
一、语法选择。(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
Simon was a naughty(调皮的)boy. He lived with his grandfather. ___1___ Simon knew his grandfather did not like anyone to touch his collections, he still entered the store room where his grandfather kept his priceless antiques(古董). One day in the room, Simon ____2____ on a chair. He took ____3____ box carefully. There were watches in it and the watches ___4___ from different countries. While getting down from the chair, the box fell onto the floor. To ___5___ surprise, he found the glass of his grandfather’s favorite watch broken. Simon's heart started beating ___6___ than before. He put the broken watch back into the box and placed the box back on the shelf. He could not sleep in peace during the whole night.
The next morning, Simon decided ____7____ the truth to his grandfather. After reaching his ____8____ bedroom, he told him everything. The grandfather went over to the store room without saying anything. Simon kept standing with his head down. Then the grandfather returned from the store and said to Simon, “I was very angry ____9____ you at first because what you broke was the first gift from your grandmother, but it was brave(勇敢的) enough of you to tell me about the broken watch.”
At that moment Simon knew that being honest was the only way for him to be free from his mistake. ____10____ honest boy he was!
1.A.If B.As C.Though
2.A.stood B.will stand C.has stood
3.A.a C.the B.are bought C.were bought
5.A.his B.him C.himself B.faster C.the fastest
7.A.tell B.telling tell
8.A.grandfather's B.grandfathers' C.grandfather B.with
10.A.What B.What an C.How



)Every day we can meet many different people. Maybe they are not our friends, but some of them may change us, just like what happened to me.
Today, after a long day's work. I felt very 11 , and then I sat on a chair at a station to have a rest. A woman came and sat next to me. She said hello and 12 me some food she was eating. I didn’t take it, because I was not hungry. But she broke the ice(打破沉默) by doing this. After that, we talked for half an hour. I told her some 13 things in my work. And she showed me the bright (明亮的)sides in the life. Later I felt better about my life. I thanked her for talking to me and telling me so many things. She left with a 14 . When I thought of her smile, I was not tired any more. At that time, I even thought it was a(n) 15 day for me because I felt much better after meeting her.
A few minutes later, I saw a blind (瞎的)man coming. He walked slowly with his stick(棍子). I went next to him and asked with a smile, "Hello, would you like me to help you "He agreed. I stood on the side where his 16 was free. So he could hold my arm. We walked into the subway train and talked all the way to his 17 .He gave me his telephone number before he 18 the train, and I said, "OK, I will call you. "It was dark and cold outside but I felt warm inside. Today I brought smiles to the man, and I was sure he also made my day better.
Now I am still thinking life can’t always be easy to us, 19 when we are going through a hard time, but we can still do something for others. Let' s share happiness and care with others to 20 our world more beautiful.
11.A.worried B.tired C.happy D.excited
12.A.offered B.left C.bought D.sold
13.A.strange B.unhappy C.great D.successful
14.A.card B.ticket
15.A.bad B.lucky C.terrible D.awful
16.A.hand B.mouth C.leg D.foot B.stop into to on off
19.A.finally B.especially C.suddenly D.quickly
20.A.change B.make
You learn all kinds of things from books. Books open up a whole new world to you. They can make you smile and comfort you when you are sad. You enjoy reading. One day you happen to see a poster, “World Book Day”. Interested, you stop and read the poster.
Hello and Welcome to World Book Day Do you like reading If so, then World Book Day might be just for you. World Book Day was first organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1995 to encourage reading. It is now celebrated by book lovers every year on Apr. 23, which falls on the birthday of British poet William Shakespeare. World Book Day is here to change lives through a love of books, share reading, and bring books to the children who need them most. World Book Day is an excellent chance for everyone to celebrate the joy of reading. ·Share A Story Face to Face—our exciting plan, the writers will go into your school. ·Raising money, raising readers—our wonderful ideas to help us change lives through reading. ·World Book Day Book Club—a new online reading community. ·Share A Story Corner—stories to encourage families to read together. Happy World Book Day! For more information, visit our website!
21. The first World Book Day was celebrated on ________.
A. Apr. 8, 2022 B. Apr. 23, 2022 C. Apr. 23, 1995 D. Apr. 8, 1995
22. World Book Day is a special day for people to________.
A. change lives by raising money B. celebrate the joy of reading
C. meet famous writers at home D. enjoy writing in local communities
23. According to the poster, if you want to read stories with your families, you can join ______.
A. Share A Story Comer B. Share A Story Face to Face
C. World Book Day Book Club D. Raising money, raising readers
2 4. For more information, you can________.
A. make a call B. write an e-mail C. write a letter D. visit the website
25. This passage is most probably from .
A. a textbook   B. a poster  C. a book review  D. a travel guide
In 1829, Laura Bridgman was born into a farming family in the US, At the age of 2, she had a high fever and after that, she couldn’t hear or see any more. For her, communicating with others was a conundrum. She developed an easy sign language but still couldn’t communicate well with others. She felt sad.
When Laura was 7, a school called Perkins for people like her opened. The head teacher of the school, Howe, heard about Laura and wanted to help her. “This is the best chance for Laura,” Howe said to Laura’s parents. Her parents agreed.
Howe began to teach Laura English and he taught her to communicate in English. At first, he put notes on common things like a key, a cup and a desk. The notes had the name of each thing printed in raised (凸起的) letters. Laura touched the words and the things. Finally, she was able to match the note with the correct thing. Then Howe gave her different letters and asked her to spell words with them.
Finger spelling was the next way for Laura to learn English. Howe taught Laura the different finger positions for each letter, and then put his fingers into Laura’s hand as he spelt words. After practising for thousands of times, Laura could talk with her fingers! She jumped up and hugged(拥抱) Howe with a big smile. What an exciting moment for her!
Laura Bridgman later taught many students like her. She changed their lives for the better.
26. The underlined word “conundrum” most probably means “___________”.
A. problem B. victory C. happiness D. deal
27. How did Laura enter Perkins
A. She passed all the tests of the school.
B. The head teacher talked to her parents in person.
C. She heard about the new school and asked Howe for help.
D. Her parents asked the head teacher for help.
28. Laura first learned English by _________.
A. using sign language B. spelling with fingers
C touching raised letters D. spelling words with different letters
29. Laura felt _______ when she could talk with her fingers.
A. excited B. relaxed C. tired D. nervous
30. What can we learn from Laura’s story
A. There’s no end to learning. B. Two heads are better than one.
C. Where there is a will, there is a way. D. Many hands make light work.
31. Nick: I’m a piano music lover. My hero is a famous pianist in the world. And I dream of being a pianist like him. 32. Eric: My hero is good at Chinese kung fu. And he ls also known as a famous actor in the world. (



