Unit 6 Bird watching reading 同步练习(2课时含答案)

Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
1、终年生活在扎龙_____________________ 2、它们数量上的变化___________________
3、找到了食物和庇护所_________________ 4、越来越少的空间_____________________
5、越来越少的人_______________________ 6、越来越多的鸟_______________________
7、在危险之中_________________________ 8、使湿地更小_________________________
9、每年一次___________________________ 10、大多数观光者______________________
11、中国政府__________________________ 12、数鸟______________________________
13、懂得湿地的重要性__________________ 14、结果______________________________
1. Beijing lies in the (north) part of China.
2- Suzy is not good at PE. She is (active)and never takes part in any sports.
3. As a guide, you have to take good care of these (tour) ID cards.
4. The water is only 0.6 metres deep, so we can get Across the river ( easy).
5. -How many students are there in the classroom -- (little) than ten.
6. Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important (live) area for wildlife.
7. People want to make more ( space) for farms.
8. We should do more things to help people realize the (important) of protecting wild animals
1. (record) what the teachers say, we’d Better take notes carefully in class.
2. Do you know which country is the first (provide) free medical care
3. It’s really difficult for us (describe) the beauty of the scene in the mountains.
4- In the old days, people had no enough food (eat).
5. It’s necessary to stop people from (kill)Wild animals.
6. We should do what we can (prevent) The Weather (get) hotter and hotter,
7.’ Hurry up ! Don’t keep Tom (wait) for too long.
8. Be careful, or driving carelessly may lead to (hit) something.
( )1- Taiwan lies the east of Fujian, and the south-east of China.
A. on; in B. to; in C. on; to D.、 in; to
( )2. Do you know who is first person to go into space
A.a;/ B. the; the C. the;/ D.a; the
( )3. -Do you know that there are not many cranes left In the world
-Yes, I do. And 40 percent of them in Zhalong.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
( )4. He did his exercises carefully same mistake.
A. as a result B. in order that C. in order not to D. in order to not
( )5. -He Much food the poor family during the hard time. -How kind he was!
A. Provided; to B. provides; with C. Provided; with D. provided; for
( )6.-May I be allowed to choose a summer course’ -It’s up to you. You are to make your decision.
A. too oId B. enough old C. old enough D. so old
( )7. -Good news ! China won a gold at PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games.
-- , we won six silvers.
A. Moreover B. However C. Instead D. Otherwise
( )8. There aren’t any the number of cranes.
A. Changes on B. change on C. changes in D. change in
( )9. -Sam, do you have the same hobby as your twin brother’s
-Well, I like fishing He likes playing basketball.
A. So B. or C. while D. For
( )10. Today the forests are becoming smaller and smaller. We Must too many trees.
A. Prevent people to cut down B. Prevent people from cutting down
C. Keep people cutting down D. Stop people to cut down
1. The fisherman doesn’t stop fishing there.(改为复数句)The stop fishing there.
2. My parents will stay in Suzhou for a short time.(对画线部分提问)
will your parents stay in Suzhou
3. The big fire in Australia has caused the deaths of thousands of koalas。(改为同义句)
The big fire in Australia has the deaths of thousands of koalas,
4- Jack went to the hospital. He wanted to look after His grandma.(合并为一句)
Jack went to the hospital look after his grandma.
5. Some birds stay in Zhalong at all times of the year. (改为同义句)
Some birds stay in Zhalong
, the young mother has to do two jobs.
What space for wildlife
My parents live in Suzhou but I hope they can come to Hangzhou
Penguins(企鹅 ) usually live together. But each Pair has a little piece of ground of their 0 1 . When A penguin wants to walk t 2 its neighbour’s ground, it Must ask for permission(允许).If it does not do that, It will have to fight(打架).Most of the time, penguins Live in the water. They eat shellfish and 1 3 after their children carefully.
All penguins are good p 4 the male(雄性的)Penguins are perhaps the best parent in the w 5 they walk in the Antarctic water. They choose their Wives in the dark. They can only h 6 them,not See them. Then the female penguins lay their e 7 and are away for about two months. The males t 8 Care of the eggs. If the eggs get cold, there will be no Chicks. There i 9 no food. The snow falls heavily(猛烈地) and the wind blows strongly. The male
Penguins do not move. When the females return from the sea, they will not remember their husbands. It does not matter. only one thing matters-the eggs. Male penguins may f 10 with each other for a chick If a penguin leaves it for a minute, because they all Want it. They are strange and wonderful birds.
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
1.Great (变化) took place in the small Town last year.
2. Look! The boats by the river must be those (渔民的).
3.We finally (明白)the importance of learning English well and began to work hard at it.
4.She did not speak in her usual (自然的)way, so I did not believe her.
5. The hotel always p good service for all Kinds of people.
6. The bushes make good c for animals to Hide in.
7. Thanks to the g Qinghai have their new houses.
8. -What should I do Please give me some advice.-No one expects you to be p ,but we
Do expect you to always do your best.
