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1. What did the man do last night
A. He went out for a walk. B. He had a good drink. C. He watched a movie.
2. How will Eric go to the conference
A. By subway. B. By car. C. By taxi.
3. What does the man mean
A. The woman can try on a blue dress.
B. The dress suits the woman well in length.
C. Strong lights influence the choice of color.
4. Where are the speakers probably
A. In a restaurant. B. On a train. C. On a plane.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. Schedules for a summer camp. B. Preparations for a trip. C. Tips for booking hotels.
6. What is the woman probably
A. A saleswoman. B. A police officer. C. A traffic school instructor.
7. How many hours a day on average are required for the course study
A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Six hours.
8. Why does David call Mary
A. To ask for a lift. B. To advise her to get relaxed. C. To help him with homework.
9. What task does Mary have to finish next Tuesday
A. Take a physics exam. B. Submit a book report. C. Finish an oral presentation.
10. How does Janet feel about the situation of camera shops in the town
A. Embarrassed. B. Surprised. C. Ashamed.
11. Which camera shop is Colin visiting
A. The one on Dixon Street. B. The one on Edgar Street. C. The one on Hatfield Street.
12. Why do some camera shops close according to Colin
A. Cameras are old-fashioned.
B. Good photos can be taken with phones.
C. Things purchased on the Internet cost less.
13. What is Colin’s plan this weekend
A. Buying some memory cards. B. Taking photos for a wedding. C. Attending to his friends’ kids.
14. When did Jennifer start cooking
A. As a child. B. As a mother. C. As a reporter.
15. What is Simple, Fast and Healthy
A. A women’s magazine. B. A food blog. C. A recipe collection.
16. What led Jennifer to start writing about food
A. Her love for writing. B. Her financial burden. C. Her desire for an award.
17. Who are the intended readers of Jennifer’s blog
A. Full-time moms. B. Her family members. C. Busy mothers.
18. Why does the company organize the training program for its staff
A. To build up their team spirit. B. To enhance their leadership skills. C. To encourage them to take adventures.
19. What will the lectures focus on
A. How to build public relations.
B. How to achieve people’s life goals.
C. How to improve long distance running.
20. How will the program assess the participants
A. By organizing a test at the end of the program.
B. By recording their performance in a report.
C. By grading their ability to solve tough problems.
USA TODAY’S Best-selling Booklist
USA TODAY collects sales data from booksellers representing a variety of outlets: bookstore chains, independent bookstores, mass sellers, and online retailers. Using that data, we determine the 150 top-selling titles of the week. The top 150 are published online Wednesdays at 6 a.m. The rankings reflect sales from the previous Monday through Sunday.
Fourth Wing by Yarros, Rebecca
“Suspenseful and with incredibly entertaining storytelling, the first in Yarros’ Empyrean series will delight fans of romantic, adventure-filled fantasy.” — Booklist, starred review
“Fourth Wing will have your heart pounding from beginning to end... A fantasy like you’ve never read before.” ― #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L.
● Genre: Fantasy - Epic, Fantasy - Romantic
● Published: May 02, 2023
● Previous Rank: 1
Tom Lake by Patchett, Ann
In this beautiful and moving novel about family, love, and growing up, Ann Patchett once again proves herself one of America’s finest writers.
“Ann Patchett leads us to a truth that feels like life rather than literature.” — The Guardian
● Genre: Literary, Family Life - General, Coming of Age
● Published: August 01, 2023
● Previous Rank: 2
Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair by Stardust, Mercury
Don’t panic — Mercury Stardust, AKA The Trans Handy Ma’am is here to help! For too many people, the simple act of contacting a repair person can feel like a game of chance. If you’ve ever felt panicked about opening your home to strangers in order to fix a maintenance issue, this book is for you.
