
四、Multiple Choice.
17.(1分)﹣﹣﹣The party is a great success.We've had a good time.
﹣﹣﹣___________.(  )
A.It doesn't matter
C.It's not very good
D.I'm glad to hear that
18.(1分)—Alice,could you help me fill out these forms?
—__________.(  )
A.With pleasure B.It's my pleasure
C.Sounds nice D.I'm sure
19.(1分)—Did you enjoy this book?
—_________.It's not my cup of tea.(  )
A.Very much B.Not really
C.I hope not D.It's nothing
20.(1分)—Do you still play tennis?
—Oh,no.I_________it for the past two years.(  )
A.didn't play B.haven't played
C.played D.plays
21.(1分)—So,how did the whole thing happen?
—Sir,it's not my fault.I__________straight on my way when his car suddenly__________right.(  )
A.drove;was turning
B.was driving;was turning
C.was driving;turned
22.(1分)—Have you heard about the Double Reduction Policy?
—Yes,and I totally agree.Education shouldn't be_________purely by examination results.(  )
A.detected B.measured C.reckoned D.stressed.
23.(1分)—China has a long history of tea culture.
—So it is!It is said that the tea was_________by Shen Nong.(  )
A.produced B.invented
C.discovered D.found
24.(1分)—He is so talented!
—Yes.He has a wide___________of painting and music.(  )
A.knowledge B.ability C.board D.sense
25.(1分)—Excuse me,can you tell me which way leads to the museum?The right one or the left one?
—________way is OK.You can take both.(  )
A.All B.Both C.Either D.Neither
26.(1分)His sister had a bad cough, ___________ she?(  )
A.wasn't B.doesn't C.hadn't D.didn't
27.(1分)—The fish smells terrible.
—__________.(  )
A.So does the meat
B.Neither does the meat
C.So is the meat
D.Neither is the fish
28.(1分)—Difficulties always go with me!
—Cheer up!If a door is closed in front of you,there __________ be a window opened for you.(  )
A.must B.would C.should D.can
29.(1分)﹣Mum,could you buy me a dress like this?
﹣Certainly,we can buy_______ one than this,but_______ this.(  )
A.a worse;as good as
B.a better;better than
C.a more important;not as good as
D.a cheaper;as good as
30.(1分)—The Chinese Women Volleyball Team finally won the prize.I am so proud of them.
—Me too!Although lots of difficulties they faced,they still_________for victory.(  )
A.hung out B.hung up C.hung over D.hung on
31.(1分)—What did he say to you?
—He asked me___________.(  )
A.who will be here tomorrow
B.why did she refuse to come
C.that if I was ready
D.which one I liked better
32.(15分)Doug Bruce,35,walked into Coney Island Police Station on 3 July,where I've been.I have no(1)   who I am,"he told the police.He had a backpack with a few things in it:a Spanish phrase book(常用语手册),a set of keys and a map of New York.."I don't know anything.It was like being in the(2)   ."
The police were confused."We've never had(3)   like this before,"Lt.Peter Pena said.They took Doug to Coney Island Hospital.The nurse had to put a(n)(4)   name tag on his bed﹣﹣﹣unknown.Although Doug could(5)   sentences without difficulty,he had no memory of his(6)   .Dr Leonid Vorobyev,an expert at the hospital,said that he had only seen such cases "in(7)   and books".
Finally,the hospital staff(8)   a number in his phrase book.This was the number of a friend's mother.Doug phoned,and when his friend Nadine spoke to him,she immediately(9)   his voice."Is that you,Doug?"she said."I don't know,"came the reply.Nadine went to the hospital,and took him home.
"Home"turned out to be a wonderful apartment in downtown Manhattan where he(10)   with two dogs and three parrots.Doug discovered that he had lived in Paris where he had made a lot of money.(11)   Nadine,he was tired of the business world,so he moved to New York and started a four﹣year photography course.
Now that Doug had discovered who he was,he had to face other(12)   .He was worried about seeing his family and friends.They were like(13)   to him.His sister said that he had changed:he used to be very(14)   ,and rarely showed his emotions(情感).Now he was much more relaxed and was never afraid to show his feelings.
He is happy with his new life and his story has now been made into a film.An old friend of his,Director Rupert Murray,made a documentary about Doug's(15)   experience called Unknown White Male.
(1)A.way B.intention C.interest D.idea
(2)A.darkness B.hole C.sky D.secret
(3)A.something B.nothing C.anything D.anybody
(4)A.extra B.special C.ugly D.nice
(5)A.follow B.show C.talk D.form
(6)A.past B.lifestyle C.friends D.relatives
(7)A.comedies B.lyrics C.cartoons D.movies
(8)A.looked for B.passed by C.came across D.fixed up
(9)A.heard B.recognized C.realized D.cleared
(10)A.spent B.shared C.served D.separated
(11)A.According to B.Thanks to C.Because of D.Instead of
(12)A.questions B.challenges C.responsibilities D.chances
(13)A.workers B.teachers C.partners D.strangers
(14)A.patient B.shy C.outgoing D.honest
(15)A.unusual B.boring C.unpleasant D.terrible
▲ Chang'e is named after a goddess in ancient fairy tales,but few people know that she first appeared in the book Shan Hai Jing.It is thought to have been written during the late Warring States Period.Another figure in the book was Zouwu,a creature who features(担任主演),the work and others featuring ancient myths and monsters have inspired artists and authors to create,which is a source of inspiration.Experts compared the book with the histories of ancient Greek.
