
英 语
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What do you know about the woman’s watch
A. It keeps good time. B. It gains time. C. It loses time.
2. Why does the man walk to school
A. To do workouts. B. To appreciate scenery. C. To go green.
3. What will the woman most probably do next for the man
A. Change for a bigger pair. B. Measure his feet. C. Present the receipt.
4. What does the man mean
A. He missed the game. B. He watched the game. C. He disliked the game.
5. Where are the speakers most probably
A. At home. B. In a museum. C. In a hotel.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Coworkers. B. Classmates. C. Neighbors
7. How did the woman respond to the man’s invitation
A. She declined it. B. She accepted it. C. She hesitated.
8. What did the program say about the life in the future
A. People’s way of consumption will change.
B. More supermarkets will come into existence.
C. More free time will be available for people.
9. What is the speakers’ attitude to the program’s opinion on shopping in the future
A. Doubtful. B. Supportive. C. Dismissive.
10. Why did the man call
A. To confirm a flight. B. To reserve a room. C. To book a tour.
11. How did the man get informed of the travel information
A. Through the Internet. B. By a travel agent. C. From a brochure.
12. What is the woman going to do now
A. To charge the man. B. To cash the money. C. To see off the man.
13. What’s the woman’s purpose of coming to the man
A. To get her money back.
B. To have the TV repaired.
C. To complain about the service.
14. What’s wrong with the TV
A. It takes up too much space. B. The picture isn’t distinct. C. It doesn’t work.
15. How does the man react to what the woman has told him
A. He finds it annoying. B. He thinks it quite odd. C. He apologizes at once.
16. What will the man do right away
A. Go to the supermarket. B. Set out to check the TV. C. Show the woman out.
17. What do you know about Barrymore’s acting life
A. She gave up performances halfway.
B. She has experienced ups and downs.
C. She appeared on stage at an early age.
18. What did Barrymore’s acting in Steven Spielberg’s film bring her
A. Celebrity. B. Inspiration. C. Employment
19. What else did Barrymore do on top of her film life
A. She volunteered in disaster-hit areas.
B. She helped with world food security.
C. She set up a website to raise money.
20. What do you think of all Barrymore has done
A. Life-changing. B. Praiseworthy. C. Ground-breaking.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Community partners need you!
●Swissvale Farmers Market
We’re looking for students to help us set up and take down our tent and spend the morning under the tent with us. Activities include some heavy lifting (optional), engaging with community members, picking up litter, handling small sales and lots of breaks!
Time: September 10, 8:30 am—1:15pm
●Food Pantry Distribution
The CHS Food Pantry needs volunteers to assist during preparation and distribution each week. This involves sorting food, stocking shelves, preparing the outdoor market and assisting families. Customer service skills are important as volunteers may be assisting families directly. Understanding different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds is helpful.
Time: September 1—December 22, Wednesdays Thursdays: 1:30pm—6:00pm
●Garbage Olympics
Join us for the Garbage Olympics! A Pittsburgh wide competition between neighborhoods to see who can get the most litter and garbage off our beloved city streets!
This year, we are competing against each other as well as the entire city! Teams A. B and C will race to see who can get the most garbage collected!
We’ll have all the supplies ready, and will explain the rules to everyone before the event starts.
Time: September 17, 8:00 am—11:00 am.
●Tutoring assistant
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is actively seeking tutoring assistants for the 2023-2024 school year. As a tutoring assistant, you will offer a positive attitude and coaching to help children to stay on track during the in-person tutoring session. Additionally, you will help provide academic assistance in the form of reading, writing, grammar, pronunciation and math to school-aged children. Volunteers should be able to commit to eight weeks in the fall and may sign on for an additional eight weeks in the spring.
Time: September 28—November 16, Wednesday from 4:30 pm—6:30 pm
21. You need to be ________ if you decide to engage in community events listed above.
A. knowledgeable B. helpful C. professional D. well-built
22. As an environmentalist, which one are you most likely to choose
A. Tutoring assistant B. Garbage Olympics
C. Swissvale Farmers Market D. Food Pantry Distribution
23. What do tutoring assistants need to do
A. Help children with their studies. B. Work on weekends for 16 weeks.
C. Join children in physical exercise. D. Seek academic help for children.
As vast fields surrounding Beijing and Shanghai transformed into towering skyscrapers, and old bicycles gave way to motor vehicles, the essence of music communication remained unchanged over these shifts.
