
时间: 90 分钟 满分: 60分
一、单项填空 (每题0. 5分, 共6分)
从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项
1. —Hi, Peter. Is this ________ bike
—Oh, yes. It’s a birthday gift from my parents.
A. your B. my C. his D. her
考查物主代词辨析。your你的;my我的;his他的; her她的。根据回答“yes. It’s a birthday gift from my parents”,可知对方问的是“这是你的自行车吗”,your符合语境,故选 A。
2. —________ do your parents usually go to work, Linda
—By bus.
A. What B. How C. Who D. Where
考查特殊疑问句。What什么;How怎么样;Who谁;Where哪里。根据回答“By bus.”可知,此处是描述如何去上班,所以使用how引导的特殊疑问句提问“如何去上班”。故选B。
3. I often go swimming with my friends ________ summer.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
4. Get up early, ________ you’ll be late for school.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
考查连词辨析。and并且;but但是;or否则(用于警告或忠告);so所以。根据“you’ll be late for school.”可知,空格后表示提醒或忠告,故空格处用“否则”。故选C。
5. Alice ________ two Chinese classes on Friday
A. has B. have C. to have D. having
考查一般现在时。根据第一句话中的时间标志词 “on Friday”可知,此处是描述客观事情,应用一般现在时,且主语Alice为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用三单形式has。故选A。
6. There __________ some books on the desk.
A. be B. is C. being D. are
考查 There be 句型。在there be句型中,be动词根据其后名词的数而确定,句中“some books”是复数,而且句中时态为一般现在时,所以be动词使用are。故选D。
7. Miss Smith is very kind. We all like ________.
A. he B. him C. she D. her
考查代词。he他(主格);him他(宾格);she她(主格);her她(宾格)。根据“We all like ...”可知,空格处作宾语,用宾格,“Miss Smith”是女士。故选D。
8. —Mike, can you play chess
—Yes, I ________.
A. may B. must C. can D. shall
考查一般疑问句的回答。根据题干中的提问“can you”及回答“Yes”可知,此处应为肯定回答,情态动词can引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答为“Yes,主语+can”。故选C。
9. I often ________ my grandparents at weekends.
A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. to visit
考查一般现在时。根据often和“at weekends”可知,此处是表述我周末经常做的事情,所以时态为一般现在时,主语I属于第一人称,所以使用visit。故选A。
10. —Where is your Chinese teacher
—He’s ________ the reading room
A. on B. under C. above D. in
考查介词辨析。on在……上;under在……下;above在……上;in在……里。根据“the reading room”,可知,是在阅读室里,故选D。
11. Jack likes playing ________ piano when he is not busy.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
考查定冠词。piano是西洋乐器,修饰西洋乐器前的冠词应该为定冠词 the,play the piano表示“弹钢琴”,固定短语。故选C。
12. My grandma ________ exercise every day and she is very healthy.
A. did B. does C. do D. is doing
考查一般现在时。根据题干当中时间标志词 “every day”,确定填空处应为一般现在时,以及句中主语为 my grandma,谓语应填一般现在时第三人称单数形式 does,故选B。
二、完形填空 (每题1分, 共8分)
We just finish our New Year’s Party. Now it is time to give gifts. One by one, our teacher calls each name, and then he ____1____ the gifts. Soon, many classmates get their gifts, like candies, books and toys.
I stand with my best friends, Carrie and Megan. Carrie’s gift is a box of chocolates and Megan’s is a ____2____ of 365 stories. They like their gifts a lot. I try not to show my interest in the gifts. But when another classmate takes away the last good-looking package (包裹), I begin to get ____3____.
Our teacher finally ____4____ my name and gives me an old and small box.
What a package! Who will give something like this “Who’s it from ” asks Carrie.
I turn over the box and find, “To Betty from Sarah.” My heart(心)drops down to my feet when I see the words.
Everyone knows Sarah is very shy and always wears old clothes. She is not good at schoolwork and sometimes our teacher asks me to ____5____ her.
My mother often tells me that I should always be thankful when getting something from others. So I am ____6____ to act like I will get the best gift in the world.
“Maybe it’s an eraser, ” says Carrie. “I think it’s just a card,” says Megan.
