
八 年 级 英 语
1、本试题卷共10页,满分 120分,考试时间100分钟。
1.How long will the sports meet last
A.2 days. B.3 days. C.4 days.
2.What’s the girl’s favorite animal
A.The whale. B.The dog. C.The elephant.
3.Where was Mr. Lee at nine o’clock this morning
A.In his office. B.In the computer room.
C.In the meeting room.
4.Who used to like playing the guitar
A.Mary. B.Jim. C.Both Mary and Jim.
5.What are they talking about
A.About how to protect oneself in an earthquake.
B.About why earthquakes are dangerous.
C.About how an earthquake happens.
6.What struck the south of China
A.A terrible forest fire. B.A terrible snowstorm.
C.A terrible rainstorm.
7.How many people were hurt
A.15. B.50. C.500.
8.What does Mona usually have for breakfast
A.Cakes and milk. B.Milk and bread. C.Bread and juice.
9.How often does David drink milk
A.Every day. B.Sometimes. C.Never.
10.Why didn’t the speaker go to school last week
A.Because his feet hurt.
B.Because he was in a football match last week.
C.Because he had to stay at home to look after his mother.
11.How did the speaker learn English last week
A.With his friends. B.On the Internet. C.By helping others.
12.What did the speaker learn last week
A.How to ask questions. B.How to teach himself. C.How to keep healthy.
13.What happened in Lucy’s dream
A.She met a wonderful bird. B.She fed a bird in the sky.
C.She flew like a bird.
14.Why was Lucy happy in her dream
A.Because she saw a lot of Santa Clauses.
B.Because Santa Claus smiled at her.
C.Because Santa Claus gave her many gifts.
15.When did Lucy have the dream
A.On Christmas Eve. B.On Christmas night.
C.On the night of last Sunday.
16 17 18 19 20
Dear Parents,
On Thursday 10 October, Year 5 and Year 6 students will rehearse(彩排) for a concert in the morning and perform at the concert at 1:30 pm for parents at Corinda State High School. The students will have a chance to work closely with more experienced(有经验的) high school students.
8:30 am Meet outside Corinda State High School gate (It is safe for your kids to ride bikes or take buses to the school, so you needn’t drive them there.)
9:00 am Rehearse for the first time
10:30 am Half an hour’s break
11:00 am Rehearse once again
12:30 pm Lunch break
1:00 pm Preparation for the concert
1:30 pm Concert on the school playground
3:00 pm Parents to pick up students
● We provide only drinking water. Please make your kids bring their own water bottles and lunch.
● The concert starts at 1:30 pm. Please don’t be late. Your kids and we both hope to see you be there on time.
● For more information about the activity, please send an email to us at corindashsoffice@.
21.Who is the text written for
A.Students. B.Teachers. C.Children. D.Parents.
22.Why does the writer write the text
A.To tell about the High School. B.To give information about a concert.
C.To ask students to perform at a concert. D.To give advice on how to hold a concert.
23.What will the Year 5 and Year 6 students do in the morning
A.Talk with high school students. B.Meet their friends.
C.Rehearse twice. D.Perform at a concert.
24.What should parents do when they go to take part in the activity
A.Drive there. B.Meet others on the playground.
C.Bring their own(自己的) water and lunch. D.Go to the concert before 1:30 pm.
25.How can one get more information about the activity
A.By sending an email. B.By writing a letter.
C.By making a call. D.By going to the school office.
Wendy was angry because Daddy had taken Tommy out without her. “I’m sorry, Wendy,” Daddy said, “but little girls who are sick like you are better indoors on a cold day like this. Be good and take your medicine, and perhaps you’ll be well enough to come out with us tomorrow.”
But Wendy would not take her medicine. When Mother came to give it to her, she closed her mouth, put her hands behind her back and shook her head firmly. “Come now, Wendy.” said Mother. “It doesn’t taste as bad as all that. Open your mouth wide, and it will be over before you know it.” But Wendy would not do it.
Puss, the cat, came into the room. She sat down beside Wendy. “Look at Puss.” said Mother. “She takes her medicine without any problems. Surely you won’t let Puss beat you.” But Wendy would not open her mouth. “Tommy doesn’t have to take medicine,” she said, “so why should I do it ” “Tommy hasn’t got a cold,” said Mother, “and you have.”