“I’ll never forget that I’ve never seen so many bicycles in my life,” Philadelphia Orchestra violinist Davyd Booth said, recalling his first tour in China 50 years ago. “Everyone rode a bicycle. There were literally hundreds, thousands.”
This month, 14 musicians from the Philadelphia Orchestra, including Booth, are returning to China, with performances scheduled in Beijing, Tianjin, Suzhou and Shanghai. The tour marks the 50th anniversary (周年纪念日) of their first visit in the 1970s, celebrating the unique friendship between China and the United States. Over the years, the orchestra (管弦乐团) has strengthened connections across China, with concerts and residencies that facilitate meaningful people-to-people interactions.
Booth said the 1973 tour was his first international trip with the orchestra. He considered himself lucky to have been part of the tour. He had just auditioned (试演) and got accepted into the orchestra that year. His official start date was scheduled after the orchestra’s return from China, but Booth received a call from the personnel manager informing him that someone had fallen ill. He then took the place and went to China.
“I was incredibly thrilled! Then, after I hung up, I realized I didn’t even have a passport,” Booth said. However, he got his passport and visa in just three days, thanks to the strong support from both countries. With his violin in tow. Booth joined the team on the 15-hour flight to China.
In addition to some regular compositions, the Philadelphia Orchestra also played the YellowRiver Concerto, one of the most popular piano concertos in China even today. The Philadelphia Orchestra cooperated on this ensemble (合奏) with a Chinese pianist, marking the earliest ties between the US and China in music.
After the concert, the team was hanging around on the streets, Booth said. It was a fun experience even though people did not know how to talk to locals because of language barriers, he said. “You can communicate a lot by smiling, and it worked out very, very well,” he added.
24. What is the passage generally about
A. US artists will give live performances B. Booth recalled his first visit to China.
C. Great changes have occurred in China. D. China and the US are living in peace.
25. What do you know from paragraph 3
A. The orchestra is popular in America. B. Music performances happen a lot in China.
C. Music communication remains active. D. Booth has come to China for the 50th time.
26. Booth meant that his getting the chance to come to China in 1973 was just a(an) ________.
A. magic B. mistake C. luxury D. accident
27. What is the role music plays based on the passage
A. It serves to build bridge. B. It stimulates people’s interest.
C. It contributes to equality. D. It removes barriers to harmony.
BANGKOK -The world is “failing” on a commitment to stop and reverse (彻底改变) deforestation by 2030, with global losses increasing last year, a group of NGOs and researchers warned Tuesday.
In 2021, leaders from over 100 countries and territories—representing the vast majority of the world’s forests—promised to stop and reverse forest loss by 2030. But an annual assessment released Tuesday found global deforestation actually increased by four percent last year, and the world remains well off track to meet the 2030 commitment. “That 2030 goal is not just nice to have, it’s essential for maintaining a livable climate for humanity,” warned Erin Matson, a lead author of the Forest Declaration Assessment.
Forests are not only key habitats for animal life but serve as important regulators of the global climate and carbon sponges that take in the emissions human activity generates. However, deforestation last year was over 20 percent higher than it should have been to meet the leaders’ commitment, with 6.6 million hectares of forest lost, much of it primary forest in tropical regions.
“Data year over year does tend to shift. So one year is not the be all, end all,” said Matson. “But what is really important is the trend. And since the baseline of 2018 to 2020, we’re going in the wrong direction.”
The assessment was not universally depressing, with about 50 countries considered on course to end deforestation. In particular, Brazil, Indonesia and Malaysia saw “dramatic reductions” in forest loss. Those gains are at risk however, the report warns. In Brazil, for instance, while there has been renewed interest in protecting the Amazon, another key ecosystem—the Cerrado savannah—has instead become a target.
The report praised new rules introduced by the European Union intended to block the imports of commodities (商品) that drive deforestation. But it called for stronger global action, including more money to conserve forests, and the end of subsidies to sectors like agriculture that drive deforestation.
“The world is failing forests with disastrous consequences on a global scale,” said Fran Price, WWF’s global forest lead. “Since the global commitment was made, an area of tropical forest the size of Denmark has been lost. We want to see nature and forest high on the agenda!”
