牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4 同步练习(含听力音频)

牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4 同步练习(含听力音频)
A.I was very happy.
B.I went to the cinema with my friend.
A.Yes, they did. B.Yes, they are.
A.No, he didn't. B.He went swimming.
A.That's very noisy. B.I'm sorry.
A.That's a good idea. B.It's healthy.
7.Sam is my    . He lives next door to    .
8.My uncle has a    .     name is Mary.
9.Peter has a    , Tom. Tom is his uncle's    .
10.Please stop making    . We are in the     now.
11.The rabbits     a hole and     in it.
(1)Mr Turtle and Mr Frog are neighbours.
(2)They never listen to music together.
(3)They don't take a walk together.
(4)Mr Turtle is a little noisy.
(5)They went to Pond Cinema yesterday.
13.I had some fish and rice     dinner.
14.The owl lived     a tree. The rabbits lived     the tree.
15.Mr White is my English teacher. He is     the UK.
16.Tom played football     his cousin     class.
17.Did you say hello     them
18.Sam is my cousin. He is my aunt's ________.
A.daughter B.son C.father
19.________ are my neighbours.
A.The Blacks B.The Black C.Mr Black
20.There ________ two apples and a pear on the table.
A.was B.were C.is
21.—Did the rabbits ________ a hole
—Yes, they ________ a hole yesterday.
A.dig; dig B.dug; dug C.dig; dug
22.Today many rabbits sleep in holes, because it's very ________ underground.
A.quite B.noisy C.quiet
23.—________ do many rabbits sleep
—In holes.
A.Where B.Who C.What
24.It's ________. Don't make a lot of ________.
A.noisy; noisy B.noisy; noise C.noise; noise
25.We help ________ and they help ________.
A.them; us B.them; we C.they; us
26.There was ________ owl and ________ rabbit.
A.a; an B.an; an C.an; a
27.Where ________ they from
A.are B.are come C.do
28.The Greens are my neighbours. (就画线部分提问)
29.I played with Sam this
morning. (变成一般疑问句)
30.Kitty meets them in the
morning. (把in the morning 变成this
31.owl neighbour
was a the noisy ( . )(连词成句)
32.sleep many in holes rabbits today (
. )(连词成句)
33.—    (do) your daughter go to bed early last night
—No, she     (do).
34.— Who     (be) your neighbours
—The     (White).
35.I     (buy) some     (vegetable) in the supermarket yesterday.
36.Please stop     (talk). I can't     (watch) TV now.
37.Jack never     (sleep) early at night, but he    (sleep ) early tonight.
A. I help people. B. I usually get people out of fire. C. I'm a policeman. D. I'm your new neighbour. E. What's your job
John: Hello, I'm John Chen.     I live in Room 301. I moved here last week.
Peter: Hello, I'm Peter. What do you do, Mr Chen
Peter: That's cool! What do you usually do
John:     Sometimes I catch bad people.
Peter: Do you like your job
John: Yes.    
Peter: I'm a fireman.    
Sally met her neighbour Mrs
Wang this morning.
Sally: Hello, Mrs Wang! I
didn't see you (1) Where (2) you
Mrs Wang: I went to Shanghai.
My daughter studies there.
Sally: Shanghai is my
hometown. I (3) there. Did you have a good time
Mrs Wang: Yes, I did. We went
to the Yu Garden (豫园). It was (4) !
Sally: Did you eat (5) nice
Mrs Wang: Yes, we did. The
Xiaolongbao was wonderful!
(1)A.every week B.last week C.next week
(2)A.is B.was C.were
(3)A.were born B.was born C.am born
(4)A.beautiful B.terrible C.healthy
(5)A.some B.a C.any
My name is Jack. I am eight years old. My father is a cook. He goes to work at five o'clock in the morning. My mother is a shop assistant. She goes to work at half past nine. She comes home at ten o'clock in the evening. When I get up at seven o'clock, my father is working and my mother is sleeping. I go to school at half past seven. After school, I go to my grandma's home. I eat dinner and do my homework there. Sometimes I watch TV and play with my grandma's dog. I like it very much. I go home at eight o'clock in the evening. I go to bed at nine o'clock.
