
(2021天津南开中学校考二模)When my dad finally finished the triathlon (铁人三项)in Montauk, the crowd cheered. It showed me how his hard work paid off and it excited my 1 . I wondered whether a small boy of my size could 2 something like that. I found myself 3 this out loud and my father overheard me. He 4 me and said I could train with him.
Training with my clad turned out to be very 5 . We would get up very early for a morning jog or go for a swim in the pool after school. After a few weeks of training, I 6 my first triathlon. Before the competition, I nervously waited for the 7 .
When someone fired the gun. I was off, 8 towards the distant buoy (浮标)that marked my turn. I finished the half-mile swim and ran towards my 9 . I was dripping wet, trying to 10 it. Once on the bike, I experienced an excitement specific to 11 . I went through the transition zone and 12 my running shoes. At the start of the run part of the triathlon, my 13 already felt like they were made of cement (水泥).
For me, the real competition began during the run, because now I could see each competitor as a target. No matter my 14 in the field, each racer was either following me 15 being followed. The run part of the race was in fact 16 tolerance.
“Shut up, legs”, one of my favorite sayings, kept me from thinking about the 17 feeling. Then I crossed the finish line. I took a breath and then began a(an) 18 with the other finishers. The sense of 19 was there for all of us.
Looking back, I remember the small boy on that day in Montauk who doubted whether he could 20 it, like his dad. Now, that same boy is not only a huge fan, but also a training partner as well.
1. A.pride B.congratulations C.concern D.curiosity
2. A.learn B.deserve C.achieve D.organize
3. A.saying B.figuring C.acting D.leaving
4. A.admired B.encouraged C.pushed D.convinced
5. A.unbearable B.exciting C.enjoyable D.challenging
6. A.learnt from B.suffered from C.signed up for D.dropped out of
7. A.signal B.announcement C.result D.permission
8. A.riding B.walking C.swimming D.dashing
9. A.bike B.horse C.destination D.coat
10. A.take off B.get on C.knock out D.put away
11. A.running B.traveling C.cycling D.swimming
12. A.kicked off B.switched to C.prepared for D.polished
13. A.arms B.clothes C.shoes D.legs
14. A.size B.position C.age D.career
15. A.or B.and C.but D.so
16. A.breathlessness B.thirst C.stress D.pain
17. A.winning B.nervous C.burning D.proud
18. A.suggestion B.celebration C.impression D.organization
19. A.accomplishment B.guilt C.sorrow D.participation
20. A.join B.move C.prove D.make
(2022天津河西统考一模)Life is meant to be lived. No excuses. No reservations. No holding back.
An inspiring story about violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once 1 a beautiful violin he wanted to acquire. When he finally 2 the money for the violin, he returned to buy it and learned that it had already been sold to a(n) 3 .
He went to the new owner’s home in order to try to 4 him to sell the violin. But the collector said it was one of his 5 possessions and he could not let it go.
Disappointed Kreisler turned to leave, but then 6 a favour. “May I play the instrument once more 7 it is placed to silence?”
8 was given and the great musician began to play. The violin sang out a piece of quality music, so 9 that the collector himself could only listen in wonderment. “I have no 10 to keep that to myself.” he said after the musician finished. “The violin is yours, Mr. Kreisler. Take it into the world, and let people 11 it.”
William Arthur Ward said, “If you believe in prayer, pray; if you believe in serving, serve; if you believe in giving, give.” For you and I are fine violin—our music is 12 to be heard.
I want to live my life that way—to take it into the world and live it 13 . I’d rather burn out than rust out(锈尽). I’d rather be used up than die not having done 14 I can.
I’m not talking about 15 ourselves out on over-activity. Happiness is 16 found in excessive(过度) busyness. But it is found in 17 our lives in others. Say yes when asked for a hand. Volunteer some time for a worthwhile organization and 18 an hour with a lonely relative.
1. In the end, I know that my 19 is not only about my ability or my inability. It is about my 20 . My life is meant to be lived.
2. A.came over B.came across C.came about D.came up
3. A.raised B.found C.stored D.provided
4. A.relative B.owner C.merchant D.collector
5. A.encourage B.command C.persuade D.remind
6. A.valueless B.precious C.expensive D.important
7. A.showed B.did C.won D.asked
8. A.before B.unless C.since D.until
9. A.Assistance B.Price C.Permission D.Invitation
10. A.interesting B.classical C.powerful D.beautiful
11. A.idea B.right C.room D.sense
12. A.hear B.see C.feel D.know
13. A.supported B.meant C.valued D.convinced
14. A.properly B.briefly C.normally D.fully
15. A.whichever B.whenever C.whatever D.whoever
16. A.helping B.keeping C.wearing D.making
17. A.always B.never C.once D.already
18. A.devoting B.changing C.investing D.absorbing
19. A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay
20. A.business B.hardness C.kindness D.happiness
21. A.participation B.existence C.responsibility D.difference
(2022天津市新华中学校考模拟预测)With sunset on the horizon, Chad Rissman and his uncle Darrin Vick had waited all day for one bite. They were just sitting there talking when 1 the line got tight and 2 . With that light bite, they got 3 in an unforgettable fishing tale.
Darrin was going to grab the 4 . As the leader (接钩线) was coming up, Chad said he'd get hold of the shark. But before Darrin could, an eagle swept in and 5 the shark as its own. "In the sunset, the way 6 lined up for shooting; I couldn't have 7 a better time," said Chad. The family 8 their phones and 9 the moment.
Then, they 10 the line and got the line and hook away from the eagle.
"I think they did a really great job. It could have been a lot 11 ," said Kim Begay with the Clearwater Audubon Society and Audubon Center for Birds of Prey. Begay 12 that eagle as Eugene, first 13 in Bradenton in 2017, after breaking her leg. "The first time she broke her leg, she was in rehab (康复中心) for about eight 14 and she was in rehab at a very 15 time when she would be learning how to hunt and 16 her parents' hunt. Eugene appears to now be looking for easy 17 ," Begay explained.
If Eugene or any other bird is hooked, Begay suggested following these steps. "If you hook a bird 18 , or the bird has line wrapped around them, you have to remove and then 19 . If not, a bird could end up in 20 ."
1. A.gradually B.suddenly C.permanently D.hardly
2. A.broken B.long C.loose D.smooth
3. A.interested B.involved C.lost D.absorbed
4. A.line B.shark C.eagle D.phone
5. A.killed B.attacked C.swallowed D.claimed
6. A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing
7. A.asked for B.run out of C.escaped from D.got rid of
8. A.lost B.threw C.grabbed D.delivered
9. A.hid B.shared C.celebrated D.recorded
10. A.took out B.cut off C.tidied up D.rolled up
11. A.easier B.healthier C.worse D.slower
12. A.knows B.regards C.treats D.accepts
13. A.raised B.witnessed C.trained D.rescued
14. A.hours B.days C.months D.years
15. A.critical B.enjoyable C.relaxing D.carefree
16. A.protecting B.ruining C.discovering D.following
17. A.meals B.tasks C.journeys D.methods
18. A.with luck B.by accident C.in flesh D.on purpose
19. A.report B.realize C.release D.recommend
20. A.safety B.relief C.freedom D.trouble
(2022天津市新华中学校考模拟预测)Over the years, I’ve been guilty of hurriedly shutting the front door to many strangers when they came knocking with the intention of selling the things. But around Easter time this year, a dear friend of mine had an experience that 1 my mind towards these “unexpected visitors.”
