江苏省盐城市射阳县县城四校2023-2024八年级上学期期中阶段性自我检测英语试卷( 含答案+听力音频+听力原文)

2023 年秋学期阶段性自我检测
(考试时间:100 分钟 试卷分值:120 分 )
请认真思考,规范答题。祝你取得优异成绩!Good luck!
1.本试卷包含第 I 卷选择题(第 1~60 小题)、第 II 卷非选择题(第 61~85 小题及书面表
3.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色的 0.5 毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。
第 I 卷(选择题, 共 80 分)
一、听力(共 20 题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分)
( ) 1. Which is the man’s favourite fruit
A. B. C.
( ) 2. Which place did Tom visit last month
A. B. C.
( ) 3. How will the two speakers go to the Summer Palace
A. B. C.
( ) 4. Which kind of match will the school team have
A. B. C.
( ) 5. What time is it now
A. 10:00. B. 10:15. C. 9:45.
( ) 6. Where are the two speakers now
A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a library.
( ) 7. How often does Linda go swimming
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a month.
( ) 8. Which coat is the most expensive
A. The red one. B. The white one. C. The black one.
( ) 9. How many roses will the man buy
A. Four. B. Five. C. Nine.
( ) 10. Why did the girl lose her way yesterday evening
第 一 页 共 八 页
年级 班级 姓名 考场号___________ 座位号_____________
A. Because it was too dark.
B. Because of the thick fog.
C. Because she went too far.
B)听一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。(听两遍)
( ) 11. What will the two speakers make this morning
A. Hamburgers. B. Sandwiches. C. Milk and eggs.
( ) 12. What do the two speakers need besides bread
A. Ham and vegetables. B. Ham and butter. C. Butter and vegetables.
C)听短文, 回答问题。(听两遍)
听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。
Ways of growing strong for thin children
A wrong way * _____13_____.
* _____14_____.
Right ways * Sleep well.
* _____15_____.
( ) 13. A. Eat lots of vegetables B. Eat much food C. Do sports
( ) 14. A. Live happily B. Eat healthy food C. Drink well
( ) 15. A. Do some exercise B. Seea doctor C. Loseweight
听第二篇短文, 回答第 16-20 小题。(听两遍)
( ) 16. When did the speaker go travelling
A. Last winter holiday. B. Last summer holiday.
C. During the National Day holiday.
( ) 17. How long did it take the family to fly to Beijing
A. 1.5 hours. B. 2 hours. C. 2.5 hours.
( ) 18. How many places did they visit in Beijing
A. Three. B. Four. C. Two.
( ) 19. Which kind of local food in Beijing does the speaker like best
A. Hot pot. B. Noodles. C. Beijing duck.
( ) 20. How is the sea in Dalian in the speaker’s eyes
A. Blue but dirty. B. Blue but smelly. C. Clean and blue.
二、单项选择(共 10 题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )21. ---I think English is _______ unimportant subject.
. ---I don’t think so. It is _______ useful tool in today’s world.
A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an
( )22. ---Mum, can you tell me how to use the cooker
---Oh, I’m busy now. Why not read the yourself
A. information B. magazine C. instructions D. advertisements
( )23. ---To prepare for tomorrow's test, what should I do first
. ---____________ all your notes ready, and then make a plan.
A. Getting B. Get C. To get D. Got
( )24. The bus is coming. Let’s__________.
A. get on it B. get it on C. get off it D. get it off
( )25. --- Look! It is raining____________it was in the morning.
.---You’re right. Let’s stay at home.
A. as heavily as B. as heavy as C. heavier than D. less heavily as
第 二 页 共 八 页
( )26. ---We need to___________ a telephone in this office.
---Why Everyone has a mobile phone.
A. put up B. put on C. put in D. put out
( )27. ---Don’t you think there are too many cars in our city
---I really think so. If there are people driving,there will be noise.
A. fewer; fewer B. less; less C. less; fewer D. fewer; less
( )28. Grandma Lin didn’t know how to use the mobile phone . But now, she can use
it to chat, watch videos and buy things easily.
A. at least B. at most C. at first D. at last
( )29. --- Your dream is to be a singer, right
..--- Yes, and I will spend as much time as I can____________.
A. singing B. sing C. to sing D. to singing
( )30. —Sorry, Sandy. I'm afraid I can't go to the magic show with you this afternoon.
—__________.Maybe we can make it another time.
A. What a pity! B. Good idea. C. Do as you like. D. You're welcome.
三、完形填空(共 10 题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
Are you interested in collecting pictures or any other things
Maybe you have heard of the scrapbook(剪贴簿), but you don't
know 31 what it is. I know. Let me tell you more about it now.
Scrapbooks are useful 32 interesting things. They have been
popular for more than 500 years. People usually use scrapbooks to keep pictures, letters, poems and
other things they want to 33 .
Today people collect more things with scrapbooks. Some people have 34 collections
like the world's stupid(愚蠢的 )ideas or pictures of the strange-looking dogs. Some people even
collect 35 about bad weather.