Miss Li: What time do you go to school, Jack
Jack: I go to school at    .
Miss Li: Can you see your father in the morning
Jack: No. He     at five o'clock.
Miss Li: What time do you go home
Jack: I go home at     in the evening.
Miss Li: Can you see your mother in the evening
Jack: No. She     at ten o'clock. I go to bed at    .
the Noise Kingdom(王国), people like to make noise. They did everything loudly. Everyone
was a noisy neighbour.
king's birthday was coming. He wanted to hear the loudest(最大声的) noise in the
world. So all the people must shout together at twelve o'clock on his birthday.
wanted to hear the loudest noise in the world. A boy said, "Let's just
open our own mouths and listen." All the people heard about his idea.
twelve o'clock on the king's birthday, all the people just open their mouths
and listen. They heard the sounds of the birds and the rivers.
king said, "What nice sounds! I like them." After that, the Noise
Kingdom became quiet. People did everything quietly.
(1)People in the Noise Kingdom liked to make noise.
(2)The king wanted people to keep quiet on his birthday.
(3)People did not like the boy's idea.
(4)On the king's birthday, everyone kept quiet.
(5)The Noise Kingdom was still noisy after the king's birthday.
42.请试着用英语描述一下自己的邻居,他们来自哪里,做什么工作,他们的家庭成员的情况等。(要求: 语句通顺,条理清楚,字迹工整,不少于5句话)
【解析】【听力原文】⑴The rabbit dug the hole.
⑵The restaurant is too noisy. I can't hear you.
⑶The children are in their classroom.
⑷Mr Green has two daughters.
⑸My neighbour has a son.
【解析】【听力原文】Where did you go yesterday, Miss Guo
【解析】【听力原文】Are the Whites your neighbours, Jill
【解析】【听力原文】Did your son go swimming last Sunday
【解析】【听力原文】Please stop making so much noise. I'm reading.
【解析】【听力原文】Let's dig a hole and sleep in it, Little Rabbit.
【解析】【听力原文】Sam is my neighbour. He lives next door to me.
【解析】【听力原文】My uncle has a daughter. Her name is Mary.
【解析】【听力原文】Peter has a cousin, Tom. Tom is his uncle's son.
【解析】【听力原文】Please stop making noise. We are in the library now.
【解析】【听力原文】The rabbits dug a hole and slept in it.
【解析】【听力原文】 Mr Turtle and Mr Frog both live by the lake. They are neighbours. They usually play chess together. Sometimes they listen to music in Mr Fox's house. They do not take a walk together because Mr Turtle walks too slowly. Mr Frog is a little noisy. Mr Turtle asks him to be quiet. And Mr Frog listens to him. Yesterday they went to Pond Cinema together. And they liked the film very much.
【分析】(1)句意:乌龟先生和青蛙先生是邻居。根据原文Mr Turtle and Mr Frog both live by the lake. They are neighbours.可知乌龟先生和青蛙先生是邻居。故答案为正确。
(2)句意:他们从不一起听音乐。根据原文Sometimes they listen to music in Mr Fox's house.可知有时他们一起听音乐。故答案为错误。
(3)句意:他们不一起散步。根据原文They do not take a walk together because Mr Turtle walks too slowly.可知他们不一起散步。故答案为正确。
(4)句意:乌龟先生有点吵。根据原文Mr Frog is a little noisy.可知青蛙先生有点吵。故答案为错误。
(5)句意:昨天他们去了池塘电影院。根据原文Yesterday they went to Pond Cinema together.可知昨天他们去了池塘电影院。故答案为正确。
【解析】【分析】句意:怀特先生是我的英语老师。他……英国。be from,来自,后面接地点,表示来自某地。故答案为from.
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆在课堂……他的堂兄踢足球。with sb和某人,介词短语;after class课后,介词短语。故答案为with,after.
【解析】【分析】句意:你对他们打招呼了吗?say hello to sb,表示对某人打招呼,固定搭配。故答案为to.
【点评】本题考查了固定搭配say hello to sb,注意牢记固定搭配拼写。
【知识点】There be句型
【解析】【分析】句意:桌子上有两个苹果和一个梨。本句是there be句型,根据就近原则,apples苹果,是名词复数,be用are,过去式是were,与选项B相匹配。故选B.
