人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing Reading and Thinking 课时把关练 (含答案)

Part I Reading and Thinking
Ⅰ. 单词拼写
1. To my great joy,the p       (包裹)my family mailed to me contained a new tablet and my cotton secondary school uniforms.
2. On the dusty table beside the w       (洗手间), there were some rubber tubes covered with dust.
3. Steven’s rigid friend wanted to m       (邮寄) a parcel to his father who works in a circus.
4. Some little boys are standing in the s       (阴凉处) of an apple tree and looking at the ripe apples on it.
5. In this s       (初级的)school,students usually wear uniforms made of cotton.
6. A chemist with wrinkles on his f       (前额) removed the weeds from the garden and cleaned the dust in the doorway.
7. In the hut,on the p       (平台)beside the fire-place,there is a kettle,a pan,some saucers and a vase made of clay.
8. The chemist put something into the t       (管状物)of water and soon some bubbles rose from it.
9. The chemist was thought of as a r       (固执的)person who always did things in his own way.
10. I feel it a privilege to be offered such a nice chance to comment on the h        (住房)market.
Ⅱ. 用所给短语的适当形式填空
the other day,a chorus of,have no concept of,adapt to, to be honest,make a difference,not to mention,come across,participate in,dry up
1.       ,I’d like to question you on your views about the housing problems.
2. My friend and I had a barbecue on the beach        and I wrapped the leftovers and took them home.
3. I        my friend in the doorway,and after a handshake,he dragged himself away along the street.
4. It was a privilege for me to be chosen to        an exchange study program.
5. By staying connected,we can all        no matter where we are in the world.
6. Taking some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to        the Chinese language environment.
7. The merchant has a big house and an expensive car,         a villa(别墅)in France.
8. To his surprise,his proposal was greeted with        laughter.
9. Soon after the rain,warm breezes from the South        the streets.
10. A handful of college students spend money like water and        thrift(节俭)in their mind.
Ⅲ . 单句语法填空
1. The students in this secondary school have no concept of       (do)experiments.
2. She decided to major in chemistry in college because she wanted to be a       (chemistry)by profession.
3. Being a teacher,it is a privilege        (help) students to obtain knowledge and better themselves.
4. Beside the hut,colorful and exotic flowers       (shade) by towering rare trees.
5. This truck was heading on a        (dust)dirt road,disappearing into a small valley.
6. The       (house) problems came up at the meeting once again yesterday.
7. My friends and I have been dying        (have) a barbecue for a long time.
8. There’s no electricity         running water and not even textbooks.
Ⅳ. 练通句型
1. 爬山者用了大约三个小时才爬到泰山顶上。
①           the climbers about 3 hours           up to the top of Mount Tai.(it 作形式主语)
② The climbers       about 3 hours      up to the top of Mount Tai.(spend)
2. 我刚想打个电话给你,你就敲门了。
① I                                          you knocked on the door.(be about to do...when)
② I                                           you knocked on the door.(be going to do...when)
3. 安妮好像对明天的面试不太有信心。
①                 Annie is not very confident of tomorrow’s interview.(it 作形式主语)
② Annie                      very confident of tomorrow’s interview.(动词不定式作表语)
4. Without doubt,China will present to the world a successful and unforgettable exposition.
→                         .(含同位语从句的复合句)
5. Film has a much shorter history,especially when it is compared to such art forms as music and painting.
→ Film has a much shorter history,                           .(省略句)
I worked at a bush school 1.      classrooms were made of bamboo and roofs of grass. There was no electricity 2.      running water there. Many of the students walked a long way 3.      (get) to school. I hoped to make some 4.      (different) to the children’s lives by teaching them. One day,another teacher and I visited Tombe’s home. When we 5.      (arrive) at the village,Tombe’s mother saw us coming and started crying “ieee ieee”. Tombe’s father led 6.      (we) to his house,a low,round bamboo hut with grass 7.      (stick) out of the roof,where I could only see one broom,a few saucers,a kettle,cups,pans,and a couple of jars. 8.      they ate were sweet potatoes,ripe corn and greens. I loved listening to the family talking 9.      (soft) to each other in their language,even though I could not participate much in the conversation. We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm
10.      (handshake).
  In 1916,two girls of wealthy families,best friends from Auburn,N. Y.—Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood—traveled to a settlement in the Rocky Mountains to teach in a one-room schoolhouse. The girls had gone to Smith College. They wore expensive clothes. So for them to move to Elkhead,Colo. to instruct the children whose shoes were held together with string was a surprise. Their stay in Elkhead is the subject of Nothing Daunted:The Unexpected Education of Two Society Girls in the West by Dorothy Wickenden,who is a magazine editor and Dorothy Woodruff’s granddaughter.
