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第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Immersive Disney Animation Singapore
Since its world debut in Toronto in December 2022, Immersive Disney Animation has already drawn audiences across 13 North American cities and made an intercontinental splash in Tokyo. Now, this much-awaited journey is about to hit South East Asia for the first time on 18th November 2023 at the Sands Theatre, Marina Bay Sands!
The doors open up to a stunning 360-degree environment that will transport you into the world of Disney’s storytelling. From classic hits to the latest blockbusters like Frozen, Encanto, Zootopia, and Big Hero 6, you can journey through iconic scenes and meet the timeless characters.
The experience goes beyond me re visual delights. There’ll be lots of interactive elements too, including floors that move with you as you explore the galleries, bubble snowfall, wristbands that light up in different colors, and more. Of course, children will be provided with protective gear when they are exploring with parents.
It is also a hands-on adventure that will ignite your creativity and deepen your understanding of the art of animation. Inside the gallery filled with rarely seen exhibition the Walt Disney Animation Research Library, you can discover animator’s character sketches and get to know some of the incredible animators behind Disney’s legacy. There is also an interactive drawing table to try your hand at drawing your own cartoon characters and make them move.
Date: From 18th Nov 2023 (Sat)
Opening hours: Mon-Thu & Sun: 10 am-10 pm
Fri-Sat: 10 am - 11:30 pm
Duration: 90 minutes per slot(时间段)
Exhibition Time-Slots: 10 am; 11:30 am; 1pm;2:30 pm;4 pm;5:30 pm;7 pm;8:30 pm
10 pm(Only applicable to Fridays and Saturdays)
Tickets: From $41 CLICK HERE TO BOOK NOW.
21.What can you experience in the Immersive Disney Animation Singapore
A.Feasting your eyes on fantastic magic shows.
B.Interacting with Disney characters face to face.
C.Creating your own animated cartoon characters.
D.Enjoying a 90-minute newly-released Disney film.
22.What is a suitable time to go to Sands Theatre for the exhibition
A.10 am, 19th Nov 2023. B.11 am, 17th Nov 2023. C.10 pm,20th Nov 2023. D.11 pm, 18th Nov 2023.
23.Where is this text most probably taken from
A.A travel brochure. B.An official website.
C.A local newspaper. D.An online shopping platform.
Mia, 12, is now on a year-long trip with her parents and three younger brothers. Far from their home in Quebec, Canada, the family rode horses in Mongolia, kayaked in Cambodia, camped in Namibia and flew in a hot air balloon in Turkey, looking to collect as many once-in-a-lifetime memories as they could.
The memories really matter because unless science makes a breakthrough soon, three of the children will become blind, likely in adulthood. They have been diagnosed with a disease that has no effective treatment and no specific timeline as it gradually robs them of their sight.
The diagnoses came in 2015.Despite the grief, the parents were surprised to find Mia, then 7, was calm about it. She announced that she would need to start keeping her bedroom especially neat, with everything in its place. “In the future, I’ll need to know where things are,” Mia said.
“She’s finding solutions on her own,” the parents told each other. “We need to follow her lead.” And so the idea of a yearlong trip was born, one that would show the kids the world, in person and at close range – while the kids could still see it. For the next two years, the parents saved money and researched places to visit. “How we adults see the world and how kids see the world are so different.” says the mother, Edith. “It would have to be less about temples and museums and more about whatever caught their eyes.”
By the time the trip began to wind down in early 2023, the family had traveled 52,000 miles and visited 18 countries. Mia grew taller and when entering adolescence, needed more independence. Her brothers became more confident and outgoing. The kids were very aware that they had learned a lot. “There’s a lot of suffering, a lot of poverty, but lots of good and interesting things too. We should be positive.” said Mia.
24.What’s the probable function of the first paragraph
A.To lead in the story behind. B.To arouse the readers’ interest.
C.To provide background information. D.To inform readers of a wonderful trip.
25.What can be inferred about the parents from paragraph 3 and 4
A.They are optimistic about the children’s disease.
B.They are surprised at their daughter’s creative ideas.
C.They are proud of their daughter’s courage to face difficulties.
D.They are open-minded enough to respect their children’s decision.
26.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.The details about the year-long journey.
B.The keen anticipation of Mia about the future.
C.The changes of the kids physically and mentally.
D.The impression Mia had of what she had experienced.