In fact, it is easy to start making your own scrapbook. First,you should decide 36 you
want to collect. Start with just one idea. Next,you need a 37 with a white background(背景), a
pair of scissors and glue. You need the scissors to 38 the picture or the stories of magazines
and newspapers. You also need the glue to 39 them on the notebook.
You can be active and collect many things, or be 40 and collect a few things. It's up to
you. It will be interesting to make your scrapbook and you can share it with your friends.
( )31.A.exactly B.easily C.quickly D.finally
( )32.A.or B.and C.so D.but
( )33.A.forget B.remember C.borrow D.choose
( )34.A.funny B.new C.fresh D.old
( )35.A.money B.tickets C.stories D.tests
( )36.A.what B.when C.why D.who
( )37.A.magazine B.book C.letter D.notebook
( )38.A.put away B.pick up C.cut out D.cut down
( )39.A.stick B.paint C.write D.play
( )40.A.angry B.lazy C.sleepy D.lucky
四、阅读理解 (共 20 题;每小题 2分,计 40 分)
(一)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
第 三 页 共 八 页
Here are four clothing stores.
Notes: means the cheapest; means the most expensive;
★ means friendly;★★★★ means the friendliest.
Golden Point The West Village
Sell: women’s clothing and accessories(配饰) Sell: men’s clothing and second-hand clothing
Open hours: 8: 30 a.m. — 9: 30 p.m. Open hours: 8: 00 a.m. — 10: 00 p.m.
Clothes: Good Clothes: Bad
Price: Price:
Service(服务):★ Service:★★★★
Phone: 6632225 Phone: 7632646
Sports World The Cross
Sell: sports clothing Sell: children’s clothing and accessories
Open hours: 9: 00 a.m. — 9: 00 p.m. Open hours: 8: 30 a.m. — 7: 30 p.m.
Clothes: Very good Clothes:Best
Price: Price:
Service:★★★ Service:★★
Phone: 7799365 Phone: 7246911
( )41.In The Cross you can buy .
A. women’s clothing B. men’s clothing C. second-hand clothing D. children’s clothing
( )42.The West Village has .
A. the best clothes B. the worst service
C. the best service D. the most expensive clothes
( )43.The most expensive store .
A. sells women’s clothing B. sells men’s clothing
C. opens earliest each morning D. has the best clothes
Hangzhou hosts the 19th Asian Games from September 23rd to October 8th,
2023. The Games are very “smart” with the use of many exciting technologies(技
The place for the tennis finals is sometimes called the “Small Lotus(莲花)”.
On the top of the stadium(体育场), there are eight “petals”(花瓣). Each petal
weighs 160 tons. They can open and close freely. It takes 15 minutes for each
petal to open and close. It’s built this way for different kinds of weather.
What if there’s an accident during the game and the athletes need first aid(急救) Drones(无
人机)can be used to send things over. They can fly as far as 20 kilometers and travel 16 meters in
one second.
Every dish at the Asian Games should be safe and healthy to eat. In the kitchen of the athletes’
village in Hangzhou, there is a special system that can tell people’s faces. If a “stranger” goes into
the kitchen, an alarm will go off to let people know.
Do you want to walk around at the stadiums but can’t make it in person You can try the
Hangzhou Asian Games’ metaverse(元宇宙)! You can try it with an app on Alipay(支付宝).
Inside, it’s like an online cartoon world. You can enjoy the charm(魅力)of the stadiums both from
the outside and inside.
It will be sad if you can’t find your way. Augmented reality(AR,增强现实)is here to help.
There’s a mini-program called the Hangzhou Asian Games AR service. You can simply turn on your
phone’s camera, and it will see where you are and then show you the way.
( )44.What is the “Small Lotus” designed for
第 四 页 共 八 页
A. Making the stadium hold more people. B. Dealing with different weather conditions.
C. Presenting the timetable for sporting events. D. Helping drones provide first aid more quickly.
( )45. Why is an alarm set in the kitchen
A. To make sure the food is safe. B. To test whether dishes are fresh.
C. To remind cooks to prepare food. D. To prevent fire accidents during cooking.
( )46.The AR service is more attractive to ______.
A. tennis fans B. camera lovers C. people who get lost D. players who get hurt
( )47.What is the best title for the passage
A. Stadiums Built for the Hangzhou Asian Games
B. Athletes’ Village for the Hangzhou Asian Games
C. Technologies Shine at the Hangzhou Asian Games
D. Special Ways to Watch the Hangzhou Asian Games
Dorothy and her friends stop at a farm and ask the farmer’s wife the way to Glinda’s castle. It
isn’t far and soon they are standing outside the castle gate. Three pretty girls in red dresses stand in
front of it. They take Dorothy and her friends to a room inside the castle. Glinda, the Witch of the
South is sitting on a throne made of rubies(宝石). She’s very beautiful. She has long red hair and
blue eyes and she’s wearing a white dress. She smiles at Dorothy.
“What can I do for you ” she says.
“I want to go back to Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in Kansas,” Dorothy says.
Glinda bends down and kisses her.
“I can send you back to Kansas, but you must give me the Golden Cap.”
Dorothy takes off the cap and gives it to Glinda.
“What about your friends ” the Witch says. “What do they want to do ” She looks at the
Scarecrow. “I want to go back to the Emerald City,” he says. “The people there like me and I want to
be their ruler.”
