新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级下册Unit 9 Section A 同步练习

新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级下册Unit 9 Section A 同步练习
1.—What heavy rain!
—So it is. I prefer ____________rather than ____________on such a rainy day.
A.to go out; staying at home B.staying at home; go out
C.going out; stay at home D.to stay at home; go out
【解析】【分析】句意:——好大的雨!——确实这样。在这样的雨天,我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去。根据固定搭配,prefer to do rather than do,可知第一个空为动词不定式,第二个空为动词原形,故答案为D。
2.The woman came to see John yesterday is his aunt.
A.who B.whom C.whose D.what
【解析】【分析】句意:昨天那个来看约翰的妇女是他的阿姨。此题考查定语从句,先行词为the woman 那个妇女,指人,在定语从句中作主语,所以关系代词用who或者that,故选A。
3.I prefer music that me relaxed.
A.make B.makes C.has D.have
【解析】【分析】句意:我更喜欢使我放轻松的音乐。关系代词that指代music音乐(不可数名词),在定语从句中做主语,所以谓语动词应为单三式形式,故排除A和D。根据短语make sb.+形容词,使某人怎么样,可知此题选择B。
4.He failed in the math test and looks sad. Let's ___________.
A.put him up B.set him up C.cheer him up D.clean him up
【解析】【分析】put up 举起 张贴 set up 建立 cheer up 使…振作起来 clean up清理。句意:他在数学考试中失败了,看起来伤心,咱们去让他振作起来吧。故选 C 。
5.He gave me a beautiful card ____ wrote "Happy birthday".
A.which B.who C.where D.what
A growing child needs    (大量) of
【解析】【分析】句意:成长中的孩子需要大量的睡眠。plenty of ,大量的,充足的,修饰名词sleep,故答案为plenty。
Don't forget to s    (粘贴) a stamp
on the envelope.
I don't s    (料想) you are
afraid of the exam. Don't tell me you are nervous.
He is     (沮丧) and upset. Let's cheer him
【解析】【分析】句意: 他很沮丧很不安,让我们让他振作起来。is系动词后是形容词,沮丧,down是形容词,故填down。
Please     (关闭) the door. It's too noisy outside.
【解析】【分析】句意: 请关门,外面太吵了。please后是动词原形,关闭,shut是动词,故填shut。
My cousin Linda has worked in an   (Australia) college for three years.
【解析】【分析】句意:我的表妹琳达在澳大利亚的一所大学工作了三年。 Australia 澳大利亚,专有名词,这里是修饰名词college,应该用形容词, Australia的形容词形式为 Australian,故答案为Australian。
He is an actor, but he would really like to be a film   (direct).
【解析】【分析】句意:他是个演员,但他真正想做的是电影导演。direct动词,导演,指挥;根据a film可知这里是一个单数名词,direct的名词形式为director,导演,符合题意。故答案为director。
The little boy was too scared to     (move).
【解析】【分析】句意: 这个小男孩吓得一动也不动。too...to do,固定搭配,故此处是动词原形,故填move。
【点评】考查语法填空,注意too...to do的用法。
After seeing the movie, I felt even     (sad) than others.
【解析】【分析】句意: 看完这部电影后,我比其他人更难过。than是比较级标志,sad是形容词,故填sadder。
Xian Xinghai is a great     (music).
【解析】【分析】句意: 冼星海是一位伟大的音乐家。music,音乐,动词,根据主语 Xian Xinghai ,可知他是一位音乐家,音乐家,musician,a后接可数名词单数,故答案为musician。
Hey, Rob. What are you doing
Hi, Susan!   
Have you seen many movies this summer
I've seen some, but I want to see more. I want to see Star Trek Beyond.
Me too. Seeing movies on a big screen in a theater is fun.
And I also want to see The Secret Life of Pets.   
I like watching documentaries a lot like Planet Earth.
meets Susan the next day.)
Oh, Susan, I finally saw the new X-Men movie.
A:   Did you like it
Yes, I did. There was a lot of action. And Jennifer Lawrence was really good.
I like her.   
In the movies, she leads a team to save the world.
Exactly. I may go and see it again!
