适用于新高考新教材2024版高考英语二轮复习题组限时满分练11应用文写作 读后续写(5份打包)

满分练(十一) 应用文写作+读后续写
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
Alice and her family went on a camping trip along the seaside.Upon arrival,Dad called for a meeting.He announced,“There are lots of jobs to be done.It’s no fun on holiday if Mum and I do all the work,so I come up with this pocket money chart.In this way,everyone has to do something,and you must do your own job every day!If you do your jobs well,you will get some extra pocket money!”
Looking at the chart,which had their names on it next to a list of jobs,the kids frowned (皱眉) at the idea.Unwillingly,they began to do their jobs.Alice washed up the dishes.Mike,the youngest brother,dried the dishes.Jeff,Alice’s twin brother,took their dog for a walk.
The next day they went to the beach.After playing some time in the sea,they went to look for shells along the beach.Suddenly,Alice found a strange-looking rock.She picked it up and showed it to Dad.“You’ve found a fossil (化石)!It was once a shellfish and has turned into a rock after millions of years!” Dad said happily.Greatly inspired,Alice continued her search,determined to find a better one,but she failed.Darkness fell,and Alice had to head back to the campsite with her family in disappointment.On the way back they stopped at a shop,where Alice spotted some amazing fossils!But soon she found they were too expensive!
Back at the camp,Alice was still thinking of the amazing fossils in the shop.Suddenly an idea occurred to her,“I’ll do everyone’s job and then I can get all the extra pocket money to buy a fossil!” The next morning,Alice offered to dry the dishes and walk the dog,which greatly pleased Mike and Jeff.But things didn’t go as Alice planned.
When Dad saw Alice walking the dog,he was confused.__________________________
Later that morning,Mike and Jeff approached Alice when they found she was unhappy._
满分练(十一) 应用文写作+读后续写
Dear Peter,
I am so glad to hear from you.I’m writing to recommend you to go to Chinese Tea Culture Theme Park located in the suburban area of Beijing.
Walking along the alley,you can see lots of different “tea” characters written by famous scholars.The history of tea growing in China and the special ways of cooking different tea,such as Longjing tea,and Pu’er tea are also shown on the cultural wall in the park.Besides,the park is full of unique tea houses,which allows visitors to taste various tea.
I sincerely invite you to come here and experience our tea culture.
Li Hua
(1)位于:belocatedin;be situated in;lie in
(3)此外:besides;moreover;in addition
(4)各种各样的:various;varietiesof;varied;all kinds of
(1)Walking along the alley,you can see lots of different “tea” characters written by famous scholars.(运用了现在分词短语Walking along作状语)
(2)Besides,the park is full of unique tea houses,which allows visitors to taste various tea.(运用了关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
WhenDadsawAlicewalkingthedog,hewasconfused.Obviously,he was not happy about this.When Alice came back,Dad asked why she was doing Jeff’s job.Alice stuttered,“I...I just want to earn all the extra pocket money to buy that fossil in the shop.”“I’m sorry,Alice.I’m afraid you can’t.You all have to do the jobs—not just you.The point is that we share the jobs,” Dad said.Hearing what Dad said,Alice was taken hold of by a surge of disappointment mixed with sadness.She thought it was unfair that Dad just ignored her hard work.
Laterthatmorning,MikeandJeffapproachedAlicewhentheyfoundshewasunhappy.They presented a small box and urged her to open it.Alice had no idea what was going on,but seeing her two brothers’ eyes twinkling with eagerness,she opened it.The moment she saw what was inside,Alice jumped up with joy.It was her brothers’ extra pocket money,with which she could afford one of the fossils she dreamed about!She threw her arms around her brothers,tears welling up in her eyes.Jeff said,“Dad told us your plan.” It dawned on Alice that Dad was trying to tell her that rules are rules but love between family members never fails.
③拥抱:throw one’s arms around sb.;embrace sb.