“I like the Winkies and they like me,” the Tin Woodman says. “The Wicked(邪恶的)Witch of
the West is dead now and they’re free. I’d like to be their ruler.” “I don’t want to live in a city. The
forest is my home,” the Lion says. “I’d like to be the king of all the animals in the forest.”
Glinda puts on the Golden Cap and calls the Winged Monkeys.
“Take the Scarecrow back to the Emerald City. Then take the Tin Woodman to the land of the
Winkies. After that, take the Lion to the forest,” she says to the King of the Winged Monkeys.
“But what about me ” Dorothy asks. “How can I get back to Kansas The Winged Monkeys
can’t take me there.”
“Your silver shoes can take you there, Dorothy.” the Witch says. “Knock your heels(脚跟)
together three times and tell them where you want to go. That’s all!”
--- Adapted from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
( )48. How does Glinda look
A.She has short red hair. B. Her eyes are green.
C.She wears a white dress. D. She wears silver shoes.
( )49. What does Glinda ask from Dorothy
A.The throne. B. The Golden Cap. C. The silver shoes. D. A dress.
( )50. Who wants to be the Winkies’ ruler
A.Dorothy. B. The Scarecrow. C. The Tin Woodman. D. The Lion.
( )51. What will possibly happen next
A.Dorothy will go back to Kansas with her friends.
B.Dorothy and her friends will look for treasure in the forest.
C.The Winged Monkeys will take Dorothy home.
第 五 页 共 八 页
D.The four friends will say goodbye to each other.
Gordon Williams’s hobby may seem strange to people when they meet it for the first time. But
it is a traditional craft (手艺). He builds model ships inside old bottles.
Gordon has always loved ships, especially sailing ships from the old days. His interest in this
hobby began
many years ago when he visited a museum in Ottawa, Canada, where there was a show of
model ships in bottles. Gordon thought the show was wonderful. But he wondered how the
craftsman got the ship through the thin neck of the bottle. Gordon decided to find it out.
He found an old master craftsman who was willing to teach him the necessary skills. First,
Gordon takes an old bottle. Then he puts in a layer of putty (一层油灰), carefully shaped and
painted it look like the sea. Next, he builds the ship. To get the ship through the neck of the bottle,
Gordon holds down the masts (桅杆). Once the ship is inside the bottle, he takes a long, thin tool to
raise the masts.
Gordon has completed well over one hundred models. His wish is to build bigger model ships,
such as aircraft carriers. This will be more challenging (挑战的), as he will have to build the ship
actually inside the bottle. His hobby certainly needs time, patience(耐心)and a steady hand.
( )52.What do people think of Gordon’s hobby when people first meet it?
A. Unusual. B. Useful. C. Interesting. D. Traditional
( )53.For Gordon, the most difficult step that he wanted to learn was_________.
A. to shape the bottle like a ship B. to paint the layer of putty like the sea
C. to get the ship through the neck of the bottle D. to put the layer of putty into the bottle
( )54.Which of the following pictures shows the last step of Gordon's work?
A. B. C. D.
( )55.Gordon’s new plan is more challenging because he will_______.
A. make an aircraft carrier B. build more than one hundred ships
C. put a bigger model ship inside the bottle D. build a bigger model ship inside the bottle
My ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. 56 We have lots of time for
after-school activities. We don’t have to spend lots of time on homework. We only have an hour of
homework every day.
We have an hour for lunch. There is a big clean dining hall. 57 We listen to music at
lunchtime. We wear school uniforms, but we do not wear ties.
Our classes are quite small. There are about 20 students in each class. 58 I have Maths
because Maths is very interesting. I love computers, so I have computer lessons.
There is a big library in our school. 59 I can borrow ten more books each time.
There is a football field. We can play football with our classmates after school. And there is a
swimming pool. 60 We can do all kinds of sports on it.
We have lots of clubs and after-school activities. Every month, we go on a school trip. We
always have fun.
第 六 页 共 八 页
A. We can choose subjects to study.
B. I always like swimming in a lake.
C. We have lunch and chat there.
D. There are all kinds of books in it.
E.There is a big playground, too.
F. We do not need to get up early.
56. _________57. __________ 58. ___________ 59. __________ 60. ___________
第 II 卷(非选择题, 共 40 分)
五、词汇运用(共 20 题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分)
61.We usually need a pair of ▲ (剪刀)to cut out the shape of the rabbit.
62. ▲ is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. (法语).
63.____▲_______ (幸运的是) ,he could find his mother at last.
64.You can ask your parents or teachers for advice when you feel ▲ . (无助的)
65.The leaders of G20 thought that Hangzhou _____▲______ (菜)were very delicious.
finally add need minute warm up
Do you know how to make a cup of tea You may think it is easy. In fact,it is not. Now let me
tell you the steps. First, 66 your teapot by 67 hot water into it. After a while, pour the
water out and put some tea in the teapot. Next,pour fresh hot water over the tea and cover the teapot
with its cap tightly(紧紧地). Then brew the tea for five 68 . Good tea 69 much time to
brew. But the tea will be quite bitter if you brew it for too long. 70 ,pour the tea into your cup
and you can drink it.