  Why did they go then Well,they wanted to do something useful. Soon,however,they realized what they had undertaken.
  They moved in with a local family,the Harrisons,and,like them,had little privacy,rare baths,and a blanket of snow on their quilt when they woke up in the morning. Some mornings,Rosamond and Dorothy would arrive at the schoolhouse to find the children weeping from the cold. In spring,the snow was replaced by mud over ice.
  In Wickenden’s book,she expanded on the history of the West and also on feminism,which of course influenced the girls’ decision to go to Elkhead. A hair-raising section concerns the building of the railroads,which entailed(牵涉)drilling through the Rockies,often in blinding snowstorms. The book ends with Rosamond and Dorothy’s return to Auburn.
  Wickenden is a very good storyteller. The sweep of the land and the stoicism(坚忍)of the people move her to some beautiful writing. Here is a picture of Dorothy Woodruff,on her horse,looking down from a hill top:“When the sun slipped behind the mountains,it shed a rosy glow all around them. Then a full moon rose. The snow was marked only by small animals:foxes,coyotes,mice,and varying hares,which turned white in the winter.”
1. Why did Dorothy and Rosamond go to the Rocky Mountains
A. To teach in a school. B. To study American history.
C. To write a book. D. To do sightseeing.
2. What can we learn about the girls from paragraph 3
A. They enjoyed much respect. B. They had a room with a bathtub.
C. They lived with the local kids. D. They suffered severe hardships.
3. Which part of Wickenden’s writing is hair-raising
A. The extreme climate of Auburn. B. The living conditions in Elkhead.
C. The railroad building in the Rockies. D. The natural beauty of the West.
4. What is the text
A. A news report.   B. A book review. C. A children’s story.  D. A diary entry.
  When I was 9,we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived at Heathrow,London on a gray January morning. Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days,I felt at a loss and out of place. Until I made a discovery.
  Southbank,at an eastern bend in the Thames,is the center of British skateboarding,where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing. I loved it. I soon made friends with the local skaters. We spoke our own language. And my favorite:Safe. Safe meant cool. It meant hello. It meant don’t worry about it. Once,when trying a certain trick on the beam(横杆),I fell onto the stones,damaging a nerve in my hand,and Toby came over,helping me up:Safe,man. Safe. A few minutes later,when I landed the trick,my friends beat their boards loud,shouting:“Safe! Safe! Safe!”And that’s what mattered—landing tricks,being a good skater.
  When I was 15,my family moved to Washington. I tried skateboarding there,but the locals were far less welcoming. Within a couple of years,I’d given it up.
  When I returned to London in 2004,I found myself wandering down to Southbank,spending hours there. I’ve traveled back several times since,most recently this past spring. The day was cold but clear;tourists and Londoners stopped to watch the skaters. Weaving(穿梭)among the kids who rushed by on their boards,I found my way to the beam. Then a rail-thin teenager,in a baggy white T-shirt,skidded(滑)up to the beam. He sat next to me. He seemed not to notice the man next to him. But soon I caught a few of his glances.“I was a local here 20 years ago,”I told him. Then,slowly,he began to nod his head.“Safe,man. Safe.”
  “Yeah,”I said.“Safe.”
5. What can we learn about the author soon after he moved to London
A. He felt disappointed. B. He gave up his hobby.
C. He liked the weather there. D. He had disagreements with his family.
6. What do the underlined words“Safe! Safe! Safe!”probably mean
A. Be careful! B. Well done! C. No way! D. Don’t worry!
7. Why did the author like to spend time in South-bank when he returned to London
A. To join the skateboarding. B. To make new friends.
C. To learn more tricks. D. To relive his childhood days.
8. What message does the author seem to convey in the text
A. Children should learn a second language. B. Sport is necessary for children’s health.
C. Children need a sense of belonging. D. Seeing the world is a must for children.
  A handwritten letter a 20-year-old job seeker penned to his“future employer”has reached millions. The note
makes a simple request:“Take a  1  on me.”
  Ryan Lowry is autistic(自闭症的)—com-munication is  2  for him. But Lowry had his eye on his  3  pursuits,so he decided to post a letter in which he expressed his wish to  4  a job in the animation industry.
  After several rounds of revisions,he wrote the final draft  5  on a sheet of lined paper,and  6  it on the Internet.
About three weeks later,the letter had been  7  more than 7 million times. Thousands of comments
 8 . People said they were drawn to the bravery of the author and the clarity of his 9 :
“Dear Future Employer:I have autism,but I am good with technology and a really quick  10 .I am interested in a job in animation. I  11  that you will have to take a chance on me,but I promise if you  12 
and teach me,you’ll be  13  at what you did.”