But when I open the box, I am so surprised. It is a new hair pin. It is black with a small red ____7____ on it. It’s really beautiful. It looks like the one I lost last week. There’s also a little flower on it.
What a ____8____ girl Sarah is!
That day, I get more than the gift. I learn that a nice gift can come from an old and small package.
1. A. takes in B. gets off C. makes of D. hands out
2. A. map B. bag C. book D. game
3. A. happy B. lucky C. angry D. worried
4. A. calls B. writes C. spells D. answers
5. A. tell B. help C. meet D. give
6. A. ready B. sorry C. tired D. clever
7. A. star B. ball C. flower D. animal
8. A. shy B. nice C. funny D. free
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B
takes in吸收;gets off下车;makes of理解;hands out分发。根据后文“Soon, many classmates get their gifts, like candies, books and toys.”(很快,许多同学得到了他们的礼物,像糖果、书和玩具。)可知,此处是指”分发礼物”。故选D。
map地图;bag包;book书;game游戏。根据“of 365 stories”(365个故事)可知,应是一本书。故选C。
happy高兴的;lucky幸运的;angry生气的;worried担心的。根据前文“I try not to show my interest in the gifts. But when another classmate takes away the last good-looking package (包裹)”(我尽量不表现出对礼物的兴趣。但是当另一个同学把最后一个好看的包拿走)结合转折词But可知,此处应是开始担心了。故选D。
calls叫;writes写;spells拼写;answers回答。根据前文“One by one, our teacher calls each name”(我们老师一个接一个地叫每个人的名字)可知,此处是指”终于叫到了我的名字”。故选A。
tell告诉;help帮助;meet遇见;give给。根据“She is not good at schoolwork” (她功课不好)可知,此处是指”帮助”她。故选B。
ready准备好的;sorry抱歉的;tired疲倦的;clever聪明的。根据前文“My mother often tells me that I should always be thankful when getting something from others.”(我妈妈经常告诉我,当我从别人那里得到一些东西时, 我应该永远心存感激。)可知,此处应是指”准备好”接受礼物,其余选项不符合语境。故选A。
star星星;ball球;flower花;animal动物。根据后文“There’s also a little flower on it. ”(上面也有一朵小花。)可知,此处是指”花”。故选C。
8句意:Sarah 是一个多好的女孩啊!
shy害羞的;nice好的;funny有趣的;free自由的。根据“It looks like the one I lost last week. ”(它看起来像我上周丢的那个。)可知,作者丢了发卡, Sarah送给了她一个相似的,所以此处应是指Sarah是一个好女孩,其余选项不符合语境。故选B。
三、阅读理解 (每题2分, 共26分)
(一) 阅读下列问题和回复,给每个问题找到相对应的回复,并将所对应的A、B、C选项填在相应位置上。
____1____ Jane likes making friends and her mother wants her to do more exercise. ____2____ Jack is interested in telling stories and plans to read more stories this term. ____3____ Lisa and her sister like travelling together when they’re free on weekends. A. Members meet from 18:30 to 19:30 every Wednesday to talk about books. They can choose to visit the City Library with the club on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone can keep three books for a month. B. Members practice rock climbing from 17:30 to 18:30 every Tuesday. They have trips in the city on the third Sunday of each month. They can take a family member. It helps them to learn geography, keep healthy and have fun. C. Members have dance parties from 18:00 to 19:30 every Monday. Members in the club can not only do exercise but also meet new friends in the club. Students from other schools come to the club once a month.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B
1根据“Jane likes making friends and her mother wants her to do more exercise.”可知,简喜欢交朋友,她妈妈希望她多做运动。选项C“会员们每周一从18:00到19:30举行舞会。俱乐部的成员不仅可以锻炼身体,还可以在俱乐部里结识新朋友。其他学校的学生每个月来俱乐部一次。”与之匹配。故选C。
2根据“Jack is interested in telling stories and plans to read more stories this term.”可知,杰克对讲故事感兴趣,并计划本学期读更多的故事。选项A“会员们每周三18:30到19:30开会讨论书籍。他们可以选择在每个月的第一个星期天和俱乐部一起参观城市图书馆。每个人一个月可以借三本书。”与之匹配。故选A。
3根据“Lisa and her sister like travelling together when they’re free on weekends.”可知,丽莎和她的妹妹周末有空时喜欢一起旅行。选项B“会员每周二17:30到18:30练习攀岩。他们每个月的第三个星期天在城里旅行。他们可以带一个家庭成员。它帮助他们学习地理,保持健康和玩得开心。”与之匹配。故选B。
(二) 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
An E-mail
From: Ben and Emma To: Samira, Daisuke, Peter, Marisol Subject: pen friends