【点评】本题考查了there be句型。
【解析】【分析】句意:太……了。不要太……。本句是系表结构,be+形容词;后句a lot of许多的,修饰名词,A吵闹的,形容词;吵闹的,形容词;B吵闹的,形容词;吵闹,名词;C吵闹,名词;吵闹,名词,与选项B相匹配。故选B.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们来自哪里?be from=come from,来自,本句主语是复数,be用are;用come from,助动词用do,此处用be from,与选项A相匹配。故选A.
28.【答案】Who are your neighbours
【解析】【分析】句意:格林一家是我的邻居。根据划线部分是人,用疑问词谁who 引导,后面接一般疑问句,句意为:谁是我的邻居?故答案为Who are your neighbours
29.【答案】Did you play with Sam this morning
【解析】【分析】句意:今天早上我和萨姆一起玩。本句是一般过去时,变一般疑问句,主语变第二人称you,你,助动词用did,谓语动词用原形,played动词原形是play,句意为:今天早上你和萨姆一起玩了吗?故答案为Did you play with Sam this morning
30.【答案】Kitty met them this morning.
【解析】【分析】句意:凯蒂早上和他们见面。this morning今天早上,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语动词用过去式,meet动词过去式是met,句意为:基蒂今天早上见过他们。故答案为Kitty met them this morning.
31.【答案】The owl was a noisy neighbour.
【解析】【分析】owl猫头鹰,neighbour邻居,was是,a一个,the这,noisy吵闹的,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:猫头鹰是个吵闹的邻居。故答案为The owl was a noisy neighbour.
32.【答案】Many rabbits sleep in holes today.
【解析】【分析】sleep睡觉,many许多的,in在……里,holes洞,rabbits兔子,today今天,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:今天许多兔子睡在洞里。故答案为Many rabbits sleep in holes today.
【解析】【分析】句意:—你女儿昨晚睡得早吗?—不,她……。last night昨晚,是一般过去时的时间状语,可知本句是一般过去时的一般疑问句,助动词用did,答语主语+didn't,表示没有。故答案为Did,didn't.
【解析】【分析】句意:—你的邻居是谁?—……。问句主语neighbours是名词复数,be用are;White怀特,the Whites表示怀特一家。故答案为are,Whites.
【解析】【分析】句意:请停止……。我现在不能……电视了。stop doing sth,停止做某事,固定搭配,talk,说话-talking;can能,是情态动词,后面接动词原形,watch看。故答案为talking,watch.
【点评】本题考查了固定搭配stop doing sth,情态动词和动词原形。
【解析】【分析】句意:杰克晚上从不早……,但他今晚……得很早。前半句at night在晚上,是一般现在时的时间状语,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,sleep动词单三形式是sleeps,睡觉;后半句tonight,今晚,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语动词用过去式,sleep动词过去式是slept,睡觉。故答案为sleeps,slept.
【解析】【分析】A. I help people.我帮助别人。
B. I usually get people out of fire.我通常把人从火中救出。
C. I'm a policeman.我是一个警察。
D. I'm your new neighbour.我是你的新邻居。
E. What's your job 你的工作是什么?
(1)根据上文Hello, I'm John Chen.你好,我是陈约翰。下文回答是某人。故答案为D.
(2)根据上文What do you do, Mr Chen 你是做什么的,陈先生?下文回答职业。故答案为C.
(3)根据上文What do you usually do 你通常做什么?下文回答做某事。故答案为A.
(4)根据下文I'm a fireman.我是消防员。上文询问是做什么的。故答案为E.
(5)根据上文I'm a fireman.我是消防员。下文回答是职业性质。故答案为B.
(3)句意:我……在那里。be born出生,固定搭配,本句主语是一般过去时,主语是第一人称,be用was,与选项B相匹配。故答案为B.
(4)句意:太……了!A美丽的;B糟糕的;C健康的,根据the Yu Garden豫园,形容豫园美丽,不能说糟糕和健康的,与选项A相匹配。故答案为A.
40.【答案】half past seven;goes to work;eight o'clock;comes home;nine o'clock
(1)句意:我……上学。根据 I go to school at half past seven. 可知杰克七点半上学,half past seven七点半。故答案为half past seven.