(1)When Alice came back,Dad asked why she was doing Jeff’s job.(由When引导的时间状语从句和why引导的宾语从句)
(2)It dawned on Alice that Dad was trying to tell her that rules are rules but love between family members never fails.(由that引导的主语从句和that引导的宾语从句)满分练(十二) 应用文写作+读后续写
假定你是学生会干事李华,你校将举办一场主题为“Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Modern Education”的讲座,请你用英文为校宣传栏写一则通知,内容包括:
The Students’ Union
Boys like to be considered to be popular with others.Martin was such a young and generous boy,who thought he had loads of good friends in school.He was always showing off to his family members that he had the maximum number of friends in school.Also,he claimed how friendly he was with everyone.His family members wanted him to recognize the reality,thus not being cheated in the future.
One day as he was talking triumphantly about his friends at home again,his father called him for a bet.Father said,“Martin,I bet you for the cycle you wanted.” Martin asked,“What’s the bet ” Father thought for a while and answered,“I bet you do not have as many friends as you think.Everyone is not your real friend.I’m sure many of them are nothing more than your classmates,in other words,they are just your fair-weather friends.” Martin,without a second thought,accepted the challenge.
However,he had no idea how to test whether his classmates were real friends or not,so he asked his father about the testing way.A bright smile spread across the face of his father,“Wait a minute.I have just exactly what you need.It is a special item in my collection.Let me go and bring it.” Martin waited curiously.Several minutes later,Martin’s father returned,walking towards him and looking like he was carrying something heavy.But Martin could not see anything.
His father explained,“You see,this is a magic chair.It is invisible,and it is rather difficult to sit on it.You take this to your school.If you manage to sit on it,the special chair will activate its magic.Then you will be able to tell who are your real friends.”
The next day,brave and determined,Martin took the magic invisible chair to school.
During lunchtime,he gathered his friends and asked them to form a circle.____________
Now he could find out who were his real friends.________________________________
满分练(十二) 应用文写作+读后续写
In order to have a better understanding of AI,an outstanding online English lecture about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Modern Education will be held in the library from 2:30 p.m.to 4:00 p.m.next Friday.Here are some relevant details about it.
To begin with,the topic of the lecture is Ban or Welcome AI to Campus.As we know,AI is a new technology,which is not only eye-catching but also controversial.What’s more,every one of you will be welcome to participate in it,enjoying the lecture,having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments.
The Students’ Union
(1)举行:beheld;take place
(3)此外:what’s more;inaddition
(4)参加:participatein;take part in
(1)As we know,AI is a new technology,which is not only eye-catching but also controversial.(运用了As和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
(2)What’s more,every one of you will be welcome to participate in it,enjoying the lecture,having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments.(运用了现在分词作状语)
Duringlunchtime,hegatheredhisfriendsandaskedthemtoformacircle.Standing in the middle,Martin announced,“Friends,you are about to see my magic chair here.Watch closely.” Slowly,Martin tried sitting on the chair.But he missed and fell straight onto his backside.Everyone around him burst into laughter.He made another attempt to sit and fell again.This time,there comes a few catcalls.Martin did not give up.He kept trying and fell to the ground.The laughs continued.Squeezing out a bitter smile,he tried again and did not fall this time.He finally experienced the magic.
Nowhecouldfindoutwhowerehisrealfriends.Looking around,Martin saw four of his friends,John,Abram,Juli,and Terry carrying him up,so he didn’t fall.At the same time,many others he had thought of as friends were doing nothing but make fun of him,enjoying each and every fall.Martin returned home and narrated the day’s story to his father.Father was happy that he could find his real friends.The next day he bought a new cycle for Martin.Martin realized it was not the quantity of friends but the quality that mattered.
①仔细看:watch closely;observe carefully
②突然大笑:burst into laughter;burst out laughing
③取笑他:make fun of him;make a joke of/about him
①苦笑:a bitter smile;a wry smile
(1)Squeezing out a bitter smile,he tried again and did not fall this time.(使用了现在分词短语Squeezing out作伴随状语)
(2)Martin realized it was not the quantity of friends but the quality that mattered.(使用了强调句以及not...but...句式结构)满分练(十三) 应用文写作+读后续写
Dear Mr.Brown,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Lucy was the only child in her family.She had a quarrel with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the house angrily.She couldn’t help weeping sorrowfully when she thought of the scolding from her mother.Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours,she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat.She stood beside a stand for a while,watching the middle-aged seller busy doing his business.However,with no money in hand,she gave a sigh and had to leave.