Now Wendy knew that was true, but she was still having a sulk, so she said. “I haven’t got a cold. At least, it’s better now.”
Would you believe it Just after the words were out of her mouth when she gave a great big sneeze(喷嚏). She was so surprised that her mouth fell wide open, and before she could close it again. Mother had put the spoon inside it. Down Wendy’s throat went the medicine before she could do a thing to stop it.
“There now,” said Mother and off she went to wash the spoon(勺子).
26.Why did Mother talk about the cat with Wendy
A.To ask Wendy to learn from it. B.To ask Wendy to sit beside it.
C.To ask Wendy to look after it. D.To ask Wendy to drive it away.
27.What is the closest meaning of the underlined part “having a sulk”
A.Feeling ill. B.Feeling lazy. C.Feeling surprised. D.Feeling angry.
28.What did Wendy do at last
A.Stopped crying. B.Went out to be with his father.
C.Took the medicine. D.Washed the spoon.
29.What’s the best title for the text
A.Wendy’s family. B.Wendy’s mother. C.Wendy’s health. D.Wendy’s problem.
30.The writer writes the text in the order of ______.
A.persons B.things C.places D.suggestions
Winter is gone. It’s getting warm and leaves turn green. Children start doing some activities outside. Do you know what kids in the US do to enjoy the warm months
One thing children do is to jump on a trampoline. The trampoline helps them jump high into the air. Children love it a lot because it makes them feel very excited. Some children like to do flips(空翻) in the air. But they need to be careful to do that. Sometimes they can hardly land where they want to!
Another activity is swinging(摇摆) on a tire swing(轮胎秋千). Making a tire swing needs an old and large tire -- maybe from a truck or a bus. People tie(系) the big tire to a tall tree with a strong rope(绳子). This activity is fun for children. They can swing left and right on it, or sit on it when it turns round and round. They feel like they’re flying birds. Although it’s an old activity, children today still enjoy it.
Do you like these activities What activities do you usually do in spring
31.What is the text about
A.About American children’s hobbies. B.About American children’s sports meets.
C.About American children’s everyday activities. D.About American children’s activities in spring.
32.Which picture shows the activity in Paragraph 2
33.What does the underlined word “hardly” in Paragraph 2mean
A.几乎不 B.不幸地 C.艰难地 D.意外地
34.Why does the writer think swinging on a tire swing is fun for children
A.Because people make the swing with a tire from a truck or a bus.
B.Because children like the feeling when doing it.
C.Because children can catch birds when doing it.
D.Because it’s an old activity.
35.What’s the structure of the text (P=Paragraph)
Hobbies can be anything. They let you be creative(有创造力的) and try all kinds of new things. 36
Think back to what you loved as a kid.
Did you like to ride bikes with friends Did you love to paint or draw 37 If you rode bikes, why not get a new bike and go around your neighborhood If you loved drawing, take a class at an art museum.
Do you enjoy reading books Maybe you want to try your hand at writing them. Do you like a cold drink at the end of the day Maybe your hobby could be trying to make drinks at home. Turn what you love into a hobby.
Look into your skill.
Some hobbies need skills. 39 For example, if you do well in repairing(修理) and building things, you can have a hobby like working on old TV sets or building furniture(家具).
Pay attention to what excites you.
What you often talk about can show what you love most. Think about the topics you always go on about. 40 Then you can decide how to turn it into a hobby.
A.If you are good at doing something, you can pick it as a hobby. B.Look at what interests you. C.Think about what got you excited as a kid and what you could do for several hours. D.Ask your friends what you talk about most. E.Here are some ways to find a hobby.
It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian 41 were still skating on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time.
42 the ice broke. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didn’t know what to do. The two Canadian women heard 43 and skated over to get the boy out of the water.
The ice was 44 . The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to 45 the little boy. They knew they must be quick. 46 they didn’t push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.
Many people ran over to 47 them. Some of them had ropes(绳子)and sticks. A young man jumped into the water to save the 48 people.
The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water 49 . One of the women didn’t feel well. People sent her to the hospital at once. But she 50 very happy when she heard the boy was saved.
