
二 单项选择(每小题 1分,共 10分)
13.(1分)I have _____European pen friend,and he likes speaking _______.(  )
A.an;Germany B.an;German
C.a;Germany D.a;German
14.(1分)___________important idea you shared yesterday!It really helps.(  )
A.What an B. How C. What D. What a
15.(1分)—Is everyone here today?
—No.Two students are ___ because they have a cold.(  )
A.absent B.private C.humorous D.patient
16.(1分)___________you have become stronger than before,you should still exercise every day.(  )
A. If B. Whatever
C. Even though D. Until
17.(1分) He finds___________wonderful that the children finished the work all by themselves.(  )
A. them B. it C. that D. this
18.(1分)When the leaves are ready,they are picked _____ hand and then are sent ______processing.(  )
A.with;to B.by;to C.with;for D.by;for
19.(1分) My parents have a great___________ on their children.They teach me to be a kind man.(  )
A. suggestion B. influence
C. advice D. expression
20.(1分) He knows___________what he should do at school.He always follows the rules.(  )
A. differently B. exactly
C. quickly D. simply
21.(1分)﹣How does Jane go to school?
﹣She ride a bike to school ,but now she going there by bus.(  )
A.used to; is used to
B.used to;used to
C.is used to; used to
D.is used to;is used to
22.(1分)﹣ Can you imagine in 2035?
﹣ I'm sure it will be better.(  )
A.how our life was
B.what will our life be like
C.how was our life
D.what our life will be like
三 完形填空 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案(共 10分)
23.(10分)Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world.But no matter how(1)   it is,some people voluntarily (主动地) take this role,(2)   if they don't have to.We know them as"foster(收养) parents".
Katie Holstein is one such example.In 2017,though unmarried,she decided to become a mother.Eight months later(3)   for Katie.However,she made it.The babies were looked after very well.
Over the next three years,this(4)   mom fostered 16 children.They were all under five years old because she wasn't willing to take teenagers.However,her attitude changed when she met a teenage girl named Akyra.
Akyra's foster family needed a break.Katie was asked to let Akyra(5)   with her for a week .To Katie's surprise,she and Akyra got on well.They had the same(6)   ,such as watching movies and reading novels.As time went on,the pair grew(7)   .Katie made up her mind to foster her for real.Akyra was 14 at that time and planned to live with Katie until she aged out of the system at 18 years old.
Now Katie's story is(8)   known.She hopes it will encourage other people to(9)    their homes to foster kids."Being a real family doesn't always mean being connected by blood.Sometimes,it just means being connected by the(10)   .I promise you there are children in your community tight now who need a safe place to land.They need willing families ,not perfect ones."explained Katie.
(1) A.interesting B.exciting C.unhealthy D.difficult
(2) A.however B.and C.even D.but
(3) A.job B.question C.exam D.rule
(4) A.beautiful B.powerful C.careful D.useful
(5) A.stay B.come C.communicate D.compete
(6) A.difficulties B.ideas C.interests D.friends
(7) A.stranger B.quicker C.stronger D.closer
(8) A.widely B.clearly C.nearly D.directly
(9) A.build B.open C.clean D.change
(10) A.sadness B.smiling C.friend D.warmth
四 阅读理解(A、B 篇每小题 1.5分;C 篇每小题 1分, 共 20分)
24.(7.5分)Shanghai Big Bus Tour
The big bus tour takes you to some famous places in Shanghai.You can get on and off the open﹣top tour bus at the places of interest in Shanghai.
Pudong tour﹣blue route(线路) The Pudong tour route travels through the Pudong area.It shows you Pudong's rapid development. Stops:The Bund;Oriental Pearl Tower,The Shanghai World Financial Center;No.16 Port of Huangpu River How long:one hour and fifteen minutes First run:9:45 am Last run:5:15pm Interval(间隔时间):45 minutes Price:300 RMB for adults 200 RMB for children(3﹣12 years old)
City tour﹣red route The city tour route travels through three districts(区域)of Shanghai.It starts from West Nanjing Road. Stops:West Nanjing Road;People's Square;Shanghai Art Museum;The Bund;No.16 Port of Huangpu River;Xintiandi How long:one hour Interval:30 minutes First run:9:00am Last run:5:00pm Price:300 RMB for adults 200 RMB for children(3﹣12 years old) Please call 0086﹣021﹣63515988 to order tickets or leam more information about the tour.
(1)The city tour route starts from    .
A.People's Square
B.West Nanjing Road
C.East Nanjing Road
D.The Bund
(2)The Interval of the Pudong tour is    minutes longer than that of the city tour.
(3)The Pudong tour takes you to some of Shanghai's most famous places except    .