Alice who recently moved to a new neighborhood, had been housebound (足不出户的) all week 2 from the severe flu when, early one morning, there was the annoying knock on the door. Peering out the window, she saw two young ladies seriously 3 leaflets and a TV set model. She knew a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was about to be 4 . “This is the last thing I need today,” she muttered to herself and 5 opened the door.
Coughing, she poked her head out and impatiently 6 them that she wasn’t the slightest bit interested in any TV products. 7 , she added, she was feeling quite unwell and abruptly shut the door. The ladies politely turned and left 8 . A few hours later, the same two ladies were back again. Really 9 this time, she opened the door ready to give them a piece of her mind. 10 she could speak, these women, with 11 looks on their faces, handed Alice a dish, saying “We’re so sorry we 12 you earlier. We thought you may like this homemade chicken soup. 13 it might make you feel better.” Alice was surprised by this lovely 14 . Being new to the area, she didn’t know many neighbors or people who could 15 her with shopping so the gesture was really 16 . She could only smile embarrassedly and sincerely thanked them. With that, the ladies left.
1. After Alice told this story to me, I thought about how 17 this deed was. Especially in today’s world where sadly, kindness and 18 seem so rare. I also realized that 19 others and showing 20 is the real essence of love.
2. A.decided B.changed C.occupied D.crossed
3. A.suffering B.removing C.coming D.leaving
4. A.owning B.throwing C.making D.holding
5. A.communicated B.gotten C.left D.delivered
6. A.eagerly B.happily C.willingly D.hesitantly
7. A.satisfied B.persuaded C.informed D.convinced
8. A.Therefore B.However C.Furthermore D.While
9. A.in surprise B.in despair C.in silence D.in anger
10. A.scared B.frustrated C.shocked D.annoyed
11. A.Before B.After C.As D.Though
12. A.puzzled B.concerned C.excited D.satisfied
13. A.blamed B.disturbed C.beat D.visited
14. A.Hopefully B.Luckily C.Suddenly D.Lastly
15. A.movement B.thought C.word D.gesture
16. A.take B.give C.bring D.assist
17. A.congratulated B.celebrated C.praised D.appreciated
18. A.tiring B.surprising C.touching D.exciting
19. A.encouragement B.inspiration C.honesty D.thoughtfulness
20. A.worrying about B.thinking about C.discussing about D.hearing about
21. A.kindness B.hate C.regret D.happiness
(2023天津统考模拟预测)Few 17-year-old girls know how to weld (焊接)two metal pipes together. I have learned this skill in the past five years as a(n) 1 for my father’s personal plumbing (管道装置) business. This summer job often needs to deal with the mess that causes physical and mental 2 , and, to some extent, 3 a tough and elegant attitude. It is often difficult to cope with. But I 4
Every morning, I have to put on a pair of men’s jeans. Most of my peers are 5 to wear it in public. I 6 tied my hair when I rushed out of the house, and 7 into the front passenger seat of the plumber’s construction vehicle.
When my peers were part-time babysitters or lifeguards, I was helping my father in the dirty bathroom or the 8 basement. Thick dust 9 my nose and mouth, and my hands became black. There is nothing beautiful and neat; everything in front of you is 10 .
Honestly speaking, I felt 11 , discouraged and unable to think hard. Pipe work is a tough job, and I sometimes hate it. I asked myself why I had to 12 these dust and sweat. I can even find another job, a 13 job more like my peers. 14 , just like I hate messy pipes, I also hate being affected by these little 15 emotions. After all, the world is built by people who are willing to get their hands 16 . Life is a process of 17 chaos and learning to clean up, and pipeline work is no 18 .
1. My dad and I not only create chaos, we also create 19 . When customers are 20 for our work, I understand that we have brought order to their lives in small places. The physical and mental discomfort of plumbing work is worth it.
2. A.assistant B.companion C.fellow D.engineer
3. A.misfortune B.pleasure C.injury D.discomfort
4. A.recovers B.reflects C.requires D.reviews
5. A.waited B.insisted C.resisted D.promised
6. A.eager B.unwilling C.able D.impatient
7. A.carefully B.eventually C.hurriedly D.normally
8. A.turned B.moved C.looked D.climbed
9. A.big B.warm C.wet D.cool
10. A.infected B.covered C.separated D.protected
11. A.ugly B.interesting C.crucial D.dangerous
12. A.powerless B.fearless C.effortless D.endless
13. A.respect B.wipe C.tolerate D.replace
14. A.renewable B.regular C.realistic D.responsible
15. A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Instead
16. A.warning B.surprising C.touching D.disturbing
17. A.smooth B.smart C.dirty D.violent
18. A.controlling B.attempting C.finishing D.accepting
19. A.excuse B.puzzle C.description D.exception
20. A.order B.luck C.memory D.wealth
21. A.ready B.grateful C.thirsty D.sorry
(2021天津统考一模)This afternoon I was driving home after visiting my mom. I took the route that was more like a canyon (峡谷) drive with beautiful sceneries. 1 I heard a pop. I knew what happened—a big flat tire! I 2 to the side, but this was a canyon drive with not much shoulder space. What’s worse, it 3 to be around a bend that people couldn’t see me, which made the situation 4 .
Cars were passing me with no 5 of slowing down. I got 6 in the car, feeling very 7 . After what seemed a few hours, I 8 a car stopping at a distance behind me. A gentleman 9 out and signaled to other drivers. With his help, I 10 to walk out of the car very carefully. Then he moved my car a bit out of the way while I was 11 AAA to seek help. After much back and forth, they said 12 they gave me priority (优先权) since I was in a dangerous place, they needed at least 20-30 minutes to send 13 . The gentleman offered to check my spare tire while I was making the call. 14 , by the time I was done with AAA, the gentleman had changed my 15 ! I felt a wave of 16 coming over me. I told him if he hadn’t stopped by and helped me, I would have felt 17 . He just laughed.
Even after we 18 , I saw in my mirror that the car just followed me to 19 I was OK. I thought how 20 I was to be the receiver of such kindness in a hot dry afternoon.
1. Bad things can happen, but life will bend toward goodness.
2. A.Carefully B.Suddenly C.Patiently D.Frequently
3. A.pulled over B.set up C.broke down D.got away
4. A.used B.seemed C.ought D.happened
5. A.dangerous B.safe C.wonderful D.typical
6. A.way B.background C.sign D.reward
7. A.locked B.trapped C.fastened D.injured
8. A.relaxed B.determined C.delighted D.worried
9. A.noticed B.felt C.imagined D.missed
10. A.fell B.took C.stepped D.blocked
11. A.dared B.failed C.desired D.hesitated
12. A.interviewing B.contacting C.investigating D.challenging
13. A.as if B.if only C.in case D.even though
14. A.shelter B.medicine C.equipment D.assistance
15. A.Surprisingly B.Slightly C.Unbearably D.Doubtfully
16. A.lights B.handle C.tire D.wheel
17. A.confidence B.gratitude C.passion D.panic
18. A.boring B.unique C.worthless D.helpless
19. A.talked B.laughed C.parted D.quarreled
20. A.ensure B.defend C.evaluate D.support
21. A.satisfied B.lucky C.proud D.reliable
(2021天津河北统考一模)Throughout my childhood, I felt the need to be in control. However, the need came to a sudden 1 during my trip to Puerto Kico in June 2015.On this trip, the 2 of travel and soccer taught me that freedom doesn’t come from being in control but rather from fully 3 in my surroundings.