A. I can't stand her. B. She is a good actress. C. That sounds interesting. D. What do you think of it E. What kind of movies do you like F. I'm thinking about seeing movies.
选项意思:A. I can't stand her.我受不了她了。
B. She is a good actress.她是个好演员。
C. That sounds interesting.听起来很有趣。
D. What do you think of it 你觉得怎么样
E. What kind of movies do you like 你喜欢什么类型的电影
F. I'm thinking about seeing movies.我在考虑看电影。
(1)根据上文 What are you doing 和下文 Have you seen many movies this summer B: I've seen some, but I want to see more. 可知这里是我正在下这看电影,故答案为F。
(2)根据下文答语 A: I like watching documentaries a lot like Planet Earth. 可知上文是问你喜欢什么电影,故答案为E。
(3)根据导航网句子 Oh, Susan, I finally saw the new X-Men movie. 和下文 Did you like it 可知这里是问对电影的看法,故答案为D。
(4)根据上文 I like her和下文B: In the movies, she leads a team to save the world.可知这里是对演员的评价,故答案为B。
(5)根据上文句子 In the movies, she leads a team to save the world. 和下文句子 Exactly. I may go and see it again! ,结合选项可知C符合题意,故答案为C。
Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor. He was good and kind. At any time of day and night, he was always ready to go and help sick people. Every one in the town liked him and people always went to him when there was anything wrong with them.
But many years went past and the doctor became old. He began to lose his memory (记忆). This made him do foolish things sometimes. When people noticed this, they did not go to him any more. "He may give us the wrong medicine," they said and they were afraid.
"Why does no one come to me now " he wondered. But no one wanted to tell him because they did not want to hurt the good old man, so they said, "You have cured (治好) all the sick people in the town. There is no one sick now." The doctor was pleased when he heard that and they went away happily.
(1)The doctor lived ___________.
A.in a town B.in a hospital C.in a village D.in a city
(2)People did not go to the doctor any more because ___________.
A.he didn't want to cure them B.they were afraid of him
C.he didn't want to see them D.he might give them wrong medicine
(3)When the doctor heard what the people said, he ___________.
A.was sorry B.was surprised C.was pleased D.was worried
(4)The doctor ___________.
A.was quite foolish B.always gave the wrong medicine
C.believed what the people told him D.was not kind to the sick people
(5)Why didn't people tell the truth to the doctor
A.Because they were angry with the doctor.
B.Because they did not want to hurt the old doctor.
C.Because the doctor did not like to listen to them.
D.Because they did not need to tell him the truth.
(1)根据第一段的第一个句子Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor.可知选A。
(2)根据第二段的句子He may give us the wrong medicine 可知选D。
(3)根据第三段最后一句The doctor was pleased when he heard that可知选C。
(4)从第三段最后一句的pleased 可以看出应该选C。
(5)根据第三段的because they did not want to hurt the good old man,可知选B。
father was a self-taught mandolin(曼陀林琴)
player. He was one of the best players in our town. He could not (1) music. but if he heard a tune(曲子) a few times, he could play it, When he was young, he was a (2) of a small country music band. They played at
local dances and the radio station.
home Dad often took out his mandolin and played for the family. We three
children sang along. (3) played the mandolin like my father. He could (4) your heart with the music that came out of
that old mandolin, He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his (5) in his ability to play so well for his family.
Dad had to find another (6) in
a factory later because the money he made at the band wasn't enough to (7) the family. Unluckily, he had an (8) one day and lost one finger, He couldn't play
as (9) as before. From then on, every
time we asked him to play, he would make up reasons to (10) down our request. However, we missed his
performance so much. (11) , he agreed and said, "Okay, but
remember, 1 can't hold down on the strings(琴弦) the way
I (12) to."
he played the old mandolin, it carried us back to a (13) , happy time
in our lives. Dad was that kind of man. (14) was what he was doing all his life. If he
could give to (15) others,
he would, especially his family. He was always there. sacrificing(牺牲) his time to see that his family had enough in their lives.