His World's a Stage Acting was,is and always will be the first love of National Peking Opera Company's new vice﹣president.Tian Lei has been working with the opera company for 10 years.He has spent a long time training acting there since he took Peking Opera as the most special art."Practicing here helps me feel closer to Peking Opera masters who once shone on the stage,"he says
Documentary About Dunhuang Online The Master of Dunhuang,a documentary about artisans(工匠)and researchers worked on protecting and spreading Dunhuang's centuries﹣old culture,ranging from restoration(修复)to research.The first episode features Li Bo,teaming up with his students to carry out an experiment.The second tale is about Zhang Xiaoyang who works at Mogao Cave 254.Zhang is facing a fork in her career﹣﹣to continue the research with an uncertain future or accept a new offer from a college.
(1)All the news above has something to do with    .
(2)According to Shan Hai Jing,we can know that    .
A.Zouwu was created in the movie series Fantastic Beasts
B.ancient Chinese tales are similar to the histories of ancient Greek
C.Chang'e was the first goddess appearing in the late Warring States Period
D.many ancient myths and monsters offer inspiration to some cultural workers
(3)What would be the best title for the first news?    
A.Amazing Cultural Products
B.Fantastic Chinese Collections
C.Ancient Fairy Tales Get popular
D.Ancient Work Inspires Modern Culture
(4)Tian Lei takes acting as his first love probably because    .
A.Peking Opera performance is the most special art
B.the theater gives him a chance to keep practising opera
C.it brings him a sense of self﹣satisfaction when he performs
D.art acting makes it possible for him to meet masters he admires
(5)From the passage,we can know that    .
A.the documentary is going to be shown on Tencent Video
B.artists and authors have recreated the stories in Shan Hai Jing
C.Tian Lei spends all his time practicing and performing on the stage
D.the documentary aims to introduce people who works in Dunhuang
34.(10分)Last year I went to the Rio de Janeiro Carnival(狂欢节),and it blew my mind.It had been my dream to attend the famous carnival for many years,so I was excited.However,the moment I arrived,I had a local guide,my sister's friend Ronnie.He said he would take care of me and show me around at the carnival.He did not let me down.
Well,the carnival is all about the samba(桑巴舞).It's a style of music and dance which comes from Africa.Samba music is usually fast and exciting with a lot of drums and harmonic vocals(和声)
Ronnie had got us tickets for the samba Parade(游行)inside the Sambadrome where the top samba schools take part in the competition.But we still had a long way to go through the street parties.He said most people enjoy the carnival by making their own parties in the street.
So,you must be wondering how the samba parade was in Sambadrome.▲.Ronnie and I never made into Sambadrome.We spent the day moving from one street party to another.There were more snacks,more drinks and lots of dancing.Do I regret missing the main parade?Not at all.I experienced the carnival like the locals,and it was truly amazing.
(1)The underlined words "it blew my mind" in the passage probably mean    .
A.it made me tired
B.it brought me childhood memories
C.it raised some questions in my mind
D.it made me very surprised and excited
(2)After the writer arrived at the carnival,    .
A.she lost her way
B.she was too shy to dance
C.she was received by a local guide
D.she felt sorry for the crowded streets
(3)Why didn't the writer regret missing the main parade?    
A.Because she met some amazing local people
B.Because she made her own parties in the street
C.Because she celebrated the festival in a local way
D.Because the ticket for the parade was not expensive
(4)Which of the following sentence can be put in ▲?    
A.I agree with you
B.It's really a good idea
C.Well,I'm afraid I can't tell you
D.But I have never heard of it before
(5)What would be the best title for the passage?    
A.An Amazing Carnival
B.An Unforgettable Street Party
C.A Story Behind the Samba Parade
D.Learning Samba in Rio de Janeiro
35.(10分)I grew up in the countryside of Poland.It's an area where skiing is popular,but my family was poor.I couldn't afford to ride the ski lift,so I used to hike up with the skis on my back.It turned out that this was good practice.
K2 is nicknamed"savage(野蛮的)mountain".You hear tragic stories:For every four people who reach the summit,one dies.I was too afraid to even think about skiing down it.Even the best ski mountaineers thought it impossible.
But that changed after a training expedition(考察)to Broad Peak.I got a clear look at K2's extremely large face,and it inspired me.Over time,by 2017,I didn't feel the fear anymore.I began preparations.
