江西省鹰潭市名校2023-2024高一上学期11月期中英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What time is it now
A. 8:10. B. 8:20. C. 8:50.
2. What are the speakers talking about
A. A report. B. Good pay. C. A rude director.
3. What's Robert's problem
A. The neighbors hate him. B. The woman won't visit him. C. He plays the radio too loud.
4. How many people showed up for the job
A. 100. B. 600. C. 900.
5. Why did Mary's mother go to Hawaii
A. To meet her friends. B. To attend a meeting. C. To pick up the man.
6. What do we know about Jared's mother
A. She's ill. B. She's excited. C. She's worried.
7. When will Jessie visit Jared's father
A. This afternoon. B. This evening. C. Tomorrow morning.
8. Why does Mrs. Browning walk through the man's house
A. To rent the house. B. To help sell the house. C. To do some repairs.
9. What event will be held on Wednesday
A. Beautiful Community. B. Open House. C. Sunny Walks.
10. Who will lead customers through the visit
A. The house owner. B. Another customer. C. The woman.
11. What does Professor Clark teach
A. Literature. B. Economics. C. Modern Psychology.
12. When did Kalia have the accident
A. When riding home. B. When driving to work. C. When climbing the mountains.
13. How long will Kaila stay away from school
A. Three days. B. A week. C. Two weeks.
14. What's the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Boss and employee. B. Teacher and student. C. Interviewer and applicant.
15. What's included in the benefits plan
A. The retirement age. B. The yearly income. C. The development plan.
16. How many days' sick leave can the man have per year
A. Ten days. B. Two weeks. C. Twenty days.
17. When will the man have the interview
A. This Monday. B. This Wednesday. C. This Thursday.
18. What did the speaker ask the old lady to do
A. To put her luggage on the cart. B. To look after her luggage. C. To check the time of her flight.
19. What happened to the speaker's flight
A. It had left. B. It was over-crowded. C. It had been delayed.
20. What's wrong with the man's mobile phone
A. It was lost. B. It was broken. C. It was stolen.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Amazing new museums around the world we're excited to visit
From an AI museum in Seoul to a music legend's living room in Paris, here's where to get your newest culture experience this month.
Grand Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt
After work for more than a decade, this museum will open to visitors in late 2023. The GEM is expected to be the world's biggest archaeological museum and will display more than 100,000 artifacts. Among the collections, you'll find 5,000 treasures, some on public display for the first time in history.
elBulli 1846. Roses, Spain
Once a high-end restaurant overlooking the beach, Spain's elBulli is reopening to the public for the first time since it closed in 2011-but with a twist. elBulli 1846 will be a first-of-its-kind restaurant museum, showing the inventive cuisine crafted by its former head chef Ferran Adria. Opened in 1964, the restaurant was named the world's best five times. Note: there won't be actual food (sorry).
The Robot and AI Museum, Seoul, South Korea
Whether you love AI, this new museum in Seoul, opening in November, is a proof to its attraction. Loaded with all things artificial intelligence and robotics, the RAIM aims to educate the public on machine learning and robotic technologies.
Factory International, Manchester, UK
A mix of music, dance, art, and performances, Manchester's Factory International is a new cultural center showing creativity and innovation. The arts center, which this year will hold a large Yayoi Kusama immersive exhibition, came first on TimeOur's annual list of the best things to do in the UK-so you know it'll be good.
21. What can one expect to do at elBulli 1846
A. Enjoy a good meal of inventive food. B. Admire the creative food design there.
C. Have a meal served by robot waiters. D. Attend the Yayoi Kusama exhibition.
22. Which place can one go for a taste of Al technology
A. The elBulli 1846 in Spain. B. The Factory International in UK.
C. The Grand Egyptian Museum in Egypt. D. The Robot and Al Museum in South Korea.
23. What do we know about the Manchester's Factory International
A. It received a good rating as the best thing to do.
B. Some exhibits are on show for the first time.
C. It's reopened after an absence of over a decade.
D. It's a factory where visitors can perform dances.
After decades of married life, I realized that my life was limited, and even having friends frightened me. To ease my anxiety, my husband and I explored the Blue Ridge Mountains about an hour's ride from home. We chose a path only a couple of miles long. The process of putting one foot in front of the other started to ease my worried soul. Being with nature slowed down my racing mind. Up and down the path we went. The trees gently swayed in the wind as we enjoyed views of valleys below us.