● Genre: Maintenance & Repair, Reference
● Published: August 22, 2023
● Previous Rank: n/a
21. What does USA Today do to ensure the reliability of its bestselling booklist
A. Taking the readers’ reviews into account.
B. Laying emphasis on the books’ previous ranks.
C. Making the list based on the books’ monthly sales.
D. Obtaining sales data from different distribution channels.
22. What do Fourth Wing and Tom Lake have in common according to the reviews
A. Both came out in the August of 2023.
B. Both are connected with the future of family life.
C. Both appeared in the previous rank of the Booklist.
D. Both writers are bestselling authors of New York Times.
23. Which book is probably the most popular with DIY lovers
A. Fourth Wing B. Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair
C. Tom Lake D. The Guardian
It was a sunny afternoon in June of 2022 when 20-year-old Anthony Perry stepped off the train at Chicago’s 69th Street station. On the platform, two men were fighting bitterly. Then the unthinkable happened: the pair fell over the edge and onto the tracks. One man ended up on his back. Suddenly, he started convulsing (抽搐) unnaturally. He had fallen atop the third rail, the conduit (导线管) for the 600 volts of electricity that powers Chicago’s L trains. The aggressor leaped backward, bounded back up onto the platform and disappeared.
Perry couldn’t just stand there and watch. He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down. He took a few quick bounds and approached the victim. The guy looked dead, his body still moving violently as the electricity pulsed. Gathering up his courage, Perry reached down and grasped the victim’s wrist. Instantly, he felt a blast of electric shock shoot through his body. Perry shrank and jumped back. He reached down a second time, and was shocked again. But the third time he seized the man’s wrist and forearm and, braving the shock, pulled with all his strength. The guy’s body slid briefly along the third rail, coming to rest on the gravel on the outer edge of the tracks.
The man was breathing, but irregularly. Something wasn’t right. “Give him chest compressions (按压)!” yelled a woman. Perry was no expert, but for a few moments he worked on the man’s heart until the victim began convulsing. Then he heard a sudden noise behind him — medical workers and firefighters had arrived. Perry let the professionals take over. His heart still racing from the electric shocks, he climbed back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and headed home.
The evening news reported the incident. After a friend outed him to the media, Perry became the toast of Chicago. Perry was then recruited by the Chicago Fire Department and is now training to be an emergency medical technician.
24. What made the rescue of the victim particularly difficult
A. The man had lost his consciousness. B. The victim lay injured on top of a track.
C. The rescuer was at risk of an electric shock. D. The electricity powering trains was hard to cut off.
25. What can be inferred about Perry according to paragraphs 3-4
A. He had received professional first aid training.
B. The local newspaper interviewed him on the spot.
C. His chest compressions played a key role in saving life.
D. His heart beat fast because of nervousness and tiredness.
26. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean
A. Perry landed a job in the Fire Department. B. The city of Chicago awarded Perry a prize.
C. Chicagoans toasted Perry for his brave deeds. D. Perry got popular and greatly admired in Chicago.
27. What is the author’s main purpose of writing the text
A. To credit a hero with saving a victim’s life.
B. To highlight Perry’s courage in stopping a fight.
C. To stress the importance of calmness in rescue work.
D. To display people’s cooperation in assisting the victim.
Overcoming learning disabilities has long been a challenge for educators and students alike. However, recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have shown promise in revolutionizing the way we approach education for students with learning disabilities.
One of the most significant ways AI can assist is through the use of adaptive learning systems. These systems use algorithms (算法) to analyze a student’s performance and adjust the learning content and pace accordingly. This personalized approach allows them to progress at their own pace, without feeling overwhelmed or left behind. Furthermore, adaptive learning systems can identify areas where a student may be struggling and provide targeted support.
Another way AI can support them is through natural language processing (NLP) technology. NLP enables computers to understand and interpret human language, allowing AI-powered tools to provide real-time feedback on a student’s written work. This can be particularly beneficial for students with dyslexia, who often struggle with spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. By providing immediate feedback, students can identify and correct their mistakes, leading to improved writing skills and increased confidence.
AI can also play a role in developing their social and emotional skills. Many students with learning disabilities experience social isolation. AI-powered social robots can recognize and respond to human emotions, allowing students to engage in interactive conversations and activities that help develop their social and emotional intelligence.
While the potential benefits of AI in education are clear, it is essential to recognize AI isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Educators must carefully consider the moral implications of using AI in the classroom and ensure these tools are used responsibly and with the best interests of the students in mind. Moreover, it is crucial to remember AI shouldn’t replace human educators but rather serve as a tool to enhance and support their efforts. Teachers play a vital role by providing empathy, understanding, and guidance that cannot be reproduced by a machine. By combining the power of AI with the skills and compassion of human educators, we can create a more inclusive and effective educational environment for all students.