I stood on the hotel balcony in Old San Juan, 4 the long street that led to the ocean. 5 in Spanish from the street market far below reminded me of how 6 this place was from my home. I decided it was time to 7 .
I’d been taking Spanish for six years, but as I stepped onto the 8 of Old San Juan, I was too 9 to put more than two Spanish words together. I went past the street vendors, kicking my soccer ball gently as I walked, and 10 near one of Puerto Rico’s famous castles. A group of Puerto Rican boys stood in a circle 11 a small, flat soccer ball. Making eye contact with one of the boys, I passed my ball over and 12 them. As we played, I gradually began to feel the sense of clarity and flow that I’d been 13 to achieve during my entire childhood. I let go, feeling comfortable enough as a(n) 14 between us went beyond both cultural and language barriers.
My 15 need for control had come from growing up with strict parents, coaches and expectations from my school and community. I 16 for control wherever I could get it. I overthought every move in soccer games, which made me less creative and 17 the team consequently.
1. This experience made me 18 my struggle for control was 19 me. I learned that when I open myself up to others, I am free to earn this rare state of 20 which I can freely express myself.
2. A.crisis B.stop C.conclusion D.agreement
3. A.combination B.recreation C.satisfaction D.qualification
4. A.engaging B.attracting C.taking D.absorbing
5. A.searching for B.walking through C.staring at D.thinking about
6. A.Noises B.Whispers C.Tones D.Voices
7. A.special B.different C.separate D.remote
8. A.work B.exercise C.explore D.leave
9. A.beach B.playground C.school D.street
10. A.proud B.excited C.surprised D.nervous
11. A.arrived B.appeared C.stayed D.gathered
12. A.holding B.following C.sending D.passing
13. A.chased B.called C.joined D.taught
14. A.rushing B.hesitating C.struggling D.continuing
15. A.problem B.understanding C.recognition D.friendship
16. A.previous B.urgent C.recent D.immediate
17. A.prepared B.reached C.waited D.fought
18. A.refused B.hurt C.defeated D.failed
19. A.admit B.confirm C.realize D.expect
20. A.guiding B.limiting C.urging D.shaping
21. A.creativity B.responsibility C.independence D.sensitivity
(2021天津河东统考一模)When going through a serious illness, you learn to know what love and beauty really are. I know this 1 too well, because I’ve experienced a terrible illness myself.
I was diagnosed with both breast and colon(结肠) cancer at the same time, and my entire 2 on life completely changed. I thought I had it rough after having to 3 my daughter alone, but going 4 cancer made my previous years seem like times of delight. When you 5 from a serious illness like cancer, it makes you wonder what you did to 6 such a thing.
The love of my family helped me to forget my 7 , however. Their love was the greatest reason why I had to fight the cancer and live. At times, I didn’t think I would 8 it, but because of the unconditional love of my family, I found out who’s there at this most critical time of my life. Through it all, not only did I find what love truly means, but I found what true 9 really is. Through all the 10 I endured, I still felt beautiful.
Whether we’re dealing with an illness or any other 11 feeling about ourselves, we still need to feel beautiful-on both the outside and the inside.
Each passing day I’m allowed to open my eyes, the days are 12 , because I’m able to see and appreciate it much more. True beauty is 13 and when you feel beautiful on the inside, it shows so clearly on the outside.
14 , I could not have done or felt the way I did and still do without my family. I feel within my heart that I 15 cancer just so I could continue to share my life with them, while sharing my story with others.
I share my story with others as I hope to make a positive impact on those who are ill or just feeling 16 . We as people should never allow anything to 17 our joy or self-esteem. We can turn something terrible like cancer into something positive 18 we focus on the great things that come out of it.
19 all, it’s at the worst times of our lives that the best things can 20 , and when we survive a tragedy, it is for a reason.
1. A.both B.either C.all D.none
2. A.report B.order C.effect D.outlook
3. A.raise B.help C.care D.treat
4. A.across B.through C.beyond D.under
5. A.suffer B.issue C.check D.range
6. A.recognize B.assign C.deserve D.ignore
7. A.skin B.past C.life D.pain
8. A.pay B.make C.put D.take
9. A.intention B.family C.beauty D.memory
10. A.treatment B.encouragement C.event D.feature
11. A.effective B.negative C.enormous D.obvious
12. A.lazier B.busier C.brighter D.tighter
13. A.without B.below C.above D.within
14. A.Honestly B.Suddenly C.Happily D.Hardly
15. A.survived B.approached C.diagnosed D.memorized
16. A.up B.down C.besides D.apart
17. A.steal B.build C.deliver D.contain
18. A.unless B.if C.although D.so
19. A.In B.Above C.At D.After
20. A.settle B.solve C.happen D.hide
(2021天津和平统考二模)Tischler and her daughter, Ruby, 6, have a routine: They place canned goods, nonperishable (不易坏的)food and toiletries on a long table on their front lawn. They go back into their house and wait.
This is Tischler’s Sharing Table. After being 1 . by a magazine article about a woman who collects and 2 essential goods, Tischler created her own version of the community plan.
The 3 of her table is the same: “Take what you need, leave what you can, if you can.”
“I just thought it was such an easy yet 4 way to help local people,” Tischler said. Two Sundays ago, she 5 some “starter supplies” in the local store to get the Sharing Table 6 . “It also gave me a(n) 7 to clean out my own cabinets (储藏柜),” she said. She placed handmade 8 on the table, indicating that everything on it was free.
With the help of her sister-in-law, Kristine Lenza, Day One of the Sharing Table was “surprisingly successful,” Tischler said.
Weather 9 , Tischler now set up the table every day. “You don’t, have to have lost your job, you don’t have to have had COVID,” she said. “It could just be that you need an extra 10 to get you through the year, or if your budget is 11 this month.”
The Sharing Table has also taught Tischler’s daughter some valuable life 12 . “The world is so full of 13 and fear right now and I feel like this is a really positive way to remind people we can help each other and 14 for one another,” Tischler said.
One Long Islander 15 out to Tischler on Facebook, saying she wished she lived closer to the Sharing Table and could have used some of the 16 on it.
Tischler and Ruby packed up a few bags and 17 them to a home in Long Island.
“Now, seeing families stop by the table is really 18 ,” she said. “A lot of people around here are 19 and not telling anyone out of pride, not wanting to ask for help. It’s really nice to have a community space where people are all 20 a hand,” she said. “This is not something I’m doing; it’s something the community is doing for the community.”