I knew this was my way to heal. I found the Internet site Meetup, picked a group and signed up for a five-mile hike in Shenandoah National Park. All my worries came into play when meeting the hiking group. The fifteen hikers, at least ten years younger than me, started slowly, crossing many little streams on rocks. I enjoyed the tour but struggled to keep up. After a half-mile, my steps got into the rhythm. I felt a part of all that surrounded me.
I have been actively hiking since that day, walking thousands of miles, with several worn pairs of hiking boots to prove it. With my fellow hikers, I climbed Mount Le Conte at 6,593 feet. It was a challenging hike, but I made it.
I have hiked the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland with five other women, through more than a hundred miles of green hills and valleys filled with baby sheep and their mothers. I'm fortunate to have the Blue Ridge Mountains nearby. Before the pandemic, I backpacked on the Appalachian Trail, falling short of my 100-mile goal but enjoying it. I met hikers along the way, camping next to them and listening to their determination to hike the entire 2,200 miles.
I don't intend to give up being one with nature outdoors anytime soon. We all are responsible for our peace and happiness.
24. What made the author less worried at the mountain path
A. Closely following her husband. B. Choosing a path near her home.
C. Taking a walk outdoors in nature. D. Racing with the wind in the trees.
25. How did the author feel upon meeting the hiking group
A. Worried. B. Energetic. C. Confident. D. Excited.
26. What did the author fail to do on the Appalachian Trail
A. Travel with backpack before the pandemic. B. Keep her boots to prove her ability.
C. Plan the hiking route of 2,200 miles. D. Finish the 100-mile goal along the trail.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Outdoor Life Is Beneficial B. The Mountains Are Calling
C. I Learned to Face My Worries D. Nature Is Our Best Friend
While many Americans joke about their poor math, labor experts say the nation's decreasing math skill threatens U. S. economic competitiveness and national security (安全). Jim Stigler, a professor studying the process of teaching and learning, said, "The advances in technology that drive where the world goes will come from other countries, because they have the intellectual capital (资本) while we don't."
Concerning the math crisis facing schools, the U. S. military has called for a major program to support education in science, technology, education, and math (STEM). Government labor experts say the number of jobs in areas requiring math skill will increase by more than 30,000 each year through the end of 2030, much faster than most other kinds of jobs.
Mathematics is becoming a part of almost every career, but most American students aren't prepared. In the recent PISA tests in math, U. S. students tested lower than students from 36 other education systems worldwide. Only one in five American high school students planning to attend college are prepared for college-level study in STEM, say experts.
However, students from other countries are preparing to lead in these areas. An official report says only one in five graduate students in math-heavy fields at U. S. universities are American. The rest come from other countries. Most will leave the U. S. when they finish their programs.
"We're just not starting students on career paths related to math and computer science to stay competitive," said Josh Wyner, a vice president of the Aspen Institute, a think tank. It urged decision-makers to make education an important national security goal. "We are no longer keeping pace with other countries," the Aspen report says, calling this a dangerous failure.
In Massachusetts, employers are expecting a shortage (短缺) over the next five years of 11,000 workers in the life sciences alone. "It's not an educational question alone," said Edward, director of an education program, warning that this may damage national security.
28. What can be inferred from paragraph 1
A. Americans don't care about their poor math.
B. Poor math skills will bring America disadvantages.
C. Intellectual capital is a must for future development.
D. Labor experts can shoulder the duty of national safety.
29. What do government labor experts suppose
A. The army will open STEM programs soon.
B. Students are prepared for math-heavy jobs.
C. There will be a sharp rise in math-related jobs.
D. America will be behind in STEM education.
30. What's the "dangerous failure" in the Aspen report
A. American students fall behind in math learning.
B. American students fail to get math-related jobs.
C. America has lost its attraction to foreign students.
D. America fails to lead other countries in education.
31. How does Edward view the shortage of science workers
A. It can be solved in the next five years.
B. It's an evidence of overall math failure.
C. It will cost the U. S. its lead in world affair.
D. It'll do harm to America's national security.
The Mona Lisa is the famous Leonardo da Vinci painting of a woman with a mysterious smile. This week, the painting gave up a secret.