Why attempt such a feat(壮举)?I love nature,and I love setting goals.To be the first to do it just adds to the challenge.Fear is an important part of life,I had to stop being afraid.
At the base camp,I felt calm and prepared.There were no emotions or doubts﹣﹣I just knew I could do it.But there were challenges.At the third base camp,7,000 meters up,and I decided to proceed.In total,it took about three days to reach the summit.
For many climbers,getting to the peak of K2 would be the defining moment of their lives.For me,it was where the real challenge began.Skiing down a mountain demands patience and endurance(耐力).
The most dangerous part was the Messner Traverse.It's pure ice,up to a 75﹣degree angle in places,with drops on either side.You need to keep your turns and movements smooth and confident.No one had challenged it before
In total,going down the mountain took about seven hours.When I finally skied into camp,I was too tired to stand up.
I am so proud of what I achieved.No one thought it could be done.It taught me the value of patience and that nobody else can make your dreams come true.
(1)From the first paragraph,we know that the author    .
A.was poor at skiing
B.was interested in skiing
C.lived in Poland where everyone liked skiing
D.preferred hiking with skis on his back to riding the ski lift
(2)Paragraph 2 mainly talks about    .
A.how difficult it is to ski down K2
B.why the author wanted to challenge K2
C.how many mountaineers ever reached K2
D.howK2 got the nickname"savage mountain"
(3)The underlined word "proceed" in paragraph 5 probably means    .
A.give up
B.go on
C.get up
D.go back
(4)What are the best words to describe the author?    
A.Confident and honest.
B.Patient and determined.
C.Understanding and careful.
D.Hardworking and helpful.
(5)From the passage,we can infer that    .
A.the author made full preparations but failed
B.no one believed in what the author had done
C.the author was never afraid of skiing down K2
D.the author's positive attitude without fear leads to success
七、Fill in the blanks with the words given.There are two extra words.
responsible / signal / look up / upset / tidy up / miss / book
(1)Hurry up!It would be a shame to    the beginning of the play.
(2)As a manager,it is his duty to be    for the loss of the customers.
(3)Please    the timetable and tell me the arrival time of Flight CA3101.
(4)Once the referee gives the    ,all the athletes run as fast as they can.
(5)Kids always feel    if they can't get what they want.
八、Fill in the blanks according to the text.
37.(1分)Our artist used these as a    .
38.(1分)The first    were gliders﹣﹣planes without engines.
39.(1分)Two of the 18th century's greatest    started in exactly this way.
40.(1分)The spaceship will carry    to the red planet in just 28 hours.
41.(1分)Sleep will become    by 2050,say scientists.
九、Tenses and Proper forms.
42.(1分)I    (write)while my mother was cooking
43.(1分)So far they    (receive)many applications for the job
44.(1分)He    (enjoy)having nothing to do every Sunday afternoon.
45.(1分)He will gain more confidence if he    (catch)up with his classmates.
46.(1分)He got home,took off his socks and    (lie)on the bed.
47.(1分)Air    (pollute)can cause breathing problems for some people.
48.(1分)He looked at me in    (confuse)and did not answer the question.
49.(1分)In the end,we    (success)in working out the cost of all these things.
50.(1分)Lots of children have    (imagine)friends who they can play with.
51.(1分)There have been a lot of    (argue)about who was responsible for the accident.
十、Sentence patterns.
52.(1分)I didn't know anything about it.(say it in another way)
I    .
53.(1分)The blue car is less reliable than the black car.(say it in another way)
The blue car is    the black car.
54.(1分)This dress is small.That dress is medium.(join two sentences into one)
They are    .
55.(1分)The apples are 7 kilos.The pears are 7 kilos,too.(join two sentences into one)
They are    .
56.(1分)She wasn't able to finish those exercises.They were too difficult.(join two sentences into one)
Those exercises    .
十一、Fill in the blanks according to the passage.
57.(10分)Every morning,my father buys a newspaper on his way to work.Every day,I open my books in class and start my lessons.Every evening,I look at the photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep.Can we imagine life(1)   paper or printing?
Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China.After its(2)   (invent),people started to write on paper to make books.In those days,books were only(3)   (produce)one at a time by hand.As a result,there were not many books,and they were(4)   .So,few people had the(5)c    to learn to read.
Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.Later,developments imprinting made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply.A trade in books resulted,and more people learned to read.Knowledge and ideas(6)   faster than ever before.
Although the Internet is still young,it is(7)g    very fast,and may become more powerful than printing.A much larger amount of information can be stored in more varied(各种不同的)forms on the Internet than in books.Someone with an Internet connection can find information much more(8)   than they can find it in printed forms.And the(9)   (machine)we use to read it are now small and light,often smaller and lighter than a single book.
Computers and the Internet are used in classrooms now,and newspapers and magazines are already read online.So what(10)d    will traditional printing take in the future?Will books be replaced by the Internet?Let's wait and see.