1. A.expected B.inspired C.convinced D.educated
2. A.gives away B.sends out C.sets out D.takes away
3. A.notice B.mark C.message D.symbol
4. A.common B.effective C.typical D.limited
5. A.donated B.produced C.increased D.purchased
6. A.going B.loading C.showing D.working
7. A.change B.aim C.excuse D.hope
8. A.designs B.signals C.forms D.signs
9. A.breaking B.permitting C.promising D.appealing
10. A.uplift B.attention C.expense D.effort
11. A.available B.similar C.tight D.modest
12. A.tests B.abilities C.memories D.lessons
13. A.freedom B.anxiety C.risk D.doubt
14. A.lay out B.set out C.look out D.put out
15. A.sent B.kept C.crossed D.reached
16. A.items B.sources C.facilities D.parts
17. A.reserved B.delivered C.ordered D.collected
18. A.heartwarming B.annoying C.impressive D.shocking
19. A.fighting B.waiting C.struggling D.complaining
20. A.wanting B.holding C.waving D.lending
(2021天津校联考二模)When 19-year-old Chloe Mitchell's senior trip was canceled due to the pandemic, she knew she couldn't just lie around the house. Not only is she a 1 volleyball player with an active lifestyle, she's also a teenager. Being 2 in the house all day with your parents isn't ideal-no matter how much you love them.
“I was bored. I was really depressed because quarantine(隔离)had taken away my senior year,” she explained. “I needed something to 3 worries in my mind. I needed 4 labor. I needed space 5 my family.”
As a self-described DIY obsessive(痴迷者), Mitchell saw the shabby shed (破旧的棚屋)in the yard, a relaxing space to call her own. Unfortunately, as she set about 6 the forgotten shed into a stylish vacation home—'She Shed', Mitchell was upset that social-distancing rules meant she couldn't invite her friends over. So she decided to share the 7 with her 34 followers on TikTok, 8 close friends, letting them know every step she did during the following days .
Over the next 10 days, Mitchell began to 9 the contents of her small shed used as a storage barn(仓库)so that it could be cleaned easily. After that, she wiped down the original wooden beams(横梁)before giving them a fresh layer of white 10 . Once the paint had dried, she hung fairy lights, 11 the space with plants and added a television and refrigerator donated by neighbors. She 12 built herself a daybed (躺椅)and purchased a little bed for her dog, Lilly.
Happy to be out in the sun, putting her DIY skills to good 13 and sharing the experience with her friends, Mitchell could never have 14 what happened next. Known as “she shed girl”, Mitchell now has a (an) 15 2.7 million followers on TikTok, 16 she shares DIY tips and snippets (片段) of her life as a freshman at Aquinas College in Michigan. 17 by the success of her first project, Mitchell turned her attention to the family's pool house, imagining it as a charming pub shed.
Commenting on Mitchell's 18 shed renovation (翻新), the experts at My Tool Shed DIY said, “Stress levels have 19 in the last year due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever people need time to do something they love. Having a 20 space like a ‘she shed’ can be perfect for this.”
1. A.passionate B.kind-hearted C.selfless D.pessimistic
2. A.locked B.occupied C.stuck D.closed
3. A.give out B.take off C.pick up D.settle down
4. A.mental B.convenient C.casual D.physical
5. A.outside B.from C.inside D.opposite
6. A.building B.mending C.transforming D.exchanging
7. A.assignment B.project C.progress D.shed
8. A.mostly B.really C.hardly D.naturally
9. A.furnish B.prepare C.fix D.empty
10. A.wood B.paint C.sheet D.paper
11. A.filled B.put C.placed D.offered
12. A.still B.even C.yet D.too
13. A.position B.effect C.use D.practice
14. A.predicted B.reflected C.believed D.recognized
15. A.delighted B.depressing C.incredible D.horrible
16. A.which B.where C.whose D.when
17. A.Encouraged B.Frustrated C.Exhausted D.Satisfied
18. A.imperfect B.impressive C.important D.impossible
19. A.decreased B.declined C.raised D.skyrocketed
20. A.reflected B.limited C.relieved D.dedicated
(2021天津河西统考二模)Rehn Staton recently found out he was accepted to Harvard Law School—as well as to law schools at Columbia, UPenn, USC and Pepperdine. For Staton, the sky's the limit, 1 it wasn't always that way. He once worked as a sanitation worker in Maryland before 2 his dreams and applying for law school.
Staton, 24, was raised by a single father who worked hard to 3 him and his brother. Staton said growing up was 4 and he used to struggle in school. One teacher even 5 he switch to a special education class. But with 6 from a tutor, who worked with Staton for free, he ended up excelling(突出).
Staton was a high school 7 , focusing on martial arts and boxing. After suffering an injury, Staton said his 8 for college dwindled(减少)."It ruined the chances of me turning 9 in sports. So, that being said, when applying to college, 1 got denied by every single one ," he said.
Instead of pursuing higher 10 Staton started working at Bates Trucking & Trash Removal, which he said changed his life in ways he never 11 . He said he wanted to work there 12 there was something he could do to help his father pay for the mortgage (按揭货款)"What I didn't expect to 13 was, most of the people 1 worked with were formerly imprisoned....So, it caught me 14 surprise how much they uplifted me and really wanted me to make 15 of myself. It was the people that were on the 16 of the hierarchy(等级)who really lifted me up," he said.
His 17 encouraged him to enroll in Bowie State University in 2014, and in 2016, he transferred to the University of Maryland. "After started doing well there, I just knew I wanted to go and 18 law." Staton said. He took the LSAT and applied to nine schools —getting 19 to five and wait listed at the other four. Ultimately Staton decided to commit to Harvard
1. Law School — and he'll 20 forget all the people who helped him get there.
2. A.since B.but C.and D.for
3. A.remembering B.following C.making D.forgetting
4. A.count on B.feed on C.provide for D.provide with
5. A.easy B.tough C.smooth D.sharp
6. A.persuaded B.claimed C.managed D.suggested
7. A.help B.money C.respect D.advice
8. A.coach B.student C.athlete D.teacher
9. A.preferences B.changes C.advantages D.options
10. A.professional B.personal C.hopeful D.active
11. A.education B.career C.position D.mark
12. A.wanted B.needed C.promised D.imagined
13. A.though B.because C.while D.that
14. A.present B.happen C.prepare D.ignore
15. A.in B.for C.by D.on
16. A.something B.nothing C.someone D.nobody
17. A.top B.middle C.center D.bottom
18. A.classmates B.coworkers C.tutors D.professors
19. A.practice B.obey C.violate D.issue
20. A.started B.denied C.admitted D.reserved
21. A.forever B.never C.always D.sometimes
(2021天津宁河芦台第一中学校考模拟预测)Last July I got a job at a theater I admire. I was feeling lucky. But something wasn’t 1 .
My daughter was going to leave for university in the fall and I wasn’t 2 for her to go. Our household is small and tight-knit(关系亲密的). It’s just the two of us. I was excited for my daughter and I felt I had 3 her well. But no one had prepared me for this. I was 4 . I felt as though I were drowning(溺亡).
Somehow, this feeling of drowning was what 5 me. One day as I was walking home, I 6 the university pool. I must have walked past it a million times. Swimming wasn’t something I usually did. And yet something 7 me to take it up.
The next morning I 8 the pool. I headed over to the shallow end, the area reserved for 9 like me. I walked down the cold steps into the poll and all of a sudden, I was in. I could touch the floor, and that was reassuring(安心的). I looked around to make sure the other people weren’t watching my awkward strokes. “No one is watching,” I 10 to myself. No one cares if you look like a baby elephant swimming for the first time. No one cares if your heart 11 when my daughter packs up her things and 12 . Somehow, in that moment, this was 13 .