Scientists using X-rays to examine the chemical structure of a small part of the painting discovered a technique Leonardo used in the work. An oil paint used for it was a special, new chemical mixture, which suggests that the Italian artist was in an experimental mood when he worked on the painting in the 16th century.
"He loved to experiment, and each of his paintings is completely different technically," said Victor Gonzalez, a chemist who has studied the chemical element (成分) of several works by Leonardo and other artists. The researchers found a rare lead compound (铅化合物)-plumbonacrite, in Leonardo's first layer of paint. The discovery proved that da Vinci most likely used lead oxide to thicken and help dry his paint. The paint in the study is about the thickness of a human hair, lying in the top right area of the painting.
The scientists looked into its atomic structure using X-rays, moving particles at the speed of light, permitting researchers to look deeper into the paint structure. "Plumbonacrite is really a fingerprint of his recipe, as it's the first time we can chemically confirm it," Gonzalez said.
Dutch artist Rembrandt may have used a similar mixture when he was painting in the 17th century. Gonzalez and other researchers have found plumbonacrite in his work, too. Leonardo is thought to have put lead oxide powder, which has an orange color, in the oil to make it thicker and dry faster. "What you will get is an oil that has a very nice golden color," Gonzalez said. "It flows more like honey."
But the Mona Lisa-said by the Louvre to be a portrait (肖像) of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine silk businessman-and additional works by Leonardo still have other secrets to tell. "What we are saying is just a little brick in the knowledge," Gonzalez said.
32. What's the new discovery about the Mona Lisa
A. A new explanation of the secret smile. B. A new chemical element used in the painting.
C. The secret of the woman in the painting. D. The structure of the paint da Vinci used.
33. Which best explains the underlined word "fingerprint" in paragraph 4
A. Open secret. B. Widespread use. C. Hidden element. D. Long-term dream.
34. How does Gonzalez view the use of lead oxide powder in paintings
A. It helps to make many things into paints. B. It helps to make paints easy to deal with.
C. It helps to keep the paintings last long. D. It helps to make paintings rich in color.
35. What can we learn about the Mona Lisa from the last paragraph
A. It has more secrets to tell the world. B. It's the portrait of a silk businessman.
C. It's well kept in bricks in the Louvre. D. It has a mixture of different art styles.
Change is with us from the day we are born and change is all around us every day. 36 This difference comes from the fact that we don't all experience changes in the same way. So, what can we young people do in face of some changes
We young people aren't always ready to deal with changes. That's because our young brains are still growing. The back part of our brain is all about survival and keeping us alive. The middle of our brain controls our emotions. 37
Our brain can react to situations in different ways, depending on how we deal with changes or stress. When the brain thinks the body may be in danger, we'll have the fight or flight response (反应). 38 The heart then sends blood quickly to the different body parts. It prepares the body to fight, flee or freeze.
There are times when we young people feel stressed, when changes get hard to manage, or when it is just too hard for us to collect our thoughts. 39 That may be a parent or carer, grandparent, aunt or uncle, teacher, neighbor or even an older brother or sister. Change can sometimes be hard or make you worry, but you don't have to do it alone.
40 By meeting changes and trying new things, we'll begin to discover what we really love. As we learn more about ourselves, we'll make better decisions about our life and future. This can help us discover our path in life.
A. Changes are chances for us to grow up.
B. That response makes the heart beat faster.
C. And the front of our brain is still developing.
D. But some can face changes easily, while others can't.
E. Other people can be affected by the slightest changes.
F. Brains are very important organs to deal with stress or changes.
G. In these situations, it's OK to seek or ask for help from an adult we trust.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Leigh Ann is a nurse at Valleywise, Arizona. She has earned the title of a hero after a(n) 41 off-duty rescue that saved a man's life.
While driving home after work on July 26, Leigh noticed a truck had turned over on the road near Sky Harbor, with a man 42 inside. Despite her tiredness, she made a decision to step up.
"It's strange," reflected Leigh. " 43 , I wouldn't have been there. Many things brought me to that 44 moment.
Leigh pulled over, and a couple of other individuals who happened to pass by 45 her. Luckily, no other cars were on the road, 46 her to cross over safely and reach the 47 of the accident. Leigh went beneath the truck to 48 the condition of the injured man. With her 49 as a nurse, she stopped the bleeding and then helped him out. Months have 50 since that fateful day, and on October 18, the Phoenix Fire Department 51 Leigh for her life-saving actions.