四、Multiple Choice.
17.(1分)﹣﹣﹣The party is a great success.We've had a good time.
﹣﹣﹣___________.(  )
A.It doesn't matter
C.It's not very good
D.I'm glad to hear that
【解答】答案:D;It doesn't matter没关系;No,谢谢;I'm glad to hear that很高兴听到那个消息,The party is a great success.这次聚会很成功.可知答语应为:I'm glad to hear that很高兴听到那个消息.
18.(1分)—Alice,could you help me fill out these forms?
—__________.(  )
A.With pleasure B.It's my pleasure
C.Sounds nice D.I'm sure
【解答】With pleasure很乐意 my ;Sounds ;I'm 。根据上文Alice you me out forms,你能帮我填写这些表格吗,A项。符合语境。
19.(1分)—Did you enjoy this book?
—_________.It's not my cup of tea.(  )
A.Very much B.Not really
C.I hope not D.It's nothing
【解答】A.非常;B.不完全是;D.没什么 not cup tea.(这不是我的菜,答话人不太喜欢这本书。
20.(1分)—Do you still play tennis?
—Oh,no.I_________it for the past two years.(  )
A.didn't play B.haven't played
C.played D.plays
【解答】play玩。选项A是一般过去时的否定形式;选项C是过去式。根据所给时间状语for past years可知句子时态是现在完成时,本题答案是B。
21.(1分)—So,how did the whole thing happen?
—Sir,it's not my fault.I__________straight on my way when his car suddenly__________right.(  )
A.drove;was turning
B.was driving;was turning
C.was driving;turned
【解答】drove驾驶,一般过去时 turning正在转弯;was ,过去进行时,一般过去时,本句是when引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时或一般现在时,只有C选项符合题意。
22.(1分)—Have you heard about the Double Reduction Policy?
—Yes,and I totally agree.Education shouldn't be_________purely by examination results.(  )
A.detected B.measured C.reckoned D.stressed.
23.(1分)—China has a long history of tea culture.
—So it is!It is said that the tea was_________by Shen Nong.(  )
A.produced B.invented
C.discovered D.found
24.(1分)—He is so talented!
—Yes.He has a wide___________of painting and music.(  )
A.knowledge B.ability C.board D.sense
25.(1分)—Excuse me,can you tell me which way leads to the museum?The right one or the left one?
—________way is OK.You can take both.(  )
A.All B.Both C.Either D.Neither
【解答】all三者或三者以上都;both两者都;neither两者都不 can both."(两条路都可以走,可知两条路走哪一条都可以。
26.(1分)His sister had a bad cough, ___________ she?(  )
A.wasn't B.doesn't C.hadn't D.didn't
27.(1分)—The fish smells terrible.
—__________.(  )
A.So does the meat
B.Neither does the meat
C.So is the meat
D.Neither is the fish
【解答】The fish为主语,smells为系动词。可知倒装句使用的助动词为does,答句结构应为:...也是如此,应用so引导
28.(1分)—Difficulties always go with me!
—Cheer up!If a door is closed in front of you,there __________ be a window opened for you.(  )
A.must B.would C.should D.can
【解答】must必须、一定;should应该。根据If a door is closed in front of you"如果你面前的门关上了","一定"有一扇窗户为你打开。
29.(1分)﹣Mum,could you buy me a dress like this?
﹣Certainly,we can buy_______ one than this,but_______ this.(  )
A.a worse;as good as
B.a better;better than
C.a more important;not as good as
D.a cheaper;as good as
形容词的比较级要有一个比较的对象,通常是两者之间进行比较,意思是"和…一样"是原级比较 can one this this,但和这件一样好的,综上所述.
30.(1分)—The Chinese Women Volleyball Team finally won the prize.I am so proud of them.
—Me too!Although lots of difficulties they faced,they still_________for victory.(  )
A.hung out B.hung up C.hung over D.hung on
【解答】A闲逛;B悬挂;D坚持 lots difficulties faced"尽管他们面临许多困难"可知。
31.(1分)—What did he say to you?
—He asked me___________.(  )
A.who will be here tomorrow
B.why did she refuse to come
C.that if I was ready
D.which one I liked better
32.(15分)Doug Bruce,35,walked into Coney Island Police Station on 3 July,where I've been.I have no(1) D who I am,"he told the police.He had a backpack with a few things in it:a Spanish phrase book(常用语手册),a set of keys and a map of New York.."I don't know anything.It was like being in the(2) A ."
The police were confused."We've never had(3) C like this before,"Lt.Peter Pena said.They took Doug to Coney Island Hospital.The nurse had to put a(n)(4) B name tag on his bed﹣﹣﹣unknown.Although Doug could(5) D sentences without difficulty,he had no memory of his(6) A .Dr Leonid Vorobyev,an expert at the hospital,said that he had only seen such cases "in(7) D and books".