27.Which is the best title of the story
A.Seeing is believing. B.Making the most of the vision.
C.Man who travels far knows more. D.The eyes are the window to the soul.
In our human-centric view, the ability to shoot ink or change colors may seem odd, but you know what’s really odd Menopause (更年期) . You can count species other than humans known to experience and outlive menopause on one hand. Only Oracs(虎鲸) and some whale populations have females that live long past their reproductive years to become grandmothers. But a new, landmark study confirms that at least one population of chimpanzees can now be added to the list.
The discovery comes as the result of 21 years’ worth of observing the Ngogo community of wild chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Studying urine from 66 Ngogo females, aged 14 to 67, showed that their hormone levels changed after approaching 50, confirming they were in menopause. Interestingly,50 is also the age when many people begin to experience menopause. “It’s really cool to finally have that piece of the puzzle come into place,” says Catherine Hobaiter, a primatologist who was not part of the new study.
But Catherine points out that the Ngogo community lives in a chimp paradise: the resource-rich, well-protected Kibale National Park that also lacks leopards, their main predator. And because the Ngogo community is found in the heart of the park, its only neighbors are other chimps — not humans who can expose chimpanzees to viruses that have devastated other communities. “The Ngogo population may be an outlier(局外人) when it comes to the rest of the species,” she cautions.
And there is a question concerning “the grandmother effect”, according to which a grandmother has a decidedly beneficial effect on her children and grandchildren. Chimpanzees do not form long-term pair-bonds and females leave in search of new communities when they reach maturity, which means grandmother chimpanzees likely don’t know who their grandchildren are in the same way humans or even orcas do. What they do after the menopause remains a question of interest. “And that’s all future work to be done,” said Catherine.
28.What can be learned about menopause
A.It is rare among animals. B.It is unique to human beings.
C.It just occurs at the age of 50. D.It is experienced only by females.
29.What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Scientist have found the solution to menopause.
B.What happens to the 66 Ngogo females remains a puzzle.
C.There is a puzzle whether chimpanzee females experience menopause.
D.The latest discovery casts new light on the puzzle of animal menopause.
30.Why does Catherine mention the living situation of the Ngogo community
A.To stress the importance of protecting chimpanzees from viruses.
B.To remind researchers of the potential limitation of the new study.
C.To prove that Ngogo chimpanzees are perfect subjects of the study.
D.To argue that the discovery of the new study is completely groundless.
31.How is the last paragraph developed
A.By offering a definition. B.By drawing a conclusion.
C.By presenting relevant facts. D.By giving examples and opinions.
I spoke to my parents last night and for a moment I forgot I wasn’t really speaking to them, but to their digital replicas(复制品). They live inside an app as voice assistants constructed by the company HereAfter AI.
In fact, my parents are still alive and well; their virtual versions were made to help me understand the technology. Grief tech, which lets you “talk” with the people you’ve loved and lost, has been appearing in science fiction. But now it’s becoming a reality. Although the thought of it makes some frightened, it’s not hard to see the appeal that people might turn to digital replicas for comfort.
However, there is one major limitation. These replicas may sound like someone you love, but they know nothing about you. Anyone can talk to them, and get the same reply in the same tone. “The biggest issue with the technology is the idea that you can generate a single universal person,” says Justin Harrison, founder of a technological service.
Creating a virtual avatar you can have more conversation with contributes to your feeling connected to someone you loved and lost, says Erin Thompson, a clinical psychologist. But a grieving person needs to know that these bots can only capture a small part of someone rather than replace healthy, functional human relationships.
And there are other risks. Any service that allows you to create a digital replica of someone without that person’s participation raises complex moral issues. While some might argue that permission is less important with someone who is dead, can’t you also argue that the person who generated the other side of the conversation should have a say too And what if that person is not, in fact, dead
If digital replicas become mainstream, there will inevitably need to be new regulations around what we leave behind online. And we’ll be better off if we cope with the possibility of these replicas’ misuse before, not after, they reach mass adoption.
Anyway, I feel lucky to still have the precious opportunity to spend more time with my parents, face to face, no technology involved.
32.Which of the following is not a drawback of digital replicas
A.They can’t vary their response accordingly.
B.They can’t mirror every aspect of a person.
C.They may pose threat to the interests of people alive.
D.It’s hard to gain permission from someone who is not alive.
33.What’s the author’s attitude towards grief tech
A.Favorable. B.Reasonable. C.Critical. D.Indifferent.