Leigh holds the firm 52 that everyone has a purpose in life. "I have many imperfections, but I feel that at that critical moment, a guiding force 53 me there," she said.
The man Leigh rescued recently reached her to express his gratitude for the second 54 at life.
"I wish him nothing but the best," Leigh remarked. "I hope he will 55 it and have a future filled with success."
41. A. traditional B. senior C. impressive D. obvious
42. A. confused B. stopped C. packed D. stuck
43. A. Confidently B. Normally C. Curiously D. Suitably
44. A. exact B. possible C. different D. unique
45. A. comforted B. contacted C. valued D. joined
46. A. promising B. allowing C. requesting D. forcing
47. A. destination B. source C. site D. arrangement
48. A. track B. cancel C. collect D. judge
49. A. knowledge B. development C. lecture D. courage
50. A. passed B. organized C. applied D. strengthened
51. A. registered B. scheduled C. recognized D. remembered
52. A. responsibility B. belief C. interest D. comment
53. A. recommended B. kept C. checked D. led
54. A. chance B. excuse C. challenge D. pleasure
55. A. take over B. move on C. get through D. pull over
Having grown up in northern Arizona, I believe that the southwestern state is home 56 the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. That is, until I 57 (invite) to explore Guizhou province by an organization many years ago. There is nothing like seeing with one's own eyes.
My father used to drag my brothers and me on 58 (fish) trips around Arizona. We would compete to catch the 59 (large) fish. On my trip to Guizhou I had the opportunity to canoe on Wanfeng Lake, 60 I enjoyed the silence and took in the surrounding karst mountains.
During my trip around 61 city of Xingyi, in Guizhou, I saw the artwork of the Bouyei ethnic group. They use dyes (染料) 62 (produce) from local plants to make clothing and blankets. Local elders still practice weaving with wooden machines and pass that tradition on to their grandchildren. The designs were ancient, and carried 63 (wise) within them. 64 (serious), I got the feeling of being home while looking at the art on display in Xingyi.
I 65 (live) away from Arizona for 10 long years, making my own living in China. I've managed to build a family, a career, a livelihood, and passion projects. I feel as though I have everything I need. In Guizhou, I feel at home.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 位置与开放时间;
2. 推荐原因;
3. 邀请一同体验。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Robert,
Li Hua
My husband Larry and I have always had our basic values in common, but our interests are far apart. I love the arts, especially opera. He's a huge sports fan of hockey (曲棍球). His big passion is NHL hockey. He's shared season tickets with his friends for years.
There were times when we attended the games with other couples. The rest of our group was enthusiastic about the game, even the women. They knew all the players and how to pronounce their long names. I enjoyed participating in the National Anthem, but aside from the meal, that was the only thing I enjoyed about our hockey nights. Instead of appreciating the good seats we had, I'd complain that it was too cold there. When the game started, my phone would be on my lap. Most of the time, I'd be texting or daydreaming. Sometimes, my texting would be interrupted when the home team scored. I knew they scored because everyone jumped up and exchanged high-fives and shouts.
What was so exciting about a group of grown men on ice hitting something with a stick It was beyond me. I started to wonder. Why was I the only one not enjoying myself As I looked around at thousands of people cheering and getting increasingly excited, I decided to at least give it a try-for my husband's sake, if not for my own.
It took a few games, but soon I learned who the goalie (守门员) was, who our latest player was, who had been traded and from where. When the other team scored, I eventually felt great disappointment with the rest of my crowd. I searched the program to see which part of the globe our players had come from.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I was surprised that I began to like the games I watched. _____________________________________________
I felt excited when I heard that our city would have the first women's hockey team. ________________________
Text 1
W: You're driving too fast, George. It won't help to be in such a hurry.
M: The meeting will begin at 8:30, and there're only twenty minutes left.
W: It's all my fault. We ought to have started ten minutes earlier.
Text 2
M: I really can't bear working under Mr. Smith. He's a rude director and shouts a lot. No one at work likes him.
W: Can't you report him to the boss. Mr. Robert
M: Of course not. They don't like complainers. And I can have good pay with my job.