A.Oriental Pear Tower
B.The Old Port
C.The new world
D.The Shanghai World Financial Center
(4)How much should Mr.Green pay if he plans to take the bus with his 5﹣year﹣old son?    
(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the poster?    
A.You can only order the tickets online.
B.You can take the Pudong tour bus at 8:00 am.
C.You can get to the Shanghai Art Museum by Pudong tour bus.
D.You can get on and off the tour bus at the places of interest in Shanghai.
How music takes us back to our past?
It's happened to all of us:a song comes on the radio,and we may immediately think about a time in our past.But what is it that makes music so effective at doing this?There are a few things that link tunes (曲调)with our memories.
Paul Donoghue,writing for ABC News,reminds us that the emotional nature of music helps make it memorable.And Kelly Jakubowski,an assistant professor,adds that music and singing are often part of many important life eventsthey can also easily draw our attention.Then the music and these life events are likely to be encoded together in our memories.Music itself is easy to remember.Oral cultures(口述文明) have passed important knowledge from generation to generation through songs.The rhythm(节奏),melody(节奏)
As Shahram Heshmat,writing in Psychology Today highlights,we often become familiar with a piece of music because we hear it as background music.Familianty is important.The more familiar a piece of music is
Heshmat points out that our musical preferences usually form during our teens,and this is connected with what many experts call the 'reminiscence bump',where we make our strongest memories between the ages of 10 and 30.
(1)What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refer to?    
A.life events.
B.music and singing.
C.Paul Donoghue and Kelly Jakubowski.
D.Kelly Jakubowski and the assistant professor.
(2)According to the passage,we can know that    .
A.we often become familiar with music because we like its rhythm
B.Our musical preferences usually form when we are old
C.Our strongest memories are made between the ages of 10 and 30
D.We usually watch a film or a TV program over and over again
(3)The underlined word "memorable" in Paragraph 2 means "    " in Chinese.
(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?    
A.Shahram Heshmat works for Psychology Today.
B.Oral cultures have passed important knowledge through songs.
C.We may think about a time in our past when a song is played on the radio.
D.Paul thinks we become familiar with a piece of music because of its background music.
(5)The passage probably comes from    .
A sports report
B.a storybook
C.science magazine
D.an advertisement poster
26.(5分)Walking at least 4,000 steps a day significantly(显著地)reduces your risk of an early death,337 steps a day will reduce your risk of death specifically from cardiovascular(心血管的) disease but"more is better
"(1)   .Every increase of steps by 500﹣1000 steps/day may lower the number of people who die from illnesses."writer Dr.Macicj Banach,who is also a professor of a university once said.
Anything below 5,000 steps a day is considered a"sedentary(久坐) lifestyle,and every increase by 500 steps/day leads to a 7% reduction in dying from cardiovascular disease,"added Banach.Some experts agree that exercise directly influences the cardiovascular system.(2)   .
If people walk about 4,000 steps a day,they may greatly reduce the risk of an early death.The biggest influence on risk occurred when people walked more than 7(益处) occurs at about 20,000 steps(3)    Adults 60 and older who walked between 6,000 and 10,000 steps a day saw a 42% reduction in risk of early death,000 and 13,000 steps a day had a 49% reduction in risk. (4)   Starting any ways to improve health early will have the most influence on our health.
The study simply shows exercise is good and more exercise can make you better.(5)   Keep doing what you're doing until you get breathless for at least 30 minutes a day.
A.Every bit of exercise helps.
B.We should choose to do different exercise.
C.They believe any exercise is better than none.
D.The more steps you walk,the better the effects on your health.
E The difference could be explained by the words "the earlier,the better".
F Health benefits were the same across all countries for both old and young.
五 综合填空A.用方框内单词的适当形式填空。
(1)My cousin    a lot in the last three years.
(2)John    to the party last night but he didn't go there because he was too busy.
(3)When he was asked about his job,he     silent.
(4)They    a new kind of medicine to deal with cancer in the coming future.
(5)Whenever I visited my grandfather,he always    all kinds of fruits and desserts to treat me.
B. 根据句意和汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)
28.(1分) Our teachers always ask us to learn from     (英雄).
29.(1分) John is heavy because he     (很少) exercises.
30.(1分) There are always many    ,(顾客) in the supermarket before the Mid﹣Autumn Festival.
31.(1分) At the festival,he sang a song which showed his fantastic     (音乐的) talent.
32.(1分) There is a bookstore     (在旁边) our school it is convenient to buy books there.
C. 综合运用 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人适当的内容或根据括号内单词的正确形式填空。
33.(10分)Do you know World Letter Writing Day?It falls(1)   September 1" every year.It (2)    (set up)by Richard Simpkin in 2014.He encouraged people to take a break from today's social media(媒体) and write a letter to someone by hand.