28. How can adaptive systems help students with learning disabilities
A. By adjusting their learning methods. B. By analyzing their learning abilities.
C. By satisfying their curiosity in learning. D. By offering personalized learning guidance.
29. What does the underlined word “dyslexia” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. A mental illness affecting human intelligence.
B. A brain disease leading to lack of confidence in study.
C. A language-related skill applied in the learning process.
D. A learning disorder involving difficulty in reading and writing.
30. What is the value of AI-powered social robots
A. Engaging students in learning activities. B. Narrowing the social distance between people.
C. Assisting learners to overcome social isolation. D. Helping learners adopt effective reading strategies.
31. What does the author say about AI in the last paragraph
A. It can’t provide understanding like human educators.
B. It can’t create an inclusive learning environment.
C. It can meet a wide range of learning needs.
D. It can guarantee learners’ data security.
In a groundbreaking effort, scientists at the University of Rochester have successfully transferred a longevity gene from naked mole rats to mice, leading to enhanced health and a longer lifespan for the mice.
Unlike many other species, the rats do not often contract diseases — including cancer — as they age. Vera Gorbunova, the Doris Johns Cherry Professor of biology and medicine at Rochester, along with Andrei Seluanov, a professor of biology, and their colleagues have devoted decades of research to understanding the unique mechanisms (机制) that the naked mole rats use to protect themselves against aging and diseases. The researchers discovered that HMW-HA is one mechanism responsible for the rats’ unusual resistance to pared to mice and humans, naked mole rats have about ten times more HMW-HA in their bodies. When the researchers removed HMW-HA from the rat cells, the cells were more likely to form tumors (肿瘤).
“Our study provides a proof of principle that unique longevity mechanisms that evolved in long-lived mammals can be exported to improve the lifespans of other mammals,” says Gorbunova. The Rochester researchers report in a study published in Nature that they successfully transferred a gene responsible for making HMW-HA from a naked mole rat to mice. This led to improved health and an approximate 4.4 percent increase in the median lifespan for the mice.
By introducing a specific gene responsible for enhanced cellular repair and protection into mice, the researchers have opened exciting possibilities for unlocking the secrets of aging and extending human lifespan. “It took us 10 years from the discovery of HMW-HA in the naked mole rat to showing that HMW-HA improves health in mice,” Gorbunova says. “Our next goal is to transfer this benefit to humans.”
They believe they can accomplish this through two routes: either by slowing down the degradation of HMW-HA or by enhancing HMW-HA synthesis. “We hope that our findings will provide the first, but not the last, example of how longevity adaptations from a long-lived species can be adapted to benefit human longevity and health.” Seluanov says.
32. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. The beneficial effects of HMW-HA on humans.
B. The comparison between mice and humans in longevity.
C. The process of transferring genes producing HMW-HA.
D. The discovery of a unique mechanism for cancer resistance.
33. What can we learn about the Rochester researchers
A. They have uncovered the secrets of humans.
B. They managed to end the weakening of HMW-HA.
C. They are planning to export longevity genes to humans.
D. They have spent 10 years trying to discover HMW-HA.
34. What does Seluanov think of the prospect of extending human lifespan
A. Hopeful. B. Profitable. C. Doubtful. D. Uncertain.
35. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Promise Shown in Control of Human Genes
B. Scientists Successfully Transfer Longevity Gene
C. Achievement Made in Extending Human Lifespan
D. New Breakthrough Paves the Way for Curing Cancer
Peloton star Ben Alldis shares his “forever exercise” tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
● Start small. Something as simple as going for a walk in nature is incredibly beneficial for our mental and physical health. 36 Be honest about where you’d like to get to, and put small steps in place to make improvements.
● Mix up your training. There’s real benefit in just moving your body through things like walking to work and gardening. I think the concept of exercise being “over here”, and then everything else being “over there”, is too limiting. It needs to be more inclusive. 37
● Be smart with your diary. I like to talk about “energy givers” versus “energy takers”. Energy takers are things like spending too much time on social media and binge drinking; while exercise and good food are energy givers. I was an athlete growing up, then I went into finance in my 20s and lost myself totally. 38 But when I changed my lifestyle, my productivity levels increased.
● Give priority to sleep. I read Matthew Walker’s book Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams. 39 I saw a dramatic influence on my productivity levels and ability to just function. So I’ll look at what I did last night before I went to bed, and then look at the impact it had on my sleep.
