Unit 6 Tv Programmes Integrated skills课时精练 (2课时含答案)

Unit 6 Tv Programmes-Integrated skills(含答案)
1.There will be a talk about the teenagers' TV________(观看)habits.
2. I think it's________(傻的) of her to watch so many ads every day.
3. Ten people,________(包括)a little girl, were badly hurt in the car accident last Wednesday evening.
4.As an________(喜欢动物的人),he has helped a lot of homeless dogs and cats find new owners.
5.Alice was very excited because she would________(出席)the Academy Awards ceremony.
( ) 1. —What about the food on the plate
—It ___________ delicious.
A. smelling B. smelt C. smells D. is smelt
( ) 2. What a nice garden! How well it ___________ after!
A. has looked B. looks C. is looked D. is looking
( ) 3. I feel ________ boring because I don't like the TV programme.
A. some B. a bit of C. little D. a bit
( ) 4. Could you tell me ________
A. how old is your son B. that he will come here soon
C. whether is it fine tomorrow D. who is going to speak at the meeting
( ) 5. Half of the class ______ most of the work. Some of the work_____really difficult.
A. have done; is B. had done; are C. has done; is D. have done; are
( ) 6. There are many trees on ____side of the street, and _____of the trees is still increasing.
A. both; the number B. either; the number C. both; a number D. either; a number
( ) 7. Is_____Russia ______Asian or ____ European country
A. the; an; a B. /; an; a C. /; an; an D. /; the; the
( ) 8. While ___ TV, you should be two meters away from the TV set.
A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watched
( ) 9. A dog was _____________in front of the shop.
A. found die B. find dead C. finding dying D. found dead
( ) 10. An old man was seen ______on the ground when I walked past.
A. to lying B. to lie C. lying D. laying
If the only sport you do is dancing your fingers across your keyboard, you could be in serious danger of more than just becoming fat!
Do you feel sleepy, like something is weighing down on your head Do you feel forgetful Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable up and down your neck and lower back, and you can’t explain why Do you get sick often It could be radiation from your computer causing it. If you spend three hours or more a day in front of a computer, (and at this point, who doesn’t ) you are more easily harmed by these hazards (危害).
We have got so used to using computers that we don’t often think of them as dangerous sources of harmful radiation. A safe amount radiation is 25V/m(Volts/metre). Do you want to guess how much our personal computers give off Let me tell you.
★Keyboard:1,000V/m ★Mouse:450V/m ★Monitor:218 V/m
★CPU:170V/m ★Notebook computer:2,500 V/m
Ways to protect yourself from harmful computer radiation:
1. Decorate your desk with cactus(仙人掌) plants. They take in radiation.
2. Drink two to three cups of green tea a day and eat an orange daily. The vitamins in tea leaves and oranges protect us from radiation and keep our eyes healthy as well.
3. Use a screen filter (过滤器) for your monitor.
4. Avoid having metal objects nearby on your desk.
5. Put the back of the computer to the wall. Most of the radiation comes off the back.
6. Keep your monitor at least 50 cm away from your face.
7. Keep your computer rooms ventilated (空气流通的).
8. Eat healthily-especially fruits and vegetables.
9. Don’t fall asleep on your computer. Turn it off if you have to rest nearby.
The ways above are useful, why not have a try at once
( ) 1. Which of the following is not caused by radiation from your computer
A. Feeling uncomfortable up and down the neck.
B. Feeling forgetful or sleepy.
C. Weighing down on the head.
D. Having a toothache.
( ) 2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph
A. How you feel if you are harmed by computer radiation.
B. How much time you can spend in front of a computer.
C. When you can play computer games.
D. Why you often get sick.
( ) 3. How much radiation does the monitor give off
A. 1,000V/m. B. 450V/m. C. 218 V/m. D. 170V/m.
( ) 4. Which of the nine ways mention diets
A. 3, 7 B. 2, 8 C. 4, 8 D. 2, 9
( ) 5. Which of the following is wrong
A. Computer radiation is a silent killer.
B. Using a desk computer is safer than using a notebook computer.
C. If you play computer games for too much time, you can sleep on the computer.
D. You’d better put the back of the computer to the wall.
1. 看电视的优点:可以学到知识;开拓视野;放松自己;等等。
2. 看电视的缺点:长时间看电视对视力不好;老躺在沙发上看电视容易变胖;等等。
3. 建议:自行发挥,至少两条。
Unit 6 Tv Programmes-Integrated skills(含答案)
1. I spend about an hour watching TV every day. (对划线部分提问)
____________________________ do you spend _________________ every day
2. If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the park tomorrow. (改为同义句)
We will go to the park tomorrow _____________________________________.
3. He used the knife to cut a hole. (改为同义句)
He _________________________________________.
4. The man pushed the box into the car. (改为被动语态)
The box ___________________________the car.