Who should you write to?Think about a friend or relative that lives far away.A parent or best friend would also love to receive(3)    (you) letter.
How do you write a letter?Generally speaking,a letter includes these(4)   (part).The date and a greeting ( 问 候 语 ) such as "Dear…," should be at the top of the letter.A closing such as "Love" or "Yours truly" (5)   (lie) at the end of the letter which follows the body.End it by signing it.
So,why should you pick up a pen and write a letter?It is a surprise that may make someone's day.It' s (6)   good way to show people that you have been thinking of them.Everyone loves a personal touch(个人特色) .It makes (7)    (enjoy)memories (回忆) .Some people save (8)   (letter) and look at them over the years.
A recent study shows that letter writing (9)    (make) the writer happy,too."Handwriting is your DNA.It's your fingerprint that only you can share with others." said Richard Simpkin.
So get some paper (10)   pick up a pen.Start writing a letter today!
六 任务型阅读(共20分)
34.(10分)As both world and Olympic champions,Chinese diving queens Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi were among the brightest stars on the platform at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.Together,the two teenage sensations(整体感觉)(领奖台) with a perfect performance.
Then after winning the women's synchronized 10 m platform gold together as partners on Saturday,September 30th,2023,when Quan beat Chen to win the game.
Quan and Chen are both the closest partners and toughest rivals(对手).But they are simply best friends ."Quan is really outgoing.She is always the funniest one in our team." said 18﹣year﹣old Chen during an interview with China Daily."She shines in so many ways,and she is always energetic during training and competition." Although Quan is always described as a talkative and funny girl by teammates,she continued that tradition."Chen is a pretty and charming girl,who never easily gives up
Quan and Chen became (A) household names in China after their performance at the Tokyo Olympics,in 2021,when Quan won the women's 10 m platform gold and Chen won the silver."We both have the desire to win. (B)This is why we both work hard and fight for the same goal," said Chen." Quan levels up the standard of women's10 m platform.She is the reason why we try to win a gold."
In Quan's eyes,Chen is more hardworking than her.Quan and Chen stand at the top of world diving.But they still dream to win at the Paris Olympics next summer.
(1)How old was Quan Hongchan when she won the women's 10 m platform gold at the Tokyo Olympics?    
(2)Even though Quan and Chen are top diving players,why do they still work hard?    
(3)What does the underlined word (A) household mean?    
(4)Translate the underlined sentence (B) into Chinese.    
(5)Ask ONE question about the passage with How,Who,What   
35.(10分)As is well known,saying "no" is difficult.But sometimes we have to learn to say "no".To learn to say "no",we have to first understand what's stopping us about it.Here are some common reasons why people find (C)it hard to say "no".
You may be afraid of being impolite.I was brought up under the idea that saying "no",especially to people who are older,is impolite.This thinking is common in Asian culture
You want to help others.You are a kind soul(灵魂) at heart.You don't want to turn the person away and you want to offer help when possible,even if it may take up your time.
You want to be agreeable.At times,you find you are not in agreement.You don't want to keep yourself away from the group,so you agree to do others' requests(请求).
You fear of conflict(冲突).The person might be angry if you refuse him.This might lead to an ugly conflict.Even if there isn't,there might be disagreement which might lead to bad effects(影响)
You fear of losing opportunities(机会).Sometimes,always saying "no" means that you close the doors of communication and you may lose some opportunities this way.This idea may make you feel worried.For example(部门) in her company(公司).Since she liked her team,she didn't want to say "no" as she felt it would affect her promotion(晋升)opportunities in the future.
(1)What does the underlined word(C) it refer to?    
(2)Fill in the blanks according to the text.
It is well known that saying "no" is not ①   at all.But sometimes we have to say "no".First,we have to understand what's stopping us ②    saying"no".Saying"no" to old people seems to be③    in Asian culture.What's more,some opportunities may be ④    if you always say"no".
(3)从文中找到与 She didn't feel like going because she loved her team.意思相近的句子。    
(4)Please give your own idea about saying "no" to others.    
七 书面表达(15分)
36.(15分)变化无处不在,变化就在我们身边,作为中学生的我们,我们的外貌,性格,习惯,爱好及与他人的关系等方面或多或少发生了一些改变。你发生了怎样的改变?请谈谈变化最大的一两个方面(们) 是如何改变你的,并谈谈你的感受。
词数:80﹣ 100(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
My life has really changed.___________
二 单项选择(每小题 1分,共 10分)
13.(1分)I have _____European pen friend,and he likes speaking _______.(  )
A.an;Germany B.an;German
C.a;Germany D.a;German
14.(1分)___________important idea you shared yesterday!It really helps.(  )
A.What an B. How C. What D. What a
【解答】分析句子结构可知考查感叹句,在感叹句中,how修饰形容词/副词 idea shared ;idea是可数名词单数;shared ,句型结构是:What +a/an+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语动词,不定冠词用an。
15.(1分)—Is everyone here today?