28. What does the assessment indicate
A. Tough policies should be introduced. B. Deforestation is intensifying.
C. Commitment should be taken seriously. D. Global warming is worsening.
29. How do you understand the underlined sentence by Matson
A. It is normal that data changes sharply B. The assessment is far from accurate.
C. Emphasis should be put on the trend. D. To have a clear goal in place matters.
30. What are paragraphs 5 and 6 meant to tell us
A. The widespread damage to forests. B. Proper measures yet-to-be-taken.
C. The ban on nature-related products D. Some bright sides of the situation.
31. What did Price want to convey
A. Forest conservation is a priority B. Forest restoration is a long-term project
C. Forest destruction is just regional. D. Forest assessment should be globalized.
On April 20, SpaceX’s Starship, the largest and most powerful rocket ever, exploded during its first test flight only minutes after it took off from Texas, US.
Even though the two-stage rocket ship made it less than halfway to the edge of space, climbing to just under 25 miles, the flight achieved its primary objective of getting the new vehicle off the ground despite some of its engines failing at liftoff. The plan was for Starship to soar into space at least 90 miles above Earth.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk congratulated team members on “an exciting test launch” in a post-launch tweet and said they “learned a lot for the next test launch in a few months.”
Back in September 2017, Musk came up with the idea of developing a rocket that would be able to send astronauts to Mars, build a base on the moon, and allow commercial travel to anywhere on Earth in under an hour, according to The Guardian (卫报).
The most important aspect in Musk’s view, however, would be the rocket’s ability to be reused for multiple flights. This would allow for massive savings as it would reduce the number of spacecraft that would otherwise simply crash. Also, the rocket relies on low-cost fuel, methane (甲烷), making the cost of spaceflight drop dramatically.
The results of Starship’s first launch are not too far off from what Musk and SpaceX’s engineers had predicted. Musk himself gave 50-50 odds that Starship would reach orbit, but also stressed that “clearing the launch tower and not blowing up the pad (发射台) would be a win”.
In all, “it fell somewhere between a small step and their hoped-for giant leap, but it still represents significant progress to ward a reusable super-heavy lift rocket,” said Jordan Bimm, a space historian at the university of Chicago, US.
Prepared for the likely outcome, SpaceX already has more boosters and spacecraft ready for more test flights, with the next full set “almost ready to go”. The plan is to fire off similar rockets in quick succession (连续) to gather data and start using Starships to launch satellites into low Earth orbit then put people on board. Each launch will take SpaceX a step closer to its ultimate goal of making commercial space flight a reality.
32. What happened minutes after Starship took off
A. It crashed into the sea. B. It flew off the course.
C. It blew up in the sky. D. Its engines all failed.
33. What are paragraphs 4 and 5 about
A. The problems with the launch. B. The risks of test flights.
C. The advantages of the rocket. D. Musk’s idea of Starship.
34. How did people involved find the results of the first launch
A. Disastrous. B. Record-breaking. C. Acceptable. D. Unexpected
35. What is the most suitable title for the report
A. A Big Successful Failure B. A Giant Leap in Space Exploration
C. Good Prospects for travel D. Incredible Progress in Space Flight
Choosing the Right Career
You will be leaving this school and the unavoidable question many people will ask you is, “ 36 ” Some of you may have already decided on a career path, but many of you still don’t have a clue! Here are some things you might want to consider.
First, does the career you are considering have staying power 37 Rapid technological change is disruptive (扰乱性的), and we need to be forward-looking at our future prospects. While many occupations are being taken over by new technology, jobs that require high-level of critical thinking, emotional intelligence and human interaction, remain in high demand. These jobs are not easily replaced by machines or technology. So think carefully about this before you choose your professional path.
Second, choose a career that interests you. Some people might think this is unimportant, but if you are truly passionate about your job then going to work every day won’t seem a chore. 38 Before making a choice, you should examine your values, skills and personality type. This can help you decide if a career path is a good fit for you.
Third, of course you will want to consider your chosen profession’s earning power. Although high pay play s a part, you should know that a job with a big salary will likely require more time to get to the top, much more effort and a higher level of stress. 39 If you have interests outside of work, or are struggling with other demands in your life, you might want to choose a less demanding line of work.
40 Let me leave you with an old saying: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
A. You are on the right track.
B. So, what do you want to be
C. Will it be in demand in 20 years’ time
D. It’s also likely that you will stay and grow in this career.
E. They simply want you to be the best of the best to your best ability.
E. Only the truly motivated will likely to be able to meet these challenges.
G. Thinking about a life-long career at this stage in your life is surely disturbing.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
Karis Wales, Isha and Diya Goel were born prematurely. The twins and Karis, who has a twin brother, are now 13. They were born and cared for at the same Arizona hospital, just days apart. After raniting in the sixth grade, Karis, Isha, and Diya formed a close 41 . A year later, they decided to create a club called Knots for NICU at school to help 42 families like theirs.