The seller behind the stand noticed the young girl and asked,“Hey,girl,you want to have the noodles ”
“Oh,yes,but I don’t have money on me,” she replied.
“That’s nothing.I’ll treat you today,” said the man.“Come in.”
The seller brought her a bowl of noodles,the smell so attractive.As she was eating,Lucy cried silently.
“What is it ” asked the man kindly.
“Nothing.Actually,I was just touched by your kindness!” said Lucy as she wiped her tears.“Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles,while my mother drove me out of the house.She showed no care for me.She is so merciless compared to a stranger!” Hearing the words,the seller smiled,“Girl,do you really think so I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot.But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby.Can you number the times she cooked for you Have you expressed your gratitude to her ”
Lucy sat there,speechless and numb with shock;she remembered her mother’s familiar face and weathered hands.“Why didn’t I think of that A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel grateful.Why haven’t I thanked my mum for what she has done for me ”
On the way home,Lucy made up her mind to make an apology to her mother for her rudeness as soon as she arrived home.
Approaching the doorway,_________________________________________________
A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back.________________________________
满分练(十三) 应用文写作+读后续写
Dear Mr.Brown,
I am preparing to participate in the school’s English poetry recitation competition.The competition is aimed at providing a platform for the students to showcase their language skills,fluency,and expression.
I would like to ask for your help in selecting a suitable English poem for me to recite.If it isn’t too much trouble,I wanted to inquire if you would be willing to coach me in my recitation skills.I am confident that with your guidance,I would be able to improve and perform to the best of my ability.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
(1)参加:participatein;take part in
(1)If it isn’t too much trouble,I wanted to inquire if you would be willing to coach me in my recitation skills.(运用了If引导的条件状语从句)
(2)I am confident that with your guidance,I would be able to improve and perform to the best of my ability.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
Ⅱ.[语篇解读]本文是一篇记叙文。文章以人物为线索展开,讲述了小女孩Lucy和母亲争吵后离家出走,走在街上,觉得饿了,在一个卖面条的摊位前停下,摊主知道情况后,免费请她吃了一碗面并听她倾诉,她很感恩,摊主却告诉她:“我请你吃一碗面,你就感激我,你想想你的妈妈养大你,给你做了多少顿饭呢 ”Lucy顿悟,决定回家和妈妈好好沟通。
Approachingthedoorway,Lucy was very nervous and took a deep breath.Standing in front of the door,she was afraid whether her mother would forgive her for her rudeness.But when she thought of her mother’s familiar face and the noodle seller’s kind advice,she decided to knock on the door bravely.Her mother opened the door but Lucy was so ashamed that she didn’t know what to say.
Agentletouchonherhaircalledhermindback.Lucy couldn’t help crying and said,“Sorry,mom,I know I have made a big mistake.I shouldn’t have quarreled with you.I shouldn’t have run away from home.Could you forgive me ” Lucy’s mother was moved,saying, “Good girl,never mind.I also should make an apology to you for scolding you angrily.I am very worried about you.” Tears rolled down from both of their faces and they hugged each other tightly.
①推开门:open the door;push the door open
②哭了起来:can’t help crying;burst into tears
③向……道歉:say sorry to;apologize to
①羞愧/悔恨:be ashamed;feel regretful
②担心:be worried about;be concerned about
(1)Standing in front of the door,she was afraid whether her mother would forgive her for her rudeness.(使用了现在分词作状语和连接词whether引导的宾语从句)
(2)But when she thought of her mother’s familiar face and the noodle seller’s kind advice,she decided to knock on the door bravely.(使用了由when引导的时间状语从句)
(3)I shouldn’t have quarreled with you.(使用了情态动词结构shouldn’t have done sth.表示“本不应该做某事”)满分练(十四) 应用文写作+读后续写
For years,I posted pictures of my grandson,cute animals and delicious dishes,and video clips of people’s funny behaviour and the like on Meta.Moreover,I played a farm game or two on this popular social media site.I thought Meta was for fun,but I never expected a post I saw on Meta could have a significant impact on my life.