)33. Mary: 1 was interested in skating at a very young age. And my hero is a great skater from China. 34. Li Ming: My hero is a scientist on the farm. His invention made Chinese people have enough food. 35. Linda: I like reading in my free time, My hero is a famous writer. He is the most successful writer of short stories in France. Thomas Edison left us so many great inventions and changed the whole world. Edison’s story showed that people can learn by making mistakes. Bruce Lee was a famous Chinese kung fu master and film actor. He played an important part in the spread (传播) of Chinese kung fu as well as the development of the kungfu movies. Lang Lang is a well-known Chinese pianist. Many people around the world enjoy his plano music. Lang Lang’s experiences encourage thousands of young children to take up the piano. Kevin Hart is a famous American comedian (喜剧演员) actor and producer. His performance (表演) is really funny and he has millions of fans around the world. Yuan Longping was one of the most famous scientists in China. He and his team developed the world’s first hybrid rice (杂交水稻) and that solved China’s food problem. Yuan was called “Father of Hybrid Rice”. Wang Meng is an excellent skater in the Chinese national speed skating team. She won three gold medals at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada. This made her one of the most successful female athletes (女性运动员) at the Winter Olympics. Guy de Maupassant was a French novelist and short-story writer. In his lifetime, he wrote 6 novels, 359 short stories and 3 travel books. And he is considered “the father of the modern short story”.
四、短文填空(本大题共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
medal so difficult in treat we too die include dream what will
For thousands of years, people have told amazing stories about heroes. (36) ________ fact, real-life heroes are everywhere and often they remain unknown.
Soldiers are heroes. They work hard to protect our country (37)_________that we can live a peaceful life. (38)__________ happens, they are always there to do their best and help those in need. Many of them even (39)_________ for our country in wartime. They helped build a better world for us.
In the face of COVID-19, plenty of medical workers held their fear (害怕) down, stood out and worked around the clock to (40) _________ the sick. They are called “heroes in harm’s way (最美逆行者)”.
Sportsmen and sportswomen can be heroes, (41)__________. They train really hard to break Olympic records (纪录) and win Olympic (42)_________. They can be successful because they all have a strong (43)________. Their stories encourage us to follow (44)________ dreams. In my opinion, anyone who does something to help others is simply a hero. Anyone can become a hero, (45)___________ yourself.
五.读写综合 (本大题共25分)
A. 回答问题 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息, 回答5个问题,要求所写答案语法正确,语义完整。
Have you heard of BookCrossing BookCrossing is the act of passing a book on all over the world. That is, the world becomes a big library. Lovers of the same book can share the book and their ideas about it. You can visit the BookCrossing website and get an ID label (标签) for the book you want to share. After labeling it, you can pass the book on by leaving it in a public place, for example, on a park bench (长凳) or in a coffee shop. When someone finds your book and is interested in it, he will take it, and then he can visit BookCrossing website and enter the ID of the book to show someone has taken it. So when you go home and check the website, you’ll know who is reading it. What’s more, you can talk on the website about your book with those people.
Who first started BookCrossing It was Ron Hornbaker. He thought of the idea in March 2001 and set up the website in April 2001. Now there are more than 1.9 million BookCrossers and over 13 million books are travelling in 132 countries.
Do you want your books to get out and touch the lives of others Try BookCrossing,you will find it fun and exciting to " follow " your books as they travel around the world.
What is BookCrossing
47. Where can people get an ID label for the book they want to share
48.How can people pass the book on, by leaving it in your home or in a coffee shop
When did Ron Hornbaker set up the BookCrossing website
How many books are travelling now
B .书面表达(本题15分)
(3) 参考词汇: 优点,好处 advantage
Reading makes a full man.
1-5:CAACA 6-10: BCABB
11-15:BABCB 16-20:ACDBB
21-25: CBADB 26-30: ABCAC 31-35:CBFEG
36. In 37. so 38.Whatever 39.died 40. treat
41. too 42. medals 43. will 44. our 45. including
46. It is the act of passing a book on all over the world.
The act of passing a book on all over the world.
People can get an ID label on the BookCrossing website.
On the BookCrossing website.
People can pass the book on by leaving it in a coffee shop.
In a coffee shop.
He set up the BookCrossing website in April 2001.
In April 2001.
Over 13 million books are traveling now.
Over 13 million.
As we know, reading makes a full man. It not only increases our knowledge and helps us solve problems, but also brings us happiness and makes our life colourful.
What books should we read I think textbooks, newspapers and magazines are useful, and stories, novels and poems are also helpful. Mark Twain's books are read by many people, including me. So this year, I'm going to spend more time reading his books. And I'm also going to read other books in the library or the bookshop every weekend.
The more books we read, the more knowledge we will learn. Let's start reading and experience the fun of reading together!

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发布日期:2023年12月06日  所属分类:作业答案