Finally,the hospital staff(8) A a number in his phrase book.This was the number of a friend's mother.Doug phoned,and when his friend Nadine spoke to him,she immediately(9) B his voice."Is that you,Doug?"she said."I don't know,"came the reply.Nadine went to the hospital,and took him home.
"Home"turned out to be a wonderful apartment in downtown Manhattan where he(10) B with two dogs and three parrots.Doug discovered that he had lived in Paris where he had made a lot of money.(11) A Nadine,he was tired of the business world,so he moved to New York and started a four﹣year photography course.
Now that Doug had discovered who he was,he had to face other(12) B .He was worried about seeing his family and friends.They were like(13) D to him.His sister said that he had changed:he used to be very(14) C ,and rarely showed his emotions(情感).Now he was much more relaxed and was never afraid to show his feelings.
He is happy with his new life and his story has now been made into a film.An old friend of his,Director Rupert Murray,made a documentary about Doug's(15) A experience called Unknown White Male.
(1)A.way B.intention C.interest D.idea
(2)A.darkness B.hole C.sky D.secret
(3)A.something B.nothing C.anything D.anybody
(4)A.extra B.special C.ugly D.nice
(5)A.follow B.show C.talk D.form
(6)A.past B.lifestyle C.friends D.relatives
(7)A.comedies B.lyrics C.cartoons D.movies
(8)A.looked for B.passed by C.came across D.fixed up
(9)A.heard B.recognized C.realized D.cleared
(10)A.spent B.shared C.served D.separated
(11)A.According to B.Thanks to C.Because of D.Instead of
(12)A.questions B.challenges C.responsibilities D.chances
(13)A.workers B.teachers C.partners D.strangers
(14)A.patient B.shy C.outgoing D.honest
(15)A.unusual B.boring C.unpleasant D.terrible
【分析】本文主要讲了Doug Bruce失忆了,不知道他自己是谁,在警察的帮助下他发现以前的生活是什么样子,后来他的故事被拍成一部电影,名为《不明身份》。
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:我不知道我是谁,B.意图,D.主意 had memory ,have no idea不知道。故选D。
(2)考查名词。句意:就像是在黑暗中一样,B.洞,D.秘密 don't anything.(我什么都不知道。故选A。
(3)考查代词。句意:我们以前从未遇到过这样的情况,B.没什么,D.任何人 police confused.(经常很困惑,否定句中用anything。
(5)考查动词。句意:尽管Doug能够毫无困难地组织句子。A.跟随,C.说话,根据I up the a few ago.I know I'm ,where been.(几分钟前我在地铁上醒来,我去过哪里。故选D。
(6)考查名词。句意:尽管Doug能够毫无困难地组织句子。A.过去,C.朋友,根据Doug that had in where had a lot money.(Doug发现他曾经住在巴黎。)可知他对过去的记忆一无所知。
(7)考查名词。句意:他只在"电影和书籍中"见过这样的案例,B.歌词,D.电影 Doug without ,he no of ,但是但他对自己过去的记忆一无所知。故选D。
(8)考查动词短语。句意:最后。A.寻找,C.遇到,结合下文This the of a mother.(这是一个朋友母亲的电话号码。故选A。
(9)考查动词。句意:当她与他说话时。A.听到,C.意识到,结合下文Is you?(是你吗?)可知辨认出了他的声音。
(12)考查名词。句意:他必须面对其他的挑战,B.挑战,D.机会 was about his and 。)可知他必须面对其他的挑战。
(13)考查名词。句意:他们对他来说就像陌生人一样,B.老师,D.陌生人 that had who was(既然Dough发现了他是谁)可知朋友和家人对失忆的他来说像陌生人。
(15)考查形容词。句意:拍摄了一部关于Doug特殊的经历的纪录片。A.特殊的,C.不愉快的,根据he no (他失忆了。故选A。
▲ Chang'e is named after a goddess in ancient fairy tales,but few people know that she first appeared in the book Shan Hai Jing.It is thought to have been written during the late Warring States Period.Another figure in the book was Zouwu,a creature who features(担任主演),the work and others featuring ancient myths and monsters have inspired artists and authors to create,which is a source of inspiration.Experts compared the book with the histories of ancient Greek.
His World's a Stage Acting was,is and always will be the first love of National Peking Opera Company's new vice﹣president.Tian Lei has been working with the opera company for 10 years.He has spent a long time training acting there since he took Peking Opera as the most special art."Practicing here helps me feel closer to Peking Opera masters who once shone on the stage,"he says
Documentary About Dunhuang Online The Master of Dunhuang,a documentary about artisans(工匠)and researchers worked on protecting and spreading Dunhuang's centuries﹣old culture,ranging from restoration(修复)to research.The first episode features Li Bo,teaming up with his students to carry out an experiment.The second tale is about Zhang Xiaoyang who works at Mogao Cave 254.Zhang is facing a fork in her career﹣﹣to continue the research with an uncertain future or accept a new offer from a college.