On November 12th,2010,I was on my way to a conference by plane.Suddenly,I suffered a heart attack.Luckily,there were three doctors on board.In less than a minute,I was given first aid.I survived,but months later,I was still trying to come to terms with what had happened.So I began to record how I survived this incident as well as my ideas about life on Meta daily,and started to care about Meta posts that had nothing to do with fun.
One morning in March,2011,I looked through my Meta feed and saw a friend’s post.She wrote,“Let go of anything unrealistic and all activities that do not mirror your brightest intentions for yourself.” The words touched me greatly.That night,I copied them onto a clean piece of paper and taped it to my laptop.
Actually,I was crazy about farm games then.I,along with many of my friends,played FarmVille.But one little farm game was not enough for me.I thought I needed more farms,more crops,and more livestock.All were in virtual form,of course.I had five different farms in five different games.And I spent hours on my farms every day.While attending to my virtual farms one day I looked out of the window and noticed the empty land in our backyard.
1.续写词数应为150 左右;
Then I looked at the words on the piece of paper taped to my laptop,lost in thought.____
Farming the real land was only the beginning,and I started to do more to enrich my real life.________________________________________________________________________
满分练(十四) 应用文写作+读后续写
Last Sunday witnessed a Teacher-Student Football Friendly of Senior Three in our school,which aimed to enrich students’ extracurricular life and relieve pressure.
The match was intense and exciting and both teams were in high spirits.Though the teachers took the lead by one goal in the first half,the students united into one,blocking the opponent’s three shots,and their confidence was greatly boosted.Towards the end,a student player scored a goal,sending the audience into extreme excitement.Finally,the Football Friendly ended in a draw of 1 versus 1.
The Football Friendly was well received by all participants,with students expressing gratitude for the school’s efforts to organize the event.Not only did the match help students cope with stress,but also it cultivated students’ courage and team spirit.
(1)旨在:aim to;beintendedto;be designed to;bemeantfor
(4)虽然:though;although;even though;while
(1)Last Sunday witnessed a Teacher-Student Football Friendly of Senior Three in our school,which aimed to enrich students’ extracurricular life and relieve pressure.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
(2)Though the teachers took the lead by one goal in the first half,the students united into one,blocking the opponent’s three shots,and their confidence was greatly boosted.(运用了Though引导的让步状语从句和现在分词形式作状语)
(3)Not only did the match help students cope with stress,but also it cultivated students’ courage and team spirit.(运用了not only...but also...的固定句型和Not only前置引起的部分倒装)
ThenIlookedatthewordsonthepieceofpapertapedtomylaptop,lostinthought.I realized a funny fact.I planted and harvested virtual crops for hours every day while leaving the real land outside the window untouched.This was neither a meaningful life nor an activity that mirrored my highest intentions.How could I base my happiness on unreal goals Inspired,I decided to stop playing farm games and focus on real life.To begin with,I farmed the land in our backyard actively.
Farmingthereallandwasonlythebeginning,andIstartedtodomoretoenrichmyreallife.I walked my dog in the park,spent more time with my family,climbed mountains with my friends and attended various classes.These were activities that allowed me to make better use of my spare time and develop a positive attitude.The sentence I had copied from that Meta post became a mirror I used to examine how I should spend my time and energy,enabling me to live a healthier and richer life.
①意识到:realize;be aware of;be conscious of
③决定做某事:decide to do sth.;be determined to do sth.