Premature births are not uncommon for 43 . “Both of us, size and width, were about the 44 of a loaf of bread,” Diya said. It’s a(an) “ 45 roller coaster” for parents, she added, not knowing if their children will survive. Karis has also been told about her parents’ 46 when she and her brother were born. “It was especially 47 because I got out of the NICU prior to my twin brother,” Karis explained. For her mother, being 48 in two places at once—at home with Karis and at the hospital with her brother—was 49 challenging.
Learning how tiny they were at birth has helped the girls 50 clothes for preemies (早产儿) . Knots for NICU meets weekly. They crochet (钩针) , knit, and 51 everything from headbands to blankets for 52 in Banner Desert’s NICU.
Once the school year ended, the founders gathered to 53 . 120 pieces of the clothing. The girls hope that their club’s work will 54 the struggles of families caring for premature babies. In the future, they hope to host knitting workshops and 55 their initiative in order to help even more families.
41. A. league B. bond C. family D. space
42. A. expand B. contact C. feed D. support
43. A. twins B. babies C. girls D. kids
44. A. image B. length C. weight D. shape
45. A. intelligent B. emotional C. physical D. financial
46. A. celebrations B. complaints C. cheers D. fears
47. A. difficult B. unimaginable C. imperfect D. heart-breaking
48. A. torn B. urged C. needed D. bothered
49. A. slightly B. particularly C. perfectly D. barely
50. A. collect B. import C. purchase D. design
51. A. sew B. print C. pick D. select
52. A. patients B. members C. babies D. victims
53. A. exhibit B. promote C. resolve D. donate
54. A. reflect B. ease C. highlight D. expose
55. A. extend B. launch C. cease D. post
Flames in kilns (窑) around China have been burning since the Xia and Shang dynasties. Along the way, porcelain (瓷器) was born.
Porcelain is made by heating raw materials, often 56 mix between China stone and kaolin clay, in a kiln at a temperature as high as 1,200 degree Celsius. Temperature is key 57 making porcelain. Going through the fire of reinvention gives porcelain 58 (great)strength, more translucence (半透明) and a feast of colors.
Celadon produced in Longquan, Zhejiang province, a technique 59 (pass) down for more than 1,600 years, is a typical example of craftsmen’s pursuit of the perfect green glint (闪光) . 60 takes 72 steps to produce Longquan celadon’s jade like green. Plum green and light green are two colors of the best quality.
Porcelain has also been a carrier for cultural exchanges. Along with China’s silk and tea, porcelain was one of the first items 61 (receive) worldwide trade. As it travelled around the globe through the ancient Maritime Silk Road, porcelain 62 (enjoy) great popularity among royal families and upper classes in Europe, 63 were fascinated by these beautiful vessels they named after China.
Porcelain has evolved into art works. Even when broken into 64 (piece) and buried deep in mud, cultural values attached to porcelain remain. As a memory that can be felt with both hands, porcelain is 65 (touch) history.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
按校劳动日程,下周一你班将和外籍学生一起乘坐校车去阳光农场(Shining Farm)进行秋季劳动日实践活动,现请你口头通知他们这一安排,内容要点包括:
1. 时间和地点; 2. 劳动项目安排; 3. 相关提醒。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
May I have your attention, please ______________________________________________________________
That’s all. Thank you!
The Save
Instantly Casey raised her hand, she feared she had made an awful mistake.
“OK,” Coach said. “Casey will be goalie (守门员) in the fourth quarter.”
Casey nodded uneasily. She had just joined the Eagles. Now she had volunteered to be goalie, a position that required confidence, which she lacked.
Casey swallowed hard when taking her turn in front of the goal for prega me warm-ups. The goal suddenly looked as big as a movie screen.
When Casey jogged over to her dad near the sidelines, she said quietly, “I cannot do it.”, blinking back tears. “Sure you can,” Dad encouraged her. “Just keep your head up and be aggressive (好斗的). You might surprise yourself.”