Understand your body clock. Everyone has a different rhythm — some people work better later in the day, others prefer to get up early. So the most important thing is finding the right time for you. 40 If you prioritise your health as much as you prioritise other things, and schedule it in your diary like a meeting, it’s far more likely to happen.
A. I’ve learnt to schedule workouts.
B. If cycling’s your usual thing, mix it up with tennis or yoga.
C. If you run out of motivation, change your workout routine.
D. It inspired me to dig deeply into sleep and prioritize it.
E. I’d recommend taking an assessment of where you are today.
F. I didn’t have a gym membership, or have time to work out.
G. Slowly you make improvements, and the quality of your sleep gets better.
Hearing the Olympics were coming to Vancouver, I decided to go for its voluntary work. I’d forgotten what it was like to put myself out there to make friends. I was glad I didn’t have anyone I knew with me because I wouldn’t have met Callie 41 . Taking the risk of sitting by her started a 42 . I still keep in touch with her.
As night fell before the opening ceremonies, I was stationed outside the MMC. Accents from all over 43 my ears. The games seemed to 44 the whole world. Suddenly, I could see people running toward the harbour. I turned to Callie, “Isn’t that the way to the torch (火炬) ” We looked at each other and started to run. My heart pounded as I sprinted. The air seemed to be 45 with everyone’s excitement, like a kind of electric energy pulsing through us. I’d never felt a(n) 46 like it before. Then, fireworks 47 into the air above us. Their bright colors glittered against the dark sky. I had 48 the lighting of the torch many times on TV, but to actually see it 49 was amazing. When the last of the fireworks 50 , there stood the Olympic torch unveiled (揭幕) in all its 51 with its flames licking at the night sky.
Even now, I can still remember the heat from the torch. I had been one of the 52 MMC staff to walk underneath it while it burned. A beacon (灯塔) of 53 for the future. I stood for a moment right under it, listening to the 54 voices of my new friends, and I knew I’d made one of the best 55 of my life.
41. A. otherwise B. therefore C. however D. instead
42. A. conversation B. cooperation C. friendship D. career
43. A. struck B. filled C. blocked D. awoke
44. A. dominate B. rebuild C. change D. unite
45. A. charged B. accompanied C. connected D. furnished
46. A. wonder B. impact C. atmosphere D. challenge
47. A. flooded B. transferred C. released D. exploded
48. A. watched B. advocated C. sought D. identified
49. A. in particular B. in person C. as well D. as usual
50. A. died down B. set off C. came out D. passed by
51. A. power B. reputation C. glory D. faith
52. A. permanent B. professional C. reliable D. lucky
53. A. view B. hope C. appeal D. aim
54. A. excited B. determined C. convincing D. astonishing
55. A. contributions B. conclusions C. decisions D. evaluations
Have you ever had this kind of childhood memory: a family sits together casually during a holiday, drinking and tasting tea after lunch or dinner This has been a 56 (day) activity for Chinese people throughout the history.
After being spread to different parts of the world, tea has received top-level global recognition 57 a shared cultural treasure of mankind. “The 58 (practice) of greeting guests with tea are shared among multiple ethnic groups. They provide 59 sense of identity and continuity for communities, groups and individuals 60 (concern),” states a document from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to UNESCO.
This explanation can be fully manifested by weilu zhucha, which 61 (mean) boiling tea at a stove, a social tea activity going viral among the young generation of Chinese people. By the end of November, 2022, videos recording or introducing this activity 62 (play) 1.14 billion times, and related posts had attracted 11.58 million views on social media platforms, reported CCTV.
Weilu zhucha might be a replacement in the cold seasons for the camping craze. 63 (sit) around with friends and families with a stove, some tea, fruit and refreshments on the table, people may chat, view the surrounding scenery, 64 be immersed in traditional Chinese culture by boiling tea together in person. “ 65 appeals to me most is its warm atmosphere when boiling tea.” an Internet user commented on Sina Weibo.
1. 分析可能的原因;
2. 给出合理的建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear David, _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua
I’m retired and not responsible for much these days. I don’t have school-age children who require help with their homework. I sleep in when I choose, do a little writing and repair a few things around the house. My wife’s work, on the other hand, is never-ending. Diana takes care of her parents in their mid-nineties, tends to home and garden, volunteers for various community organizations, and is a gold-star grandmother. She is also a dedicated cat lover, and cats have always been her pet of choice.