Hi, everybody, We see your names on the Pen Friends list. You want to get e-mails from English children. So here we are! We live near Oxford(牛津), in the UK. We are 11 years old(Emma) and 10 years old (Ben). We go to school in Oxford. Our school has 400 boys and girls between 8 and 13. We have lessons from 9: 00 a. m. to lunch time. After lunch, we usually have lessons or sport. We have lessons in English, math, science, history, geography, art, P. E. and a few other things. Emma's favorite subjects are math and geography. Ben's favorite subjects are art and music. He doesn't like math. There are three terms in a year, and we do different sports in each term. Autumn term: rugby for boys, netball for girls Winter term; football and hockey(曲棍球) Summer term: cricket(板球), swimming, tennis, and gymnastics(体操) like sports but were not good at any of them! At home we like playing computer games, cycling (Emma) and photography (Ben). Write and tell us about you and your schools in Egypt, Japan, Russia and Spain. Emma and Ben
1. Where are Emma and Ben from
A. Japan. B. UK. C. Russia. D. Spain.
2. What are Ben’s favorite subjects
A. Art and music. B. Math and geography.
C. English and history. D. Science and P. E.
3. What do they like doing at home
A. Playing football and hockey. B. Taking photos.
C. Playing computer games. D. Riding bicycles.
【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C
1细节理解题,根据“You want to get e-mails from English children. So here we are! We live near Oxford(牛津), in the UK.”,可知 Ben和Emma来自英国,故选B。
2细节理解题,根据“Ben’s favorite subjects are art and music.”,可知Ben最喜欢的科目是艺术和音乐。故选A。
3细节理解题,根据“At home we like playing computer games, cycling (Emma) and photography (Ben).”可知在家里我们喜欢玩电脑游戏,骑自行车(艾玛)和摄影(本)。故选C。
World Holiday
My father said that he, my mother and I were going to travel around the world. My mother and I smiled. Dad loved us and worked hard in a shop, but we did not have enough money for a long holiday.
There was a shed (棚) in the garden. Dad started going there every day, but he put paper over the windows and locked the door so we didn’t find out his plan. He brought boxes home and put many things in the shed. It was very strange.
Then one day he told us the holiday was ready. We went into the shed. Inside, it was a train! We sat down and the train started. We saw pictures through the windows. “Look. We are going through Beijing.” And a few minutes later we were passing the Great Wall of China. Dad brought lunch in: Beijing Duck!
We spent the next three days in the train and they were the most exiting days of my life. We saw Paris, London, Rome, Venice and many other places. We ate French pancakes, British fish and chips and Italian pizza. We heard the music of different countries. Thank you, Dad, for a wonderful holiday!
1. What did “we” eat when we were passing the Great Wall of China
A. Italian pizza. B. British fish and chips.
C. French pancakes. D. Beijing Duck.
2. Which is NOT true
A. Dad brought boxes home.
B. Dad put many things in the shed.
C. Dad didn’t love us.
D. Dad put paper over the windows and locked the door.
3. What did “we” get from this holiday
A. A train. B. Time. C. Money. D. Love.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D
1细节理解题。根据第三段“And a few minutes later we were passing the Great Wall of China. Dad brought lunch in: Beijing Duck!”可知,“我们”经过长城时吃了北京烤鸭,故选D。
2细节理解题。根据第一段“Dad loved us and worked hard in a shop”可知,作者的父亲爱他们,选项C表述错误,故选C。
3推理判断题。根据第一段“He loved us, but we did not have enough money for a long holiday.”以及后文父亲精心准备的一切让我们不出门就“环游”世界可知,父亲做的一切都是因为“爱”,所以我们可以从这个假期中感受到爱,故选D。
One day, on the way home from school, my mom told me she was going to make up some new rules for me and my brothers and sisters. Before this, we knew she wanted us to be good, but we really didn’t have any rules. Well, Mom took care of that. On Sunday, she started giving us some rules.