The film One and Only《热烈》is about following dreams.
It t 71 the story of a young man named Chen Shuo. He enjoys hip-hop d 72 very
much and wants to be an excellent dancer. But he faces many p 73 . He doesn’t have enough
money, and he doesn’t get much s 74 from his family. But he is very h 75 --- he keeps trying
hard to make things better. Coach (教练) Ding Lei is w 76 to help Chen. They become good
friends. When the two are staying t 77 , they can bring a lot of fun.
In the film, we can also see lots of cool dance moves. The most exciting part is a 20-minute
hip-hop dance c 78 . Many people cheer for Chen. You may feel like you’re right there standing
w 79 the dancers.
When we follow our dreams, we may face difficulties, but we shouldn’t give up. I 80 , we
should keep trying hard just as Chen Shuo does.
71. ____________ 72. ____________ 73. ____________ 74. ____________ 75. ____________
76. ____________ 77. ____________ 78. ____________ 79. ____________ 80. ____________
(一)阅读并回答问题 (共 5 题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)
A singer once went to a master (大师). He wanted to be the best singer. He sat in front of the
master and started telling him why he visited. The master listened quietly to the singer.
The master then told the singer to go to the garden behind his house. There, a rose plant and a
tall tree were growing side by side. He told the singer, “The rose plant and the tree are your teachers.
第 七 页 共 八 页
They can teach you what you want to learn.”
The singer went into the garden, and saw the two plants. He thought hard but could not
understand what he could learn from them. He had to go back to the master and asked, “What do you
mean, master I am not able to understand what and how these plants will teach me.”
The master himself took the singer to the plants and said, “This tree has been next to the rose
plant for ten years. It has never wanted to become a rose plant. The rose plant has never wanted to
become a tree. If man were the tree, he would compare (比较) himself with the rose and feel jealous
(嫉妒的) at its beauty. Or, if man were the rose plant, he would feel jealous at its height! Both of the
plants grew very well because they grew with all their energy (精力), they never used it to beat the
根据短文回答下列问题,每题答案不超过 6 个词。
81.What did the singer want to be
82.Where was the garden
83.Who would teach the singer according to the master
84.How long had the tree been next to the rose plant
85.What do you think of the master
(二)书面表达(共 1题;计 10 分)
假如你是李华,你在英国的笔友 Andy 给你发来电子邮件,想了解你近阶段的学习、生活
To: Lihua@
From: Andyblack@Britain.com
Subject: Study & life
Dear Li Hua ,
I haven’t heard from you for a long time. I hope everything goes well. What’s your school life
like in Grade 8 Who is your best friend What’s he like
I know you like DIY very much. What DIY job do you like to do in your free time What do
you think of DIY
I’m looking forward to your reply.
All the best
1.回复邮件须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥,使全文连贯、通顺;2.词数在 80 个左右,回
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your email. I am very glad to tell you something about my study and life.
How about your study and life I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Li Hua
第 八 页 共 八 页
(考试时间:100 分钟 试卷分值:120 分 )
请认真思考,规范答题。祝你取得优异成绩!Good luck!
1.本试卷包含第 I 卷选择题(第 1~60 小题)、第 II 卷非选择题(第 61~85 小题及书面表
3.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色的 0.5 毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。
第 I卷(选择题, 共 80 分)
一、听力(共 20 题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分)
( ) 1. Which is the man’s favourite fruit
A. B. C.
( ) 2. Which place did Tom visit last month
A. B. C.
( ) 3. How will the two speakers go to the Summer Palace
A. B. C.
( ) 4. Which kind of match will the school team have
A. B. C.
( ) 5. What time is it now
A. 10:00. B. 10:15. C. 9:45.
( ) 6. Where are the two speakers now
A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a library.
( ) 7. How often does Linda go swimming
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a month.
( ) 8. Which coat is the most expensive
A. The red one. B. The white one. C. The black one.
( ) 9. How many roses will the man buy
A. Four. B. Five. C. Nine.
( ) 10. Why did the girl lose her way yesterday evening
第 1 页 共 8 页
年级 班级 姓名 考场号___________ 座位号_____________
A. Because it was too dark.
B. Because of the thick fog.
C. Because she went too far.
B)听一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。(听两遍)
( ) 11. What will the two speakers make this morning
A. Hamburgers. B. Sandwiches. C. Milk and eggs.
( ) 12. What do the two speakers need besides bread
A. Ham and vegetables. B. Ham and butter. C. Butter and vegetables.
C)听短文, 回答问题。(听两遍)
听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。
Ways of growing strong for thin children
A wrong way * _____13_____.
* _____14_____.
Right ways * Sleep well.
* _____15_____.
