黑龙江省绥棱县克音河乡学校2023-2024六年级上学期第三次月考英语试卷( 含答案)


△△ 2023----2024 学年度第一学期第三次测试 ( )9. Where is the girl's English book
O 初一英语试题 A. On the chair. B. On the sofa. C. Under the table.考 号
考生注意: ( )10. What is on the table
O1.考试时间 90 分钟。
2.全卷听力部分 20 分,笔试部分 100 分,总分 120 分。 A. The boy's books. B. The boy's tapes. C. The boy's CDs.
姓 名
Ш.听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 11
(题号 听力 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ 总分 核分人 至 15五个小题。
学 校 得分装 ( )11.Where is the photo

听力部分(共四个大题 20 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分) A. On the bed. B. On the sofa. C.On the table.
△△I.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。录音读一遍。 ( )12.Where are Tom's parents
△△( )1. A. chair B.radio C.desk A. On Tom's right. B. On Tom's left. C.In front of Tom.

△△订( )2. A. where B. what C.who ( )13. Who is the boy in the photo
△△( )3. A. clock B. model C. player A. Tom's brother. B.Tom's cousin. C. Tom's friend.不
( )4. A. our B. their C.your ( )14. Who is the girl in the photo

( )5. A. tidy B. tape C.table A. Tom's sister. B. Tom's cousin. C. Tony's sister.
Ⅱ.听短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( )15. Who is Mary

( )6. Where is the boy's basketball A. Tom's sister. B. The girl's friend. C.The girl's sister.
△△A. On the bed B. On the bookcase. C.Under the bed. 听下面一段对话,回答第 16至 20五个小题。
△△( )7. Where is the girl's pencil ( )16. Is Lisa's room tidy

△△A. On the chair. B. In her schoolbag. C.On the desk. A. Yes, it is. B. No,it isn't, C. We don't know.

△△( )8. What color is Lily's schoolbag ( )17. Where are the books
A. Yellow. B. Blue. C.Red. A. On the desk. B. On the bookcase. C. In the dresser.
试卷第 1页(共 8页) 试卷第 2页(共 8页)
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------
( ) 32.1. There is ______ “u” and ______ “i” in the word “quilt”. O
18. Where is the model plane A. a; an B. an; a C. an; a △△
A. In the living room. B. On the desk. C.On the bed. ( ) 33. ____ is Lucy. That’s _____ backpack.
A.These,her B. This,his C.This,her O
19. Does Lisa's brother have a tape player ( ) 34. — How much are the hats

— ___. O
A. Yes,he is. B. No,he doesn't. C.Yes,he does. A.They11yuan B. They are 11yuan C.It is 11 yuan △△
( ) 35. —What’s Lucy’s school ID card number
20. What color is Lisa's tape player — _____school ID card number is 20040267 △△
A. Blue. B. Red. C. White. A.Her B.His C.My
1 20 ( ) 36.I lost ________English book and three ___________.
Ⅰ、单项选择(每小题 分,共 分) A.a, pen B. an, watches C.a, pencils 装
( ) 21. —Good afternoon,Lily! ( ) 37. There ________ some cheese and ________ of bread on the dining △△
—____________, Lucy! table.
A.Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good morning 订A.are; pieces B. is; piece C.is; pieces △△
( ) 22. —与字母N含有相同元音音素的字母是______ . ( ) 38. —Does your sister love red,Helen
A.Q B. M C. O —________.Her jacket and hat are red. △△
( )23. — Nice to meet you, Alice! 线A.Yes,I do B. No,I don't C.Yes,she does
— __________. ( ) 39. This is a photo ____ my family. △△
A.OK B.Nice to meet you,too. C.Thank you A.to B. for C.of 内
( ) 24.—_____ your name,please 订( ) 40. —Where’s your schoolbag △△
—My name is Tom Smith. — It’s ____the sofa.
A.What B. What’s C.How 不A.in B. on C.under △△
( ) 25. I _____ Linda Green.My last name _____ Green.
A.am ; am B. is ; am C.am ; is △△
( ) 26. The girl is Kate. I’m ______ good friend. Ⅱ、完形填空(每小题 1分,共 10分) 答
A.her B.his C.my Hello, everyone! My name 41 Jim.I'm thirteen.I am a new 42 in Park
( ) 27. — Is _____ your family photo △△School.I am 43 Class Five.There are nineteen 44 and twelve girls in my 题
—Yes, and ____are my parents. 线class.We have a big 45 . How many 46 and chairs are there in the )
A.this,these B.these,those C.that,this △△
( ) 28. Here ____ three blue pens. classroom Let me tell you the answer(答案). There are 47 desks (one is the
A.is B.am C.are teacher's desk) and thirty-one chairs in it.My English 48 is Miss Smith. 49 △△
( ) 29. They_____Tom’s parents. is a nice teacher.Every morning, we say good 50 to her. We all like her very
A.is B.isn’t C.aren’t much. O△△
( )30. —_____ is she —She _____ my sister. ( )41.A.am B.is C.are
A.Who; is B.Who; are C.What; is △△( )42.A.class B.teacher C.student O
( ) 31. —What’s your card number
— ___ T3153. ( )43.A.in B.at C.of △△
A.It’s B.I’m C.They’re ( )44.A.classmates B.boys C.girls O
( )45.A.book B.party C.classroom △△
试卷第 3页(共 10页 ) 试卷第 4页(共 10页) O△△
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------