Clean your rooms every other day. Be ready for dinner at 7:00 p.m. That means sitting at the table, with clean hands. If Mom is having a meeting in the house, be very quiet. That means turning down the music and the TV. Be ready for bed at 9:30 p.m. and get up at 7:30 a.m. to get ready for school. Take out the rubbish on Monday morning before school. Clean the bathroom on Thursday.
Following these rules isn’t too hard, and sometimes it’s even fun. Other times, it can be tough. For example, if your room is really dirty and you can’t finish cleaning it on that day, you have to finish it on the next day, along with anything else you have to do. That isn’t easy.
Mom made these rules because she loves us a lot. She wants us to learn how to be on time, be clean and neat, and be polite. Every day, we try to follow her rules.
1. What does the underlined word tough mean
A. Hard. B. Interesting. C. Easy. D. Boring.
2. What should the writer do on Monday
A. Have a class meeting. B. Take out the rubbish.
C. Clean the bathroom. D. Take care of sisters.
37. What’s the best title of the passage
A. House rules. B. School rules.
C. Family time. D. School life.
【答案】1. A 2. B 3. A
1词义猜测题。根据“if your room is really dirty and you can’t finish cleaning it on that day, you have to finish it on the next day, along with anything else you have to do. That isn’t easy.”可知如果你的房间真的很脏,而你当天又打扫不完,你就必须在第二天把它打扫完,还要做其他的事情,这并不容易,可见遵守这些规则很难。故选A。
2细节理解题。根据“Take out the rubbish on Monday morning before school”可知作者在星期一要倒垃圾。故选B。
本部分共5题, 共20分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
四、阅读表达 (第1-3题每题2分, 第4题4分, 共10分)
A Chinese Class in Chicago High School
Standing in front of the blackboard, Christina Xu starts the class as usual, which lasts 90 minutes. Sixteen students stand up, shout their greetings of "good morning" in Chinese, and start the class.
This is a usual Chinese class at Walter Payton College Preparatory High School in downtown Chicago. The 16 students are divided (分成) into small groups, four in each group, to practice Chinese speaking and writing.
The four different tones (声调) are one of the most difficult parts in Chinese learning. To make it easier, Xu uses gestures, and asks the students to match gestures with the words she pronounces.
Walter Payton is one of the 41 public schools in Chicago that offer Chinese classes. About 60 certified full-time Chinese teachers like Xu are offering Chinese courses in four levels to about 11,000 elementary and middle school students in Chicago Public Schools (CPS).
"CPS offers 12 foreign languages for students to choose," said Jane Lu, CPS Chinese world language coordinator and director of the Confucius Institute in Chicago. "In 2018, Chinese replaced French to become the second most chosen foreign language." Lu thinks it is because of the rapid development and rising of China on the world's stage.
Sixteen-year-old Steven Norinsky is a junior at Walter Payton. He has been learning Chinese since elementary school. He plans to learn it throughout high school. "I choose Chinese because I think it is the most important language to learn," Norinsky explained.
1. What do the 16 students practice in small groups
2. Are the four different tones one of the most difficult parts in Chinese learning
3. How many public schools offer Chinese classes in Chicago
4. Why does Norinsky choose to learn Chinese
【答案】1. They practice Chinese speaking and writing. 2. Yes,they are. 3. 41.