9. -I want to know your and your brother’s hobbies.Can you tell me?
-Yes, of course. My brother likes drawing I like making model planes.
10. -Would you like to have some more sweets -No, thanks. Eating too much sugar can to tooth problems.
1. There are not many giant pandas ______________ in the world.
A. live B. to live C. living D. lives
2. If it ______________ tomorrow, we ______________ for a picnic.
A. doesn’t rain; will go B. doesn’t rain; go
C. will not rain; will go D. Will not rain; go
3. Sixty percent of the earth ______________ water.
A. is covered with B. are covered with
C. is covered by D. are covered by
4. He found ______________ impossible to finish the work without your help.
A. it is B. it was C. that D. this
5. ______________ exereise every day is good for our health.
A. Do B. Did C. Does D. Doing
6. This maths exercise is ______________. We can work it out ______________.
A. easy; easy B. easy; easily
C. easily; easily D. easily; easy
7. English is ______________ most in today’s society.
A. more and more important B. importanter and importanter
C. much important D. much more important
8. Hongkong is ______________ the south of China.
A. to B. on C. in D. at
9. The scientists are ______________ the changes in climate.
A. learning B. studying C. learn D. to study
10. The lazy boy never did his homework. ______________, he failed all the tests.
A. In order to B. However C. So that D. As a result
11. Many old people take exercise every morning ______________ have good health.
A. because of B. in order to
C. as a result D. in order that
12. The number of the red-crowned cranes is ______________ in the world.
A. less and less B. more and more
C. fewer and fewer D. smaller and smaller
13. There are ______________ tigers in the world now.
A. less and less B. smaller and smaller
C. fewer and fewer D. bigger and bigger
14. We should plant ______________ trees to make our city more beautiful.
A. less and less B. fewer and fewer
C. more and more D. little and little
15. There will be ______________ space for wildlife in the future.
A. less and less B. fewer and fewer
C. little and little D. smaller and smaller
1. The students in Class 5 with their teacher ________ (invite) many people to join the party now.
2. It’s bad for your eyes to keep _______________ (play) computer games for such a long time.
3. The government should stop the school bus accidents ____________________ (happen) again.
4. The boss in the big company always makes his workers __________ (work) long hours a day.
5. Now the Chinese government has made laws ____________________ (protect) these birds.
6. The Birdwatching Society needs more people ____________________ (count) the birds.
7. I hope this ____________________ (help) him work out the problem.
8. Some small companies ____________________ (face) some problems now.
9. Are you interested in ____________________ (study) different types of birds
10. This article helps us learn about ____________________ (protect) the environment(环境).
I ___________ food and _____________ him ____________ his ____________ in China.
The ________________ the college______________ getting _______________________.
___________________________come to Zhalong ___________________________ birds.
___________________________________________________ Great in Jiangyin last year.
When the old man ________________ the bus, someone _______________________ him.
____________ Zhalong ______________ us ______________________________ wildlife.
The ___________ has ______________ laws _____________________________ wildlife.
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
1. live in Zhalong all year round 2. the changes in their numbers
3. find food and cover 4. less and less space
5. fewer and fewer people 6. more and more birds
7. be in danger 8. make wetlands smaller
9. once a year 10. most tourists
11. the Chinese government 12. count the birds
13. understand the importance of wetlands 14.as a result
15. face many problems
Ⅱ. . 1 northern 2. inactive 3. tourists’ 4. easily
5. Less 6. living 7. space 8. importance
Ⅲ. 1. To record 2. to provide 3. to describe 4. to eat
5. killing 6. to prevent; getting 7. waiting 8. hitting
Ⅳ. 1~5 BCCCD 6~10 CACCB
V. 1. fishermen don’t 2. How long 3. led t0 4. in order to 5. all year round
VI.t. In order to/To make more money
2. leads to less and less
3. all year round; to stay for a short while
4. The forests provide food and shelters for wild animals.
5. Could you please tell me the importance of learning English well
6. We should make laws to prevent people from killing
Wild animals.
Ⅶ. 1. own 2. through 3. look 4. parents 5. world
6. hear 7. eggs 8. take 9. is 10. fight
1.reason; 2.important; 3.skills; 4.unnecessary; 5.places;
6.no; 7.Ways; 8.remember; 9.Look; 10.losing
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
一. 1. changes 2. fishermen’s 3. understood 4. natural
5. provides 6. cover 7. government 8. perfect 9. while 10. lead
1. C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.B12. D 13. C 14.C 15 A
1. are inviting 2. playing 3. happening work 5. to protects
6. to count 7.will help 8. are facing 9. studying 10. protecting
1. provided; cover for: during stay
2. number of; students is smaller and smaller
3. More and more tourists, to watch
4. changes rook place
5. got on; gave the seat to
6. Studying; helps learn more about
7 government; made; to protect

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