②积极:a positive attitude;act positively
(1)This was neither a meaningful life nor an activity that mirrored my highest intentions.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
(2)These were activities that allowed me to make better use of my spare time and develop a positive attitude.(运用了that引导的定语从句)满分练(十五) 应用文写作+读后续写
When I adopted him,he had been rescued from death inside a tightly tied black trash bag abandoned right beside a garbage truck on the road.An alert garbage man noticed the bag moving and used a metal rake (耙子) to tear open the bag to look inside.There was my shaking puppy dog.The rake damaged the nerves in his back so he limped a little,but he could run as fast as lightning.
For my dog’s first birthday,I entered him in a fun run sponsored by our local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).I’m not much of a runner,but the run was only 3 kilometers,so I thought it would be fun for both of us.
We practiced for weeks.On our practice runs,he was always eager to go and usually dragged me along behind him.I worked on his leash (拴狗链) manners so that he wouldn’t trip me on the big day.I felt we were ready for anything.
The fun run was downtown among the big buildings,so the noise of barking dogs all around us rose to a deafening pitch at the start of the race.My dog was frightened when the starting tone went off.He had trouble running in the right direction with all the confusion around us.Soon the runners began to thin out,and my dog was running straight and fast.We were passing people and making great time.I was dreaming of a gold-medal finish.
However,when we were six blocks from the finish,my dog suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes.I almost dislocated my shoulder from the sudden stop as I was pulled backward by the leash.
He was lying flat on his belly with his head down in the middle of the crossroads.At first I thought something bad had happened to him.He was shaking and sobbing.I did a quick check and couldn’t see anything wrong.I tried to get him up,but he refused.The police officer doing traffic control impatiently signed me to move away so he could release the cars.
But I couldn’t get my seventy-five-pound dog to get up.__________________________
Another half-block of carrying him brought the answer—a moving garbage truck._____
满分练(十五) 应用文写作+读后续写
Dear fellow students,
Good afternoon!I am Li Hua,chairman of the Students’ Union.It’s my privilege on behalf of the school to welcome professor Tim here,a well-known eye specialist working at Fujian Medical University.
We’re delighted to have professor Tim deliver a lecture on how to protect our eyes.He will combine theory with practice.With his expertise,the lecture is bound to raise our awareness of eye healthcare and equip us with practical strategies to safeguard our eyes.Prepare yourself to be educated and inspired.
Before I hand over to Mr.Tim,I want to say once more:thank you and welcome.
(3)发表演讲:deliver a lecture;address a lecture
(1)It’s my privilege on behalf of the school to welcome professor Tim here,a well-known eye specialist working at Fujian Medical University.(运用了现在分词作定语)
(2)We’re delighted to have professor Tim deliver a lecture on how to protect your eyes.(运用了疑问词+不定式作宾语)
ButIcouldn’tgetmyseventy-five-pounddogtogetup.The harder I tried to scoop him up from the pavement,the more he fought me.The officer yelling and cars honking,I pulled him with all my might,but in vain.Finally,I got my arm under him and lifted him up in a fireman’s carry,throwing him over my shoulder.As I staggered to the roadside,people around were taking my dog’s side,laughing I was running him too hard.I was fuming.My dog would run all day long and he wasn’t the least bit tired.
Anotherhalf-blockofcarryinghimbroughttheanswer—amovinggarbagetruck.Its sound must have hit my dog’s sensitive ears,so he cried louder and clawed at my back as we drew closer to it.I held on tighter and ran as fast as I could to get my sweet baby dog away from that scary garbage truck.I ran with him on my shoulder until I felt him relaxed,and then I set him down.He wagged his tail in gratitude for saving him from the garbage truck.Surely,we didn’t win any medals,but I won his trust forever.
①抱起:scoop up;pick up
③靠近:draw closer to;approach
(1)The harder I tried to scoop him up from the pavement,the more he fought me.(运用了“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型)
(2)The officer yelling and cars honking,I pulled him with all my might,but in vain.(运用了独立主格结构)
(3)As I staggered to the roadside,people around were taking my dog’s side,laughing I was running him too hard.(运用了As引导的时间状语从句以及现在分词作伴随状语)

  • 适用于新高考新教材2024版高考英语二轮复习题组限时满分练11应用文写作 读后续写(5份打包)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月09日  所属分类:作业答案