(2)句意:不,他五点钟……。根据 I get up at seven o'clock, my father is working and my mother is sleeping. 可知当杰克七点钟起床时,我爸爸在工作,goes to work上班。故答案为goes to work.
(3)句意:我晚上……回家。根据 I go home at eight o'clock in the evening. 可知杰克晚上八点回家,eight o'clock八点。故答案为eight o'clock.
(4)句意:不,她十点钟……。根据She comes home at ten o'clock in the evening.可知杰克妈妈十点钟回家,comes home回家。故答案为comes home.
(5)句意:我……上床睡觉。根据 I go to bed at nine o'clock.可知杰克九点钟上床睡觉,nine o'clock九点钟。故答案为nine o'clock.
(1)句意:噪音王国的人们喜欢制造噪音。根据In the Noise Kingdom, people like to make noise.可知噪音王国的人们喜欢制造噪音。故答案为正确。
(2)句意:国王生日那天人们都想保持安静。根据The king's birthday was coming. He wanted to hear the loudest noise in the world.可知国王生日那天人们都想听世界上最响的声音。故答案为错误。
(3)句意:人们不喜欢这个男孩的主意。根据A boy said, "Let's just open our own mouths and listen." All the people heard about his idea. 可知所有的人都听到了他的想法。故答案为错误。
(4)句意:国王生日那天,大家都保持沉默。根据At twelve o'clock on the king's birthday, all the people just open their mouths and listen.可知国王生日那天,大家都保持沉默。故答案为正确。
(5)句意:噪音王国在国王生日后仍然很吵。根据The king said, "What nice sounds! I like them." After that, the Noise Kingdom became quiet. People did everything quietly.可知噪音王国在国王生日后很安静。故答案为错误。
42.【答案】My neighbours
The Greens are my neighbours. They are from Nanjing. Mr Green is a writer, and Mrs Green is a teacher. They have a son and a daughter, Mike and Nancy. I sometimes meet them in the morning. But I didn't see them this morning. I played with Mike and Nancy last weekend. We had a good time.
牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4 同步练习(含听力音频)
【解析】【听力原文】⑴The rabbit dug the hole.
⑵The restaurant is too noisy. I can't hear you.
⑶The children are in their classroom.
⑷Mr Green has two daughters.
⑸My neighbour has a son.
A.I was very happy.
B.I went to the cinema with my friend.
【解析】【听力原文】Where did you go yesterday, Miss Guo
A.Yes, they did. B.Yes, they are.
【解析】【听力原文】Are the Whites your neighbours, Jill
A.No, he didn't. B.He went swimming.
【解析】【听力原文】Did your son go swimming last Sunday
A.That's very noisy. B.I'm sorry.
【解析】【听力原文】Please stop making so much noise. I'm reading.
A.That's a good idea. B.It's healthy.
【解析】【听力原文】Let's dig a hole and sleep in it, Little Rabbit.
7.Sam is my    . He lives next door to    .
【解析】【听力原文】Sam is my neighbour. He lives next door to me.
8.My uncle has a    .     name is Mary.
【解析】【听力原文】My uncle has a daughter. Her name is Mary.
9.Peter has a    , Tom. Tom is his uncle's    .
【解析】【听力原文】Peter has a cousin, Tom. Tom is his uncle's son.
10.Please stop making    . We are in the     now.
【解析】【听力原文】Please stop making noise. We are in the library now.
11.The rabbits     a hole and     in it.
【解析】【听力原文】The rabbits dug a hole and slept in it.
(1)Mr Turtle and Mr Frog are neighbours.
(2)They never listen to music together.
(3)They don't take a walk together.
(4)Mr Turtle is a little noisy.
(5)They went to Pond Cinema yesterday.
【解析】【听力原文】 Mr Turtle and Mr Frog both live by the lake. They are neighbours. They usually play chess together. Sometimes they listen to music in Mr Fox's house. They do not take a walk together because Mr Turtle walks too slowly. Mr Frog is a little noisy. Mr Turtle asks him to be quiet. And Mr Frog listens to him. Yesterday they went to Pond Cinema together. And they liked the film very much.