5. I will not win the match without your support. (改为复合句)
I will not win the match ______________________________.
6. She thinks they are rather boring. (改为否定句)
She __________________________ rather boring.
( )1. -How much time do you________watching TV every week
-About twelve hours.
A.cost B.take C.spend D.use
( )2.Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. ________visitors come here on weekends.
A.Hundred B.Hundreds C.Hundred of D.Hundreds of
( )3. Some teenagers don't like to talk with their parents, but I am ________them.I love to talk with my parents.
A. the same as B. different from
C. pleased with D.interested in
( )4.“I'm still working because I'm still capable and hope to guide more young people,” said Wu Mengchao when he________.
A. is interviewed B. is interviewing
C.was interviewed D. was interviewing
( )5.-________waste of time it is to watch________useless ads on TV!
-I agree with you.
A.What; the number of B.What a; a number of
C. What a; the number of D. What; a number of
( )6.The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese cartoon hero.Today,he________still________by people of all ages.
A.will;love B.was;loved C.is;loved D.will;be loved
Don't you think________________________________
He finds________________________________a horse.
More and more people________________________________.
I guess she________________________the role in the drama ________________acting.
“Freestyle"became a popular catchphrase(流行语)on the Internet. “Can you freestyle ” the judge asked this question many times in the music1 “The Rap of China(《中国新说唱》)”from which many stars were born. Recently, we had a rap show in English class. We wanted to try “freestyle”.
But rappers need to get used to changing music and have a good2of rhythm. It was difficult for us to_3_lyrics in a few minutes. So each of us wrote our lyrics ahead of time.
Some of the performances were really exciting with rhythmic beats.We 4 winging(摇摆) to them. The lyrics had different meanings. Most of them were positive, such as “Life goes on”,“Just be yourself” and “The future will be 5 ”. Those songs not only brought us happiness_6 helped us to enjoy life. We filmed a video to 7 the performances.
8 ,we were not as great as the stars. But we created our own original(原创的)pieces.We improved the lyrics over and over again. We practised the songs many times. That was enough, indeed. I believe performing original works is always better than just _9 the stars.We learned a lot about rap from the show. It seemed that each of us 10rapping. We are proud of ourselves.
( )1. A. programme B.documentary C.comedy D.video
( )2. A.ability B.sense C.idea D.feeling
( )3.A. write down B.deal with C.work out D.come up with
( )4.A.stopped B.continued C. couldn't help D.practised
( )5.A.ours B.a disaster C.dark D.gone
( )6.A.and B.yet C.but D.still
( )7.A.report B.record C.represent D.remember
( )8. A. To be honest B.Unluckily C.Sadly D.Last but not least
( )9.A.admiring B.following C.challenging D.learning
( )10. A. is satisfied with B. is excited about
C. is weak in D.has a gift for
Unit 6 Tv Programmes-Integrated skills(含答案)
一、根据句意和中文提示写出单词。1watching 2 silly 3 including 4 animal lover5be attend
1. C 解析:smell用作连系动词。
2. C 解析:be looked after 被动语态。
3. D 解析:a bit后跟形容词,有点……。
4. D 解析:tell me后面跟的是宾语从句,用陈述句的语序。
5. A 解析:half of the class用作主语,意思是“一半的同学”,谓语动词用复数形式,some of the work中的work是不可数名词, 谓语动词用单数形式。
6. B 解析:on either side of或on both sides of 在路两边;the number of the trees 树木的数量,谓语动词是is。
7. B 解析:Russia是个国家名词,前面不用冠词;an Asian country一个亚洲国家, a European country一个欧洲国家。根据首字母的发音可以判断出来。
8. B 解析:while后跟分词,意思是“当做……时”。
9. D 解析:be found dead被动语态,dead用作补足语。
10. C 解析:be seen doing sth. 被看见正在做某事。
1. D 解析:根据第二段的前面几句可以推断出来。因此D选项正确。
2. A 解析:第二段主要介绍如果你受到电脑辐射的危害,你有什么感觉。因此A选项正确。
3. C 解析:第三段的下面列出了具体的数据, 可以直接找到答 案。因此C选项正确。
4. B 解析:在这九条方法中,第二条和第八条是关于饮食的。因此B选项正确。
5. C 解析:第九条方法告诉我们不能趴在电脑上睡觉。因此C选项正确。
Unit 6 Tv Programmes-Integrated skills(含答案)
1. How long/How much time, watching TV 2. unless it rains 3. cut a hole with the knife 4. was pushed into 5. if you don’t support me 6. doesn’t think they are
三、完成句子。1stupit to give up 2watching TV commercials is a waste of time 3 it is fun to ride 4 are dying of cancer because of pollution, 5won`t try out for unless she has acting talent in
四、完形填空。1-5ABDCA 6-10CBABD

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发布日期:2023年12月10日  所属分类:作业答案