—No.Two students are ___ because they have a cold.(  )
A.absent B.private C.humorous D.patient
【解答】absent缺席;private私人的;patient有耐心的 they a cold"(因为他们感冒了)可知。
16.(1分)___________you have become stronger than before,you should still exercise every day.(  )
A. If B. Whatever
C. Even though D. Until
【解答】if如何,是否;even though即使。根据you become than ,you still every ,你仍然应该每天锻炼)可知,你仍然应该每天锻炼"。
17.(1分) He finds___________wonderful that the children finished the work all by themselves.(  )
A. them B. it C. that D. this
【解答】them他们,它们;that那个。find it+形容词+that从句为固定搭配,it为形式宾语。
18.(1分)When the leaves are ready,they are picked _____ hand and then are sent ______processing.(  )
A.with;to B.by;to C.with;for D.by;for
【解答】固定短语by hand:手工,用手。
19.(1分) My parents have a great___________ on their children.They teach me to be a kind man.(  )
A. suggestion B. influence
C. advice D. expression
【解答】suggestion建议;influence影响;expression表达 teach to a kind 。have a on ,"对......影响很大"。
20.(1分) He knows___________what he should do at school.He always follows the rules.(  )
A. differently B. exactly
C. quickly D. simply
21.(1分)﹣How does Jane go to school?
﹣She ride a bike to school ,but now she going there by bus.(  )
A.used to; is used to
B.used to;used to
C.is used to; used to
D.is used to;is used to
【解答】used to do sth.过去做某事,be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,前空用used to do,其它选项不符合语法。
22.(1分)﹣ Can you imagine in 2035?
﹣ I'm sure it will be better.(  )
A.how our life was
B.what will our life be like
C.how was our life
D.what our life will be like
【解答】分析句式,题干设空部分是动词tell后的宾语从句,排除BC 2035使用一般将来时。
三 完形填空 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案(共 10分)
23.(10分)Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world.But no matter how(1) D it is,some people voluntarily (主动地) take this role,(2) C if they don't have to.We know them as"foster(收养) parents".
Katie Holstein is one such example.In 2017,though unmarried,she decided to become a mother.Eight months later(3) A for Katie.However,she made it.The babies were looked after very well.
Over the next three years,this(4) B mom fostered 16 children.They were all under five years old because she wasn't willing to take teenagers.However,her attitude changed when she met a teenage girl named Akyra.
Akyra's foster family needed a break.Katie was asked to let Akyra(5) A with her for a week .To Katie's surprise,she and Akyra got on well.They had the same(6) C ,such as watching movies and reading novels.As time went on,the pair grew(7) D .Katie made up her mind to foster her for real.Akyra was 14 at that time and planned to live with Katie until she aged out of the system at 18 years old.
Now Katie's story is(8) A known.She hopes it will encourage other people to(9) B  their homes to foster kids."Being a real family doesn't always mean being connected by blood.Sometimes,it just means being connected by the(10) D .I promise you there are children in your community tight now who need a safe place to land.They need willing families ,not perfect ones."explained Katie.
(1) A.interesting B.exciting C.unhealthy D.difficult
(2) A.however B.and C.even D.but
(3) A.job B.question C.exam D.rule
(4) A.beautiful B.powerful C.careful D.useful
(5) A.stay B.come C.communicate D.compete
(6) A.difficulties B.ideas C.interests D.friends
(7) A.stranger B.quicker C.stronger D.closer
(8) A.widely B.clearly C.nearly D.directly
(9) A.build B.open C.clean D.change
(10) A.sadness B.smiling C.friend D.warmth
【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:但不管有多困难,即使他们不需要;B.exciting令人兴奋的;D.difficult困难的 a parent without among most jobs the 。)可知,但无论这份工作有多困难。此处使用difficult符合语境。
(2)考查连词。句意:但不管有多困难,即使他们不需要;B.and和;D.but但是 people this they have 。)可知,即使他们不需要,符合语境。故选C。
(3)考查名词。句意:这对凯蒂来说不是一个容易的工作;B.question问题;D.rule规则 unmarried decided become a ,她还是决定成为妈妈)可知。故选A。
(4)考查形容词。句意:在接下来的三年里。A.beautiful美丽的;C.careful仔细的。根据fostered children(收养了16个孩子),她是强大的母亲。
(5)考查动词。句意:凯蒂被要求让阿基拉和她一起住一个星期,待;B.come来;D.compete完成 foster needed a ,可知凯蒂被要求让阿基拉和她待一周。
(6)考查名词。句意:他们有相同的兴趣爱好。A.difficulties困难;C.interests兴趣。根据such watching and novels(例如看电影和读小说)可知。故选C。
(7)考查形容词。句意:随着时间的流逝。A.stranger更陌生的;C.stronger更强的。根据下一句Katie up mind foster for ,两人变得更亲密。
(8)考查副词。句意:现在凯蒂的故事广为人知;B.clearly清楚地;D.directly直接地 Katie's is...known(凯蒂的故事被......知道)可知,表示她的故事广为人知。
(9)考查动词。句意:她希望这能鼓励其他人敞开家门收养孩子;B.open打开;C.clean打扫。根据to kids(收养孩子)可知,表示敞开家门收养孩子。
(10)考查名词。句意:有时候。A.sadness悲伤;C.friend朋友,热情 a real doesn't mean connected blood(真正成为一家人并不总是意味着血脉相连)可知。故选D。
四 阅读理解(A、B 篇每小题 1.5分;C 篇每小题 1分, 共 20分)
24.(7.5分)Shanghai Big Bus Tour
The big bus tour takes you to some famous places in Shanghai.You can get on and off the open﹣top tour bus at the places of interest in Shanghai.