34.According to the last two paragraphs, what inspiration did the author draw from his experience
A.Technology is advancing faster than imagined.
B.Safety risks can be surely avoided by regulations.
C.Replicas will not be misuse d before widely adopted.
D.Cherish the beloved ones when they are still around.
35.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.Reflections on grief tech. B.Ways to overcome our grief.
C.Technology to change our life. D.Controversy over digital replicas.
When you hear your friend passed an exam that you had failed earlier, will you share her happiness If you can feel the joy, congratulations! 36 Studies found that Freudenfreude contributes to kind acts, such as helping others. Celebrating the personal victories of other people can bring on more of our own.
37 Sometimes, your loss might really sting, making Freudenfreude feel out of reach. If you were raised in a family that paired winning with self-worth, you might misread someone else’s victory as your own personal shortcoming. And factors such as mental health and overall wellbeing can also affect your ability to participate in someone else’s joy. 38
One way to summon good feelings for others is to ask questions. You don’t need to wait for someone else’s good news to exercise Freudenfreude. Cultivate joy by inviting others to share their victories. 39 When you speak with them, be sure to maintain eye contact and listen attentively. This should motivate you to keep going and make you feel as if your efforts will pay off.
Because emotions are contagious(有感染力的), showing appreciation can also increase Freudenfreude. You can think of Freudenfreude as something you can spread when you’re experiencing personal joy. 40 Start by sharing your win, then tell the other person how you appreciate their help. Practicing gratitude is like sharing dessert: Both parties enjoy the sweetness of the moment, which enhances Freudenfreude for them both.
A.It is a term that describes the joy we feel when someone else succeeds.
B.You might ask: “what’s the best thing that happened to you this week ”
C.To do this, try giving others credit for their support that leads to your own.
D.While the benefits of Freudenfreude are plentiful, it doesn’t always come easily.
E.To better understand Freudenfreude, it is important to realize that it is a win-win.
F.Still, generating Freudenfreude is worthwhile and there are ways to encourage the feeling.
G.Finding pleasure in another person’s good fortune is what social scientists call Freudenfreude.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Outside Brian Peterson’s apartment, a homeless man was often yelling on the street corner. Peterson would sometimes passed by, but they never 41 .
One day, Peterson was reading a book about the power of love in action, when his quiet was again disturbed by the man. Inspired by the book, Peterson made a(n) 42 decision to go outside and introduce himself. He learned that the man, Matt Faris, had come to pursue a music career, but soon fell on hard times and 43 living on the street.
“It was 44 that I saw beauty on the face of a man who hadn’t shaved in probably a year,” Peterson recalled later in an interview. “And I even offered to paint his portrait, even though I hadn’t picked up a(n) 45 in years.”
Peterson’s connect ion with Faris led him to 46 a nonprofit, which focused on befriending and painting portraits of the homeless. He usually chooses 47 inspired by the model’s life story. He showed one man 48 his battle with alcoholism, for example, by changing the colors from a sad blue to a joyful red.
Each portrait, signed by both 49 and artist, is for sell. Half of the income is put into a “love 50 ”for the model. He aims to help the homeless 51 immediate necessities and get back on their feet. Faris used the funds from his portrait to record a(n) 52 , fulfilling his music al dreams.
But there’s more to the portraits than the 53 brought to someone down-and-out. The buyers tend to 54 the subject in the painting, finding similarities and often friendship with someone they might have 55 overlooked.
41.A.spoke B.quarreled C.quit D.met B.tough C.unexpected D.quick down to B.ended up away with D.gave up
44.A.strange B.wonderful C.awful D.awkward
45.A.skill B.pen D.paintbrush
46.A.inspire B.found C.consult
47.A.paintings B.scenes C.colors D.characters
48.A.fighting B.winning C.losing D.facing
49.A.subject B.painter C.customer D.seller
50.A.message B.affair C.expression D.account C.donate D.share
52.A.story C.experience D.album
53.A.profit B.benefit D.attention
54.A.inquire about B.connect with C.get along with D.come across
55.A.finally B.definitely C.otherwise D.seldom
The Han Dynasty was one of the heydays in ancient China. Han has a history 56 (date) back thousands of years and the traditional clothing of the Han people is called Hanfu, 57 charm has also flourished for centuries.