【分析】(1)句意:乌龟先生和青蛙先生是邻居。根据原文Mr Turtle and Mr Frog both live by the lake. They are neighbours.可知乌龟先生和青蛙先生是邻居。故答案为正确。
(2)句意:他们从不一起听音乐。根据原文Sometimes they listen to music in Mr Fox's house.可知有时他们一起听音乐。故答案为错误。
(3)句意:他们不一起散步。根据原文They do not take a walk together because Mr Turtle walks too slowly.可知他们不一起散步。故答案为正确。
(4)句意:乌龟先生有点吵。根据原文Mr Frog is a little noisy.可知青蛙先生有点吵。故答案为错误。
(5)句意:昨天他们去了池塘电影院。根据原文Yesterday they went to Pond Cinema together.可知昨天他们去了池塘电影院。故答案为正确。
13.I had some fish and rice     dinner.
14.The owl lived     a tree. The rabbits lived     the tree.
15.Mr White is my English teacher. He is     the UK.
【解析】【分析】句意:怀特先生是我的英语老师。他……英国。be from,来自,后面接地点,表示来自某地。故答案为from.
16.Tom played football     his cousin     class.
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆在课堂……他的堂兄踢足球。with sb和某人,介词短语;after class课后,介词短语。故答案为with,after.
17.Did you say hello     them
【解析】【分析】句意:你对他们打招呼了吗?say hello to sb,表示对某人打招呼,固定搭配。故答案为to.
【点评】本题考查了固定搭配say hello to sb,注意牢记固定搭配拼写。
18.Sam is my cousin. He is my aunt's ________.
A.daughter B.son C.father
19.________ are my neighbours.
A.The Blacks B.The Black C.Mr Black
20.There ________ two apples and a pear on the table.
A.was B.were C.is
【知识点】There be句型
【解析】【分析】句意:桌子上有两个苹果和一个梨。本句是there be句型,根据就近原则,apples苹果,是名词复数,be用are,过去式是were,与选项B相匹配。故选B.
【点评】本题考查了there be句型。
21.—Did the rabbits ________ a hole
—Yes, they ________ a hole yesterday.
A.dig; dig B.dug; dug C.dig; dug
22.Today many rabbits sleep in holes, because it's very ________ underground.
A.quite B.noisy C.quiet
23.—________ do many rabbits sleep
—In holes.
A.Where B.Who C.What
24.It's ________. Don't make a lot of ________.
A.noisy; noisy B.noisy; noise C.noise; noise
【解析】【分析】句意:太……了。不要太……。本句是系表结构,be+形容词;后句a lot of许多的,修饰名词,A吵闹的,形容词;吵闹的,形容词;B吵闹的,形容词;吵闹,名词;C吵闹,名词;吵闹,名词,与选项B相匹配。故选B.
25.We help ________ and they help ________.
A.them; us B.them; we C.they; us
26.There was ________ owl and ________ rabbit.
A.a; an B.an; an C.an; a
27.Where ________ they from
A.are B.are come C.do
【解析】【分析】句意:他们来自哪里?be from=come from,来自,本句主语是复数,be用are;用come from,助动词用do,此处用be from,与选项A相匹配。故选A.
28.The Greens are my neighbours. (就画线部分提问)
【答案】Who are your neighbours
【解析】【分析】句意:格林一家是我的邻居。根据划线部分是人,用疑问词谁who 引导,后面接一般疑问句,句意为:谁是我的邻居?故答案为Who are your neighbours
29.I played with Sam this
morning. (变成一般疑问句)
【答案】Did you play with Sam this morning
【解析】【分析】句意:今天早上我和萨姆一起玩。本句是一般过去时,变一般疑问句,主语变第二人称you,你,助动词用did,谓语动词用原形,played动词原形是play,句意为:今天早上你和萨姆一起玩了吗?故答案为Did you play with Sam this morning
30.Kitty meets them in the
morning. (把in the morning 变成this
【答案】Kitty met them this morning.
【解析】【分析】句意:凯蒂早上和他们见面。this morning今天早上,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语动词用过去式,meet动词过去式是met,句意为:基蒂今天早上见过他们。故答案为Kitty met them this morning.
31.owl neighbour
was a the noisy ( . )(连词成句)
【答案】The owl was a noisy neighbour.