△△( )46.A.beds B.flowers C.desks
( )47.A.thirty-one B.thirty-two C.twenty-nine A. I’m fine, thank you.
△△O( )48.A.name B.teacher C.friend B. Spell it, please.
( )49.A.She B.Her C.He C. What’s its name
△△( )50.A.morning B.night C.evening
O D. Hello, Emily.
E. What’s this in English
△△Ⅲ、情景交际(每小题 1分,共 10 分)
(A)完成下列交际用语。(5分) Ⅳ、综合运用(每小题 1分,共 15分)
△△51. --_____________________________ (A)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。(每

装--I am14. 题 1分,10分)。△△52.--Nice to meet you !
meet friends your is first not her and what an
△△订53.--______________________________ Hello , everyone ! Nice to 61.______ you. My name is Jenny Green. Jenny is my 62.
△△ --My name is Lily ______name and Green is my last name. I’m 63.______ English girl. I’m in China
线54.--_____________________________ now. I have a yellow telephone. 64.______ is my telephone number It’s 397-0999.
△△ --I am fine . 65.______ it a nice phone number Yes! Because I like the number nine.
订55.--Are you Lily Look at the girl with black hair. She is Xu Zimeng. We are good 66.______. She is a内
△△ --__________ .I am Lucy. Chinese girl. 67.______ phone is black. Xu Zimeng 68.______ I are in No.1 Middle
School in Changsha .
△△不(B)根据对话内容填入适当的句子或词语(其中有一项是多余的)。 What’s 69.______ name Are you a middle school student 70.______ Please tell
( Emily is talking with George.) me something about you.
答Emily : Hello, George.
George: 56. ______. (B)句型转换(本大题共 5小题,每小题 1分,共 5分)
Emily: How are you 71.She is Jane. (变同义句)
George:57. ______. What about you Her _____ is Jane.△△)
Emily: I’m OK. 58.______. 72.Are those your sisters (做肯定回答)
△△George: It’s a dinosaur. ( ). Yes , _____ _____ .恐龙
Emily: 59. ______ . 73.Does he have a bag?(否定回答)
△△OGeorge: D - I - N - O - S - A - U - R , dinosaur. It’s my toy ( ). _____,he _____.玩具
△△Emily: 60. ______ . 74.We have a good day.(变同义句)
OGeorge: Its name is Dan. We have a _____ _____ .
△△Emily: Wow. That’s a good name ! 75.I like apples .(变为否定句)
O I _____ _____apples .
△△O 试卷第 5页(共 10页) 试卷第 6页(共 10页)
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------
Hi , I①._____ Tom . Tom is my first name . My last name is Miller .②.student , O
第二部分阅读理解(共计 35 分) I am , a Yes , I am . I’m in Class Three . My telephone number is 934— △△
1462。This is my jacket③It’s black . And this is Li Luoxi . She④. _____ O
Ⅴ、阅读理解(A、B、C题各 10分,D题 5 △△分,共 35分) a Chinese girl .⑤. Li is her family name .
(A) O△△
Name Age Favorite Number Phone Number 86. 请在①和④处填上合适的词:_____ _____
Jim Smith 11 8 398-7915 87.请将②处的单词连词成句:_____. △△
Linda Brown 13 6 235-8016
88.请将③处英语翻译成汉语:__________________________ .
Nick Hand 12 7 581-2375 (△△
Gina Green 10 5 920-7958 装
10 90.请修改句子中的错误:It’s a black . __________________________. △△根据表格内容,选择正确答案。( 分)
( )76. Jim is ______. 订△△
A. 13. B. 12 C.11 (D)
( )77.Linda’s last name is ______. Hello, my name is Alan Smith. Today, I want to talk about colors. There are many 线△△
A. Smith B. Brown C. Hand colors in the world. But blue is my favorite (最喜爱的) color. It makes me happy
( )78.Nick’s phone number is ______ because (因为 ) it is the color of the sea and the sky. In English, “ blue ” means △△
A. 398-7915 B. 235-8016 C. 581-2375 内“ sad ”. But for me, blue is a bright color. It makes me feel cool and calm (冷静的). 订
( )79.Gina’s favorite number is ______. △△Most of my things are blue. In my room, the wall is blue and my bed is blue, too.
A. five B. six C. seven 不
When I’m in my blue hat, I’m always in a good mood (心情). And when I use my △△
( )80._____ is the youngest student ( 年龄最小的学生)
A. Jim B. Linda C. Gina blue pen, I can always write more beautifully. Blue is my favorite color. I love it. △△
(B) How about you