Pudong tour﹣blue route(线路) The Pudong tour route travels through the Pudong area.It shows you Pudong's rapid development. Stops:The Bund;Oriental Pearl Tower,The Shanghai World Financial Center;No.16 Port of Huangpu River How long:one hour and fifteen minutes First run:9:45 am Last run:5:15pm Interval(间隔时间):45 minutes Price:300 RMB for adults 200 RMB for children(3﹣12 years old)
City tour﹣red route The city tour route travels through three districts(区域)of Shanghai.It starts from West Nanjing Road. Stops:West Nanjing Road;People's Square;Shanghai Art Museum;The Bund;No.16 Port of Huangpu River;Xintiandi How long:one hour Interval:30 minutes First run:9:00am Last run:5:00pm Price:300 RMB for adults 200 RMB for children(3﹣12 years old) Please call 0086﹣021﹣63515988 to order tickets or leam more information about the tour.
(1)The city tour route starts from  B .
A.People's Square
B.West Nanjing Road
C.East Nanjing Road
D.The Bund
(2)The Interval of the Pudong tour is  A minutes longer than that of the city tour.
(3)The Pudong tour takes you to some of Shanghai's most famous places except  C .
A.Oriental Pear Tower
B.The Old Port
C.The new world
D.The Shanghai World Financial Center
(4)How much should Mr.Green pay if he plans to take the bus with his 5﹣year﹣old son?  A 
(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the poster?  D 
A.You can only order the tickets online.
B.You can take the Pudong tour bus at 8:00 am.
C.You can get to the Shanghai Art Museum by Pudong tour bus.
D.You can get on and off the tour bus at the places of interest in Shanghai.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据The city tour route travels through three districts(区域)of Shanghai.It starts from West Nanjing Road.(城市旅游路线经过上海的三个区。)可知城市旅游线路从南京西路开始。
(2)细节理解题。根据How hour fifteen long:one 可知浦东旅游的间隔时间比城市旅游长15分钟。
(3)细节判断题。根据Stops:The Bund,The Shanghai World Financial Center;(外滩、环球金融中心。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据Price:300 for 200 for years ,他应该付300+200=500元。
(5)细节判断题。根据The bus takes to famous in can on off open﹣top bus the of in 。你可以在上海的名胜古迹上下车。故选D。
How music takes us back to our past?
It's happened to all of us:a song comes on the radio,and we may immediately think about a time in our past.But what is it that makes music so effective at doing this?There are a few things that link tunes (曲调)with our memories.
Paul Donoghue,writing for ABC News,reminds us that the emotional nature of music helps make it memorable.And Kelly Jakubowski,an assistant professor,adds that music and singing are often part of many important life eventsthey can also easily draw our attention.Then the music and these life events are likely to be encoded together in our memories.Music itself is easy to remember.Oral cultures(口述文明) have passed important knowledge from generation to generation through songs.The rhythm(节奏),melody(节奏)
As Shahram Heshmat,writing in Psychology Today highlights,we often become familiar with a piece of music because we hear it as background music.Familianty is important.The more familiar a piece of music is
Heshmat points out that our musical preferences usually form during our teens,and this is connected with what many experts call the 'reminiscence bump',where we make our strongest memories between the ages of 10 and 30.
(1)What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refer to?  B 
A.life events.
B.music and singing.
C.Paul Donoghue and Kelly Jakubowski.
D.Kelly Jakubowski and the assistant professor.
(2)According to the passage,we can know that  C .
A.we often become familiar with music because we like its rhythm
B.Our musical preferences usually form when we are old
C.Our strongest memories are made between the ages of 10 and 30
D.We usually watch a film or a TV program over and over again
(3)The underlined word "memorable" in Paragraph 2 means "  B " in Chinese.
