人教版八年级上册Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.单元话题语法填空练习(含解析)

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science
I have a dream. That is, I’m going to be an 1 (art) when I grow up. You know I began 2 (draw) pictures at a very young age. When I grow 3 , I’m going to move somewhere 4 (interest). Paris 5 (sound) like a city that I could enjoy. There 6 (be) a lot of famous painters and art exhibitions(展览) every year. So how am I going to do it First, I’m going to get a part-time job for a year 7 two and save some money. Then, I’m going to be a student at 8 art college in Paris. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions that will make 9 (I) famous and rich. I’ll travel all over the world 10 the money. I hope my dream will come true one day.
(2022秋·广西玉林·八年级统考期末)Winter vacation is coming. Different 11 (student) will have different ideas. I would like to share my plans with you. I think 12 (healthy) is the most important thing in life. I am going to spend some time 13 (exercise) every day. My parents 14 (be) both very busy. I am going to 15 (help) them do the housework. If possible, I will visit Guilin 16 my family. I am going to read many English books 17 my English is not very 18 (well). I like music. I am going to learn how to play 19 guitar. I think I can enjoy 20 (me) in winter vacation.
The New Year is coming. That’s to say some things will come to 21 end, and some things will start. People always make New Year’s resolutions (决心) at the 22 (begin) of the year. Here 23 (be) some students’ resolutions.
Grace wants to keep healthy. First, she 24 (decide) to take exercise more. Then, she is going to eat 25 (little) fast food than before. Jerry’s resolution is about his 26 (person) improvement. He wants to be a famous 27 (act), so he will take acting lessons. Next year is quite full for him, 28 he still wants to develop a new hobby like singing. Tom is going to get a part-time job 29 a magazine writer. He wants to be a great writer when he grows up.
In a word, we should try 30 (we) best to make the New Year’s resolutions come true.
Dreams in heart
As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, like winning the Nobel Prize, 31 they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.
Once you find 32 dream, what do you do with it Have you ever tried to make your dream real Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams real is life’s biggest challenge.
“You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is 33 (possible) for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts stop you 34 achieving your dream,” the book says.
In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The 35 (one) thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.
Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling 36 (you) what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will come true 37 (fast) because a big dream is, in fact, made up of many small dreams. You must never give up your dream.
There will be 38 (difficulty) on the road to your dream. But you are your own biggest problem. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will bring you better exam results, and saving five yuan instead of buying an ice-cream 39 (mean) you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance 40 (learn) more skills and find new interests.
The passage talks about some Chinese teenagers’ hopes and dreams 41 general.
Hopes of teenagers: Some teenagers would like to work as soon as possible so that they can help provide 42 (good) lives for their parents than ever, but others hope 43 (study) after school and go to university.
Dreams of teenagers: Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. Many students said they would like to be volunteers for Hope Project. Quite 44 few students dream of going to the moon one day. A number of students dream of becoming famous sports people or 45 (sing). Some would love to go on 46 (excite) trips. One student said she would love to 47 (success) sail across the Pacific Ocean. There are also 48 (possible) dreams. For example, three students said they’d like to be able to fly!
Conclusion: It seems that most students are willing to have a good 49 (educate) and find a good job. Students dream of very different things: good things and even crazy things. It’s very important to have a dream, so hold 50 to your dreams. One day they may just come true.
When I was a little kid, my grandma often told me I 51 (will) be a manager in the future, and I believed it would happen. But two years ago, I decided to give up on this idea. The reason 52 I give up is that my mother, as a manager of a company, often works too much and does not have time to take care 53 our family. So, I will not do the same job as she 54 (do).