4. Because he thinks it is the most important language to learn.
1细节理解题。根据文章第三段倒数第一、二行to practice Chinese speaking and writing“练习汉语口语和写作。”可知,他们在练习汉语口语和写作,故填They practice Chinese speaking and writing。
2细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一行The four different tones (声调) are one of the most difficult parts in Chinese learning“四种不同的声调是汉语学习中最难的部分之一”可知,应该是肯定回答,故填Yes,they are。
3细节理解题。根据文章第五段第一行Walter Payton is one of the 41 public schools in Chicago that offer Chinese classes“沃尔特佩顿是芝加哥41所提供中文课程的公立学校之一”可知,芝加哥提供中文课程的公立学校有41所,故填41。
4细节理解题。根据文章倒数第一、二行I choose Chinese because I think it is the most important language to learn“我选择中文是因为我认为它是学习的最重要的语言”故填Because he thinks it is the most important language to learn。
五、文段表达 (10分)
从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据所给提示, 完成一篇不少于50 词的英语文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 40 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
提示词语:in January or February, clean the house, eat dumplings, get lucky money, traditional
提示问题:When is the Spring Festival
What do people do to celebrate Spring Festival
What do you think of Spring Festival
Spring Festival
In China, the Spring Festival is the most important festival. It often comes in January or February. People usually have a long holiday. It lasts seven days or more. Most of the families will have a big family get-together. The whole family will have a big meal on the eve of the Spring Festival. Everyone is happy. The most traditional food is dumplings. The Chinese think the dumplings will bring them good luck in the new year. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, people usually wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends. They say “Happy New Year” to each other. As a tradition, children will get lucky money from their parents and grandparents. It is my favorite activity. I love Spring Festival!
请根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。提示词语仅供参考。
爱好与技能使我们的生活丰富多彩。你校英语报正在征集关于 Hobbies and Skills 专栏的文章。请你介绍自己的爱好或者技能, 你是如何发展 (develop) 你的爱好或者技能的,以及它给你带来的益处。
提示词语:singing, club, have a class, happy, make friends
● What hobby or skill do you have
●What do you usually do to develop it
●What benefits (益处) can you get from it
Hobbies and skills make our life colorful. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hobbies and skills make our life colorful. Nowadays, most of the students depend on their parents too much. Parents prepare everything for them, so the students seldom do housework. In my opinion, we should master some basic life skills. As for me, I can cook.
Last weekend, my parents were on business. I was alone at home. I decided to cook myself for lunch. I learned it from a cookbook. When I finished cooking, I found it not as difficult as I thought. My parents praised me for taking care of myself.
From this experience, I realize that I am old enough to take care of myself. Doing housework can develop my life skill.
1. — Does the elephant eat meat
—No, it doesn’t. It (eat) plants.
2. — Tom, what's in the fridge
—There (be) only some milk.
3. — What do you often do on Mother's Day
—I often (give) my mother some flowers as a present.
4. — Shall we (send) messages to friends on WeChat on New Year’s Day
—Yes, of course.
5. — What does your sister always do at weekends
—She always (go) shopping for some clothes.
【答案】1. eats 2. is 3. give 4. send 5. goes
本句是there be结构,遵循就近原则。milk(牛奶)是不可数名词,系动词需用is;根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填is。
stay different tell like subject
My name is Tony. I go to a new school in Cambridge this year. I'd like to___1___you something fun here. I’m studying some new___2___, such as science, IT, and art. IT is very interesting. We're learning how to use the Internet. We usually write emails to people in_____3_____countries. It’s great. We have PE on Wednesday afternoon. My new friend, Steve, is good at sports. He_____4_____playing football very much. I usually play football with him after school on the playground. Sometimes he____5____in the sports hall to do other sports with me. I'm enjoying my new school!
【答案】1. tell 2. subjects 3. different 4. likes 5. stays
would like to do想要做某事,tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事,都是固定结构;根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填tell。
some一些,后接复数名词或不可数名词;根据下文的列举“such as science, IT, and art如科学、信息技术和艺术”,可知是一些学科,故填subjects。
like doing sth.(习惯上)喜欢做某事。he是单数第三人称,动词需用三单形式;根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填likes。
1. 他们为聚会做好准备了。
They are the party.
【答案】ready for
【解析】【详解】对照中英文可知,空处应填“为……做好准备”的英文,可用短语be ready for表示。故填ready for。
2. 请把桌子上的报纸给我。
Please on the desk.
