asked 69 a third stranger and he said the same thing. This time I found the Grand Museum. Just then someone walked up and said, “Excuse me, where 70 is the nearest bank ” I answered quickly, “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing!”
66. which
67. at
68. but
69. a
70. is
A: Excuse me. I'm afraid I'm lost.71.
B: The train station
A: Yes. I'm leaving for Shanghai by train.
B: Go along this street, and turn left at the second crossing. And then go straight along Huayuan Road until the end. You will see the train station on your right.
A: 72. I can't follow you.
B: OK. Go along this street, and turn left at the second crossing. Then go straight along Huayuan Road until the end. The train station is on your right.
A: How far is it from here to the train station
B: It's about 40 minutes' walk.
A: 73.
B: Yes, the No.12 bus can take you there. But the bus stop is a little far from here.
A: How can I get there quickly
B: 74. . Look! A taxi is coming.
A: Oh, yes. It's so kind of you. 75. .
B: My pleasure.
71. Could you tell me the way to the train station
72. Pardon
73. Can I take a bus
74. You can take a taxi
75. Thank you very much
文明礼貌从我做起,从现在做起,从点滴小事做起。请根据写作要点和写作要求,以“When to say thank you”为题,写一篇短文。
1.写作要点: 1)在家庭中,父母对我们无微不至的照顾;
2.写作要求: 1)短文必须包括提示中的三个要点,可适当发挥;
One possible version:
When to say thank you
It's polite to say “Thank you” when others help us or say something kind to us. For example, when Mom or Dad washes the clothes, cleans the room or cooks dinner for us, we should say “Thank you” to her or him. At school, when someone lends us a pen or hands us something, it's nice to say “Thank you”. If a teacher says “Well done” to encourage us, we're supposed to say “Thank you”. Whenever a stranger holds the door open for us, we should also say “Thank you”.
Be polite and always remember to say “Thank you”!
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  • Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are单元质量评估卷(学生版+教师版含听力音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月11日  所属分类:作业答案