The game kicked off and Casey’s teammates scored three quick goals. Clearly, they were the better team mostly because their opponents’ best player was at a piano recital (演奏会). At halftime the Eagles led, 4 to 0. But then she noticed the Comets’ star, number 25 racing toward the field. The piano recital had ended.
Number 25 was flashing across the field, dribbling (带球) past defenders. She zipped past several players and kicked the ball hard into the goal. It was 4 to 1. Two minutes later, number 25 intercepted (拦截) a pass and weaved down (穿行) the field, controlling the ball as if it were tied to her foot. She scored again. It was 4 to 2.
Casey felt her stomach tighten. Soon she would be the one helplessly guarding the goal.
The whistle went. Number 25 scored a third time. The Eagles led by one goal.
“OK, Casey,” Coach said as the Eagles huddled up before the fourth quarter. “You go in goal.”
Casey stood in front of the net. She yelled for her teammates, who were dominating the game again. They hadn’t scored, but Casey hadn’t had to make any saves either. Number 25 appeared to be tired.
Casey’s heart raced whenever the ball came. But each time it was kicked away. Now there were two minutes left. “Hurry up,” Casey thought. “If I never have to touch the ball, we’ll win the game. I’ll never...”
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly number 25 had the ball and was racing up the side-line. ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Casey backed quickly to ward the net as number 25 sent another shot. __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________
英 语
第一部分 听力(每题1.5分,满分30分)
第二部分 阅读(每题2.5分,满分37.5分)
36—40 BCDFG
第三部分 语言运用
56—65 a, to, greater, passed, It, to receive, enjoyed, who, pieces, touchable
第四部分 写作
May I have your attention, please! As scheduled, the autumn labor day comes next Monday. So together we will engage in some farm work on the Shining Farm located in the suburb, some 20 miles away from here. There, in groups, we’ll, under the guidance of experienced farmers, help to get in rice, fertilize vegetables, pick fruits, tend livestock, etc. Also, we’ll prepare lunch in the farmhouse ourselves. Tiring but rewarding work, isn’t it Remember to get dressed properly and gather at 9:00 on Monday morning at the school gate. The school bus will take us to the farm. That’s all. Thank you!
Suddenly number 25 had the ball and was racing up the side-line. She, keeping the ball on a steady roll in front of her, darted past one player after another. Then she cut sharply, angling directly toward the goal. Casey’s heart was pounding. Now number 25 was just ten yards away. “Be aggressive,” Casey told herself, keeping her body between the ball and the goal. Number 25 planted her right foot and swung her left leg with a powerful kick that launched the ball like a rocket. Casey stretched as far as she could and felt a sting as the ball slapped her fingertips and blew past. She glanced back and saw the ball slam off the post and bounce toward the corner of the field. But Number 25 was there in an instant.
Casey backed quickly toward the net as number 25 sent another shot. Casey dived. The ball sizzled through her hands and thudded again her chest. She squeezed her arms tightly, hugging the ball like a puppy. What a wonderful feeling! Casey rolled to her feet, ran a few steps and kicked the ball toward the midfield, where it bounced toward the other end. “Way to go, goalie!” Casey looked to the sideline, where her dad was yelling. “Nice save!” her teammates congratulated her. The clock ran out and there went the referee’s whistle. Casey, beaming with pleasure, ran off the field with her teammates to celebrate their victory. Out of breath, she called, “Hey, Coach, can I play goalie next time, too ”
注:5档(21—25分)作文要求:1. 问题解决:Casey变得自信(最好要像参考文章最后一句,通过具体的形式体现出来);2. 故事推进合理,关键处衔接得当;3. 能聪明地利用上文的内容和语言(如:爸爸教的方法,number 25运球的动作等);4. 次要人物“冒泡”恰当;5. 有一定的细节描写且得当;5. 语言就准确性,丰富性有体现。
4档(16—20分)作文要求:1. 文章核心内容体现:Casey因成功变得自信;2. 段落内容合理:第一段大致写出number 25射门,Casey紧张但扑球成功;第二段大致写出Casey再次扑球成功,为球队赢得胜利;3. 语言虽简单,但准确性可以,关键是表意成功。
(Text 1)
M: Excuse me, what’s the time by your watch
W: Half past ten, but it’s 5 minutes slow.
M: Thank you.
(Text 2)
W: How do you come to school every day
M: There is a bus to the school, but I walk.
W: Why not take the bus
M: I just want to take some exercise rather than take the bus or the car.
(Text 3)
W: Can I help you
M: Yes, I bought these here two days ago. But they seem too small and press against my feet.