I swam slowly from one end to the other, feeling a 14 . I found myself crying. Thankfully, no one could tell my 15 from the water running down my face. Afterward, I headed for the changing room, smiling and feeling proud that I faced this 16 . When I got home, my daughter said that I looked 17 .
The next day, I was up early, swimming bag in hand I was 18 afraid of drowning. I was breathing easier. I was feeling better.
Having “an empty nest” is an easy catchphrase(口头禅)for something that is impossible to describe. It is not just an empty room. It is a 19 part of who you are. And for me, swimming 20 a part of that hole.
1. A.special B.right C.true D.strange
2. A.afraid B.sure C.ready D.sorry
3. A.prepared B.treated C.cared D.planned
4. A.disappointed B.inspired C.panicking D.complaining
5. A.controlled B.improved C.bothered D.saved
6. A.examined B.overlooked C.noticed D.recognized
7. A.pushed B.expected C.ordered D.allowed
8. A.set apart from B.set out for C.get out of D.get away from
9. A.fighters B.volunteers C.losers D.beginners
10. A.repeated B.remembered C.recalled D.replied
11. A.races B.pounds C.stops D.breaks
12. A.appears B.leaves C.escapes D.fails
13. A.comforting B.upsetting C.annoying D.confusing
14. A.connection B.release C.pressure D.conflict
15. A.rain B.blood C.tears D.sweat
16. A.hope B.surprise C.anger D.fear
17. A.tired B.pale C.happy D.healthy
18. A.once again B.no longer C.as usual D.so far
19. A.missing B.natural C.unique D.useful
20. A.touches B.forms C.involves D.fills
(2021天津河东统考二模)For hours after their boat sank, Ken Henderson and Ed Coen trod (踩) water in the Gulf of Mexico, talking about life and death while 1 to survive. For more than 30 hours, it worked.
Then Henderson was forced to make a decision that would 2 his life, but not his best friend's. “I'm going to go for help or you're not going to make it” Henderson told Coen, just before cutting the strap (带子) that 3 them in the deep, cold waters. “I understand,” Coen responded, giving Henderson a 4 set of instructions. “Kiss the babies for me.”
Days after the 5 trip ended in tragedy, Henderson told the tale to the press.
They had been fishing for a few hours when suddenly Coen 6 the boat was filled with water. Henderson got the engine roaring- only to have the salt water that had leaked in 7 it straight away. Coen jumped to the right, his sunglasses and cap 8 . The two grabbed extra life jackets and other floating items, including a half-full bottle of cola.
“The water was so cold and it took your breath away,” Henderson said. They immediately began to 9 .
The pair prepared for a long wait. And they talked.
“We discussed things and discussed life. We discussed families. We just tried to keep 10 ,” Henderson said.
Eventually Coen started hallucinating (产生幻觉). Henderson tried to keep Coen's arms and legs 11 But as morning came, Coen's situation 12 . So Henderson decided to cut the strap.
He 13 for two hours, tired, frustrated and depressed. Then he saw an oil rig(钻塔) in the, 14 . He swam, seeing ice and crystal trees in the water. He minded himself 15 there were no trees.
His legs were so weak that he could 16 lift them, and Henderson slowly pulled himself up the rig's ladder. It was over 50 miles from where they had gone in the water.
All he could think of was Coen. Convinced his friend would 17 , he told the coastguard where they had 18 .
Two hours later, a fisherman found a body in life jacket.
Later, in the hospital, Henderson saw his 19 . He apologized and asked for forgiveness. He 20 to realise his wishes and look after his girls.
“I felt like a part of me had died out there,” Henderson said.
1. A.struggling B.developing C.watching D.encouraging
2. A.treat B.forget C.ignore D.save
3. A.separated B.connected C.reported D.memorized
4. A.first B.cool C.last D.cold
5. A.business B.fishing C.diving D.exploring
6. A.pretended B.questioned C.learned D.noticed.
7. A.break B.take C.bring D.catch
8. A.going off B.flying off C.taking off D.switching off
9. A.sink B.laugh C.sleep D.shiver
10. A.removed B.satisfied C.occupied D.moved
11. A.walking B.moving C.running D.rushing
12. A.worsened B.lessened C.shortened D.widened
13. A.torn B.cried C.swam D.drove
14. A.light B.dark C.dream D.distance
15. A.confidently B.terribly C.honestly D.constantly
16. A.barely B.easily C.carelessly D.uselessly
17. A.arrive B.survive C.achieve D.relieve
18. A.come B.turned C.risen D.parted
19. A.stranger B.captain C.friend D.visitor
20. A.protected B.promised C.prevented D.asked
(2021天津河西统考三模)As she pulled herself over the summit of EI Capitan, Emily Harrington knew she had made history.
It wasn't 1 .The US climber had powered on through the dark and dealt with a deep cut to her head to become the first woman to free 2 the difficult route in under 24 hours."
"I'd just 3 what it would be like and it was pretty much exactly what l pictured, “Harrington said excitedly.
"It was incredibly quiet. It was super 4 .All the stars were out. It was just this really peaceful experience. I keep telling people that when great sporting 5 happen, a lot of times there's an 6 or there's a stadium. With climbing, it’s not so much like that. It was just this really 7 special moment in this magical place. And it’s something I'll never 8 ."
Free climbers use just their hands and feet to climb, with a rope to 9 them if they fall. Such a dangerous and 10 life-threatening 11 requires years of preparation, both mentally and physically.
Harrington had climbed this particular 12 over the course of six days in 2015 and had, 13 tried three times to complete it within 24 hours.
However an attempt last year ended in 14 after Harrington, fell 50 feet, hit her head on a ledge (岩架), and 15 concussion (脑震荡).
"It was very 16 . It was very serious initially and it 17 that I got really lucky and I did not suffer any long-term 18 ,” she added.
1. "I's definitely a mental struggle, coming over that hurdle, coming back into this year and 19 again." Finally she 20 it.
2. A.crazy B.easy C.skeptical D.casual
3. A.climb B.run C.cycle D.walk
4. A.studied B.planned C.scheduled D.imagined
5. A.cheerful B.exciting C.dark D.fearful
6. A.improvements B.achievements C.surroundings D.reports
7. A.actor B.organizer C.official D.audience
8. A.quiet B.calm C.silent D.still
9. A.predict B.discover C.experience D.forget
10. A.throw B.fetch C.catch D.move
11. A.consequently B.potentially C.hardly D.finally
12. A.challenge B.obstacle C.trouble D.barrier
13. A.route B.corner C.rock D.road
14. A.frequently B.subsequently C.smoothly D.rarely
15. A.sadness B.doubt C.disaster D.anxiety
16. A.obtained B.acquired C.affected D.suffered
17. A.scary B.disappointed C.active D.funny
18. A.figured out B.found out C.turned out D.brought out
19. A.failures B.wounds C.damages D.injuries
20. A.defeating B.trying C.exploring D.competing
21. A.abandoned B.missed C.made D.controlled
(2023天津校联考二模)When I was in my final year of college, a good friend of mine was planning to visit a toastmaster(宴会主持人) club and invited me to join her. 1 I loved the idea of public speaking and hoped that the 2 would be also where I would see myself someday, I was a self-doubting person filled with pessimism, which never gave me the 3 to take that baby step.