(1)All the news above has something to do with  C .
(2)According to Shan Hai Jing,we can know that  D .
A.Zouwu was created in the movie series Fantastic Beasts
B.ancient Chinese tales are similar to the histories of ancient Greek
C.Chang'e was the first goddess appearing in the late Warring States Period
D.many ancient myths and monsters offer inspiration to some cultural workers
(3)What would be the best title for the first news?  D 
A.Amazing Cultural Products
B.Fantastic Chinese Collections
C.Ancient Fairy Tales Get popular
D.Ancient Work Inspires Modern Culture
(4)Tian Lei takes acting as his first love probably because  C .
A.Peking Opera performance is the most special art
B.the theater gives him a chance to keep practising opera
C.it brings him a sense of self﹣satisfaction when he performs
D.art acting makes it possible for him to meet masters he admires
(5)From the passage,we can know that  A .
A.the documentary is going to be shown on Tencent Video
B.artists and authors have recreated the stories in Shan Hai Jing
C.Tian Lei spends all his time practicing and performing on the stage
D.the documentary aims to introduce people who works in Dunhuang
【解答】(1)主旨大意题。根据表格一:Chang'e named a goddess ancient tales few know she appeared the Shan Jing.(嫦娥是以古代神话故事中的一位女神命名的。)以及表格二:Acting ,is always be first of Peking Company's vice﹣president.(表演过去是,将来也永远是国家京剧院新任副院长的初恋 Master Dunhuang,a about researchers on and Dunhuang's culture come on Video from research.(《敦煌大师》是一部关于保护和传播敦煌数百年文化的工匠和研究人员的纪录片,内容从修复到研究。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据表格一:Recently work others ancient and have artists authors create is a of ,这部作品和其他以古代神话和怪物为特色的作品激发了艺术家和作家的创作灵感。)可知根据《山海经》可知许多古代神话和怪物给一些文化工作者提供了灵感。
(3)标题归纳题。根据表格一:Recently work others ancient and have artists authors create is a of ,这部作品和其他以古代神话和怪物为特色的作品激发了艺术家和作家的创作灵感。)可知第一段的标题应为:古代作品激发了现代文化。
(4)细节理解题。根据表格二:Practicing helps feel to Opera who shone the ,"he ,"and always me a of achievement I perform."("在这里练习让我感觉更接近曾经在舞台上闪耀的京剧大师,"当我表演时。")可知田雷把演戏作为自己的初恋,这给他带来一种自我成就感。
(5)细节理解题。根据表格三:The of ,a documentary artisans(工匠)and worked protecting spreading centuries﹣old ,will out Tencent ,ranging restoration(修复)to ,将在腾讯视频上发布。)可知这部纪录片将在腾讯视频上播放。
34.(10分)Last year I went to the Rio de Janeiro Carnival(狂欢节),and it blew my mind.It had been my dream to attend the famous carnival for many years,so I was excited.However,the moment I arrived,I had a local guide,my sister's friend Ronnie.He said he would take care of me and show me around at the carnival.He did not let me down.
Well,the carnival is all about the samba(桑巴舞).It's a style of music and dance which comes from Africa.Samba music is usually fast and exciting with a lot of drums and harmonic vocals(和声)
Ronnie had got us tickets for the samba Parade(游行)inside the Sambadrome where the top samba schools take part in the competition.But we still had a long way to go through the street parties.He said most people enjoy the carnival by making their own parties in the street.
So,you must be wondering how the samba parade was in Sambadrome.▲.Ronnie and I never made into Sambadrome.We spent the day moving from one street party to another.There were more snacks,more drinks and lots of dancing.Do I regret missing the main parade?Not at all.I experienced the carnival like the locals,and it was truly amazing.
(1)The underlined words "it blew my mind" in the passage probably mean  D .
A.it made me tired
B.it brought me childhood memories
C.it raised some questions in my mind
D.it made me very surprised and excited
(2)After the writer arrived at the carnival,  C .
A.she lost her way
B.she was too shy to dance
C.she was received by a local guide
D.she felt sorry for the crowded streets
(3)Why didn't the writer regret missing the main parade?  C 
A.Because she met some amazing local people
B.Because she made her own parties in the street
C.Because she celebrated the festival in a local way
D.Because the ticket for the parade was not expensive
(4)Which of the following sentence can be put in ▲?  C 
A.I agree with you
B.It's really a good idea
C.Well,I'm afraid I can't tell you
D.But I have never heard of it before
(5)What would be the best title for the passage?  A 
A.An Amazing Carnival
B.An Unforgettable Street Party
C.A Story Behind the Samba Parade
D.Learning Samba in Rio de Janeiro
【解答】(1)词义猜测题。根据第一段It been dream attend famous for years I was ,参加这个著名狂欢节一直是我的梦想。)可知结合选项,让我大开眼界,"这让我非常惊讶和兴奋"符合。
(2)细节理解题。根据第一段Luckily,I a local ,my friend ,我有一个当地向导。)可知她受到当地导游的接待。
(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段Do I regret missing the main parade,and it was truly amazing.(我后悔错过了大游行吗。我像当地人一样经历了狂欢节。)可知因为她用当地的方式来庆祝这个节日。
(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Ronnie I never into 。)可知回答是否定的,嗯,恐怕我不能告诉你。故选C。
(5)标题归纳题。根据第一段Last I went the de Carnival(狂欢节) it blew mind.It had my to the carnival many ,so I excited.(去年我去了里约热内卢的狂欢节。多年来,所以我很兴奋。故选A。
35.(10分)I grew up in the countryside of Poland.It's an area where skiing is popular,but my family was poor.I couldn't afford to ride the ski lift,so I used to hike up with the skis on my back.It turned out that this was good practice.