W: Let me see ...
(Text 4)
W: Did you watch the game last night
M: I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.
(Text 5)
W: Since we’re leaving for home this afternoon, we should go and take a look at that museum.
M:I don’t think we can. We have to pack our personal belonging s and check out by noon.
(Text 6)
M: Hey, Jenny. Saturday is my birthday and I was wondering if you’d like to come to my party. You can come along with your brother.
W: Oh, I’m sorry. I think I may already have plans ... to go to my grandparents’ house with my father.
M: OK. I hope you have a good time.
W: Thank you. And I hope your party’s fun. Anyway, see you in class on Monday.
M: Sure! Bye.
(Text 7)
W:I saw an amazing program last night. It talked about the past, the present and the future.
M: What kind of things did it describe
W: Well, for example, the normal work week in the 20th century was 35 hours. Nowadays, many people work more than 40 hours a week.
M: Well, that doesn’t sound like progress.
W: You’re right. ⑧On the show, they said that most people will work fewer hours in the future, maybe20 hours. They also talked the way we shop. These days, many of us shop online. In the old days, there were no supermarkets, so people had to go to lots of different shops. In the future, people will do all their shopping online.
M: ⑨I don’t believe that.
W:⑨Me neither. (Text 8)
W: Good morning, sir. How. can I help you
M:⑩Well, is this Seaford Travel
W:⑩Yes. M: I’d like to book a city tour in Madrid please, as advertised in your brochure. It’s on page 57.
W: Right. When would you like to travel
M: April 13th for three nights. Leaving from Heathrow. I’m staying in London on the 12th.
W: What time would you like to leave
M: Early morning if possible. W: Fine, there’s a flight that leaves at 8:05, stopping in Paris.
M: That sounds OK.
W: Good. I’m just going to give you your booking number. It’s BT 5573. I’ll prepare everything for you and put it in the post this evening. Now, how would you like to pay
M: In cash, please.
(Text 9)
M: Good morning madam. Can I help you
W: Yes, please. I bought this small TV set here recently and when I got it home I couldn’t get it to work. You should have a look at it.
M: When did you buy it
W: I bought it on June 5th. That’s two days ago.
M: What exactly is wrong with the TV
W: Well, I bought it so I could watch-TV while I was cooking for the family. That’s why I just bought a small one. It could fit on the shelf next to the dining room door.⑥Anyway, when I got it back and turned it on, there was no response. Nothing at all. No lights, no sound.
M: And there are no electrical problems in that room
W: No, nothing.
M: Hmm. That’s very strange. Right then. I’ll have a look at it. I’m not bus y right now. I can finish it in about half an hour. Do you want to wait here or come back later today or tomorrow
W: I’ll go to the supermarket across the road and get some shopping done and I’ll come back in about an hour. Is that all right
M:OK. See you later.
(Text 10)
W: Good morning, everyone. Today I’d like to talk about Dre w Barrymore. Barrymore was born in LosAngeles, California, in 1975. She began her acting life very early. Before her first birthday, she appeared in a TV advertisement for dog food. At the age of two, she acted in her first TV movie. At age five, she appeared in her first film, the science fiction Altered States. Barrymore ‘s big break came when she was 7. Director Steven Spielberg decided to let E break机会,幸运her act in his film E. T. Hollywood took notice, and Barrymore became a star. As a young adult, Barrymore acted in several dramas and comedies; however, she wanted to make her own films. In 1995, she started her own production company, Flower Films. Four years later, she produced her first film, Never Been Kissed. Over the years, her company has made a lot of famous movies and TV programs, including Fever Pitch in 2005 and the Charlie’s Angels in 2011. In2007, Barrymore’s life took a new turn. She began working for the United Nations World Food Program. Later, she donated 1 million dollars to the program. Then, after a terrible earthquake in Haiti in2010, she urged people to give money to the program in a YouTube video. Meanwhile, Barrymore’s work on movies continued. In 2009, she became a director with the film Whip It. In the same year, she won the Golden Globe Award as an actress for her role in Grey Gardens.
Drew Barrymore wears many different hats and works very long hours. What does she do in her free time She spends time with the people she cares about. She says, “I don’t know what I’d do without my friends.”

  • 浙江省诸暨市2023-2024高三上学期12月诊断性考试英语试题(word版含答案含听力音频和原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月08日  所属分类:作业答案