( ) 13. A. Eat lots of vegetables B. Eat much food C. Do sports
( ) 14. A. Live happily B. Eat healthy food C. Drink well
( ) 15. A. Do some exercise B. Seea doctor C. Loseweight
听第二篇短文, 回答第 16-20 小题。(听两遍)
( ) 16. When did the speaker go travelling
A. Last winter holiday. B. Last summer holiday.
C. During the National Day holiday.
( ) 17. How long did it take the family to fly to Beijing
A. 1.5 hours. B. 2 hours. C. 2.5 hours.
( ) 18. How many places did they visit in Beijing
A. Three. B. Four. C. Two.
( ) 19. Which kind of local food in Beijing does the speaker like best
A. Hot pot. B. Noodles. C. Beijing duck.
( ) 20. How is the sea in Dalian in the speaker’s eyes
A. Blue but dirty. B. Blue but smelly. C. Clean and blue.
二、单项选择(共 10 题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )21. People in the UK say "biscuit" while people in the USA say" ”.
A.vacation B. cookie C.fall D.soccer
( )22.—We'll have the Maths test tomorrow. I feel a little nervous.
—Believe in__________and practice more.
A.you B.your C.yourself D.yours
( )23. My best friend Tony always helps classmates ______ their lessons and he never says bad
words ______ others.
A.in; with B.with; about C. to; about D. with; in
( )24. --- Simon always shares his things with others. --- Oh, how ____________ he is!
A.generous B. polite C. friendly D. handsome
( )25.__________the door. The paint on it is still wet. It may make your clothes dirty.
A. Don't touch B.Touching C. Touch D. No touching
( )26. --- How can I get good grades in the monthly test
--- The ____________ careful you are, the ____________ mistakes you will make.
第 2 页 共 8 页
A. more; less B.much; fewer C. more; fewer D. much; more
( )27.You__________smoke in the office. It's bad for the health of all the people here.
A. should B. had better C.needn't D. shouldn't
( )28. Something is wrong with the light. Please help me__________a new one, Sam.
A. put down B. put out C.put in D. put on
( )29. As we all know, dark chocolate doesn't taste _________white chocolate, because it has
less sugar.
A. as sweet as B.as sweeter as C. as sweetly as D. as sweet than
( )30. --- We are going to Australia to spend the holiday with our new friends. --- _________.
A. Have fun B. Good luck C. Never mind D. That’s right
三、完形填空(共 10 题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
Are you interested in collecting pictures or any other things
Maybe you have heard of the scrapbook(剪贴簿), but you don't
know 31 what it is. I know. Let me tell you more about it now.
Scrapbooks are useful 32 interesting things. They have been
popular for more than 500 years. People usually use scrapbooks to keep pictures, letters, poems and
other things they want to 33 .
Today people collect more things with scrapbooks. Some people have 34 collections
like the world's stupid(愚蠢的 )ideas or pictures of the strange-looking dogs. Some people even
collect 35 about bad weather.
In fact, it is easy to start making your own scrapbook. First,you should decide 36 you
want to collect. Start with just one idea. Next,you need a 37 with a white background(背景), a
pair of scissors and glue. You need the scissors to 38 the picture or the stories of magazines
and newspapers. You also need the glue to 39 them on the notebook.
You can be active and collect many things, or be 40 and collect a few things. It's up to
you. It will be interesting to make your scrapbook and you can share it with your friends.
( )31.A.exactly B.easily C.quickly D.finally
( )32.A.or B.and C.so D.but
( )33.A.forget B.remember C.borrow D.choose
( )34.A.funny B.new C.fresh D.old
( )35.A.money B.tickets C.stories D.tests
( )36.A.what B.when C.why D.who
( )37.A.magazine B.book C.letter D.notebook
( )38.A.put away B.pick up C.cut out D.cut down
( )39.A.stick B.paint C.write D.play
( )40.A.angry B.lazy C.sleepy D.lucky
四、阅读理解 (共 20 题;每小题 2分,计 40 分)
(一)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Here are four clothing stores.
Notes: means the cheapest; means the most expensive;
★ means friendly;★★★★ means the friendliest.
第 3 页 共 8 页
Golden Point The West Village
Sell: women’s clothing and accessories(配饰) Sell: men’s clothing and second-hand clothing
Open hours: 8: 30 a.m. — 9: 30 p.m. Open hours: 8: 00 a.m. — 10: 00 p.m.
Clothes: Good Clothes: Bad
Price: Price:
Service(服务):★ Service:★★★★
Phone: 6632225 Phone: 7632646
Sports World The Cross
Sell: sports clothing Sell: children’s clothing and accessories
Open hours: 9: 00 a.m. — 9: 00 p.m. Open hours: 8: 30 a.m. — 7: 30 p.m.
Clothes: Very good Clothes:Best
Price: Price:
Service:★★★ Service:★★
Phone: 7799365 Phone: 7246911
( )41.In The Cross you can buy ______________.
A. women’s clothing B. men’s clothing C. second-hand clothing D. children’s clothing
( )42.The West Village has ___________.
A. the best clothes B. the worst service
C. the best service D. the most expensive clothes
( )43.The most expensive store ___________.
A. sells women’s clothing B. sells men’s clothing
C. opens earliest each morning D. has the best clothes
Hangzhou hosts the 19th Asian Games from September 23rd to October 8th,
2023. The Games are very “smart” with the use of many exciting technologies(技
The place for the tennis finals is sometimes called the “Small Lotus(莲花)”.