Later, my another friend encouraged me to 4 one of the forums. 5 , I still never joined in it until I 6 . It was when I started working in a company and moved to a different city, and I was lonely that I 7 myself harder to give this forum a(o) 8 . Little did I know that it was this little forum that was really a start to bigger 9 Since then I have started to 10 the road to my career as a toastmaster gradually.
That friend doesn't know what a(n) 11 his little encouragement has made on my life. Today I am a 12 individual; pessimism no longer has the upper hand and I can 13 call myself a public speaker. I still remember when I 14 my first paycheck for my public speaking, tears weren’t enough to 15 my emotions. I have been speaking on 16 occasions to various audiences since then. Whenever I walk up to the platform, holding the microphone, I believe that I am nothing but myself.
1. I don’t just give a 17 to the crowd. Sometimes, I tell them a story—one that has a 18 reflection of my past pessimism, one that is related to my sincere 19 for that friend of mine and one that 20 my hidden passion and talent, which might have been forgotten had it not been for her encouragement.
2. A.But B.Since C.Unless D.Though
3. A.class B.stage C.situation D.opportunity
4. A.courage B.permission C.freedom D.ability
5. A.create B.sponsor C.attend D.know
6. A.Otherwise B.Moreover C.Therefore D.However
7. A.succeeded B.graduated C.married D.settled
8. A.helped B.developed C.pushed D.recommended
9. A.try B.comment C.excuse D.purpose
10. A.tasks B.jobs C.facts D.things
11. A.repair B.block C.take D.hold
12. A.impact B.solution C.decision D.profit
13. A.strange B.confident C.common D.calm
14. A.proudly B.immediately C.exactly D.carefully
15. A.expected B.spent C.paid D.earned
16. A.arouse B.explore C.define D.handle
17. A.entire B.different C.wide D.considerate
18. A.present B.lecture C.mark D.chance
19. A.sudden B.useful C.further D.dark
20. A.explanation B.sympathy C.appreciation D.responsibility
21. A.shouts out B.calls off C.makes up D.gives away
(2021天津南开统考二模)From childhood, it was my dream to study abroad, to contribute to the world’s economic and scientific development. The dream became stronger as I began excelling academically and became a real 1 when I was awarded an international 2 by the Chinese government. It was the best moment of my life to be given such a great opportunity to 3 master’s studies in Jiangsu University. I always wanted to be a part of a competitive research environment to 4 something new and that’s how my life in China 5 .
The first time I came to China, I did not 6 Chinese, and I missed my family very much. It’s hard for me to adapt to a new life in another country, but I’ve learned how to be 7 , how to be responsible, and how to remain 8 to my goals. Although living independently was difficult 9 , it helped me a lot. Not only did I learn to be independent, but I found my special 10 here in China. I began participating in many curricular (课程的) and co-curricular activities and 11 a lot of Chinese as well as foreign friends. It was great fun that 12 I asked any Chinese person a question in English, he/she replied “shenme” and I had to 13 the question. (Shenme in Chinese means what.)
Chinese is 14 to be one of the most difficult languages to learn, as it has characters. Every character seems to be a(an) 15 of calligraphy, which I still find fascinating. The difficult made me 16 to study harder and get to a better level. After spending one year here, I have realized that to 17 understand Chinese culture, it is important to speak the language.
What’s my 18 of China It is not 19 that China is the world’s second-largest economy. A country of more than one billion people can live without hunger, which is the 20 to people’s health and hard work.
1. A.bargain B.possibility C.character D.problem
2. A.school B.student C.scholarship D.forum
3. A.drop B.pursue C.purchase D.grab
4. A.develop B.play C.inspire D.offer
5. A.showed B.began C.looked D.sounded
6. A.meet B.study C.bother D.understand
7. A.independent B.proud C.alive D.active
8. A.open B.followed C.silent D.committed
9. A.throughout B.recently C.initially D.yet
10. A.hobbies B.abilities C.ideas D.bonds
11. A.used B.welcomed C.made D.declined
12. A.whatever B.whenever C.whether D.since
13. A.forget B.answer C.change D.repeat
14. A.considered B.predicted C.warned D.arranged
15. A.work B.end C.sign D.symbol
16. A.afraid B.eager C.shy D.fond
17. A.less B.more C.better D.fewer
18. A.dream B.value C.faith D.impression
19. A.surprising B.annoying C.exciting D.pleasing
20. A.connection B.benefit C.key D.diet
(2021天津滨海新统考三模)Every superhero, no matter how small, needs a cape (斗篷). That was Robyn Rosen’s motivation 1 she started making superhero capes for kids with cancer, heart defects, and other serious 2 .
It all began when she was 3 a cape as a birthday present for her nephew. Rosen heard of a girl named Brenna who was 4 harlequin ichthyosis (丑角鱼鳞病),a potentially 5 skin condition. Anyone going through what she was experiencing had to be tough. “ 6 I got an idea,” Rosen says. “Brenna was a superhero! She was 7 a cape.”
So Rosen sent her one, and Brenna’s mother was 8 . Rosen found ten more kids online and sent out ten more capes. Before long, she 9 her job at a software company to 10 herself full-time to , a website where people can buy 11 capes for brave kids facing illness or 12 .
Since 2013, Rosen and her staff have had more than 12,000 hand-made capes 13 to kids in all 50 states and 15 other countries. The capes come in pink, blue, purple or red and can be 14 with the child's initials or small patterns in the shape of a 15 a flower or a cartoon figure.
One recipient was eight-month-old Gabe, who was born with a cleft palate (腭裂), which causes 16 facial features. Rosen 17 him a red cape with a bright yellow G in the center. It was a much-needed 18 to the tiny superhero and his family. “The TinySuperhero community has been a wonderful connection to have,” says Gabe’s mom.” In fact, two years later, we 19 bring Gabe’s cape with us to every hospital appointment.
1. Every superhero, no matter how small, needs a 20 .
2. A.until B.though C.when D.unless
3. A.failure B.anxiety C.illness D.loss
4. A.changing B.sewing C.cutting D.buying
5. A.battling B.winning C.defeating D.calming
6. A.great B.easy C.dead D.deadly
7. A.Previously B.Frequently C.Instantly D.Occasionally
8. A.in favor of B.in charge of C.in honor of D.in need of
9. A.delighted B.frightened C.annoyed D.confused
10. A.missed B.moved C.quitted D.fired
11. A.involve B.engage C.decide D.devote
12. A.newly-invented B.hand-made C.old-fashioned D.outdated
13. A.disability B.health C.credit D.situation
14. A.spread B.exchanged C.delivered D.managed
15. A.covered B.decorated C.applied D.masked
16. A.center B.soul C.mind D.heart
17. A.safe B.natural C.right D.distinct
18. A.sent B.helped C.paid D.kept
19. A.demand B.promise C.lift D.success
20. A.hardly B.neither C.ever D.still
21. A.candle B.cape C.cake D.toy
(2021天津和平耀华中学校考一模)While another baby was on the way, Karen’s three-year-old son, Michael 1 to his sister in Mommy’s tummy.