Hanfu is 58 important carrier of Chinese civilization, with etiquette(礼仪) as its core. Hanfu not only embodies the Chinese aesthetic taste, 59 reflects a unique meaning in etiquette, religion and culture. As long as people put on Hanfu, they should behave in accordance with 60 the “etiquette” system requires.
Hanfu is composed of yi, chang, headgear, hairstyle, shoes, etc. There are two types of “yi”. 61 is the kind with the separation of the upper and the lower garments, while the other is the one-piece kind that unites the upper and the lower garments together. The decoration on the garments represents the faith and customs in the Han culture. The Yin-Yang and all the subjects on earth 62 (picture) on Hanfu profoundly reflect the Chinese ancients’ understanding of the universe and nature.
In recent years, 63 people’s enthusiasm for traditional culture growing, wearing Hanfu in a trip or in a party 64 (become) a new trend among young people. The revival of Hanfu is a new exploration of the beauty of Chinese clothing by contemporary people, and also represents the new 65 (recognize) of the value of traditional culture by the younger generation.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1.写作词数应为80 左右;
阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
It was October and we were attending the fire hall’s open house with our five-year-old son Henry. He was especially drawn to the collection of model fire trucks in the large glass display case. The firefighters were more than happy to answer his many questions about each piece of equipment. “When do you get to play with those ” Henry asked the accompanying firefighter.
The firefighter hid his amusement and pretended to be serious as he answered. “We don’t get to play with them. The chief keeps them locked away in that box.”
Henry was lost in thought as we walked home that evening.
With colder weather setting in, our thoughts turned to the upcoming New Year’s Day. It was important to usto educate Henry about the true spirit of New Year celebration. The last thing we wanted was our kid seeing the festival as merely a time to receive love and gifts.
We sat Henry down and explained that there were many children that didn’t have toys to play with. Some children didn’t have their mommy or dad for company during the festival because their parents were busy doing their jobs when we were on holiday. We explained that every one of us can be of some help to those in need.
Henry’s eyes shone! “Can we take presents to the firefighters They aren’t allowed to play with all those firetrucks! We can take them toys to play with on New Year’s Day!”
At first we didn’t know how to respond. We had long since forgotten about the model fire trucks at the firehall! Apparently Henry had not. His dad cleared his throat. “Well, that is a good idea, but they don’t really have time to play with toys because they are too busy keeping us safe during the holiday, just like those policemen and doctors.”
Henry became very serious. He knew his dad was right. Being a firefighter was a very important job.
“Or maybe we can bring them something else...” Henry murmured to himself. I posted those photos online.
21-23 CAB 24-27ADCB 28-31 ADBC 32-35 CBDA
36-40 GDFBC
41-45ACBAD 46-50 BCBAD 51-55 ADCBC 57.whose 59.but 60.what
61.One 62.pictured 63.with 64.has become 65.recognition
Dear Robert,
Thank your for your congratulations! Learning that you take interest in the video production process,I’m writing to give you some introduction.
My team first decided on Chinese herbal medicine as the item to explore, after which we assigned each member a task. One of us took charge of collecting materials online, another getting in contact with the factory we were to visit, and I making preparations for video shooting. Under the experts’ guidance, we even went on a field trip to look for herbal medicine in the nearby mountain, gaining first-hand knowledge of herbs. The final step of the video production witnessed a lot of revision and improvements, during which we had repeated discussion. In brief, it was our collective efforts that contributed to our success.
I greatly value the opportunity to team up with my partners and share the happiness of harvest. Besides, I feel extremely honored and proud to promote traditional Chinese culture through my own efforts. Looking forward to more communication with you!
Li Hua
“Or maybe we can bring them something else...” Henry murmured to himself. He tilted his head with a frown of concentration as if racking his brain for a good idea. Suddenly his eyes shone again as he exclaimed in excitement, “Let’s bring them my favorite lollipops!” My husband exchanged amused glances with me and smilingly nodded his approval. Then following Henry’s lead, we started stocking up on lollipops with various flavors. In the process, Henry came up with more gift ideas, with chocolates, hand-made cookies and greeting cards finding their way into our gift list. On New Year’s Day, we set off for the fire hall, where Henry was greeted with a warm welcome. Laughter and warmth filling the hall, I took out my cellphone to capture the memorable moment.
