
It was a rainy, windy October afternoon. Garth stood outside his house with a wide smile. This was  1  weather for testing his new invention—Umbrella Hat. He could hardly wait to see whether it could keep the rain off. He carefully  2  the hat on his head and started walking  3  along the street. It worked!
Suddenly, three boys in his neighborhood appeared and  4  him. Todd, the biggest one, pulled his Umbrella Hat off his head.
“What’s this ” he asked.
“It’s an Umbrella Hat. You can wear it on rainy days and...” Garth said.
The boys  5 , “Will anyone wear that stupid thing ” Todd threw the hat onto the ground and they ran off.
Garth picked up his Umbrella Hat from the ground in tears. “Maybe Todd was  6 . In reality, who would ever need this invention ” He lowered his head and thought to himself.
Suddenly he  7  and saw a lady looking at him. “I was just leaving my house  8  I saw you and those boys. Are you okay ”
Then she saw the  9  Umbrella Hat and asked, “Er...what’s that ”
“It’s my Umbrella Hat. I thought of it and made it myself...” answered Garth.
“What a creative  10  you have!Don’t ever let stupid boys put you down! Keep inventing and one day you will  11  something really great!” said the lady.
“And you have given me a wonderful  12 ,” she continued. “I have a gadget(小器具) shop—Gadgets4U—and I’d like to hold a  13  to find the best young gadget inventor in our town. I will display(展示) three best inventions in my shop. I’m sure you will have a(n)  14  of winning a prize.”
Garth was very  15 . Gadgets4U was one of his favorite places and the thought of having his invention displayed in that wonderful place was too exciting for words. He suddenly felt much better and could already feel lots of new ideas coming out, waiting to spring into life!
1.A.cold   B.perfect
C.strange   D.changeable
2.A.raised   B.placed
C.dropped   D.repaired
3.A.heavily   B.madly
C.thankfully   D.purposefully
4.A.guided   B.praised   C.stopped   D.refused
5.A.replied   B.laughed
C.wondered   D.greeted
6.A.right   B.angry   C.polite   D.silly
7.A.came up   B.gave up
C.looked up   D.showed up
8.A.when   B.until   C.if   D.after
9.A.ugly   B.old   C.broken   D.tiny
10.A.mind   B.habit   C.game   D.tool
11.A.show   B.meet   C.plan   D.create
12.A.skill   B.gift   C.idea   D.job
13.A.party   B.meeting
C.conversation   D.competition
14.A.choice   B.chance
C.excuse   D.experience
15.A.surprised   B.bored
C.relaxed   D.worried
We can’t clearly remember since when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table. This happens a lot, especially 16  we go out to have dinner. Once a dish comes, instead of lifting our chopsticks, we take out our  17  and click. Later, we post the photos on social media, waiting to be “liked”. Then we check our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see  18  we get “liked” or not. We just cannot leave our mobiles for only a meal.
Does that sound 19  to you Do you do that often If not, how do you  20  when others do that when having dinner with you
A recent study suggests that what we are 21  to doing is not so good. Spending time taking photos of  22  makes the food less pleasant. To test this, some researchers did an experiment. Some people were asked to take photos before they could enjoy food. As a result, it showed that the more photos they  23 , the less delicious the food seemed to them. So, why not stop taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you
Besides the scientific result, there are also some other 24  influences of taking photos of food before meals. After  25  the photos onto the Internet, you will not be able to control yourself and will check your mobile many times. “Does everyone like my photos I hope a lot of people like  26 !” It seems that your mobile secretly calls your name all the time, even when you are  27  real people.
So, next time you 28  with your family or friends, how about not taking photos of food Let the food be delicious as it is, and  29  your life with people around you. Trust me, it will be a  30  time.
16.A.when   B.until   C.since   D.because
17.A.books   B.mobiles
C.cameras   D.watches
18.A.when   B.how   C.what   D.whether
19.A.new   B.similar   C.kind   D.lucky
20.A.do   B.hope   C.feel   D.say
21.A.allowed   B.used
C.supposed   D.expected
22.A.friends   B.family   C.food   D.people
23.A.took   B.carried   C.fought   D.bought
24.A.bad   B.good   C.small   D.large
25.A.taking   B.posting   C.throwing   D.giving
26.A.them   B.it   C.me   D.us
27.A.in   B.to   C.from   D.with
28.A.eat out   B.set out
C.come up   D.have fun
29.A.treat   B.avoid   C.talk   D.share
30.A.busy   B.hard
C.wonderful   D.safe
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。
In sixth grade, I joined the band program to learn to play the clarinet(单簧管). The first year had gone  31 . But as most students progressed, I seemed to  32  behind. One day, when my teacher told us to perform in class, I was filled with  33 . When I began to play, my rhythms(节奏) were good, but my tune(曲调) was another  34 . “Didn’t you practice your lesson ” the teacher shouted at me. I felt so  35  and my world fell apart at once.