Now my dream is to be 55 excellent doctor. I hope to cure (治愈) sick people quickly so that they can enjoy their 56 (life). I also hope I can prolong the average lifespan (延长平均寿命) of people to 100 years old. Then, people can see what life will 57 (be) like in the next century. Isn’t that cool
But my mother questioned this. “If all the people live for 100 years, then the world will have a huge population (人口),” she said. “The 58 (many) people there are, the fewer resources (资源) we will have. What do we do then ”
Although it’s a difficult question for me, I think we can solve it step by step. Perhaps there is another student who has a big dream like I do, 59 he or she can work out that problem. Then my job is just to make more people 60 (health) and let them live longer. In any case, I will stick to my dream and try my best to be a good doctor.
Do you know Zhang Jing She comes from Hangzhou. When she was a middle school student, she 61 (clear) knew what she wanted to be — a diplomat (外交官) .
62 (make) her dream come true, she always worked harder than others. Every morning, she got up as early as she could to listen 63 English news. She 64 (spend) lots of time doing English exercises. She always told 65 (her) , “I can do much better next time. ”
Zhang’s teacher once said, “She was really a good student. She always got good 66 (grade) . She went to China Foreign Affairs University (中国外交学院) at last for her dream, 67 she could go to some better schools like Peking University and Tsinghua University. ”
Now Zhang Jing is one of 68 (great) interpreters (口译者) in China. In fact, working as an interpreter is very difficult. You should be good at English. At the same time, you must think fast. Zhang does 69 good job as an interpreter, and it 70 (help) her win a lot of fans in China.
When Angel Thomas was young, she liked to play shopping games. Now the 13-year-old little girl is playing the game for real. After 71 (open) her pet clothing shop in Liverpool, Angel has become Britain’s 72 (young) shopkeeper.
Angel is studying in a school now, 73 she always wants to be successful and run her business. The school girl told her mother Anita about her dream and asked her 74 (give) her money for her pet business. Last year, Angel’s shop—Pawabella opened in Liverpool. The shop sells popular clothes 75 pets. “I love being a boss because I really enjoy going to work,” said Angel.
It 76 (seem) that the little girl is good at finding a balance 77 work and study. She spends her free time, holidays and weekends running her shop and she enjoys the work so much. “I hope Pawabella can make enough money for 78 (I) to pay for school,” said Angel. She wants to be 79 animal doctor in the future. Anita is very proud of her daughter. “She is full of 80 (idea) and works so hard to make her dream come true,” said Anita.
1.artist 2.drawing 3.up 4.interesting 5.sounds 6.are 7.or 8.an 9.me 10.with
2.句意:你知道在我很小的时候我就开始画画了。began是begin的过去式,begin doing sth表示“开始做某事”。故填drawing。
3.句意:我长大后,我打算搬去某个有趣的地方。根据前文“I’m going to...”可知,这句话是将来发生的事情,结合“grow”推断出此空表达的意思是长大后,grow up为“长大”。故填up。
