牛津译林版九年级上册Unit7 Films Grammar同步练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 7 Films-Grammar
1. I was (大为惊奇) that he got a mark of 100.
2. ——Excuse me, may I (停车) my car here
——Sorry, you can't. Look at the sign.
3. He (误以为) Mary for her twin sister and that made them laugh a lot.
4. I sit in the last (排,行) of the classroom.
5. Although I got up early to avoid the (交通高峰) hour, I was late again.
( )1. It was ________lovely weather _______ we decided to spend the day on the beach.
A. such a , that B. such, that C. such, as D. so, that
( )2. The naughty boy tried to ______ the teacher’s attention by making a lot of noise in class.
A. bring B. catch C. pay D. receive
( )3. ______ Linda is ill, ________ she still comes to school as usual.
A. Though , but B. Though,/ C. Although, but D. Because, so
( )4. He had ________ little education _________ he was unfit for this job.
A. such…that B. so… that C. such a …that D. so a… that ( )5. ---How do you like the talk show
---I think it’s , but some people think it’s so .
A. wonderful enough, bored B. enough wonderful, boring
C. wonderful enough, boring D. wonderfully enough, boring
( ) 6.---What beautiful flowers! How much do they cost ---Fifty yuan ______.
A. in all B. at all C. after all D. above all
( ) 7. ---Which do you prefer, the white blouse or the blue one
---I don’t think _______ of them fits me. Could you show me ______ one
A. either; another B. neither; another C. neither; else D. either; other
( )8. Ba Jin died in October 2005. He will be remembered____ us _______ his great works.
A. for, by B. by, for C. by, with D. with, for
Enriching your life means trying to make your life as meaningful and happy as possible.
Though you may have d____1____ realizing it, there are endless steps you can take to experience new things, increase knowledge, and enjoy what you have already had.
Learn to forgive(原谅) others. If you often hate other people a___2___ you, then you won't live a wonderful life. So learn to move forward and a___3____ nobody is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. If someone has really hurt you and you feel it difficult to accept that person's apology (道歉), then be h____4___ about it.
Volunteer to help o___5____. It will not only be good for the people around you, but also make you a___6___ to connect with different people. You can work in a homeless shelter(庇护所) or help do the c___7____ in your neighbourhood.
Get along well with your friends and family. No m___8____ how busy you are, you should develop a habit of s___9_____ time with your loved ones and letting them know how much they mean to you. You can write thank-you cards to your friends and family members or c___10___ up your parents or grandparents regularly. If you're not living in the same place, then often remind yourself to call just to say hi.
1___________2______________3_____________4_______________ 5_______________
6___________7______________8_____________9_______________ 10_______________
Elsie Eiler is the head of Monowi, a tiny town in northern Nebraska, U.S.A., and that isn’t her only job. She is also the town secretary, the town treasurer, the librarian, and she works in the café. Why has she got a lot of different jobs Because there’s nobody else to do them. Monowi has got a population of one— Elsie.
Monowi is an unusual sight. There are about twelve old wooden houses there. They are all empty and are surrounded by a few trees, several old cars and lots of rubbish. The town is silent. An old yellow school bus, with no wheels or seats, stands next to the small school. The school closed 40 years ago. Opposite Elsie’s café is an old building, filled with rubbish. It was a shop but it closed in the 1950s.
The busiest time for Monowi was in the 1930s. Then, the population was 150, and was made up of mostly farmers and their families. There was a railway too. However, the farmers couldn’t compete(竞争) with the large industrialized(工业化的) farms, and left the town to look for other work. In 1971, the railway closed and the town began to die. Three years ago, the last people that lived there, except Elsie’s family, moved away. Then, Elsie’s husband died, and then her son and daughter left to find work in bigger towns, leaving Elsie the only person in the town.
____3____ Her food is good, her beer is cold, and farmers and truck drivers travel a long way to eat at her café, “ One day Monowi will just be memories, and it will probably turn to dust,” she says, “But I like it, and as long as I can take care of myself, I will stay here.”
( )1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us about Elsie Eiler
A. She is the only person living in Monowi. B. She has a good time living in Monowi.
C. She can do different kinds of jobs. D. She will leave Monowi soon.
( )2. The article tells us about Monowi EXCEPT _____.
A. what it looks like B. whether there is train there
C. when people first lived there D. why people started to leave it
( )3. Which of the following can be filled in the blank in the last paragraph
A. Elsie believes Monowi will have a bright future.
B. Now Elsie wishes her kids to return to Monowi.
C. Elsie will leave Monowi in a couple of years.
D. Now Elsie lives alone but she isn’t lonely.
In the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠肺炎疫情), people across the world are paying more attention to the health and happiness of each other. Some are trying to send messages of love and care in different ways.
In China, an international communication program was started to send support to other countries. It has collected eighty-five letters written by students in Beijing to young people in pandemic-stricken (疫情重创下的) countries. They are full of love and care. These letters were made into a collection of short videos called “A Letter to Friends”. They were shown in the form of sand painting.
It is reported that many hospitals abroad refuse all visitors to patients in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. Patients feel lonely and worried, so some hospitals have created “Online Wish Wall” for the public. People are welcome to post their messages there to express their love and care. So far, the hospitals have received a great deal of encouragement from the public. The messages have helped the patients to cheer up without their loved ones by their side.
The COVID-19 pandemic may make life difficult for people, but love and care will make life better.