On the top of the stadium(体育场), there are eight “petals”(花瓣). Each petal
weighs 160 tons. They can open and close freely. It takes 15 minutes for each petal
to open and close. It’s built this way for different kinds of weather.
What if there’s an accident during the game and the athletes need first aid(急救) Drones(无
人机)can be used to send things over. They can fly as far as 20 kilometers and travel 16 meters in
one second.
Every dish at the Asian Games should be safe and healthy to eat. In the kitchen of the athletes’
village in Hangzhou, there is a special system that can tell people’s faces. If a “stranger” goes into
the kitchen, an alarm will go off to let people know.
Do you want to walk around at the stadiums but can’t make it in person You can try the
Hangzhou Asian Games’ metaverse(元宇宙)! You can try it with an app on Alipay(支付宝).
Inside, it’s like an online cartoon world. You can enjoy the charm(魅力)of the stadiums both from
the outside and inside.
It will be sad if you can’t find your way. Augmented reality(AR,增强现实)is here to help.
There’s a mini-program called the Hangzhou Asian Games AR service. You can simply turn on your
phone’s camera, and it will see where you are and then show you the way.
( )44.What is the “Small Lotus” designed for
A. Making the stadium hold more people. B. Dealing with different weather conditions.
C. Presenting the timetable for sporting events. D. Helping drones provide first aid more quickly.
( )45. Why is an alarm set in the kitchen
A. To make sure the food is safe. B. To test whether dishes are fresh.
第 4 页 共 8 页
C. To remind cooks to prepare food. D. To prevent fire accidents during cooking.
( )46.The AR service is more attractive to ______.
A. tennis fans B. camera lovers C. people who get lost D. players who get hurt
( )47.What is the best title for the passage
A. Stadiums Built for the Hangzhou Asian Games
B. Athletes’ Village for the Hangzhou Asian Games
C. Technologies Shine at the Hangzhou Asian Games
D. Special Ways to Watch the Hangzhou Asian Games
Dorothy and her friends stop at a farm and ask the farmer’s wife the way to Glinda’s castle. It
isn’t far and soon they are standing outside the castle gate. Three pretty girls in red dresses stand in
front of it. They take Dorothy and her friends to a room inside the castle. Glinda, the Witch of the
South is sitting on a throne made of rubies(宝石). She’s very beautiful. She has long red hair and
blue eyes and she’s wearing a white dress. She smiles at Dorothy.
“What can I do for you ” she says.
“I want to go back to Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in Kansas,” Dorothy says.
Glinda bends down and kisses her.
“I can send you back to Kansas, but you must give me the Golden Cap.”
Dorothy takes off the cap and gives it to Glinda.
“What about your friends ” the Witch says. “What do they want to do ” She looks at the
Scarecrow. “I want to go back to the Emerald City,” he says. “The people there like me and I want to
be their ruler.”
“I like the Winkies and they like me,” the Tin Woodman says. “The Wicked(邪恶的)Witch of
the West is dead now and they’re free. I’d like to be their ruler.” “I don’t want to live in a city. The
forest is my home,” the Lion says. “I’d like to be the king of all the animals in the forest.”
Glinda puts on the Golden Cap and calls the Winged Monkeys.
“Take the Scarecrow back to the Emerald City. Then take the Tin Woodman to the land of the
Winkies. After that, take the Lion to the forest,” she says to the King of the Winged Monkeys.
“But what about me ” Dorothy asks. “How can I get back to Kansas The Winged Monkeys
can’t take me there.”
“Your silver shoes can take you there, Dorothy.” the Witch says. “Knock your heels(脚跟)
together three times and tell them where you want to go. That’s all!”
--- Adapted from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
( )48. How does Glinda look
A.She has short red hair. B. Her eyes are green.
C.She wears a white dress. D. She wears silver shoes.
( )49. What does Glinda ask from Dorothy
A.The throne. B. The Golden Cap. C. The silver shoes. D. A dress.
( )50. Who wants to be the Winkies’ ruler
A.Dorothy. B. The Scarecrow. C. The Tin Woodman. D. The Lion.
( )51. What will possibly happen next
A.Dorothy will go back to Kansas with her friends.
B.Dorothy and her friends will look for treasure in the forest.
C.The Winged Monkeys will take Dorothy home.
D.The four friends will say goodbye to each other.
Growing mushrooms is probably the easiest thing you can do even if you are new to mushroom
growing. It is becoming more common because restaurants are starting to create more dishes that
include mushrooms.
第 5 页 共 8 页
Mushroom growing is easy. To start, you need to have a space where you are going to grow
these mushrooms. It does not have to be a huge space but just enough for you to grow as many
mushrooms as you need.
When you have found the space perfect for you, you can start researching(研究)what kind of
mushrooms you want to grow.There are a lot of mushrooms to choose from and not all of them are
suitable(适宜的)to eat.
When you decide what kind of mushrooms you want to grow, you can start getting ready to
plant the mushrooms. Sometimes you may want to hire some workers to help if you have a large
mushroom farm, or if you are trying to start a professional(专业的)mushroom growing business.
Trying to have a business by yourself can be stressful. If you don't have enough time to spend taking
care of everything yourself,some helpers may be the best choice.