K2 is nicknamed"savage(野蛮的)mountain".You hear tragic stories:For every four people who reach the summit,one dies.I was too afraid to even think about skiing down it.Even the best ski mountaineers thought it impossible.
But that changed after a training expedition(考察)to Broad Peak.I got a clear look at K2's extremely large face,and it inspired me.Over time,by 2017,I didn't feel the fear anymore.I began preparations.
Why attempt such a feat(壮举)?I love nature,and I love setting goals.To be the first to do it just adds to the challenge.Fear is an important part of life,I had to stop being afraid.
At the base camp,I felt calm and prepared.There were no emotions or doubts﹣﹣I just knew I could do it.But there were challenges.At the third base camp,7,000 meters up,and I decided to proceed.In total,it took about three days to reach the summit.
For many climbers,getting to the peak of K2 would be the defining moment of their lives.For me,it was where the real challenge began.Skiing down a mountain demands patience and endurance(耐力).
The most dangerous part was the Messner Traverse.It's pure ice,up to a 75﹣degree angle in places,with drops on either side.You need to keep your turns and movements smooth and confident.No one had challenged it before
In total,going down the mountain took about seven hours.When I finally skied into camp,I was too tired to stand up.
I am so proud of what I achieved.No one thought it could be done.It taught me the value of patience and that nobody else can make your dreams come true.
(1)From the first paragraph,we know that the author  B .
A.was poor at skiing
B.was interested in skiing
C.lived in Poland where everyone liked skiing
D.preferred hiking with skis on his back to riding the ski lift
(2)Paragraph 2 mainly talks about  A .
A.how difficult it is to ski down K2
B.why the author wanted to challenge K2
C.how many mountaineers ever reached K2
D.howK2 got the nickname"savage mountain"
(3)The underlined word "proceed" in paragraph 5 probably means  B .
A.give up
B.go on
C.get up
D.go back
(4)What are the best words to describe the author?  B 
A.Confident and honest.
B.Patient and determined.
C.Understanding and careful.
D.Hardworking and helpful.
(5)From the passage,we can infer that  D .
A.the author made full preparations but failed
B.no one believed in what the author had done
C.the author was never afraid of skiing down K2
D.the author's positive attitude without fear leads to success
【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段I afford ride ski ,so I to up the on back.(我负担不起滑雪缆车的费用。)可知,我们知道作者对滑雪很感兴趣。
(2)段落大意题。根据第二段K2 nicknamed"savage(野蛮的)mountain".You tragic every people reach summit dies.I too to think skiing it.Even best mountaineers it 。你会听到悲惨的故事:每四个人登上顶峰。我太害怕了。即使是最优秀的滑雪登山运动员也认为这是不可能的,第2段主要谈论滑下K6有多难。
(3)词义猜测题。根据第五段We for hours he better I decided proceed.In total took three to the ,我们等了36个小时。总共花了大约三天时间才到达顶峰,下划线单词的意思应是"继续"和go on"继续"同义。
(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段I so of I achieved.No thought could done.It me value patience that else make dreams true.(我为自己的成就感到骄傲。它教会了我耐心的价值。)可知。故选B。
(5)推理判断题。根据第四段 attempt a feat(壮举)?I nature I love goals.To the to it adds the is important of ,but ski K2,I to being ,我喜欢设定目标。恐惧是生活的重要组成部分,我必须停止恐惧 many ,getting the of would the moment their me was the challenge down a demands and ,登上K2峰将是他们人生的决定性时刻,这才是真正的挑战开始的地方。)可知,我们可以推断出作者无所畏惧的积极态度会带来成功。
七、Fill in the blanks with the words given.There are two extra words.
responsible / signal / look up / upset / tidy up / miss / book
(1)Hurry up!It would be a shame to  miss the beginning of the play.
(2)As a manager,it is his duty to be  responsible for the loss of the customers.
(3)Please  look up the timetable and tell me the arrival time of Flight CA3101.
(4)Once the referee gives the  signal ,all the athletes run as fast as they can.
(5)Kids always feel  upset if they can't get what they want.