(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  D 
A.Shahram Heshmat works for Psychology Today.
B.Oral cultures have passed important knowledge through songs.
C.We may think about a time in our past when a song is played on the radio.
D.Paul thinks we become familiar with a piece of music because of its background music.
(5)The passage probably comes from  C .
A sports report
B.a storybook
C.science magazine
D.an advertisement poster
【解答】(1)代词指代题。根据第二段And Kelly Jakubowski,adds that music and singing are often part of many important life events,音乐和唱歌通常是许多重要生活事件的一部分。)可知they指的是音乐和唱歌。
(2)细节理解题。根据最后一段Heshmat points out that our musical preferences usually form during our teens,where we make our strongest memories between the ages of 10 and 30.(赫什马特指出,这与许多专家所说的"回忆高峰"有关。)可知我们最牢固的记忆是在10岁到30岁之间形成的。
(3)词义猜测题。根据第二段And Kelly Jakubowski,adds that music and singing are often part of many important life events,音乐和唱歌通常是许多重要生活事件的一部分。)可知结合选项,音乐的情感本质有助于使它令人难忘。故选B。
(4)细节理解题。根据第三段As Shahram Heshmat,we often become familiar with a piece of music because we hear it as background music.Familianty is important.The more familiar a piece of music is,我们之所以熟悉一段音乐。熟悉很重要,它就越能有效地唤起记忆,而不是用同样的方式看电影或电视节目。故选D。
(5)推理判断题。根据这篇文章内容及其标题How takes back our ?(音乐是如何让我们回到过去的。故选C。
26.(5分)Walking at least 4,000 steps a day significantly(显著地)reduces your risk of an early death,337 steps a day will reduce your risk of death specifically from cardiovascular(心血管的) disease but"more is better
"(1) D .Every increase of steps by 500﹣1000 steps/day may lower the number of people who die from illnesses."writer Dr.Macicj Banach,who is also a professor of a university once said.
Anything below 5,000 steps a day is considered a"sedentary(久坐) lifestyle,and every increase by 500 steps/day leads to a 7% reduction in dying from cardiovascular disease,"added Banach.Some experts agree that exercise directly influences the cardiovascular system.(2) C .
If people walk about 4,000 steps a day,they may greatly reduce the risk of an early death.The biggest influence on risk occurred when people walked more than 7(益处) occurs at about 20,000 steps(3) F  Adults 60 and older who walked between 6,000 and 10,000 steps a day saw a 42% reduction in risk of early death,000 and 13,000 steps a day had a 49% reduction in risk. (4) E Starting any ways to improve health early will have the most influence on our health.
The study simply shows exercise is good and more exercise can make you better.(5) A Keep doing what you're doing until you get breathless for at least 30 minutes a day.
A.Every bit of exercise helps.
B.We should choose to do different exercise.
C.They believe any exercise is better than none.
D.The more steps you walk,the better the effects on your health.
E The difference could be explained by the words "the earlier,the better".
F Health benefits were the same across all countries for both old and young.
【解答】(1)主旨大意题。根据Every of by steps/day lower number people die illnesses(而且每天每增加500﹣1000步可能会降低死亡风险),D项"走路越多。"符合语境。
(2)细节推理题。根据Some agree exercise influences cardiovascular ,锻炼会直接影响心血管系统,C项他们认为有运动总比没有好,符合语境。
(3)细节推理题。根据Adults and who between 6 and ,000 a day a 42% in of death people 60 walked 7,000 13 steps a had a reduction risk. ,每天走6000至10000步,而60岁以下的人,早死风险降低49%,F项所有国家的老年人和年轻人的健康福利都是一样的。故选F。
(4)细节推理题。根据Starting ways improve early have most on health.(尽早开始任何改善健康的方法都会对我们的健康产生最大的影响,E项这种差异可以用"越早越好"来解释,衔接自然。故选E。
(5)细节推理题。根据 study shows is and exercise make better(这项研究简单地表明,更多的锻炼可以让你变得更好 doing you're until get for least minutes a ,直到你每天至少有30分钟喘不过气来,A项每一点运动都有帮助。故选A。
五 综合填空A.用方框内单词的适当形式填空。
(1)My cousin  has changed a lot in the last three years.
(2)John  was invited to the party last night but he didn't go there because he was too busy.
(3)When he was asked about his job,he  remained  silent.
(4)They  have produced a new kind of medicine to deal with cancer in the coming future.
(5)Whenever I visited my grandfather,he always  laid out all kinds of fruits and desserts to treat me.