After you have started the mushroom growing, you should regularly check that your
mushrooms grow properly and that they are not being attacked by any pesticides (农药) or any
animals or something that could be dangerous to them. That is the worst part of mushroom
developing. Protect your mushroom farm well with a fence(围栏) or a gate so that only you and
your workers can get in and out.
Mushroom growing is not difficult and it is easy to get started in the world of farming. You will
soon possibly be able to provide some of the great cooks of the world with high quality mushrooms
that will be enjoyed by thousands of people all over the world.
( )52. According to the passage, many people begin to plant mushrooms probably .
A. because they are in great need B. because they look very beautiful
C. because they are healthy food D. because they are very expensive
( )53. Which of the following is the right order of planting mushrooms
a. Choose suitable mushrooms. b. Protect your mushrooms well.
c. Find some workers to help you. d. Start to grow the mushrooms.
e.Find a place to plant your mushrooms.
A.c-a-d-b-e B.с-a-e-b-d C. e-a-c-d-b D. e-a-d-b-c
( )54. According to the passage, which sentence is NOT true
A. Although you don't know much about growing mushrooms, you can do it easily.
B. The worst part of mushroom developing is to protect your mushrooms farm well with a fence.
C. Some mushrooms aren't suitable to eat.
D. You can choose a suitable space, just big enough for you to grow mushrooms.
( )55. The best title for the passage is“ ”.
A. Healthy mushrooms B. The value of mushrooms
C. How to choose mushrooms D. Suggestions on growing mushrooms
My ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. 56 ___We have lots of time for
after-school activities. We don’t have to spend lots of time on homework. We only have an hour of
homework every day.
We have an hour for lunch. There is a big clean dining hall. 57 __We listen to music at
lunchtime. We wear school uniforms, but we do not wear ties.
Our classes are quite small. There are about 20 students in each class. 58 ____I have Maths
because Maths is very interesting. I love computers, so I have computer lessons.
There is a big library in our school. 59 ___I can borrow ten more books each time.
There is a football field. We can play football with our classmates after school. And there is a
swimming pool. 60 ___We can do all kinds of sports on it.
We have lots of clubs and after-school activities. Every month, we go on a school trip. We
第 6 页 共 8 页
always have fun.
A. We can choose subjects to study.
B. I always like swimming in a lake.
C. We have lunch and chat there.
D. There are all kinds of books in it.
E.There is a big playground, too.
F. We do not need to get up early.
56._________ 57. __________ 58. ___________ 59. __________ 60. ___________
第 II 卷(非选择题, 共 40 分)
五、词汇运用(共 20 题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分)
61.We usually need a pair of ▲ (剪刀)to cut out the shape of the rabbit.
62. ▲ is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. (法语).
63.____▲_______ (幸运的是),he could find his mother at last.
64.You can ask your parents or teachers for advice when you feel ▲ . (无助的)
65.The leaders of G20 thought that Hangzhou _____▲______ (菜)were very delicious.
finally add need minute warm up
Do you know how to make a cup of tea You may think it is easy. In fact,it is not. Now let me
tell you the steps. First, 66 your teapot by 67 hot water into it. After a while, pour the
water out and put some tea in the teapot. Next,pour fresh hot water over the tea and cover the teapot
with its cap tightly(紧紧地). Then brew the tea for five 68 . Good tea 69 much time to
brew. But the tea will be quite bitter if you brew it for too long. 70 ,pour the tea into your cup
and you can drink it.
The film One and Only《热烈》is about following dreams.
It t 71 the story of a young man named Chen Shuo. He enjoys hip-hop d 72 very
much and wants to be an excellent dancer. But he faces many p 73 . He doesn’t have enough
money, and he doesn’t get much s 74 from his family. But he is very h 75 --- he keeps trying
hard to make things better. Coach (教练) Ding Lei is w 76 to help Chen. They become good
friends. When the two are staying t 77 , they can bring a lot of fun.
In the film, we can also see lots of cool dance moves. The most exciting part is a 20-minute
hip-hop dance c 78 . Many people cheer for Chen. You may feel like you’re right there standing
w 79 the dancers.
When we follow our dreams, we may face difficulties, but we shouldn’t give up. I 80 , we
should keep trying hard just as Chen Shuo does.
71. ____________ 72. ____________ 73. ____________ 74. ____________ 75. ____________
76. ____________ 77. ____________ 78. ____________ 79. ____________ 80. ____________
(一)阅读并回答问题 (共 5 题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)
A singer once went to a master (大师). He wanted to be the best singer. He sat in front of the
master and started telling him why he visited. The master listened quietly to the singer.
The master then told the singer to go to the garden behind his house. There, a rose plant and a
tall tree were growing side by side. He told the singer, “The rose plant and the tree are your teachers.
第 7 页 共 8 页
They can teach you what you want to learn.”
The singer went into the garden, and saw the two plants. He thought hard but could not
understand what he could learn from them. He had to go back to the master and asked, “What do you
mean, master I am not able to understand what and how these plants will teach me.”