1. What messages are some people trying to send ___________________________________
2. Who wrote the eighty-five letters ______________________________________________
3. How were the letters shown __________________________________________________
4. Where can people post their messages to the patients _______________________________
5. What influence have the messages produced on the patients___________________________
Unit 7 Films-Grammar
1. --Where is Simon ---He is practicing _______________ his new car over there. (停车)
2. Rose and Kate are twins. Rose is often_____________________ for her sister. (误以为)
3. It’s reported that the show will be __________________because of the bad weather. (取消)
4. People all consider Jackie Chan as one of the greatest _______________ in the world. (演员)
5. Hepburn was so beautiful that many people were amazed by her______________. (beautiful)
6. Although she is not a beauty, many people find her ___________________. (attract)
7. I _________________a course on Chinese kung fu so that I could improve my skills. (attend)
8. Hepburn made her final___________________ in the last film. (appear)
1. They all avoided (mention) that name.
2. Although the supermarket has a big car park, I couldn't find a space (park) my car.
3. Hepburn is such a great actress that she’ll always (remember).
4. We can watch the birds (close) in Zhalong Nature Reserve.
5. Millie has had a lot of photos of Jackie Chan in her room so that (when) she wants she can see him.
( )1. Bob is very tall, he can't play basketball.
A./;but B. Although;but C. Because; so D. /; although
( )2. StorySign is a useful app it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to read bedtime stories.
A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. as; as
( )3. When the fire broke out, many people were so th at they ran .
A. frightening; wild B. frightened; wild C. frightened; wildly D. frightening; wildly
( )4. I'm going to take him to some famous hutongs he can learn more about China.
A. because B. when C. so that D. as if
( )5. Mike didn’t win the race, he was still wearing a smile on his face.
A. If B. Since C. Although D. Because
1. 尽管电影已经放映10分钟了,许多人还是不断地买票。
The film for 10 minutes, many people kept buying tickets.
2. 这位男演员演技出众,常被误认为是个真侦探。
The actor acts so well a real detective.
3. 她说话如此小声,我几乎听不见。
She spoke quietly I could hardly hear her.
4. 我努力避免犯同样的错误。
I tried to the same mistakes.
5. 我把新的电话号码告诉我的学生以便必要时他们可以给我打电话。
I tell my students my new telephone number .
“If you agree with me, please Dianzan.”“Dianzan” has become one of the most p 1 words on the Internet now. When you think someone's i 2 are wonderful, or when you are moved by what someone writes, you can click the praise sign. Anyway, clicking the praise sign m 3 that you agree with someone or praise someone.
Dianza n is a kind of Chinese Internet language. People usually use it when they surf the Internet. There is a function(功能) of Dianza n in the QQ space. The QQ space has had the function for over ten years. It didn’t become very popular u 4 Sina blog checked the function of Dianzan. In r 5 years, it has become more and more popular, and even on WeChat. Chinese leader Xi Jinping also used the word Dianza n to praise and e 6 his thanks to the great Chinese people.
Website can know how many people support some ideas by c 7 how many people click the praise sign. Experts can know what teenagers are caring a 8 through what they click the sign for. That can help them solve teenagers’ p 9 .
Clicking the praise sign is r 10 a moving thing. You just need to move your finger! So now please open your QQ or WeChat, Dianza n for anybody, who may Dianzan for you in return one day.
According to a report, over 22,000 plastic bottles in the world are thrown away every second, and the number is still growing. Most plastic waste goes to the oceans, and it is often eaten by fish and birds. It is harmful to their health.
Robert Bezeau, a man from Canada, is building a village with plastic bottles. The amazing village, is deep in the jungles in Panama. There will be 120 houses in the village, and each house needs thousands of bottles.
Before Robert came up with the creative idea in 2015, he had lived in the country for many years. One day, he notices there were so many plastic bottles on the beautiful beach. Then he decided to do something to make a difference to the environment.
Building the Plastic Bottle Village is a very smart idea to turn plastic waste into houses, and the oceans will be cleaner. What's more, the houses are green and eco-friendly(环保的). The bottles can help keep the home at a comfortable temperature, so there is no need to use expensive energy for air conditioning in hot weather. Now Robert plans to create an education centre. He wants to teach people from all over the world how to reuse plastic bottles.
1. How many plastic bottles are thrown away every second
2. Where is the Plastic Bottle Village
3. When did Robert come up with the idea of building the Plastic Bottle Village
4. What are the houses made of plastic bottles like
5. What's Robert's recent plan
Unit 7 Films-Grammar
一、 1. amazed 2. park 3. mistook 4. row 5. rush
二、单项选择 BBBAC AAB
三、首字母填空 1difficulty 2around 3accept 4honest5others 6able 7cleaning 8matter 9spending 10call
四、阅读理解 ACD
五、阅读回答问题1Love and care 2Students in Beijing 3In the form of sand painting.4Online Wish Wall”5The messages have helped the patients to cheer up without their loved ones by their side.
Unit 7 Films-Grammar
一、词汇 1parking2mistaken 3 canceled 4actors 5beauty 6attracted 7attended 8 appearance
二、1. mentioning 2. to park 3. be remembered 4. closely 5. whenever
三、1-5 ABCCC
四、1. Though/Although; had been on 2. that he is often mistaken for 3. so; that 4. avoid making 5. so that they may call me when necessary
5、 1. popular 2. ideas 3. means 4. until 5. recent 6. express 7. counting 8. about 9. problems 10. really
六、 1. Over 22,000. 2. In the jungles in Panama. 3. In 2015. 4. Green and eco-friendly. 5. To create an education centre.

  • 牛津译林版九年级上册Unit7 Films Grammar同步练习(2课时含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月10日  所属分类:作业答案