【解答】(1)考查现在完成时。句意:我表弟在过去的三年里变化很大,需要填入一个动词,change的词义(改变)适合此空 in last years表示要用现在完成时;主语是My ,第三人称单数,change的过去分词是:changed。
(2)考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:约翰昨晚被邀请参加晚会,因为他太忙了,需要填入一个动词,invite的词义(邀请)适合此空,再结合时间标志词 ,需要用一般过去时的被动语态;主语是第三人称单数;故答案为:was invited。
B. 根据句意和汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)
28.(1分) Our teachers always ask us to learn from  heroes  (英雄).
29.(1分) John is heavy because he  seldom  (很少) exercises.
30.(1分) There are always many  customers ,(顾客) in the supermarket before the Mid﹣Autumn Festival.
31.(1分) At the festival,he sang a song which showed his fantastic  musical  (音乐的) talent.
32.(1分) There is a bookstore  beside  (在旁边) our school it is convenient to buy books there.
C. 综合运用 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人适当的内容或根据括号内单词的正确形式填空。
33.(10分)Do you know World Letter Writing Day?It falls(1) on September 1" every year.It (2) was set up  (set up)by Richard Simpkin in 2014.He encouraged people to take a break from today's social media(媒体) and write a letter to someone by hand.
Who should you write to?Think about a friend or relative that lives far away.A parent or best friend would also love to receive(3) your  (you) letter.
How do you write a letter?Generally speaking,a letter includes these(4) parts (part).The date and a greeting ( 问 候 语 ) such as "Dear…," should be at the top of the letter.A closing such as "Love" or "Yours truly" (5) is lain (lie) at the end of the letter which follows the body.End it by signing it.
So,why should you pick up a pen and write a letter?It is a surprise that may make someone's day.It' s (6) a good way to show people that you have been thinking of them.Everyone loves a personal touch(个人特色) .It makes (7) enjoyable  (enjoy)memories (回忆) .Some people save (8) letters (letter) and look at them over the years.
A recent study shows that letter writing (9) makes  (make) the writer happy,too."Handwriting is your DNA.It's your fingerprint that only you can share with others." said Richard Simpkin.
So get some paper (10) and pick up a pen.Start writing a letter today!
【分析】世界书信写作日是每年9月1日。它由Richard Simpkin在2014年设立。他鼓励人们暂时放下社交媒体,亲手写信给某人。你可以写给远方的朋友、亲戚,父母或最好的朋友。一封信通常包括日期、问候语和结尾。写信是一个惊喜,可以让别人开心,也可以让你自己快乐。所以,拿起笔,写一封信吧!
(2)考查被动语态。句意:它是由理查德 辛普金在2014年建立的,一般过去时,主语It ,故填:was set 。
(5)考查被动语态。句意:诸如"爱"或"真正的你"这样的结束语放在正文后面的信的末尾,由be+过去分词构成 lain。
(10)考查连词。句意:所以。分析get some paper___pick up a pen可知,用and连接。
六 任务型阅读(共20分)
34.(10分)As both world and Olympic champions,Chinese diving queens Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi were among the brightest stars on the platform at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.Together,the two teenage sensations(整体感觉)(领奖台) with a perfect performance.
Then after winning the women's synchronized 10 m platform gold together as partners on Saturday,September 30th,2023,when Quan beat Chen to win the game.
Quan and Chen are both the closest partners and toughest rivals(对手).But they are simply best friends ."Quan is really outgoing.She is always the funniest one in our team." said 18﹣year﹣old Chen during an interview with China Daily."She shines in so many ways,and she is always energetic during training and competition." Although Quan is always described as a talkative and funny girl by teammates,she continued that tradition."Chen is a pretty and charming girl,who never easily gives up
Quan and Chen became (A) household names in China after their performance at the Tokyo Olympics,in 2021,when Quan won the women's 10 m platform gold and Chen won the silver."We both have the desire to win. (B)This is why we both work hard and fight for the same goal," said Chen." Quan levels up the standard of women's10 m platform.She is the reason why we try to win a gold."
In Quan's eyes,Chen is more hardworking than her.Quan and Chen stand at the top of world diving.But they still dream to win at the Paris Olympics next summer.
(1)How old was Quan Hongchan when she won the women's 10 m platform gold at the Tokyo Olympics?  14 years old. 
(2)Even though Quan and Chen are top diving players,why do they still work hard?  Because they both have the desire to win. 
(3)What does the underlined word (A) household mean?  Famous. 
(4)Translate the underlined sentence (B) into Chinese.  这就是为什么我们俩都努力为同一个目标而奋斗。 
(5)Ask ONE question about the passage with How,Who,What Who won the women's 10 m platform gold at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021? 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Then after the synchronized m platform together partners Saturday,2023(在2023年9月30日,以搭档的身份赢得女子双人10米跳台金牌后)及第三段the is for very answers media 。)可知,根据第四段 and became household names in after performance the Olympics 2021(全和陈在2021年东京奥运会上的表现使她们在中国家喻户晓)。故填:14 years old.