All that changed when two small black-and-brown dogs scampered into our yard and melted Diana’s heart. It happened not long ago. The dogs appeared unannounced and had been seen by hikers on numerous occasions, roaming the woods like tiny lost souls. They were homeless dogs, as wild as the wind. No one could get within 100 yards of them. In their struggle for survival, the two had figured out a way to avoid people and find food and shelter in the wilderness.
They were undeniably cute and appealing. Many of our neighbors tried to lure them in with treats, but the tiny dogs remained unapproachable. My wife began leaving tasty food out, slowly moving the food bowl closer with each feeding. As days passed, they ventured closer and closer. Diana made a conscious effort not to frighten them. She called them to dinner with a comforting voice, letting them know they were safe. It was important that they trusted her. Why She was looking for something to mother. For Diana, love is the medicine to everything, and nothing tugged at her heartstrings more than a hungry and homeless animal.
Diana named them “Emma” and “Daisy” and she called the dogs her “little wolves.” Initially, they would not let her touch them. As days turned into weeks, their bond slowly grew. Soon, Diana was petting them. Next, they were eating from her hand. Before long, she had them sitting in her lap and following her around the yard. And poof! My wife was instantly transformed from cat lady to dog lady.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: It wasn’t long before the dogs were sleeping in the house and assuming their role as “watchdogs”. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Time in the yard feels like a second childhood with Daisy and Emma playing about our feet. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
6—7 CA 8—9 AB 10—13 BCCB 14—17 ABAC 18—20 BAB
21—23 DCB 24—27 CCDA 28—31 DDCA 32—35 DCAB
36—40 EBFDA
41—45 ACBDA 46—50 CDABA 51—55 CDBAC
56. daily 57. as 58. practices 59. a 60. concerned
61. means 62. had been played 63. Sitting 64. and 65. What
A Possible Version:
Dear David,
I’m sorry to hear that you feel confused and anxious as a freshman at senior high school. I truly understand your situation since I’ve been there.
Going to senior high school is really a big challenge, especially when you face the higher academic pressure and new interpersonal relationship. However, you can make it easier by following some golden rules. First, work out an appropriate schedule — good time management helps reduce your stress. If necessary, turn to the school adviser for help, who is experienced in tackling tricky problems for students like you. Finally, stay positive all the time, because a positive attitude sparks extraordinary results.
I really hope the suggestions will be of benefit to you. All the best!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
A possible version:
It wasn’t long before the dogs were sleeping in the house and assuming their role as “watchdogs”. They became fierce protectors of our home, a comforting presence. Each day, they would police the property whole-heartedly and then return to the house expecting a sweet treat and a gentle pat on the head for a job well done. Their love and devotion were unquestioning. They quickly became integrated into our daily lives. Where did they come from That was a question I never stopped asking myself. Maybe an unavoidable tragedy brought the little wolves to us, or maybe they had been adopted by a misguided human. Whatever it was, our furry friends are the essence of happiness. They display absolute joy in simply being alive. Their wagging tails and cold little noses always lift my spirits.
Time in the yard feels like a second childhood with Daisy and Emma playing about our feet. Filled with so much energy, they race around the yard, barking and chasing each other, and then sprint back to us for another love session of pets and hugs. When my wife goes shopping, she comes home to find the dogs waiting patiently in the driveway, perched on a nest of her shoes. Those who rescue abandoned animals are the best people in the world. Diana is one of them. She can win the hearts of two wild animals with love and kindness. The “little wolves” are now so important in our lives that we can’t imagine being without them. The dogs have taught us to savor every moment spent in their company. I’ve also learned that it’s highly possible to turn a cat lady into a dog lady with two little wolves and a whole lot of love.
(Text 1)
W: Hey, Dick, did you have a good time yesterday
M: Yes. I went jogging with my friends by the lake, but it rained at noon, so we had to stay in a cafe before we went to the cinema at 6:30 pm.
(Text 2)
M: Our meeting begins at 6:00. I will take the subway, so I’ll get there in time to unlock the front door. What about you
W: Well, I will catch a Didi taxi. Eric told me he will probably be late, since he has to wait for a ride from his roommate.