(1)A.express B.raise C.read D.lead
(2)A.dancer B.member C.driver D.friend
(3)A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Everybody
(4)A.shut B.touch C.cover D.hurt
(5)A.shyness B.truth C.pride D.worry
(6)A.job B.wallet C.game D.hobby
(7)A.start B.work C.value D.support
(8)A.action B.accident C.interview D.exam
(9)A.deep B.fast C.well D.loud
(10)A.turn B.break C.close D.lay
(11)A.Nearly B.Exactly C.Certainly D.Finally
(12)A.regretted B.used C.kept D.pointed
(13)A.careful B.useful C.cheerful D.helpful
(14)A.Giving B.Receiving C.Changing D.Taking
(15)A.production B.pleasure C.purpose D.difference
(1)句意:他不会识谱。A、表示,表达,B、筹集,C、读,D、领导,根据下文 but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it ,可知父亲不会识谱,固定搭配,read music,故选C。
(2)句意: 他年轻时是一个小型乡村乐队的成员。A、舞者,B、成员,C、司机,D、朋友,根据下文 They played at local dances and the radio station,可知父亲是乐队的一名成员之一,故选B。
(3)句意: 没有人像我父亲一样弹奏曼陀林琴。A、没有人,B、有人,C、任何人,D、每个人,根据下文 played the mandolin like my father. He could touch your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin ,可知没有人像我父亲一样弹奏曼陀林琴,故选A。
(4)句意: 他可以用那支古老的曼陀林弹奏出触动你心灵的音乐。A、关闭,B、触动,C、覆盖,D、受伤, 根据上文Nobody played the mandolin like my father,可推知他弹奏的音乐能触动你的心灵,故选B。
(5)句意: 你可以看到他用他自己的能力为他的家人演奏地那么好而感到自豪。A、害羞,B、真相,C、自豪,D、担心, 根据上文He seemed to shine when he was playing,可知用他自己的能力为他的家人演奏地那么好是他的自豪,故选C。
(6)句意: 但是爸爸后来不得不在工厂里再找一份工作,因为他在乐队挣的钱不够供养全家 。A、工作,B、钱包,C、游戏,D、爱好,根据下文 because the money he made at the band wasn't enough to support the family,可知爸爸后来不得不在工厂里再找一份工作,故选A。
(7)句意:但是爸爸后来不得不在工厂里再找一份工作,因为他在乐队挣的钱不够供养全家 。A、开始,B、工作,C、珍视,D、支持,帮助,根据上文 But Dad had to find another job in a factory later,可知是因为他在乐队挣的钱不够供养全家 ,故选D。
(8)句意: 不幸的是,有一天他出了事故,失去了一根手指 。A、行动,B、事故,C、采访,D、考试,根据下文 and lost one finger,可知是发生了事故,故选B。
(9)句意:他演奏地不如以前好了。A、深的,B、快的,C、好,D、大声的,根据上文 Unluckily, he had an accident one day and lost one finger,可知是不能弹得和以前一样好,故选C。
(10)句意: 从那以后,每次我们请他上场,他都会编造理由拒绝我们的要求。A、转动,B、打破,C 、关上,D、放置,根据空格后的down,可知此处是固定搭配turn down,拒绝,故选A。
(11)句意: 最后他同意了,并说,“好吧,但记住,我不能像过去一样的方式按住琴弦了。A、将近,B、精确地,C、当然,D、最后,根据上文 However, we missed his performance so much,可知最后父亲同意了,故选D。
(12)句意:最后他同意了,并说,“好吧,但记住,我不能像过去一样的方式按住琴弦了。A、后悔,B、使用,C、保持,D、指,根据上文 Unluckily, he had an accident one day and lost one finger,可知此处是说父亲不能像过去一样的方式按住琴弦了,固定搭配,used to,过去常常,故选B。
(13)句意: 当他弹奏那把古老的曼陀林琴时,我们仿佛回到了生命中快乐、幸福的时光 。A、仔细的,B、有用的,C、高兴的,D、有帮助的,根据上文 Nobody played the mandolin like my father . He could touch your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin,可知当时孩子们是幸福的,故选C。
(15)句意: 如果他能使别人快乐,他一定会的,尤其是他的家人。 A、产品,B、快乐,C、目的,D、不同之处,根据上文 it carried us back to a cheerful, happy time in our lives,可知父亲只要能给他人带来快乐,尤其是他的家人,他就会去做,故选B。
新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级下册Unit 9 Section A 同步练习
1.—What heavy rain!