W: You shouldn't choose money over happiness.
Text 3
W: Tum the radio down a bit. Robert.
M: I can't wait till I grow up, so that I will play the radio as loud as I want.
W: That's OK with me. I'll just remind me never to visit you. And your neighbors will hate you if you do so.
M: If they don't like it, they can move.
Text 4
W: I heard that while this new hotel is looking for 100 workers, six times that number of people showed up. It seems that many people are out of work.
M: Luckily, I still have my job, but I'm worried. There are no promises for tomorrow.
W: If you lose your job, you can count on me for help. That's what friends are for.
Text 5
W: This winter vacation I went to Hawaii with my family, since my Dad went there for a meeting, and my mother wanted to meet her friends there. Her friends picked us up at the airport. The island is so green, and it was warm and sunny every day.
M: What did you do at night, Mary
W: At night I went out to eat. The food was delicious. People living in Hawaii are lucky.
Text 6
W: Jared, I just heard about your father. How is he doing
M: He's in the hospital resting. The doctors didn't give a clear answer yet.
W: I'm so sorry to hear that. But this is a good hospital. I'm sure they will do whatever they can. You must feel really worried right now. But you know your dad is a fighter.
M: Yeah. I think my mom is the most worried. I'm basically worried about how she is doing.
W: Where is she right now
M: She's in the hospital with my dad. I have to go back tonight to look after my father.
W: Hey, I'll go with you.
M: Thank you, Jessie. In this case, let's eat at the restaurant over there and go right after dinner.
Text 7
W: Thanks for taking me for a walk through your home together, Mr. Thomas. In this way we can think of ways to get your house sold as you wish.
M: How do you show my home to possible buyers, Mrs. Browning
W: We will have some activities for customers to see the houses themselves, Open House activities on Monday, Beautiful Community on Wednesday, and Sunny Walks on Friday. And we also will show your home with private appointments during the week.
M: How will I know when to expect possible buyers
W: That will be set in your contract. Usually, we'll inform you four hours before the buyer comes to see it.
M: Can I stay home during a customer's visit
W: The seller is never at home during the visit. I personally will handle the showing of your home.
Text 8
W: Is this Professor Clark's office
M: This is Professor Clark speaking.
W: This is Kalia from your literature class.
M: Yes, what can I do for you
W: I had a falling accident over the weekend when I was climbing the mountains with my friends and now I'm in hospital. I won't be able to come to school today. I'll have to miss your class as well as my economics and Modern Psychology classes.
M: My goodness! Are you OK
W: I broke my leg, but it is healing.
M: How long will you be out of class
W: Today is Monday, I should be able to return by next Monday morning.
M: Fine. Well, thanks for calling and letting me know you will be absent. I hope you feel better soon.
Text 9
M: What will I earn per year in this job
W: In that position, you can expect to earn $65,000 per year.
M: Are we covered by a good benefits plan
W: Yes, it includes your yearly income and some other benefits that you most need, like your health insurance.
M: Can we take personal days off
W: You get 2 weeks' paid vacation and an additional 10 days of sick leave.
M: What do you offer in terms of a retirement plan
W: Now we don't offer any retirement plan.
M: Do you have any supporting plan for further education that relates to my job
W: We allow several weeks each year for our employees to attend job-related meetings and studies.
M: By the way, do you have a benefits brochure which I can take home for a careful look
W: Well, you'll have your job interview this Wednesday. One day after the interview, we can give you the brochure, which has a full account of your job and everything you want to know.
Text 10
W: As I arrived at the airport for my international flight in a taxi, I noticed an old lady walking ahead of me. She was pulling her luggage. As I was using a luggage cart, I asked her to put her luggage on the cart too. She was grateful and offered to push it but I refused. As we talked, I found that she was 80 years old, 20 years senior to me and we had a lovely chat as we walked. Then when I found my boarding gate, I found that my flight had been delayed for two hours, so I took my mobile phone to tell my family about it. A man sitting near me said the same thing had happened to him, and that he would land 2 hours later than his original time. But he had no way to contact his wife to let her know as his phone had stopped working and they live two hours away from his destination airport. Hearing this, I gave him my phone to call her. It feels good to be of help to people around you.