【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:快点。It be a to do sth.做某事是一种惭愧,miss错过。故填miss。
(2)考查形容词。句意:作为经理。it his to ,be后加形容词,responsible负有责任的。故填responsible。
(3)考查动词短语。句意:请查看时间表并告诉我CA3101航班的到达时间 tell the time Flight ,此处是请查看时间表,动词原形开头。故填look up。
(4)考查名词。句意:一旦裁判发出信号。根据all athletes as as can"所有运动员都会尽可能地跑得快"可知,the加名词,是名词。
(5)考查形容词。句意:孩子们总是感到失望。根据if can't what want"如果他们得不到他们想要的东西"可知,feel是连系动词,upset沮丧的。故填upset。
八、Fill in the blanks according to the text.
37.(1分)Our artist used these as a  model .
38.(1分)The first  aeroplanes were gliders﹣﹣planes without engines.
39.(1分)Two of the 18th century's greatest  discoveries started in exactly this way.
【解答】根据句意及原文内容可知该空应填发现,发现是discovery,所以discovery要用复数形式 discoveries。
40.(1分)The spaceship will carry  passengers/astronauts to the red planet in just 28 hours.
41.(1分)Sleep will become  unnecessary by 2050,say scientists.
九、Tenses and Proper forms.
42.(1分)I  was writing (write)while my mother was cooking
【解答】根据句意"当我妈妈在做饭的时候,我正在写字 cooking",其结构为:was/were+动词的现在分词,用was。
故填:was writing。
43.(1分)So far they  have received (receive)many applications for the job
【解答】receive收到。so far到目前为止。现在完成时的构成是have/has+过去分词。
故答案为:have received。
44.(1分)He  enjoys (enjoy)having nothing to do every Sunday afternoon.
【解答】根据every Sunday ,主语he是第三人称单数。
45.(1分)He will gain more confidence if he  catches (catch)up with his classmates.
46.(1分)He got home,took off his socks and  lay (lie)on the bed.
47.(1分)Air  pollution (pollute)can cause breathing problems for some people.
48.(1分)He looked at me in  confusion (confuse)and did not answer the question.
49.(1分)In the end,we  succeeded (success)in working out the cost of all these things.
50.(1分)Lots of children have  imaginary (imagine)friends who they can play with.
51.(1分)There have been a lot of  arguments (argue)about who was responsible for the accident.
十、Sentence patterns.
52.(1分)I didn't know anything about it.(say it in another way)
I  knew nothing about it .
【解答】根据I didn't anything it.(我对此它一无所知,结合要求可知,因此此处用knew nothing about it。
故填:knew nothing about it。
53.(1分)The blue car is less reliable than the black car.(say it in another way)
The blue car is  not as reliable as the black car.
【解答】根据所给的句子The blue is reliable the car.″这辆蓝车不如这辆黑车可靠″。not as...as表示″不如...″
故填:not as reliable as。
54.(1分)This dress is small.That dress is medium.(join two sentences into one)
They are  different in size .
故答案为:different in size。
55.(1分)The apples are 7 kilos.The pears are 7 kilos,too.(join two sentences into one)
They are  the same weight .
故答案为:the same weight。
56.(1分)She wasn't able to finish those exercises.They were too difficult.(join two sentences into one)
Those exercises  were too difficult for he to finish .
【解答】根据题干,原句的意思是在"那些练习太难了。"考查too+形容词 for sb to do sth对某人来说太……不能做某事。
故答案为:were too difficult for he to finish。
十一、Fill in the blanks according to the passage.
57.(10分)Every morning,my father buys a newspaper on his way to work.Every day,I open my books in class and start my lessons.Every evening,I look at the photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep.Can we imagine life(1) without paper or printing?
Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China.After its(2) invention (invent),people started to write on paper to make books.In those days,books were only(3) produced (produce)one at a time by hand.As a result,there were not many books,and they were(4) xpensive .So,few people had the(5)c  hance to learn to read.
Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.Later,developments imprinting made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply.A trade in books resulted,and more people learned to read.Knowledge and ideas(6) pread faster than ever before.
Although the Internet is still young,it is(7)g  rowing very fast,and may become more powerful than printing.A much larger amount of information can be stored in more varied(各种不同的)forms on the Internet than in books.Someone with an Internet connection can find information much more(8) asily than they can find it in printed forms.And the(9) machines (machine)we use to read it are now small and light,often smaller and lighter than a single book.
Computers and the Internet are used in classrooms now,and newspapers and magazines are already read online.So what(10)d  irection will traditional printing take in the future?Will books be replaced by the Internet?Let's wait and see.
(5)考查名词。句意:所以。the chance to......的机会。
声明:试题解析著作权属所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2023/12/6 5:50:10;用户:郑 凯;邮箱:18306539839;学号:39303294

  • 湖北省武汉市经开外国语学校教联体2023-2024八年级上学期期中英语试卷(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月10日  所属分类:作业答案