【解析】【分析】owl猫头鹰,neighbour邻居,was是,a一个,the这,noisy吵闹的,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:猫头鹰是个吵闹的邻居。故答案为The owl was a noisy neighbour.
32.sleep many in holes rabbits today (
. )(连词成句)
【答案】Many rabbits sleep in holes today.
【解析】【分析】sleep睡觉,many许多的,in在……里,holes洞,rabbits兔子,today今天,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:今天许多兔子睡在洞里。故答案为Many rabbits sleep in holes today.
33.—    (do) your daughter go to bed early last night
—No, she     (do).
【解析】【分析】句意:—你女儿昨晚睡得早吗?—不,她……。last night昨晚,是一般过去时的时间状语,可知本句是一般过去时的一般疑问句,助动词用did,答语主语+didn't,表示没有。故答案为Did,didn't.
34.— Who     (be) your neighbours
—The     (White).
【解析】【分析】句意:—你的邻居是谁?—……。问句主语neighbours是名词复数,be用are;White怀特,the Whites表示怀特一家。故答案为are,Whites.
35.I     (buy) some     (vegetable) in the supermarket yesterday.
36.Please stop     (talk). I can't     (watch) TV now.
【解析】【分析】句意:请停止……。我现在不能……电视了。stop doing sth,停止做某事,固定搭配,talk,说话-talking;can能,是情态动词,后面接动词原形,watch看。故答案为talking,watch.
【点评】本题考查了固定搭配stop doing sth,情态动词和动词原形。
37.Jack never     (sleep) early at night, but he    (sleep ) early tonight.
【解析】【分析】句意:杰克晚上从不早……,但他今晚……得很早。前半句at night在晚上,是一般现在时的时间状语,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,sleep动词单三形式是sleeps,睡觉;后半句tonight,今晚,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语动词用过去式,sleep动词过去式是slept,睡觉。故答案为sleeps,slept.
A. I help people. B. I usually get people out of fire. C. I'm a policeman. D. I'm your new neighbour. E. What's your job
John: Hello, I'm John Chen.     I live in Room 301. I moved here last week.
Peter: Hello, I'm Peter. What do you do, Mr Chen
Peter: That's cool! What do you usually do
John:     Sometimes I catch bad people.
Peter: Do you like your job
John: Yes.    
Peter: I'm a fireman.    
【解析】【分析】A. I help people.我帮助别人。
B. I usually get people out of fire.我通常把人从火中救出。
C. I'm a policeman.我是一个警察。
D. I'm your new neighbour.我是你的新邻居。
E. What's your job 你的工作是什么?
(1)根据上文Hello, I'm John Chen.你好,我是陈约翰。下文回答是某人。故答案为D.
(2)根据上文What do you do, Mr Chen 你是做什么的,陈先生?下文回答职业。故答案为C.
(3)根据上文What do you usually do 你通常做什么?下文回答做某事。故答案为A.
(4)根据下文I'm a fireman.我是消防员。上文询问是做什么的。故答案为E.
(5)根据上文I'm a fireman.我是消防员。下文回答是职业性质。故答案为B.
Sally met her neighbour Mrs
Wang this morning.
Sally: Hello, Mrs Wang! I
didn't see you (1) Where (2) you
Mrs Wang: I went to Shanghai.
My daughter studies there.
Sally: Shanghai is my
hometown. I (3) there. Did you have a good time
Mrs Wang: Yes, I did. We went
to the Yu Garden (豫园). It was (4) !
Sally: Did you eat (5) nice
Mrs Wang: Yes, we did. The
Xiaolongbao was wonderful!
(1)A.every week B.last week C.next week
(2)A.is B.was C.were
(3)A.were born B.was born C.am born
(4)A.beautiful B.terrible C.healthy
(5)A.some B.a C.any
(3)句意:我……在那里。be born出生,固定搭配,本句主语是一般过去时,主语是第一人称,be用was,与选项B相匹配。故答案为B.
(4)句意:太……了!A美丽的;B糟糕的;C健康的,根据the Yu Garden豫园,形容豫园美丽,不能说糟糕和健康的,与选项A相匹配。故答案为A.