【答案】give me the newspaper
【解析】根据汉语提示和“Please ... on the desk.”可知,空格处缺“报纸给我”。newspaper报纸;give sb. sth.给某人某物。该句是祈使句,结构为动词原形+其他,根据语境可知,是让递给特定的报纸,故报纸前加定冠词“the”。故填give me the newspaper。
3. 该回家了。
go home.
【答案】It is time to
【解析】根据中英文提示可知,此处使用It is time to do sth.,表示“到做某事的时间了,该做某事了”。故填It is time to。
4. 我和朋友经常去湖的附近跑步。
My friends and I often near the lake.
【答案】go running
【解析】根据中文提示“跑步”可知,此处使用go running,结合句中often可知,句中时态为一般现在时,句中主语“My friends and I”是复数,所以动词go使用原形。故填go running。
5. 我可以把我的英语词典拿出来。
I can my English dictionary.
【答案】take out
【解析】对照中英文可知,空处应填“把……拿出来”的英文,可用动词短语 take sth. out 表示,情态动词can后跟动词原形。故填take out。2023-2024学年七年级第一学期期末模拟试卷一(北京市)
时间: 90 分钟 满分: 60分
一、单项填空 (每题0. 5分, 共6分)
从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项
1. —Hi, Peter. Is this ________ bike
—Oh, yes. It’s a birthday gift from my parents.
A. your B. my C. his D. her
2. —________ do your parents usually go to work, Linda
—By bus.
A. What B. How C. Who D. Where
3. I often go swimming with my friends ________ summer.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
4. Get up early, ________ you’ll be late for school.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
5. Alice ________ two Chinese classes on Friday
A. has B. have C. to have D. having
6. There __________ some books on the desk.
A. be B. is C. being D. are
7. Miss Smith is very kind. We all like ________.
A. he B. him C. she D. her
8. —Mike, can you play chess
—Yes, I ________.
A. may B. must C. can D. shall
9. I often ________ my grandparents at weekends.
A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. to visit
10. —Where is your Chinese teacher
—He’s ________ the reading room
A. on B. under C. above D. in
11. Jack likes playing ________ piano when he is not busy.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
12. My grandma ________ exercise every day and she is very healthy.
A. did B. does C. do D. is doing
二、完形填空 (每题1分, 共8分)
We just finish our New Year’s Party. Now it is time to give gifts. One by one, our teacher calls each name, and then he ____1____ the gifts. Soon, many classmates get their gifts, like candies, books and toys.
I stand with my best friends, Carrie and Megan. Carrie’s gift is a box of chocolates and Megan’s is a ____2____ of 365 stories. They like their gifts a lot. I try not to show my interest in the gifts. But when another classmate takes away the last good-looking package (包裹), I begin to get ____3____.
Our teacher finally ____4____ my name and gives me an old and small box.
What a package! Who will give something like this “Who’s it from ” asks Carrie.
I turn over the box and find, “To Betty from Sarah.” My heart(心)drops down to my feet when I see the words.
Everyone knows Sarah is very shy and always wears old clothes. She is not good at schoolwork and sometimes our teacher asks me to ____5____ her.
My mother often tells me that I should always be thankful when getting something from others. So I am ____6____ to act like I will get the best gift in the world.
“Maybe it’s an eraser, ” says Carrie. “I think it’s just a card,” says Megan.
But when I open the box, I am so surprised. It is a new hair pin. It is black with a small red ____7____ on it. It’s really beautiful. It looks like the one I lost last week. There’s also a little flower on it.
What a ____8____ girl Sarah is!
That day, I get more than the gift. I learn that a nice gift can come from an old and small package.
1. A. takes in B. gets off C. makes of D. hands out
2. A. map B. bag C. book D. game
3. A. happy B. lucky C. angry D. worried
4. A. calls B. writes C. spells D. answers
5. A. tell B. help C. meet D. give
6. A. ready B. sorry C. tired D. clever
7. A. star B. ball C. flower D. animal
8. A. shy B. nice C. funny D. free
三、阅读理解 (每题2分, 共26分)
(一) 阅读下列问题和回复,给每个问题找到相对应的回复,并将所对应的A、B、C选项填在相应位置上。
____1____ Jane likes making friends and her mother wants her to do more exercise. ____2____ Jack is interested in telling stories and plans to read more stories this term. ____3____ Lisa and her sister like travelling together when they’re free on weekends. A. Members meet from 18:30 to 19:30 every Wednesday to talk about books. They can choose to visit the City Library with the club on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone can keep three books for a month. B. Members practice rock climbing from 17:30 to 18:30 every Tuesday. They have trips in the city on the third Sunday of each month. They can take a family member. It helps them to learn geography, keep healthy and have fun. C. Members have dance parties from 18:00 to 19:30 every Monday. Members in the club can not only do exercise but also meet new friends in the club. Students from other schools come to the club once a month.