1-5 ACCBA 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 ABACB
21. B 细节理解题。根据题干把答案定位在第二则博物馆的介绍。该介绍提到,elBulli原本是一家高端餐厅,在改造完后重新开放,成为世界上第一家餐厅博物馆,里面展出的是eBulli餐厅原来的主厨设计的各种创新的菜肴,但是不供应真正的食物。由此可知选B。
22. D 细节理解题。根据题干的关键词“人工智能技术”把答案定位在第三则博物馆介绍,该博物馆会向公众传播与机器学习技术和机器人技术相关的知识和信息。因此选D。
23. A 细节理解题。最后一则介绍提到,参观英国曼斯特的“工厂国际”文化中心在英国TimeOut周刊的“最推荐做的事”年度榜单中位列第一。因此选A。
24. C 细节理解题。第一段提到作者十分焦虑,然而在与丈夫一起在家附近的山上走一走后,作者的焦虑减轻了很多。因此选C。
25. A 推理判断题。第二段提到,作者与这个运足团队会面的时候,所有的焦虑都浮现出来,队伍里的人都比作者要年轻,但是在行走了半英里路程之后,作者感觉自己与队友们融为一体了,因此选A。
26. D 细节理解题。第四段提到,作者在疫情暴发之前在阿巴拉契亚国家步道远足,虽然没有实现自己“徒步一百英里”的目标,但是作者很喜欢这次远足。由此可知选D。
27. B 标题归纳题。本文主要讲述作者为了摆脱自己的焦虑而走进大自然,走进大山的怀抱。因此本文的标题选B。
28. B 推理判断题。第一段谈到美国在数学方面的劣势及其影响,对此教授吉姆表示,引领未来世界走向的先进的科学技术将会来自其他国家,因为他们有智力资本,而美国人缺少这一资本。由此推断选B,美国人在数学方面的劣势会导致智慧资本的缺失,继而使美国表失在科技发展的引领作用,进而威胁到国家安全。
29. C 细节理解题,第二段提到,政府劳动力专家表示,需要数学能力的工作岗位将以每年三万的数量增加,且会延续到2030年。由此可知选C,与数学相关的工作的数量会急剧增长。
30. A 推理判断题。从文章内容特别是第五段相关信息看,这里说的“dangerous failure”指前文谈到的美国学生数学成绩不好、数学方面的能力赶不上其他国家的学生,以及由此带来的一些后续影响。因此选A。
31. D 细节理解题。最后一段提到,爱德华认为在生命科学领域的员工短缺不只是教育的问题,这还会危害到国家安全,由此可知,他认为这种现象会危害国家安全。
32. B 细节理解题。第二、三段提到,这次科学家用X光透视发现,画家达·芬奇在画《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画的时候,在第一层使用了铅化合物plumbonacrite这种新元素。因此选B。
33. C 词义猜测题。画线词的语境提到,这是人们第一次证明达·芬奇在他的画作中使用了这种铅化合物,由此推断画线词指的是达·芬奇的画作中这种先前不为人知的成分。因此选C。
34. D 推理判断题。第五段提到,这种铅化合物呈现出橙色,用于颜料中能让颜料干得更快,并且作画之后呈现出漂亮的金黄色。因此选D。
35. A 细节理解题。最后一段提到,画家达·芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》和他的其他画作仍有很多秘密有待被发现,我们所知道的只是其中很小的一部分。由此可知选A。
36. D 语境题。本题考查语境的转折关系。下文说到“这种差异”,因此本空选D表示“面对变化时,有人感觉很轻松,面另外一些人有压力”,与下文呼应。
37. C 语境题。本题考查语境的并列关系。C项内容与前面的“The back port”“The middle”呼应,说明“我们大脑的前面部分还在发育”。
38. B 语境题。本题考查语境的关键词再现。B项的“That response”与前文的“The fight or flight response”呼应,“makes the heart beat faster”与下文内容呼应,说明那种反应会让心跳加速,然后心脏就快速地把血液输送到身体的各个部位。
39. G 语境题。本题考查语境的例证关系。前文提到有时年轻人会遇到无法应对的情况,G项承接上文说明在这种情况下,年轻人可以寻求他人的帮助。
40. A 主旨题。这一段说的是面对变化有利于我们的成长,因此选A作为本段的主旨句。
41. C 从故事情节看,这里说的是主人公Leigh在下班的路上救助一位被困在车上的司机,并根据上文“She has earned the title of a hero”,因此选C表示“给人印象深刻的”。
42. D 语境说的是一辆卡车翻车了,司机被困在车里,动词stick表示“粘住,钉住”,用be suck表示“被困”。因此选D。
43. B 根据前文“It's strange”以及后文“I wouldn't have been here”判断选B,Leigh说通常自己开车不会走那条路线,用Normally表示“正常情况下”。
44. A 这里表示Leigh通常开车不走那条线路,但是那天下班回家的路上,她恰好就在那个时刻出现在现场,用形容词表示“准确的,刚好的(用于名词前表强调),确切的”。
45. D 语境说的是其他几个路人也加入到她救人的行列,因此选D表示“加入”。
46. B 这里说的是此时这条路上没有其他车辆,这就使Leigh可以穿过道路去救援。因此选B。
47. C 这里用site表示“地点,现场”。
48. D 这里说Leigh爬进卡车去查看和判断被困司机的情况。因此选D。
49. A 语境表示Leigh利用自己作为护士的专业知识救人,因此选A表示“知识”。
50. A 这里表示自从事故发生之后已经过去了几个月的时间。因此选A。
51. C recognize意为“认可,赞赏,正式向……致谢”,这里指的是消防局对Leigh救人的行为进行表彰和致谢。