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段We both have the desire to win.This is why we both work hard and fight for the same goal.(我们都渴望胜利。)可知。故填:Because
(3)词义猜测题。根据第四段Quan Chen (A) household names in after performance the Olympics 2021 Quan the 10 m gold Chen the ,陈获得了银牌,她们俩的出色表现使她们家喻户晓。故填:Famous.
(4)英译汉题。this is why...这就是为什么......,both两者都,fight for为......而奋斗,goal目标。
(5)开放性试题。本题为开放性试题。故填:Who won women's m platform at Tokyo 2021?
35.(10分)As is well known,saying "no" is difficult.But sometimes we have to learn to say "no".To learn to say "no",we have to first understand what's stopping us about it.Here are some common reasons why people find (C)it hard to say "no".
You may be afraid of being impolite.I was brought up under the idea that saying "no",especially to people who are older,is impolite.This thinking is common in Asian culture
You want to help others.You are a kind soul(灵魂) at heart.You don't want to turn the person away and you want to offer help when possible,even if it may take up your time.
You want to be agreeable.At times,you find you are not in agreement.You don't want to keep yourself away from the group,so you agree to do others' requests(请求).
You fear of conflict(冲突).The person might be angry if you refuse him.This might lead to an ugly conflict.Even if there isn't,there might be disagreement which might lead to bad effects(影响)
You fear of losing opportunities(机会).Sometimes,always saying "no" means that you close the doors of communication and you may lose some opportunities this way.This idea may make you feel worried.For example(部门) in her company(公司).Since she liked her team,she didn't want to say "no" as she felt it would affect her promotion(晋升)opportunities in the future.
(1)What does the underlined word(C) it refer to?  Say "no". 
(2)Fill in the blanks according to the text.
It is well known that saying "no" is not ① easy at all.But sometimes we have to say "no".First,we have to understand what's stopping us ② about  saying"no".Saying"no" to old people seems to be③ impolite  in Asian culture.What's more,some opportunities may be ④ lost  if you always say"no".
(3)从文中找到与 She didn't feel like going because she loved her team.意思相近的句子。  Since she liked her team,she didn't want to go. 
(4)Please give your own idea about saying "no" to others.  Sometimes it is necessary to say "no" to others. 
【解答】(1)代词指代题。根据第一段Here some reasons people (C) it hard say "no".(以下是人们发现很难说"不"的一些常见原因,故填:Say "no".
(2)①考查形容词。句意:众所周知。根据文中As well ,saying "no" is ,说"不"很难,此处要表达"困难的"。故填:easy。
②考查介词。句意:首先。根据文中we to understand stopping about 。)可知。故填:about。
③考查形容词。句意:在亚洲文化中。根据文中especially people are ,is ,这是不礼貌的,在亚洲对老人说"不"是不礼貌的。故填:impolite。
④考查动词。句意:如果你总是说"不"。根据文中always that close doors communication you lose opportunities way.(总是说"不"意味着你关闭了沟通的大门。)可知。主语opportunities和谓语之间是被动关系,此处是情态动词的被动语态,lose的过去分词形式是lost"丢失"。
(3)语义猜测题。根据题干She feel going she her ,因为她爱她的团队,文中该句Since liked team didn't to ,所以她不想走。故填:Since liked team didn't to
(4)观点态度题。通读全文可知。故填:Sometimes it is necessary to say "no" to others.
七 书面表达(15分)
36.(15分)变化无处不在,变化就在我们身边,作为中学生的我们,我们的外貌,性格,习惯,爱好及与他人的关系等方面或多或少发生了一些改变。你发生了怎样的改变?请谈谈变化最大的一两个方面(们) 是如何改变你的,并谈谈你的感受。
词数:80﹣ 100(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
My life has really changed.___________
But now I have developed many new hobbies,such as drawing,playing the piano and so on.但是现在我已经发展了许多新的爱好,比如画画,弹钢琴等等。
such as例如……
Thanks to the middle school life,I have changed so much!多亏了中学生活,我改变了很多!
thanks to多亏了……
【解答】 My has changed.(点题)I used to have long hair,but I'm much more outgoing now.(性格)I used to be thin because I didn't like sports.But now I am much stronger.I do exercise for half an hour every day.(习惯)I didn't have a hobby.But now I have developed many new hobbies,playing the piano and so on.【高分句型一】(爱好)In the past,I think one of the biggest changes for me is study.I didn't study hard enough in the past,I have changed so much,I have learnt so much

  • 山东省青岛市即墨区2023-2024九年级上学期期中英语试卷(含解析无听力部分)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月07日  所属分类:作业答案