—So it is. I prefer ____________rather than ____________on such a rainy day.
A.to go out; staying at home B.staying at home; go out
C.going out; stay at home D.to stay at home; go out
2.The woman came to see John yesterday is his aunt.
A.who B.whom C.whose D.what
3.I prefer music that me relaxed.
A.make B.makes C.has D.have
4.He failed in the math test and looks sad. Let's ___________.
A.put him up B.set him up C.cheer him up D.clean him up
5.He gave me a beautiful card ____ wrote "Happy birthday".
A.which B.who C.where D.what
A growing child needs    (大量) of
Don't forget to s    (粘贴) a stamp
on the envelope.
I don't s    (料想) you are
afraid of the exam. Don't tell me you are nervous.
He is     (沮丧) and upset. Let's cheer him
Please     (关闭) the door. It's too noisy outside.
My cousin Linda has worked in an   (Australia) college for three years.
He is an actor, but he would really like to be a film   (direct).
The little boy was too scared to     (move).
After seeing the movie, I felt even     (sad) than others.
Xian Xinghai is a great     (music).
Hey, Rob. What are you doing
Hi, Susan!   
Have you seen many movies this summer
I've seen some, but I want to see more. I want to see Star Trek Beyond.
Me too. Seeing movies on a big screen in a theater is fun.
And I also want to see The Secret Life of Pets.   
I like watching documentaries a lot like Planet Earth.
meets Susan the next day.)
Oh, Susan, I finally saw the new X-Men movie.
A:   Did you like it
Yes, I did. There was a lot of action. And Jennifer Lawrence was really good.
I like her.   
In the movies, she leads a team to save the world.
Exactly. I may go and see it again!
A. I can't stand her. B. She is a good actress. C. That sounds interesting. D. What do you think of it E. What kind of movies do you like F. I'm thinking about seeing movies.
Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor. He was good and kind. At any time of day and night, he was always ready to go and help sick people. Every one in the town liked him and people always went to him when there was anything wrong with them.
But many years went past and the doctor became old. He began to lose his memory (记忆). This made him do foolish things sometimes. When people noticed this, they did not go to him any more. "He may give us the wrong medicine," they said and they were afraid.
"Why does no one come to me now " he wondered. But no one wanted to tell him because they did not want to hurt the good old man, so they said, "You have cured (治好) all the sick people in the town. There is no one sick now." The doctor was pleased when he heard that and they went away happily.
(1)The doctor lived ___________.
A.in a town B.in a hospital C.in a village D.in a city
(2)People did not go to the doctor any more because ___________.
A.he didn't want to cure them B.they were afraid of him
C.he didn't want to see them D.he might give them wrong medicine
(3)When the doctor heard what the people said, he ___________.
A.was sorry B.was surprised C.was pleased D.was worried
(4)The doctor ___________.
A.was quite foolish B.always gave the wrong medicine
C.believed what the people told him D.was not kind to the sick people
(5)Why didn't people tell the truth to the doctor
A.Because they were angry with the doctor.
B.Because they did not want to hurt the old doctor.
C.Because the doctor did not like to listen to them.
D.Because they did not need to tell him the truth.
father was a self-taught mandolin(曼陀林琴)
player. He was one of the best players in our town. He could not (1) music. but if he heard a tune(曲子) a few times, he could play it, When he was young, he was a (2) of a small country music band. They played at
local dances and the radio station.
home Dad often took out his mandolin and played for the family. We three
children sang along. (3) played the mandolin like my father. He could (4) your heart with the music that came out of
that old mandolin, He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his (5) in his ability to play so well for his family.
Dad had to find another (6) in
a factory later because the money he made at the band wasn't enough to (7) the family. Unluckily, he had an (8) one day and lost one finger, He couldn't play
as (9) as before. From then on, every
time we asked him to play, he would make up reasons to (10) down our request. However, we missed his
performance so much. (11) , he agreed and said, "Okay, but
remember, 1 can't hold down on the strings(琴弦) the way
I (12) to."
he played the old mandolin, it carried us back to a (13) , happy time
in our lives. Dad was that kind of man. (14) was what he was doing all his life. If he
could give to (15) others,
he would, especially his family. He was always there. sacrificing(牺牲) his time to see that his family had enough in their lives.