From then on, I  36  playing the clarinet and I was getting worse. With the new performance coming near, I grew  37  upset. In a moment of panic(惊慌), I asked for sick leave. It was such a(n)
 38  way out and I was totally in relief.
I continued  39  my lessons until my mum asked me about it. “I want to give up,” I said with tears in my eyes. “Why are you  40 , if you really want to give up ” she asked. She had a(n)  41  and I realized that I really wanted to stay in the band. By not facing my fear, I had created a black hole that would be difficult to  42  out of. I knew it was time to find my way out.
The next day I  43  with my band teacher and told her about my problems. She asked me gently to play for her. I tried,  44  only an unpleasant sound came out. She handed me a new reed(簧片). I put it in place and tried again. To my  45 , I could play so well.
Hiding from fear only digs a hole, making a person trapped(受困的) inside. After facing up to fear, one may find life easier and more enjoyable.
31.A.slowly   B.quickly
C.quietly   D.smoothly
32.A.walk   B.fall   C.step   D.move
33.A.fear   B.regret   C.joy   D.courage
34.A.novel   B.piece   C.story   D.part
35.A.relaxed   B.embarrassed
C.worried   D.nervous
36.A.loved   B.kept   C.hated   D.started
37.A.finally   B.hopefully
C.suddenly   D.increasingly
38.A.hard   B.easy   C.silly   D.painful
39.A.avoiding   B.taking
C.choosing   D.attending
40.A.shouting   B.crying   C.changing   D.asking
41.A.point   B.idea   C.sight   D.mind
42.A.push   B.pull   C.draw   D.climb
43.A.argued   B.played   C.met   D.worked
44.A.and   B.but   C.or   D.so
45.A.sadness   B.amusement
C.surprise   D.disappointment
[语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。加思有了一个新发明——伞帽,别的男孩嘲笑他,说这发明没用,但一位女士认可了这个新发明,并且鼓励加思继续发明。
1.B 由加思的发明的名字“伞帽”可知,下雨天是测试这个发明的完美天气,故选B。
2.B 句意:他小心翼翼地把帽子放在头上,开始有目的地沿着街道走。raise增加;place放置;drop掉下;repair修理。这里表示把帽子放在头上,故选B。
3.D 加思在雨天测试他的新发明,结合上文内容可知,加思有目的地在雨中行走,故选D。
4.C 下文托德摘下了加思头上的伞帽,由此可以看出三个孩子拦住了加思,故选C。
5.B 根据空后的话“谁会戴那个愚蠢的东西呢 ”可以看出,孩子们在嘲笑加思,故选B。
6.A 由加思的话“谁会需要这个发明呢 ”可以看出,此时加思认同了托德说的话,故选A。
7.C 上文提到加思低下了头,这里加思看到了一位女士,因此是抬头看见的,故选C。
8.A 句意:当我看到你和那些男孩时,我正要离开家。你还好吗 when当……的时候;until到……时;if如果;after之后。故选A。
9.C 句意:然后她看到了那顶破损的伞帽,问道:“呃……那是什么 ”ugly丑陋的;old老的;broken破损的;tiny微小的。故选C。