52. B 这里说的是,Leigh坚定地认为每个人的人生都是有目的,有意义的,因此选B表示“信念”。
53. D 这里表示“有一种力量引导我去到那里”,因此选D表示“带领”。
54. A 这里说的是被救的司机有了第二次活着的机会。因此选A。
55. C 语境表示Leigh希望司机能渡过这个难关并且有一个成功的未来,因此选C表示“渡过(难关)”。
56. to 考查介词。这里用be home to表示“是……的所在地/发源地”,因此本空填介词to。
57. was invited 考查时态语态。本空用提示动词的一般过去时的被动态表示过去的动作和被动含义。
58. fishing 考查非谓语动词。这里用fishing trips表示“钓鱼/捕鱼”,本空用提示动词的现在分词形式作定语。
59. largest 考查形容词最高级。这里表示“最大的鱼”,因此本空填提示形容词的最高级。
60. where 考查定语从句。这里用关系副词where引导定语从句,连词在从句中作地点状语。
61. the 考查冠词。这里用the city of Xingyi表示“兴义这座城市”。
62. produced 考查非谓语动词。这里用提示动词的过去分词作后置定语表示被动含义。
63. wisdom 考查词性转换,这里用示形容词的名词形式wisdom作语,表示“智慧”。
64. Seriously 考查副词。这里用副词seriously作状语。
65. have lived/have been living 考查时态。这里用提示动词的现在完成时表示延续到现在的动作或用现在完成进行时表示动作一直持续到现在,并且还有可能持续下去,与句中的时间状语呼应。
One possible version:
Dear Robert,
I'm overjoyed at the news that a new fitness center near our school has just opened in my neighborhood this Monday, which I can't wait to invite you to participate in.
Considering it offers special discounts to their customers, I sincerely hope you can come along with me this Sunday afternoon. The fitness center is open all day during the day, providing us enough time to experience the fancy equipment there. What's more, they hold regular lectures on how to keep fit, and organize some competitions to attract customers. I'm sure you'll find it relaxing to exercise there.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
One possible version:
I was surprised that I began to like the games I watched. When I went to the hockey games, I didn't keep glancing at the clock, counting the minutes until we got out. Time flew. The game was over before I knew it. During the games, I would talk with the others about our favorite teams and our favorite players. When our team won, I jumped up and down in my own way. I also learned all the terms concerning hockey and expertly discussed all the game's particulars with my husband and his friends.
I felt excited when I heard that our city would have the first women's hockey team. I thought hard and decided to apply to be on the team. In my application I mentioned how I came to love hockey, and showed my enthusiasm in becoming one of the team. Luckily, I was admitted, thus beginning my new career in hockey. I practised on a regular basis and played hard during the competing session. Through sports, particular hockey games, I found that I have become more enthusiastic in life.

  • 江西省鹰潭市名校2023-2024高一上学期11月期中英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月11日  所属分类:作业答案