(1)A.express B.raise C.read D.lead
(2)A.dancer B.member C.driver D.friend
(3)A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Everybody
(4)A.shut B.touch C.cover D.hurt
(5)A.shyness B.truth C.pride D.worry
(6)A.job B.wallet C.game D.hobby
(7)A.start B.work C.value D.support
(8)A.action B.accident C.interview D.exam
(9)A.deep B.fast C.well D.loud
(10)A.turn B.break C.close D.lay
(11)A.Nearly B.Exactly C.Certainly D.Finally
(12)A.regretted B.used C.kept D.pointed
(13)A.careful B.useful C.cheerful D.helpful
(14)A.Giving B.Receiving C.Changing D.Taking
(15)A.production B.pleasure C.purpose D.difference
【解析】【分析】句意:——好大的雨!——确实这样。在这样的雨天,我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去。根据固定搭配,prefer to do rather than do,可知第一个空为动词不定式,第二个空为动词原形,故答案为D。
【解析】【分析】句意:昨天那个来看约翰的妇女是他的阿姨。此题考查定语从句,先行词为the woman 那个妇女,指人,在定语从句中作主语,所以关系代词用who或者that,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:我更喜欢使我放轻松的音乐。关系代词that指代music音乐(不可数名词),在定语从句中做主语,所以谓语动词应为单三式形式,故排除A和D。根据短语make sb.+形容词,使某人怎么样,可知此题选择B。
【解析】【分析】put up 举起 张贴 set up 建立 cheer up 使…振作起来 clean up清理。句意:他在数学考试中失败了,看起来伤心,咱们去让他振作起来吧。故选 C 。
【解析】【分析】句意:成长中的孩子需要大量的睡眠。plenty of ,大量的,充足的,修饰名词sleep,故答案为plenty。
【解析】【分析】句意: 他很沮丧很不安,让我们让他振作起来。is系动词后是形容词,沮丧,down是形容词,故填down。
【解析】【分析】句意: 请关门,外面太吵了。please后是动词原形,关闭,shut是动词,故填shut。
【解析】【分析】句意:我的表妹琳达在澳大利亚的一所大学工作了三年。 Australia 澳大利亚,专有名词,这里是修饰名词college,应该用形容词, Australia的形容词形式为 Australian,故答案为Australian。
【解析】【分析】句意:他是个演员,但他真正想做的是电影导演。direct动词,导演,指挥;根据a film可知这里是一个单数名词,direct的名词形式为director,导演,符合题意。故答案为director。
【解析】【分析】句意: 这个小男孩吓得一动也不动。too...to do,固定搭配,故此处是动词原形,故填move。
【点评】考查语法填空,注意too...to do的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意: 看完这部电影后,我比其他人更难过。than是比较级标志,sad是形容词,故填sadder。
【解析】【分析】句意: 冼星海是一位伟大的音乐家。music,音乐,动词,根据主语 Xian Xinghai ,可知他是一位音乐家,音乐家,musician,a后接可数名词单数,故答案为musician。
选项意思:A. I can't stand her.我受不了她了。
B. She is a good actress.她是个好演员。
C. That sounds interesting.听起来很有趣。
D. What do you think of it 你觉得怎么样
E. What kind of movies do you like 你喜欢什么类型的电影
F. I'm thinking about seeing movies.我在考虑看电影。
(1)根据上文 What are you doing 和下文 Have you seen many movies this summer B: I've seen some, but I want to see more. 可知这里是我正在下这看电影,故答案为F。
(2)根据下文答语 A: I like watching documentaries a lot like Planet Earth. 可知上文是问你喜欢什么电影,故答案为E。
(3)根据导航网句子 Oh, Susan, I finally saw the new X-Men movie. 和下文 Did you like it 可知这里是问对电影的看法,故答案为D。
(4)根据上文 I like her和下文B: In the movies, she leads a team to save the world.可知这里是对演员的评价,故答案为B。