The master himself took the singer to the plants and said, “This tree has been next to the rose
plant for ten years. It has never wanted to become a rose plant. The rose plant has never wanted to
become a tree. If man were the tree, he would compare (比较) himself with the rose and feel jealous
(嫉妒的) at its beauty. Or, if man were the rose plant, he would feel jealous at its height! Both of the
plants grew very well because they grew with all their energy (精力), they never used it to beat the
根据短文回答下列问题,每题答案不超过 6 个词。
81.What did the singer want to be
82.Where was the garden
83.Who would teach the singer according to the master
84.How long had the tree been next to the rose plant
85.What do you think of the master
(二)书面表达(共 1题;计 10 分)
假如你是李华,你在英国的笔友 Andy 给你发来电子邮件,想了解你近阶段的学习、生活
To: Lihua@
From: Andyblack@Britain.com
Subject: Study & life
Dear Li Hua ,
I haven’t heard from you for a long time. I hope everything goes well. What’s your school life
like in Grade 8 Who is your best friend What’s he like
I know you like DIY very much. What DIY job do you like to do in your free time What do
you think of DIY
I’m looking forward to your reply.
All the best
1.回复邮件须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥,使全文连贯、通顺;2.词数在 80 个左右,回
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your email. I am very glad to tell you something about my study and life.
How about your study and life I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Li Hua
第 8 页 共 8 页
听力部分 ( 20分)
I. 听力测试。 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
M: Among all the fruit, I like grapes best. What about you
W: My favourite is bananas.
W: Hi, Tom. I heard you were on holiday last month.
M: Yes, my family and I travelled to Paris and visited the Eiffel Tower.
3. W: We cannot travel by underground to the Summer Palace.
M: Why not take a taxi It’s faster than taking a bus.
W: That sounds great.
4. W: Our school baseball team gets into the final!
M: What good news! I hope they will win.
M: The train arrives at ten o’clock.
W: Hurry up! We only have 15 minutes left.
6. M: I’d like to borrow three books. How long can I keep them
W: Until next Friday. Remember to return them in time.
7. M: When do you often swim, Linda
W: Every Wednesday and Sunday.
8. W: The black coat is as expensive as the white one. They are cheaper than the red one.
M: But the red one looks very beautiful. I’ll take it.
W: What would you like, sir
M: I’d like four yellow roses and five red roses.
W: I got lost on my way home yesterday evening.
M: The fog was too thick. I also lost my way.
B) 听一段对话,回答第11、12小题。(听两遍)
W: Jimmy, what shall we eat for breakfast
M: How about sandwiches
W: Oh, that’s my favourite. Let’s make some right now.
M: OK, let’s get everything ready before we start.
W: How much bread do we need
M: Four pieces.
W: What else do we need Some butter
M: No, just some ham and vegetables.
C) 听短文, 回答问题。听两遍。
Thin children always want to know how to make their bodies strong. Most of them think that the best way is to eat lots of food. But that is wrong. The best advice for them is the same as the health advice for all children: Eat healthy food and sleep well. Thin children need to exercise, too. Enough exercise can help your body get stronger. So most of the time, thin children don’t need to see a doctor.
I travelled to Beijing and Dalian with my family last summer holiday.
It took an hour and thirty minutes from my hometown to Beijing by air. Beijing is a big and modern city, with many tall buildings there. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and the Space Museum. We also went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. The local food is very delicious. Beijing duck is my favourite.
Dalian is a beautiful city, which is close to Beijing. We spent 50 minutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. It’s quite clean and blue. I smelled the salty taste in the air. There were many swimmers in the sea. I lay on the beach to see the sky. I think Dalian is a very nice place to live.
Ⅰ. 听力。
1-5 AACAC 6-10 CBACB 11-15 BABBA 16-20 BABCC
Ⅱ. 单项选择。
21-25 BCBAA 26-30 CDCAA
Ⅲ. 完型填空。
31-35 ABBAC 36-40 ADCAB
Ⅳ. 阅读理解。
41-43 DCA 44-47 BACC 48-51 CBCD 52-55 ACBD 56-60 FCADE
Ⅴ. 词汇运用
61. scissors 62. French 63. Luckily 64. helpless 65. dishes
66. warm up 67. adding 68. minutes 69. needs 70. Finally
tells 72. dance 73. problems 74. support 75. hard-working
willing 77. together petition 79.with 80.Instead
Ⅵ. 回答问题
81. (To be)The best singer.
82. Behind the master’s house.
83. The rose plant and the tree.
84. For ten years.
85. He was clever/wise/great/helpful/....(言之有理即可)
Ⅸ. 书面表达。
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your email, I am very glad to tell you something about my study and life.
My school life is interesting and colourful here. We can choose our favourite subjects to study. Of all the subjects, English is my favourite. In class we practise listening and speaking. My English teacher is kind to us.
Max is my best friend. He is the tallest boy in my class and wears small round glasses. He has a good sense of humour. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.
I am crazy about DIY. I often use fruit in season to make a fruit salad. For example, mixing all kinds of fruits together will make the salad look very colourful. I think it is fun. I hope I can be a master of DIY.
How about your study and life I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Li Hua

  • 江苏省盐城市射阳县县城四校2023-2024八年级上学期期中阶段性自我检测英语试卷( 含答案+听力音频+听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月09日  所属分类:作业答案