41.A.men. B.women C.boys D.girls
42.A.Really B.Nearly C.Certainly D.Suddenly
43.A.him B.her C.them D.each other
44.A.thin B.unhealthy C.missing D.wet
45.A.choose B.prevent C.shake D.save
46.A.Because B.If C.Before D.As
47.A.help B.follow C.hold D.tell
48.A.two B.three C.four D.five
49.A.all the time B.face to face C.at last D.in fact
50.A.felt B.stayed C.kept D.sounded
四、词语填空(20小题,每小题1分, 共20分)
第一节:根据句意及提示,用合适单词的正确形式填空, 使句子通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
51.—Thank you for giving me a hand.
—It’s my ______(乐意做的事情).
52.—Do you like this coat
—Yes, but it’s a little expensive. Can you get it a little ______
53.I saw him ______(cut) a piece of paper with a pair of scissors when I came into his room.
54.—______(多么) beautiful music! Who made it
—My music teacher.
55.—I lose the car key s______ between the car and the house. But I can’t find it.
—Oh. Then let’s look for it more carefully there.
they seldom much change Smith when for get record online
What will happen if a family is without the Internet for a month The 56 decide to find out. They ask a US television station to 57 their day-to-day life without the internet for a month.
58 the TV group meet the family, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two kids are so crazy(狂热的) about the Internet that they 59 do things together. At mealtimes, nobody sits at the dining table 60 their food. “Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and then goes back to their computer.” Mrs. Smith says. “If we don’t make a 61 , our family will become strangers(陌生人) to each other!”
62 back to the normal life without the Internet is not easy, especially(尤其) when the family lose 63 in it. They have to make many changes. For example, the two kids have to go to the school library to borrow books for their scientific programs, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things 64 . As the family have picked the new lifestyle(生活方式), they find that they can spend 65 time than before talking over meals, playing sports and doing all kinds of activities together.
About eighteen years ago, British man Daniel Fowler invented 66 exciting sport. He called it horse boarding. Now the sport is becoming very popular.
Fowler says he came up with the idea of horse boarding while he 67 playing around on a farm with his friends. “I used 68 be a skateboarder and a horse rider, and I always wanted to put the two together.”
Fowler thinks horse boarding isn’t just a sport for brave people. “The sport also needs lots 69 skills. And the horse rider and boarder must work together. Because if they don’t, the boarder 70 go flying,” he says.
A: Hi, Zhao Xing. Our English teacher Mr. Black is going back to Australia next week. I want to hold a class party for him.
B: Good idea! 71
A: This afternoon.
B: 72 But I don’t think it’s a good time. We are all busy preparing for the final exam.
A: Well, how about this Saturday 73 .
B: OK. What can I do to help you, Li Sha
A: 74
B: Sorry, I’m not good at games.
A: Well, can you buy some food and drinks for the party
B: 75 .
A: Thanks a lot!
Dear Bob,
2022 年秋期期末质量评估检测
一、听力理解 1-5:BBCBA 6-10:CBABA
11-15:BBCCA 16-20: BCDAE
二、阅读理解 21-25:DBCDA 26-30:ADCDB
31-35:DBABC 36-40:ECBAD
三、完形填空 41-45:BDCAD 46-50:BABCA
四、词语填空 51.pleasure 52.cheaper 53.cutting 54.What 55.somewhere
56.Smiths 57.record 58.When 59.seldom 60.for
61.change 62.Getting 63.themselves 64.online 65.more
66.an 67.was 68.to 69.of 70.will
71.When are you going to have it
72.This afternoon
73.Everyone will be free then.
74.Can you think of games to play
75.Sure, I can do that.
Dear Bob,
I’m very sorry to hear that you have a bad cold and a terrible headache.
To get better quickly, you should see the doctor first and not just stay at home and do nothing. Be sure to follow the doctor’s advice and take medicine on time. What’s more, you should drink more water and eat more fruit and vegetables to have a strong body. You should also get enough sleep to keep your mind active and have more energy. And remember to put on more clothes when you go out in such cold weather.
I really hope you will get better soon.
Best wishes!

  • 河南省南阳市宛城区2022-2023八年级上学期期末英语试题(含答案含听力音频无原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月07日  所属分类:作业答案