(Text 3)
M: Wow, I think the dress looks beautiful on you.
W: Its length is perfect. But I’m not sure about the color. My skin color is a little dark and the indoor lights are too strong.
M: We have the same dress in blue. Maybe it will look even more beautiful.
(Text 4)
W: Why are we sitting here I thought you liked to be next to a window.
M: I do, but we’ll be flying at night, so I won’t be able to see anything.
W: But why did you get seats right at the back
M: Someone at work gave me a good tip. He said if you ask for seats at the back, sometimes there will be empty ones nearby, so you can have enough leg room.
(Text 5)
W: How are you going to spend the summer vacation
M: I’m going to travel to Italy.
W: Wow, fascinating! But it would be difficult to arrange all the things by yourself.
M: You bet! I spent much time on the visa and looking for hotels. I find it really challenging.
(Text 6)
W: Good morning.
M: Good morning. May I ask you a question
W: Ask away.
M: How many hours of the behind-the-wheel course do I need to take
W: You have to do six hours behind the wheel.
M: How many days do I need to finish the course
W: You can’t finish in less than three days.
M: Is that all
W: There’s nothing else to it.
M: That sounds easy enough.
(Text 7)
M: Mary, this is David. Listen, Kate and I want to go bowling tomorrow night, but we don’t have a way to get there. If you drive, we’ll pay for your entrance fee to the gym. How about it
W: Well, it sounds like fun, but actually I’ve really got a lot of homework to do right now.
M: Oh, come on, Mary. It’ll be fun. Go and relax yourself, and you’ll study better!
W: I really can’t. I’ve got a physics exam next Monday and a book report due on Tuesday, which I’m really nervous about. I don’t think I’d enjoy it much. But thanks a lot for thinking of me. Sorry I can’t help you out.
M: Oh, don’t worry about it.
(Text 8)
W: Hi Colin. Where are you going
M: Hi Janet. To the camera shop in town.
W: Which one
M: It must have been a long time since you went to town. There’s only one camera shop these days.
W: Really
M: Yes, the one on Dixon Street shut down years ago. The one on Edgar Street survived until last year, and the only one now is on Hatfield Street.
W: That’s a shame. I suppose cameras aren’t as popular these days. Nowadays you can take good pictures with a phone.
M: Most camera shops can’t compete with Internet prices. In fact, the same is true for other shops.
W: What are you going to buy
M: Some memory cards. There’s a sale on today.
W: Do you still take photographs professionally
M: Sometimes people ask for pictures of their kids, but usually I just take pictures of plants and animals for pleasure. I am doing a wedding on Saturday, though.
(Text 9)
M: Hello, welcome to our program, Adventures in Cooking. Today, we have a special guest, Ms. Jennifer Taylor. She is here to talk to us about her food blog. Thank you for speaking with us today, Ms. Taylor. Can you tell us when you started cooking
W: I spent my summer vacations on a farm with my grandma. As soon as I was tall enough to reach the stove, she started teaching me family recipes.
M: Wonderful. So, you have just received an award for having one of the best food blogs in the country. Can you tell us when you started keeping a blog, and why you named it Simple, Fast, and Healthy
W: For years, I worked as a reporter for a women’s magazine. After I got married and had three kids, I stopped working in order to be a full-time mom. In order to feed my family, I cooked them three healthy meals a day. But it was hard for me to stop writing, so I started writing about food. I knew a lot of moms who felt busy, just like me. I wanted to give them recipes that they could use without spending too much time in the kitchen. Now, any mom who wants inspiration can look at my blog.
(Text 10)
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I want to take a little time to let you know about the short training program the company is now planning. The program is called Learning From Adventure and it is designed to develop leadership skills. There will be lectures on public relations and management as well as outdoor activities such as climbing mountains, long-distance running and camping. You don’t need any past experience. There will be no program tests. However, the company will receive a full report on your performance. You are sure to improve your ability to help others realize their goals and to deal with difficult tasks under difficult conditions. The 12-day program will be in July. If you like, you can use part of your twenty-day paid holidays. There’s no charge for this program. If you are interested, please write your name on this piece of paper after the meeting. Thank you.

  • 浙江省绍兴市2023-2024高三上学期11月选考科目诊断性考试(一模)英语试题(含答案无听力音频有听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月08日  所属分类:作业答案