(二) 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
An E-mail
From: Ben and Emma To: Samira, Daisuke, Peter, Marisol Subject: pen friends
Hi, everybody, We see your names on the Pen Friends list. You want to get e-mails from English children. So here we are! We live near Oxford(牛津), in the UK. We are 11 years old(Emma) and 10 years old (Ben). We go to school in Oxford. Our school has 400 boys and girls between 8 and 13. We have lessons from 9: 00 a. m. to lunch time. After lunch, we usually have lessons or sport. We have lessons in English, math, science, history, geography, art, P. E. and a few other things. Emma's favorite subjects are math and geography. Ben's favorite subjects are art and music. He doesn't like math. There are three terms in a year, and we do different sports in each term. Autumn term: rugby for boys, netball for girls Winter term; football and hockey(曲棍球) Summer term: cricket(板球), swimming, tennis, and gymnastics(体操) like sports but were not good at any of them! At home we like playing computer games, cycling (Emma) and photography (Ben). Write and tell us about you and your schools in Egypt, Japan, Russia and Spain. Emma and Ben
1. Where are Emma and Ben from
A. Japan. B. UK. C. Russia. D. Spain.
2. What are Ben’s favorite subjects
A. Art and music. B. Math and geography.
C. English and history. D. Science and P. E.
3. What do they like doing at home
A. Playing football and hockey. B. Taking photos.
C. Playing computer games. D. Riding bicycles.
World Holiday
My father said that he, my mother and I were going to travel around the world. My mother and I smiled. Dad loved us and worked hard in a shop, but we did not have enough money for a long holiday.
There was a shed (棚) in the garden. Dad started going there every day, but he put paper over the windows and locked the door so we didn’t find out his plan. He brought boxes home and put many things in the shed. It was very strange.
Then one day he told us the holiday was ready. We went into the shed. Inside, it was a train! We sat down and the train started. We saw pictures through the windows. “Look. We are going through Beijing.” And a few minutes later we were passing the Great Wall of China. Dad brought lunch in: Beijing Duck!
We spent the next three days in the train and they were the most exiting days of my life. We saw Paris, London, Rome, Venice and many other places. We ate French pancakes, British fish and chips and Italian pizza. We heard the music of different countries. Thank you, Dad, for a wonderful holiday!
1. What did “we” eat when we were passing the Great Wall of China
A. Italian pizza. B. British fish and chips.
C. French pancakes. D. Beijing Duck.
2. Which is NOT true
A. Dad brought boxes home.
B. Dad put many things in the shed.
C. Dad didn’t love us.
D. Dad put paper over the windows and locked the door.
3. What did “we” get from this holiday
A. A train. B. Time. C. Money. D. Love.
One day, on the way home from school, my mom told me she was going to make up some new rules for me and my brothers and sisters. Before this, we knew she wanted us to be good, but we really didn’t have any rules. Well, Mom took care of that. On Sunday, she started giving us some rules.
Clean your rooms every other day. Be ready for dinner at 7:00 p.m. That means sitting at the table, with clean hands. If Mom is having a meeting in the house, be very quiet. That means turning down the music and the TV. Be ready for bed at 9:30 p.m. and get up at 7:30 a.m. to get ready for school. Take out the rubbish on Monday morning before school. Clean the bathroom on Thursday.
Following these rules isn’t too hard, and sometimes it’s even fun. Other times, it can be tough. For example, if your room is really dirty and you can’t finish cleaning it on that day, you have to finish it on the next day, along with anything else you have to do. That isn’t easy.
Mom made these rules because she loves us a lot. She wants us to learn how to be on time, be clean and neat, and be polite. Every day, we try to follow her rules.