I posted those photos online. Much to my surprise, the photos soon went viral. Henry was showered with praise for his consideration for others. There were post after post expressing appreciation of our deed and determination to do the same. It didn’t take long before we found photos and videos of people carrying out the campaign in their own cities. In one video, a family was sharing lunch with some nurses when an urgent case arose. Despite the unfinished dinner, the nurses dashed without any hesitation to the emergency room. The caption read, “There is no walking on sunshine except someone managing to crack a silver lining in the clouds.” Indeed, those with selfless devotion to duty deserve our kindness and gratitude.
Operation Christmas Thank You
There are no strangers on Christmas Eve.
~Adele Comandini and Edward Sutherland, Beyond Tomorrow
It was October and we were attending the fire hall’s open house with our five-year-old so n Isaiah and three-year-old daughter Angeleaha. Isaiah stood in awe of the massive yellow trucks, with all of their shiny chrome and interesting gadgets. The fire-fighters were more than happy to answer his many questions about each piece of equipment. He fidgeted with his plastic firefighter’s ha t as he studied the collection of scale models in the large glass display case in the office. “When do you get to play with those ” he asked the accompanying firefighter.
The firefighter hid his amusement as he answered very solemnly. “We don’t get to play with them. The chief keeps them locked away in that cabinet.”
Isaiah was lost in thought as we walked home that evening.
Halloween came and went, as did Remembrance Day. With colder weather setting in, our thoughts turned to Christmas. It was important to us to keep the true spirit of Christmas at the forefront of our holiday activities. The last thing we wanted was our children seeing Christmas as a commercial event.
We sat the two children down and explained that there were many children that didn’t have the same things they did. Some children didn’t have a mommy or daddy, enough food to eat, or new toys to play with at Christmas. We explained that Santa Claus sometimes needed a bit of help from Christmas Ambassadors to provide gifts or food for those in need.
Both children listened very intently. Isaiah’s eyes shone! “Can we take presents to the firefighters Santa doesn’t visit the fire station and they aren’t allowed to play with all those fire trucks! We can take them toys to play with on Christmas!”
At first we didn’t know how to respond. We had long since forgotten about the model fire trucks in the display case at the fire hall! Apparently Isaiah had not. His dad cleared his throat. “Well, that is a good idea, but they don’t really have time to play with toys because they are too busy keeping us safe from fires at Christmas.”
Isaiah became very serious; he knew his dad was right. Being a firefighter was a very important job. Angelcaha had been sitting quietly playing with some blocks. “Candy…they want candy,” she said quietly.
I looked at my husband. “Not quite what we had in mind,” I said.
“It’s not a bad idea though,” he replied.
That first year we set out on Christmas Eve, led on foot by our two children to the fire hall, police station and paramedic stations to deliver boxes of chocolates. The kids were given a warm welcome at each stop and a tour of the units and their trucks.
As the children grew, the operation matured. We added coffee, lunch, dessert trays, and candies. We began deliveries to the Ontario Provincial Police and the hospital emergency room, too— six emergency response locations in total. We began taking photographs and posting to a Facebook page in hopes that others would start the campaign in their own cities.
We have five children now, and the fourth was born with a serious medical problem. For the first time we fully understood and appreciated the role of emergency services in a very personal way. During one medical emergency, which occurred during a blizzard, we had to call an ambulance to take Nathaniel to the hospital as he screamed in pain. The roads were too dangerous to navigate, but the paramedics still came, and they got us to the hospital safely.
Then on December 18th, 2014, while crossing the street, a car hit my husband and me. The car had slammed into me first, sending me scraping across the pavement several feet before coming to a stop. My husband had been picked up and thrown onto the hood by impact. A fire truck was first on scene, and I was helped onto the truck step, shaking and crying. Firefighters kept me talking, making sure I was coherent until paramedics arrived on scene.
I was helped onto a stretcher and rolled into the ambulance, where one soft-spoken paramedic assessed my vitals and provided me with ice packs for my bruises. The other paramedic climbed in the driver’s seat and called back. “These are the parents of the kids who bring us goodies on Christmas Eve!”
I was shocked. I’m not sure why, but I didn’t think we were recognizable, and I really didn’t view what our children were doing as anything out of the ordinary. We were saying thank you, showing our appreciation.
Our first little Christmas elves, Isaiah and Angeleaha, are now teenagers. They raise money each year to pay for the treats that they and their siblings deliver to all our first responders.

  • 广东省六校2023-2024高三上学期12月第三次联考英语试题(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月08日  所属分类:作业答案