10.A 此处表示加思拥有创造性思维。mind思维方式;habit习惯;game游戏;tool工具。故选A。
11.D 句意:继续发明,总有一天你会创造出真正伟大的东西!show显示;meet满足;plan计划;create创造。故选D。
12.C 此处表示“你给了我一个绝妙的主意”。skill技能;gift礼物;idea想法;job工作。女士受到了加思的启发,有了好主意,故选C。
13.D 由“寻找我们镇上最好的小发明家”和“赢得奖品”,可知,女士可能是想举办一个比赛,故选D。
14.B 句意:我相信你有机会获奖。choice选择;chance机会;excuse借口;experience经验。故选B。
15.A 由下文“Gadgets4U是他最喜欢的地方之一……太令人兴奋了”可知,加思没想到他能在自己最喜欢的地方展示发明,对此他感到很惊讶,故选A。
[语篇解读] 文章讲述了手机对于人们生活的影响。许多人吃饭前先拍照发到网上,这似乎会让食物变得不那么美味。文章呼吁人们花更多时间和身边的人相处。
16.A 由空格前的内容“这种情况经常发生”可推知,此处使用when引导时间状语从句,表示“尤其是我们出去吃饭的时候”。
17.B 句意:一旦一道菜来了,我们不是举起筷子,而是拿出手机点击。由空后的“click”可知,空处表示“手机”。
18.D 由空格前的内容“随后,我们将照片发布到社交媒体上,等待被‘点赞’。 然后,我们在用餐期间时不时地检查手机”和空后“or not”可知,此处表示“看看是否有人给我们点赞”,故选whether。
19.B 由下句“你经常那样做吗 ”可推知,此处表示“那听起来像你吗 ”,故选B。
20.C 句意:如果不是的话,当别人和你一起吃饭的时候那样做的话,你会感觉怎么样 故选C。
21.B 根据语境可知,我们习惯做的事其实不太好。be used to doing sth.表示“习惯做某事”。故选B。
22.C 由第一段的内容可知,此处指给食物拍照片。
23.A 句意:结果显示,他们拍的照片越多,食物对他们来说好像就越不美味。故选A。
24.A 上文提到的“会让食物看起来不太美味”是给食物拍照片的负面影响,故选A。
25.B 由空后的“onto the Internet”可推知,空处表示“发布”。
26.A 由上句“每个人都喜欢我的照片吗 ”可推知,空处指代“我的照片”,且放在动词like后,故使用they的宾格形式them。
27.D 由前半部分“似乎你的手机一直在偷偷叫你的名字”可推知,此处表示“即使当你和真人在一起的时候”。
28.A 由第一段第二句可知,此处谈论的是外出吃饭时使用手机给食物拍照的事情,故选A。
29.D 由前半句“Let the food be delicious as it is”可推知,此处表示“与你周围的人分享你的生活”。share...with...意为“和……分享……”。
30.C 由上文中的“how about not taking photos of food”可推知,作者建议人们就餐时不再给食物拍照片,此处表示“相信我,这将是一段绝妙的时光”。故选C。
[语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。文中主要讲述了作者在六年级时因为一次失败的演出而对学习单簧管丧失了信心,后来在乐队老师的鼓励和帮助下重拾信心的故事。
31.D 由下一句可知,此处表示“第一年过得很顺利”。故选D。
32.B 句意:但是当其他学生在进步时,我好像落后了。fall behind意为“落后”,故选B。
33.A 根据上文内容判断,作者因为落后他人而感到害怕。故选A。
34.C 作者吹奏的节奏还不错,但有些跑调。用another story表示“完全不同的情况”。
35.B 因为表演失败,作者在同学面前受到了老师的指责,所以感觉很尴尬。故选B。
36.C 作者因为表演失败受到指责,所以对演奏产生了抵触情绪。故选C。
37.D 作者对表演感到恐慌,所以随着表演的日子越来越近,他越来越烦躁。故选D。
38.B 作者因为害怕表演而请病假,感觉自己轻松躲过了表演。故选B。
39.A 作者为逃避表演而请病假,感觉很解脱,所以一直逃课。故选A。
40.B 根据前句中的tears可知,作者哭了,所以妈妈问作者为什么哭。故选B。
41.A 作者觉得妈妈的话有道理,have a point意为“有道理”。故选A。
42.D 此处表示“我制造了一个黑洞,很难从黑洞里爬出来”。push推;pull拉;draw画;climb爬。故选D。
43.C 句意:第二天,我和乐队的老师见面,并告诉她我的烦恼。argue争吵;play演奏;meet会面;work工作。故选C。
44.B 句意:我试着演奏,但是只发出了令人不悦的声音。前后内容是转折关系,用but。
45.C 句意:让我意外的是,我演奏得非常好。to one’s surprise意为“让人感到惊讶的是”,故选C。
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  • 2023年中考英语二轮题型分项精练(二)完形填空(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月07日  所属分类:作业答案