(5)根据上文句子 In the movies, she leads a team to save the world. 和下文句子 Exactly. I may go and see it again! ,结合选项可知C符合题意,故答案为C。
(1)根据第一段的第一个句子Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor.可知选A。
(2)根据第二段的句子He may give us the wrong medicine 可知选D。
(3)根据第三段最后一句The doctor was pleased when he heard that可知选C。
(4)从第三段最后一句的pleased 可以看出应该选C。
(5)根据第三段的because they did not want to hurt the good old man,可知选B。
(1)句意:他不会识谱。A、表示,表达,B、筹集,C、读,D、领导,根据下文 but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it ,可知父亲不会识谱,固定搭配,read music,故选C。
(2)句意: 他年轻时是一个小型乡村乐队的成员。A、舞者,B、成员,C、司机,D、朋友,根据下文 They played at local dances and the radio station,可知父亲是乐队的一名成员之一,故选B。
(3)句意: 没有人像我父亲一样弹奏曼陀林琴。A、没有人,B、有人,C、任何人,D、每个人,根据下文 played the mandolin like my father. He could touch your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin ,可知没有人像我父亲一样弹奏曼陀林琴,故选A。
(4)句意: 他可以用那支古老的曼陀林弹奏出触动你心灵的音乐。A、关闭,B、触动,C、覆盖,D、受伤, 根据上文Nobody played the mandolin like my father,可推知他弹奏的音乐能触动你的心灵,故选B。
(5)句意: 你可以看到他用他自己的能力为他的家人演奏地那么好而感到自豪。A、害羞,B、真相,C、自豪,D、担心, 根据上文He seemed to shine when he was playing,可知用他自己的能力为他的家人演奏地那么好是他的自豪,故选C。
(6)句意: 但是爸爸后来不得不在工厂里再找一份工作,因为他在乐队挣的钱不够供养全家 。A、工作,B、钱包,C、游戏,D、爱好,根据下文 because the money he made at the band wasn't enough to support the family,可知爸爸后来不得不在工厂里再找一份工作,故选A。
(7)句意:但是爸爸后来不得不在工厂里再找一份工作,因为他在乐队挣的钱不够供养全家 。A、开始,B、工作,C、珍视,D、支持,帮助,根据上文 But Dad had to find another job in a factory later,可知是因为他在乐队挣的钱不够供养全家 ,故选D。
(8)句意: 不幸的是,有一天他出了事故,失去了一根手指 。A、行动,B、事故,C、采访,D、考试,根据下文 and lost one finger,可知是发生了事故,故选B。
(9)句意:他演奏地不如以前好了。A、深的,B、快的,C、好,D、大声的,根据上文 Unluckily, he had an accident one day and lost one finger,可知是不能弹得和以前一样好,故选C。
(10)句意: 从那以后,每次我们请他上场,他都会编造理由拒绝我们的要求。A、转动,B、打破,C 、关上,D、放置,根据空格后的down,可知此处是固定搭配turn down,拒绝,故选A。
(11)句意: 最后他同意了,并说,“好吧,但记住,我不能像过去一样的方式按住琴弦了。A、将近,B、精确地,C、当然,D、最后,根据上文 However, we missed his performance so much,可知最后父亲同意了,故选D。
(12)句意:最后他同意了,并说,“好吧,但记住,我不能像过去一样的方式按住琴弦了。A、后悔,B、使用,C、保持,D、指,根据上文 Unluckily, he had an accident one day and lost one finger,可知此处是说父亲不能像过去一样的方式按住琴弦了,固定搭配,used to,过去常常,故选B。
(13)句意: 当他弹奏那把古老的曼陀林琴时,我们仿佛回到了生命中快乐、幸福的时光 。A、仔细的,B、有用的,C、高兴的,D、有帮助的,根据上文 Nobody played the mandolin like my father . He could touch your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin,可知当时孩子们是幸福的,故选C。
(15)句意: 如果他能使别人快乐,他一定会的,尤其是他的家人。 A、产品,B、快乐,C、目的,D、不同之处,根据上文 it carried us back to a cheerful, happy time in our lives,可知父亲只要能给他人带来快乐,尤其是他的家人,他就会去做,故选B。

  • 新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级下册Unit 9 Section A 同步练习已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月08日  所属分类:作业答案