  Ryan Lowry has started one-on-one sessions at a non-profit organization named A Place To Be. With the support of the organization,he wrote a song to show his  14  for the outpouring of love:
  Thank you for reading,so I can keep dreaming. Thank you for  15  me for who I am.
1. A. chance B. comment C. photo D. sample
2. A. boring B. interesting C. challenging D. amazing
3. A. academic B. professional C. artistic D. political
4. A. land B. quit C. offer D. lose
5. A. quickly B. randomly C. happily D. neatly
6. A. prepared B. reported C. shared D. searched
7. A. opened B. viewed C. received D. rejected
8. A. joined in B. poured in C. pulled in D. tuned in
9. A. message B. thought C. vision D. sound
10. A. author B. teacher C. learner D. painter
11. A. believe B. wonder C. assume D. realize
12. A. fire B. reach C. hire D. ignore
13. A. angry B. glad C. regretful D. painful
14. A. appreciation B. determination C. expectation D. admiration
15. A. keeping B. saving C. helping D. seeing
Part I Reading and Thinking
Ⅰ. 1. parcel 2. washroom 3. mail 4. shade 5. secondary 6. forehead 7. platform 8. tube 9. rigid 
10. housing
Ⅱ . 1. To be honest 2. the other day 3. came across 4. participate in 5. make a difference  6. adapt to
7. not to mention 8. a chorus of  9. dried up 10. have no concept of
Ⅲ . 1. doing  句意:这所中学的学生没有做实验的概念。
2. chemist  句意:她决定大学主修化学,因为就职业来说她想当化学家。
3. to help  句意:作为一名老师,帮助学生获得知识和提高自己是一种荣幸。
4. are shaded  句意:在小房子旁,色彩斑斓、奇异的鲜花被高大罕见的树木遮蔽。
5. dusty  句意:这辆卡车在尘土飞扬的泥路上飞驰,消失在一个小山谷里。
6. housing  句意:住房问题又一次在昨天的会上提出来了。
7. to have  句意:很长时间了,我和朋友们一直想去户外烧烤。
8. or  句意:那里没有电,没有自来水,甚至连课本都没有。
Ⅳ . 练通句型
1. ① It took,to climb It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。
 ② spent,climbing  sb. spend(s)some time doing sth. 某人花费多长时间做某事。
2. ① was about to give you a call when be about to do sth. when... 正要做某事,这时……。
 ② was going to give you a call when  be going to do sth. when... 正要做某事,这时……。
3. ① It seems that It seems that... 好像……,it 是形式主语, that 从句是真正的主语。
 ② seems not to be  seem to do sth. 好像做某事。
4. There is no doubt that China will present to the world a successful and unforgettable exposition  There is no doubt that... 毫无疑问……,that 引导的是同位语从句。
5. especially when compared to such art forms as music and painting  本句是个省略句,从句中省略了it is。
V. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者当志愿者的经历。
1. whose 考查定语从句。所填的词引导定语从句并在从句中作定语,所以填whose。
2. or 考查连词。此处是并列连词,由于是在否定句中,所以填or。
3. to get 考查非谓语动词。所填的词作目的状语,所以用动词不定式。
4. difference 考查名词。所填的词作宾语,所以用名词形式。
5. arrived 考查时态。此处讲述过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时。
6. us 考查代词。所填的词作宾语,所以用代词的宾格。
7. sticking 考查非谓语动词。此处是“with +宾语+动词-ing形式”结构,sticking作宾语补足语。
8. What 考查名词性从句。所填的词引导主语从句并在从句中作宾语,所以填What。
9. softly 考查副词。所填的词修饰动词,所以用副词形式。
10. handshakes 考查名词复数。handshake是可数名词,根据goodbyes可知,该词也要用复数形式。
VI. A【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。文章简要介绍了Dorothy Wickenden的书籍内容并对其进行了评价。
1. A 细节理解题。根据第一段中“In 1916,two girls of wealthy families,best friends from Auburn,N. Y.—Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood—traveled to a settlement in the Rocky Mountains to teach in a one-room schoolhouse.”可知,Dorothy和Rosamond去落基山脉是为了去学校里教书。