The pregnancy progressed 2 for Karen. But something serious 3 during delivery. Finally, Michael’s little sister was born, but in serious 4 . With siren (警报) howling in the night, the ambulance 5 the infant to the ICU at St. Mary’s Hospital.
6 inched by. The little girl got worse. The doctors told the parents, “There is very little hope.” They had 7 a special room in their home for the new baby-now they planned a funeral.
After two weeks in ICU, it looked as if a funeral would come 8 the week was over. Michael, however, kept begging his: parents to let him sing to his sister. Kids were never 9 in ICU. But Karen made up her mind to take Michael 10 they liked it or not. If he didn’t see his sister now, he may never see her alive.
She 11 him in an oversized suit and 12 him into ICU. He looked like a walking laundry basket, but the nurse 13 him as a child, “Get that kid out of here now!” The usually 14 mother glared steel-eyed right into the nurse’s face, saying in a 15 tone, “He’s not leaving until he sings to his sister!” Karen towed Michael to his sister’s bedside. He gazed at the tiny baby 16 the battle to live and began to sing. 17 the pure hearted voice of a 3-ycar-old, Michael sang:
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray...”
18 the baby girl responded. The pulse rate began to 19 down and became steady.
“Keep on.” encouraged Karen. “You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away...” The baby’s breath became as smooth as a kitten’s purr.
“The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping.” Michael’s little sister relaxed as rest, healing rest, seemed to sweep over her.
Funeral plans were 20 . The next day-the very next day-the little girl was well enough to go home!
Karen called it a miracle of God’s love!
1. A.talked B.whispered C.played D.sang
2. A.quietly B.peacefully C.hopefully D.normally
3. A.arose B.raised C.rose D.aroused
4. A.situation B.place C.condition D.position
5. A.pushed B.rushed C.caried D.sent
6. A.The years B.The months C.The weeks D.The days
7. A.fixed up B.brought up C.built up D.set up
8. A.until B.since C.after D.before
9. A.asked B.allowed C.admitted D.acquired
10. A.no matter B.even if C.whether D.as if
11. A.put B.wore C.dressed D.fit
12. A.marched B.forced C.hid D.followed
13. A.required B.replied C.recognized D.regarded
14. A.warm-hearted B.well-managed C.mild-mannered D.cold-blooded
15. A.firm B.strong C.hard D.tough
16. A.losing B.withdrawing C.quitting D.exiting
17. A.At B.On C.In D.Under
18. A.Finally B.Instantly C.Patiently D.Interestingly
19. A.calm B.quiet C.lie D.break
20. A.delayed B.banned C.abandoned D.abolished
(2021天津和平统考三模)Last July I got a job at a theater I admire. I was feeling lucky. But something, wasn't 1 .
My daughter was going to leave for university in the fall and I wasn't 2 for her to go. Our household is small and tight-knit (关系亲密的). It's just the two of us. I was excited for my daughter and I felt I had 3 her well. But no one had prepared me for this. I was panicking. I felt 4 I were drowning (溺水).
Somehow, this feeling of drowning was what 5 me. One day as I was walking home, 1 6 the university pool. I must have walked past it a million times. Swimming wasn't something I usually did. And yet something 7 me to take it up.
The next morning, I 8 the pool. I headed over to the shallow end, the area reserved for 9 like me, I walked down the cold steps into the pool and all of a sudden, I was in. I could touch the floor, and that was reassuring (安心的). I looked around to make sure the other people weren't watching my awkward strokes. "No one is watching," I 10 to myself. No one cares if you look like a baby elephant swimming for the first time. No one cares if your heart 11 when all of her things are packed up and she 12 . Somehow, in that moment, this was 13 .
I swam slowly from one end to the other, feeling a 14 . I found myself crying. Thankfully, no one could tell my 15 from the water running down my face. Afterward, I headed for the changing rooms, smiling and feeling proud that 1 faced this 16 .
When I got home, my daughter said that 1 looked 17 .
The next day, 1 was up early, swimming bag in hand. 1 was 18 afraid of drowning. I was breathing easier. I was feeling better.
Having "an empty nest" is an easy catchphrase (口头禅) for something that is impossible to describe. It is not just an empty room. It is a 19 part of who you are. And for me, swimming 20 a part of that hole.
1. A.special B.right C.true D.strange
2. A.afraid B.sure C.ready D.sorry
3. A.prepared B.treated C.cared D.planned
4. A.when B.even if C.as though D.why
5. A.controlled B.improved C.bothered D.saved
6. A.examined B.realized C.noticed D.recognized
7. A.pushed B.expected C.ordered D.allowed
8. A.stare at B.set out for C.get out of D.get away from
9. A.fighters B.volunteers C.losers D.beginners
10. A.repeated B.remembered C.recalled D.replied
11. A.races B.pounds C.stops D.breaks
12. A.appears B.leaves C.escapes D.fails
13. A.comforting B.upsetting C.annoying D.confusing
14. A.release B.connection C.pressure D.conflict
15. A.rain B.blood C.tears D.sweat
16. A.hope B.surprise C.anger D.fear
17. A.tired B.pale C.happy D.healthy
18. A.once again B.no longer C.as usual D.so far
19. A.missing B.natural C.unique D.useful
20. A.touches B.forms C.involves D.fills
(2021天津校考三模)Sasha Masakowski's father is the jazz musician Steve Masakowski. When Sasha was little, he usually asked Sasha to play the 1 while he played the guitar. And he often told her to 2 some pieces using just the white keys or just the black keys. She thought of herself as a little 3 making music with her dad. And these are always her treasured 4 .
Sasha, now 33 years old, is a(n) 5 musician who was nominated as New Orleans' best female singer and has 6 five record albums. These days, the father and daughter 7 work together, along with Sasha's brother Martin. They usually 8 as the Masakowski Family Band. Recently, the Masakowskis turned their home into a concert 9 Ellis Marsalis, an American jazz pianist, who passed away due to COVID-19.
It's 10 that Sasha has developed an ear for music in her family where both her parents are musicians. 11 Steve hoped his children would develop a love for jazz, Sasha was very 12 about pop music like many young people.
Once at a high school party, she talked with a boy and learned he was a great fan of her father. That 13 made her realize that her father's music was actually 14 . So after graduation, she entered the University of New Orleans, where her father taught jazz. There she became her father's student 15 .
1. Sasha and Steve love playing together, and they 16 the common pleasure jazz gives them. Such a close relationship is not always easy. Steve always 17 Sasha for her performance; however, she doesn't 18 , saying he just wants her to 19 and it all comes from love. For Sasha and Steve, it is jazz that deepens the 20 between them.
2. A.violin B.piano C.drum D.triangle
3. A.analyze B.sort C.create D.polish
4. A.composer B.judge C.consultant D.guide
5. A.courses B.memories C.celebrations D.standards
6. A.objective B.controversial C.conservative D.outstanding
7. A.advertised B.reviewed C.released D.collected
8. A.seldom B.still C.eventually D.gradually
9. A.perform B.compete C.plan D.coach
10. A.on behalf of B.in place of C.in charge of D.in honor of
11. A.hopeful B.surprising C.apparent D.appealing
12. A.Although B.Since C.Unless D.If
13. A.anxious B.nervous C.certain D.enthusiastic
14. A.decision B.contest C.exchange D.promise
15. A.amusing B.attractive C.formal D.ambitious
16. A.officially B.personally C.mistakenly D.accidentally
17. A.predict B.overlook C.evaluate D.treasure
18. A.criticizes B.forgives C.praises D.appreciates
19. A.change B.remember C.mind D.accept
20. A.behave B.succeed C.stay D.share
21. A.gap B.snuggle C.difference D.bond
(2021天津耀华中学校考二模)I can still remember it as if it were yesterday. I was a college freshman and had 1 up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first 2 of the day my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a 3 . It wouldn’t 4 to spend a few minutes napping before class, I thought.