Hello! I’m Jone. I’m an English boy. My last name is Green. My telephone 91. What’s the writer’s (作者的) name △△
number is 634-7836. This is Kate. She is an American girl. Her telephone number is _________________________________________________________ 线题
893-6443.And this is her jacket. It’s yellow. Oh, my jacket is blue. Kate and I are in )
Class 5, Grade 7. 92. What color does he like
根据内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。(10 分) _________________________________________________________ △△
( ) 81. My Family name is Green. 93. Is the bed in the room black
( ) 82. My telephone number is 893-6443. _________________________________________________________ O△△
( ) 83. Kate’s Jacket is blue.
( ) 84. Kate is an American girl. 94. How does the writer feel (感觉)about blue △△
( ) 85. Kate and I are in the same class. _________________________________________________________ O
( C ) 95. What’s your favorite (最喜爱的) color △△
任务型阅读(10 分) _________________________________________________________ O
试卷第 7页(共 10页 ) 试卷第 8页(共 10页) O△△
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------


△△Ⅵ、写作(共 10分)
96.你的好友 Sally有一个健康的饮食习惯。下面的表格是她一日三餐的食物清
△△O单。请根据表格内容写一篇英文短文,向大家介绍 Sally的饮食情况。
Like Dislike(不喜欢)
OBreakfast milk,eggs bread
△△ Lunch rice,chicken hamburgers
vegetables salad tomatoes
(Dinner bananas apples ice-cream
△△订 3.词数:60词左右。要求:思路清晰,书写规范;语法正确,语句通顺。
△△Sally is my good friend,



△△O 试卷第 9页(共 10页) 试卷第 10页(共 10页)
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------初一英语第三次考试答案
1-5:AACAB 6--10: CACBC
-15: CAABC 16--20: ABCCB
21~ 25 BBBBC 26 ~ 30 AACCA
31 ~ 35 AAC BA 36 ~ 40 BCCAB
51.How old are you 52.Nice to meet you,too 53.What's your name
54.How are you? 55.No,I’m not
56-60 DAEBC
四、61-70 meet first an What Is
friends Her and your now
71 Her name 72 I do 73 No,doesn’t 74 good time 75don’t like
76-80C B C A C
86am ; is 87Am I a student 88 它是黑色的。 89李是她的姓。90 It’s black .
91. Alan Smith.
92. Blue.
93. No, it isn’t.
94. He thinks blue is a bright color and makes him feel cool and calm.

  • 黑龙江省绥棱县克音河乡学校2023-2024六年级上学期第三次月考英语试卷( 含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月07日  所属分类:作业答案