1. What does the underlined word tough mean
A. Hard. B. Interesting. C. Easy. D. Boring.
2. What should the writer do on Monday
A. Have a class meeting. B. Take out the rubbish.
C. Clean the bathroom. D. Take care of sisters.
37. What’s the best title of the passage
A. House rules. B. School rules.
C. Family time. D. School life.
本部分共5题, 共20分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
四、阅读表达 (第1-3题每题2分, 第4题4分, 共10分)
A Chinese Class in Chicago High School
Standing in front of the blackboard, Christina Xu starts the class as usual, which lasts 90 minutes. Sixteen students stand up, shout their greetings of "good morning" in Chinese, and start the class.
This is a usual Chinese class at Walter Payton College Preparatory High School in downtown Chicago. The 16 students are divided (分成) into small groups, four in each group, to practice Chinese speaking and writing.
The four different tones (声调) are one of the most difficult parts in Chinese learning. To make it easier, Xu uses gestures, and asks the students to match gestures with the words she pronounces.
Walter Payton is one of the 41 public schools in Chicago that offer Chinese classes. About 60 certified full-time Chinese teachers like Xu are offering Chinese courses in four levels to about 11,000 elementary and middle school students in Chicago Public Schools (CPS).
"CPS offers 12 foreign languages for students to choose," said Jane Lu, CPS Chinese world language coordinator and director of the Confucius Institute in Chicago. "In 2018, Chinese replaced French to become the second most chosen foreign language." Lu thinks it is because of the rapid development and rising of China on the world's stage.
Sixteen-year-old Steven Norinsky is a junior at Walter Payton. He has been learning Chinese since elementary school. He plans to learn it throughout high school. "I choose Chinese because I think it is the most important language to learn," Norinsky explained.
1. What do the 16 students practice in small groups
2. Are the four different tones one of the most difficult parts in Chinese learning
3. How many public schools offer Chinese classes in Chicago
4. Why does Norinsky choose to learn Chinese
五、文段表达 (10分)
从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据所给提示, 完成一篇不少于50 词的英语文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 40 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
提示词语:in January or February, clean the house, eat dumplings, get lucky money, traditional
提示问题:When is the Spring Festival
What do people do to celebrate Spring Festival
What do you think of Spring Festival
请根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。提示词语仅供参考。
爱好与技能使我们的生活丰富多彩。你校英语报正在征集关于 Hobbies and Skills 专栏的文章。请你介绍自己的爱好或者技能, 你是如何发展 (develop) 你的爱好或者技能的,以及它给你带来的益处。
提示词语:singing, club, have a class, happy, make friends
● What hobby or skill do you have
●What do you usually do to develop it
●What benefits (益处) can you get from it
Hobbies and skills make our life colorful. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. — Does the elephant eat meat
—No, it doesn’t. It (eat) plants.
2. — Tom, what's in the fridge
—There (be) only some milk.
3. — What do you often do on Mother's Day
—I often (give) my mother some flowers as a present.
4. — Shall we (send) messages to friends on WeChat on New Year’s Day
—Yes, of course.
5. — What does your sister always do at weekends
—She always (go) shopping for some clothes.
stay different tell like subject
My name is Tony. I go to a new school in Cambridge this year. I'd like to___1___you something fun here. I’m studying some new___2___, such as science, IT, and art. IT is very interesting. We're learning how to use the Internet. We usually write emails to people in_____3_____countries. It’s great. We have PE on Wednesday afternoon. My new friend, Steve, is good at sports. He_____4_____playing football very much. I usually play football with him after school on the playground. Sometimes he____5____in the sports hall to do other sports with me. I'm enjoying my new school!
1. 他们为聚会做好准备了。
They are the party.
2. 请把桌子上的报纸给我。
Please on the desk.
3. 该回家了。
go home.
4. 我和朋友经常去湖的附近跑步。
My friends and I often near the lake.
5. 我可以把我的英语词典拿出来。
I can my English dictionary.

  • 2023-2024七年级第一学期期末模拟试卷一(北京市)原卷版+解析版已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月06日  所属分类:作业答案