My name is Jack. I am eight years old. My father is a cook. He goes to work at five o'clock in the morning. My mother is a shop assistant. She goes to work at half past nine. She comes home at ten o'clock in the evening. When I get up at seven o'clock, my father is working and my mother is sleeping. I go to school at half past seven. After school, I go to my grandma's home. I eat dinner and do my homework there. Sometimes I watch TV and play with my grandma's dog. I like it very much. I go home at eight o'clock in the evening. I go to bed at nine o'clock.
Miss Li: What time do you go to school, Jack
Jack: I go to school at    .
Miss Li: Can you see your father in the morning
Jack: No. He     at five o'clock.
Miss Li: What time do you go home
Jack: I go home at     in the evening.
Miss Li: Can you see your mother in the evening
Jack: No. She     at ten o'clock. I go to bed at    .
【答案】half past seven;goes to work;eight o'clock;comes home;nine o'clock
(1)句意:我……上学。根据 I go to school at half past seven. 可知杰克七点半上学,half past seven七点半。故答案为half past seven.
(2)句意:不,他五点钟……。根据 I get up at seven o'clock, my father is working and my mother is sleeping. 可知当杰克七点钟起床时,我爸爸在工作,goes to work上班。故答案为goes to work.
(3)句意:我晚上……回家。根据 I go home at eight o'clock in the evening. 可知杰克晚上八点回家,eight o'clock八点。故答案为eight o'clock.
(4)句意:不,她十点钟……。根据She comes home at ten o'clock in the evening.可知杰克妈妈十点钟回家,comes home回家。故答案为comes home.
(5)句意:我……上床睡觉。根据 I go to bed at nine o'clock.可知杰克九点钟上床睡觉,nine o'clock九点钟。故答案为nine o'clock.
the Noise Kingdom(王国), people like to make noise. They did everything loudly. Everyone
was a noisy neighbour.
king's birthday was coming. He wanted to hear the loudest(最大声的) noise in the
world. So all the people must shout together at twelve o'clock on his birthday.
wanted to hear the loudest noise in the world. A boy said, "Let's just
open our own mouths and listen." All the people heard about his idea.
twelve o'clock on the king's birthday, all the people just open their mouths
and listen. They heard the sounds of the birds and the rivers.
king said, "What nice sounds! I like them." After that, the Noise
Kingdom became quiet. People did everything quietly.
(1)People in the Noise Kingdom liked to make noise.
(2)The king wanted people to keep quiet on his birthday.
(3)People did not like the boy's idea.
(4)On the king's birthday, everyone kept quiet.
(5)The Noise Kingdom was still noisy after the king's birthday.
(1)句意:噪音王国的人们喜欢制造噪音。根据In the Noise Kingdom, people like to make noise.可知噪音王国的人们喜欢制造噪音。故答案为正确。
(2)句意:国王生日那天人们都想保持安静。根据The king's birthday was coming. He wanted to hear the loudest noise in the world.可知国王生日那天人们都想听世界上最响的声音。故答案为错误。
(3)句意:人们不喜欢这个男孩的主意。根据A boy said, "Let's just open our own mouths and listen." All the people heard about his idea. 可知所有的人都听到了他的想法。故答案为错误。
(4)句意:国王生日那天,大家都保持沉默。根据At twelve o'clock on the king's birthday, all the people just open their mouths and listen.可知国王生日那天,大家都保持沉默。故答案为正确。
(5)句意:噪音王国在国王生日后仍然很吵。根据The king said, "What nice sounds! I like them." After that, the Noise Kingdom became quiet. People did everything quietly.可知噪音王国在国王生日后很安静。故答案为错误。
42.请试着用英语描述一下自己的邻居,他们来自哪里,做什么工作,他们的家庭成员的情况等。(要求: 语句通顺,条理清楚,字迹工整,不少于5句话)
【答案】My neighbours
The Greens are my neighbours. They are from Nanjing. Mr Green is a writer, and Mrs Green is a teacher. They have a son and a daughter, Mike and Nancy. I sometimes meet them in the morning. But I didn't see them this morning. I played with Mike and Nancy last weekend. We had a good time.

  • 牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4 同步练习(含听力音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月09日  所属分类:作业答案