2. D 推理判断题。根据第三段中“They moved in with a local family,the Harrisons,and like them,had little privacy,rare baths,and a blanket of snow on their quilt when they woke up in the morning.”以及“In spring,the snow was replaced by mud over ice.”可知,两个女孩支教的地方生活条件非常艰苦,她们饱受磨难。
3. C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“A hair-raising section concerns the building of the railroads,which entailed drilling through the Rockies,often in blinding snowstorms.”可知,Wickenden的作品中涉及落基山脉铁路建设的这一部分是惊险的。
4. B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“The book ends with Rosamond and Dorothy’s return to Auburn.”以及最后一段中“Wickenden is a very good storyteller. The sweep of the land and the stoicism of the people move her to some beautiful writing.”可知,本文简要介绍了Wickenden的书籍内容,并对其进行了评价,所以本文是一篇书评。
5. A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days,I felt at a loss and out of place.”可知,伦敦没有作者钟爱的海滩和蓝天白云,作者感到不知所措和格格不入。由此可知,作者刚搬到伦敦时感到很失望。
6. B 词义猜测题。根据画线部分前的句意可知,作者做这个动作成功了,他的朋友们大声拍打着他们的滑板,应该是说“做得好”,故选B项。
7. D 推理判断题。根据第一、二段内容可知,作者儿时随家人搬到伦敦,一开始不适应,后来通过玩滑板融入了当地环境,结交了朋友,拥有了一段快乐的时光。第三段叙述作者一家又搬到了华盛顿,作者在那里却无法像在伦敦一样玩滑板。因此,作者回伦敦时总是会去Southbank,是要去重温儿时的快乐时光。
8. C 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者儿时随家人搬到伦敦,一开始感到格格不入,后来通过玩滑板结交了一些朋友,和朋友们说他们自己的语言。但是之后作者一家搬到华盛顿,当地人远没有那么热情,作者放弃了玩滑板。多年之后,他回到伦敦,一个陌生的少年和他说“Safe,man. Safe.”,作者回复了相同的话。由此可知,这是一种“归属感”。选项A、B、D均不符合文意。
VII. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了20岁的自闭症患者Ryan Lowry勇敢地在社交网站上发布求职信,感受到社会温暖的故事。
1. A 根据第五段中“I...that you will have to take a chance on me,but I promise if you...and teach me,you’ll be...at what you did.”可知,take a chance on me为复现短语,此题为原词复现。
2. C 根据上文信息可知,Ryan Lowry患有自闭症,借助因果关系可知,交流对他来说是“有挑战性的(challenging)”。
3. B 根据so he decided to post a letter in which he expressed his wish to...a job in the animation industry可知,他想找一份工作,所以是有“职业上的(professional)”追求。
4. A land a job意为“谋得一份工作”。
5. D 根据前半句after several rounds of revisions可知,Ryan Lowry非常重视这封求职信,不但在内容上多次修改,对字体也很重视,“整洁地(neatly)”誊抄求职信。
6. C 根据第一段第一句“A handwritten letter a 20-year-oldjob seeker penned to his‘future employer’has reached millions.”以及本句句意可知,他把这份写给“未来雇主”的求职信放在社交平台上“分享(share)”。
7. B 根据下文“Thousands of comments....”可知,这封求职信有几千条评论,说明求职信被“查看、浏览(view)”了。
8. B 根据上一句中的more than 7 million times、本句中的thousands of comments以及下一句“People said they were drawn to the bravery of the author and the clarity of his...”可知,这封求职信得到了广泛关注,因此评论“蜂拥而来(pour in)”。
9. A 根据句中的clarity(清晰)以及下文展示的信件内容可知,设空处应该填一个概括词,用于概括信件内容,即求职信传递的“信息(message)”很清晰。
10. C 根据下文求职信的内容“I...that you will have to take a chance on me,but I promise if you...and teach me,you’ll be...at what you did.”可知,他希望有人教他,此处是告诉他的未来雇主,他是一个“学习能力很强的人(quick learner)”。
11. D 根据but可知,前后为转折关系,此处语境是“我明白雇用我(这样一个自闭症患者)对你来说将是一件冒险的事情,但我保证……”,因此,此题应选择一个表示“知道、明白(realize)”的词。
12. C 根据这一段开头的Dear Future Employer可知,此处的you是未来的雇主。所以,此处是Ryan Lowry保证:如果雇用(hire)他,雇主将会为自己的决定而高兴。
13. B 根据句意可知,雇用一个自闭症患者对雇主来说将是一件冒险的事情,但根据上文“I have autism,but I am good with technology and a really quick...”可知,Ryan Lowry认为雇主如果雇用他,会对雇主有利,雇主会为此高兴(glad)。
14. A 根据本句句意可知,Ryan得到了A Place To Be这个组织的支持,收到了很多来自社会上的善意对待,所以,此处应是写歌表达“感激(appreciation)”。
15. D 根据上文信息可知,Ryan写了一首歌曲表达自己的感激之情,本空所在句是两句歌词中的一句。see可以解释为“陪伴”。Ryan Lowry感谢那些关注他的网友,支持他的所有的人,没有因为他患有自闭症而远离他。

  • 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing Reading and Thinking 课时把关练 (含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月09日  所属分类:作业答案