BOOM! I lifted my head suddenly and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my 5 beating wildly trying to find the cause of the 6 . My young professor was looking back at me with a boyish smile on his face. He had 7 dropped the textbooks he was carrying onto his desk. “Good morning!”, he said still 8 . “I am glad to see everyone is 9 . Now let’s get started.”
For the next hour I wasn’t sleepy at all. It wasn’t from the 10 of my professor’s textbook alarm clock either. It was instead from the 11 discussion he led. With knowledge and 12 he made the material come 13 . His insights were full of both wisdom and loving-kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy that he 14 with were contagious (有感染力的). I 15 the classroom not only wide awake, but a little 16 and a little better as well.
1. I learned something far more important than not 17 in class that day too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life, do it well, and do it with 18 . What a wonderful place this would be if all of us did our work joyously and well. Let your love fill your work. Don’t sleepwalk your way through 19 . Wake up! Life is too 20 not to live it well.
2. A.took B.divided C.stayed D.put
3. A.class B.test C.task D.major
4. A.platform B.pillow C.carpet D.wall
5. A.lose B.help C.last D.hurt
6. A.heart B.mind. C.thought D.head
7. A.trouble B.noise C.failure D.incident
8. A.angrily B.carelessly C.intentionally D.accidentally
9. A.smiling B.talking C.complaining D.shouting
10. A.active B.curious C.present D.awake
11. A.sound B.shock C.interruption D.blow
12. A.fascinating B.convincing C.puzzling D.encouraging
13. A.gesture B.sense C.humor D.design
14. A.strange B.natural C.handy D.alive
15. A.taught B.spread C.combined D.started
16. A.decorated B.filled C.left D.entered
17. A.clearer B.smarter C.quieter D.stronger
18. A.discussing B.speaking C.cheating D.sleeping
19. A.joy B.speed C.aim D.determination
20. A.work B.life C.journey D.college
21. A.hard B.complex C.short D.simple
(2022天津红桥统考二模)This is a story which I’ve told every February ever since I started my teaching in 1999. It was a tale about 1 and heartbreak.
In the sixth grade, I fell 2 in love with a tall, cute but naughty boy, who wasn’t 3 me actually. However, to my great surprise, I received one 4 card from him just on Valentine’s Day. With shaking hands, I 5 open the envelope and 6 a sparkly (闪耀的) image of a queen seated on her throne (宝座). So 7 was I that I almost couldn’t 8 myself. Then, my eyes traveled up to the writing above his signature which read: “To the 9 girl in our class.” I could still remember how embarrassed I was with my eyes full of tears, my nose stinging and my cheek 10 . It shook what little 11 I have in myself for a long time. From that day on, Valentine’s Day, to me, meant nothing but 12 and cruelty. Fortunately, I 13 all those.
Every February, I would also 14 to my students the reason why we should 15 a party on this day is that we are expected to express thanks to people around 16 cruelty. The night before the party, I usually cut the pink paper into hundreds of small squares and handed out construction paper, 17 they can write whatever they want to 18 their classmates.
Looking on as they compose each message is always a(n) 19 . But the real fun comes when they read what people wrote to them. Watching a shy boy 20 open a card and then break into a big smile is worth all of the trouble.
1. A.friendship B.hope C.love D.family
2. A.madly B.excitedly C.highly D.carefully
3. A.beyond B.on C.in D.into
4. A.rough B.subtle C.delicate D.smooth
5. A.sealed B.unfolded C.tore D.steamed
6. A.drew out B.picked out C.carried out D.figured out
7. A.frightened B.thrilled C.embarrassed D.annoyed
8. A.prevent B.keep C.limit D.contain
9. A.youngest B.kindest C.prettiest D.ugliest
10. A.twisting B.dropping C.burning D.brightening
11. A.loyalty B.principle C.feeling D.faith
12. A.guilt B.shame C.anger D.anxiety
13. A.survived B.suffered C.lived D.experienced
14. A.provide B.explain C.enquire D.tell
15. A.drop B.throw C.cast D.produce
16. A.instead of B.regardless of C.because of D.in spite of
17. A.since B.or C.so D.but
18. A.amuse B.move C.astonish D.appreciate
19. A.treat B.routine C.option D.memory
20. A.positively B.tentatively C.excitedly D.anxiously
(2022天津宁河芦台二中校考模拟预测)As I work in the garden, I take my time. And the garden is 1 me about working with the earth. I recognize that there will be both successes and failures and there are many factors that 2 them both. The 3 of the seeds can affect the growth of the plants. The 4 can be too hot, too cold, or 5 right. Weeds need to be 6 and thrown away to 7 that the fruits, vegetables, and flowers we have planted grow well.
I take time to stand back and rest, and to 8 the plants. Each plant is 9 and develops in the way that is best for them. Some have large broad leaves to 10 their fruit from the rays of the sun, while other plants are more 11 , their fruit needing the 12 to grow and ripen.
Getting my hands 13 and feeling the sweat on my forehead, as I work under the summer sun, reminds me I am 14 in the ways I wouldn't have remembered sitting on the couch.
I feel attracted to move things around to transplant and to 15 the natural order of how plants grow. The garden teaches me the importance of knowing when to disturb things and when to let them be. The garden's life cycle 16 a pattern that is repeated according to the 17 of nature. Birth, growth, and then death and it teaches me to accept this fact.
1. Perhaps life is like the 18 , successes and failures, time to be active and time to 19 to let go of what is no longer needed, to cultivate what helps us to grow into our light and power, and to readily 20 life from beginning to end.
2. A.telling B.concerning C.worrying D.teaching
3. A.destroy B.affect C.promote D.exchange
4. A.quality B.color C.shape D.weight
5. A.water B.air C.weather D.wind
6. A.approximately B.constantly C.exactly D.occasionally
7. A.pulled B.planted C.guarded D.provided
8. A.make sense B.find out C.work out D.make sure
9. A.tend B.observe C.count D.examine
10. A.beautiful B.average C.amazing D.unique
11. A.prevent B.separate C.shade D.remove
12. A.open B.delicate C.straight D.vivid
13. A.energy B.light C.soil D.space
14. A.empty B.dirty C.broken D.free
15. A.awake B.tired C.alive D.independent
16. A.disturb B.find C.enjoy D.guide
17. A.discovers B.transforms C.draws D.follows
18. A.changes B.reflection C.laws D.development
19. A.plant B.sun C.fruit D.garden
20. A.rest B.quit C.offer D.fight
21. A.expect B.accept C.picture D.receive
(2023天津模拟预测)Love Is Blind:The Magic of Tabby
In October, 2003 I started my work at my local animal shelter’s Ad

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