5.句意:巴黎听起来像我会喜欢的一个城市。sound like是“听起来像”,用一般现在时表示人或物的特征、状态属性;主语Paris是单数,所以系动词要用三单形式。故填sounds。
6.句意:每年那都有很多出名的画家和展览。根据“every year”可知,用一般现在时。there be句型的谓语动词使用就近原则,离be动词最近的主语painters是可数名词复数,所以用there are。故填are。
7.句意:首先,我打算找一份兼职,工作一两年存点钱。横线后的“two”指代的是“two years”,和前面的“a year”之间是并列的关系,填连词;or意为“或者”表示选择关系。故填or。
9.句意:接下来,我打算办画展,这样能让我出名和更富有。make sb.+形容词表示“使某人怎么样”,make后要用人称代词宾格,I是人称代词主格,宾格是me。故填me。
10.句意:我会用这些钱环游世界。根据横线后“the money”是名词可知,这里缺少介词,介词with表示“随身携带,用”。故填with。
11.students 12.health 13.exercising 14.are 15.help 16.with 17.because 18.good 19.the 20.myself
13.句意:我打算每天花一些时间锻炼。spend time (in) doing sth.“花费时间做某事”为固定搭配。故填exercising。
14.句意:我的父母都很忙。主语My parents为复数,故be动词应用are。故填are。
15.句意:我打算帮他们做家务。be going to do sth.“打算要做某事”为固定搭配,因此空格处应填动词原形。故填help。
19.句意:我要学习如何弹吉他。空格处应填一冠词,play the guitar“弹吉他”为固定搭配。故填the。
20.句意:我想我可以在寒假里玩得很开心。enjoy oneself“玩的开心,过得愉快”,空格处应填me的反身代词形式。故填myself。
21.an 22.beginning 23.are 24.decides 25.less 26.personal 27.actor 28.but 29.as 30.our
21.句意:也就是说有些事情会结束,有些事情会开始。end发音以元音音素开头,故用an,come to an end“进入尾声”,固定短语。故填an。
22.句意:人们总是在新年伊始就下新年决心。begin是动词,beginning是名词,at the beginning of“在……的开始时”,固定短语。故填beginning。
23.句意:以下是一些学生的决心。该句是倒装句,句子一般现在时,主语some students’ resolutions是复数,be动词用are。故填are。
27.句意:他想成为一名著名的演员,所以他要上表演课。根据“He wants to be a famous ...”可知,此处应是成为一名演员。act“表演”,“男演员”actor,且a后加单数名词。故填actor。
28.句意:明年对他来说很充实,但他仍然想培养一种新的爱好,比如唱歌。根据“Next year is quite full for him, ... he still wants to develop a new hobby like singing.”可知,虽然明年对他来说很充实,但他仍然想培养一种新的爱好。此处用连词but“但是”表示转折关系。故填but。
29.句意:汤姆打算找一份杂志作家的兼职工作。根据“Tom is going to get a part-time job ... a magazine writer.”可知,此处应是一份杂志作家的兼职工作,as“作为”,后接职业。故填as。
30.句意:总之,我们应该尽我们最大努力实现新年的决心。try one’s best to do sth“尽某人最大努力做某事”,此处应用we的形容词性物主代词our“我们的”。故填our。
31.or 32.a 33.impossible 34.from 35.first 36.yourself 37.faster 38.difficulties 39.means 40.to learn
31.句意:这些梦想可以很大,比如赢得诺贝尔奖,也可以很小。根据“These dreams can be very big, like winning the Nobel Prize, ...they can be small.”可知,前后构成选择关系,用or连接,故填or。
33.句意:你可能认为你在学校的某些科目不太好,或者你不可能成为一名作家。根据“You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is...for you to become a writer.”可知,有些科目不太好,会认为不可能成为作家,impossible“不可能的”,在句中作表语。故填impossible。
34.句意:这些想法会阻碍你实现梦想。根据“These kinds of thoughts stop you...achieving your dream”可知,此处是stop...from...短语,意为“阻止”,故填from。
36.句意:不断告诉自己你想要什么。根据“Keep telling...what you want.”可知,告诉自己想要什么,用反身代词形式,故填yourself。
37.句意:一步一步地做,你的梦想会更快实现,因为一个伟大的梦想实际上是由许多小梦想组成的。根据“Do this step by step and your dream will come true...”可知,此处暗含比较含义,用副词比较级,故填faster。
38.句意:在通往梦想的道路上会有困难。根据“There will be...on the road to your dream.”可知,此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填difficulties。
39.句意:学习而不是看电视会给你带来更好的考试成绩,节省五元钱而不是买冰淇淋意味着你可以买一本新书。本句时态是一般现在时,主语“saving five yuan instead of buying an ice-cream”是一件事,动词用三单,故填means。
40.句意:这是件好事,因为你有机会学习更多的技能,找到新的兴趣。have the chance to do sth“有机会做某事”,故填to learn。
41.in 42.better 43.to study 44.a 45.singers 46.exciting 47.successfully 48.impossible 49.education 50.on
41.句意:这段文字讲述了一些中国青少年的希望和梦想。根据“some Chinese teenagers’ hopes and dreams…general.”可知此处应是in general“大体上”。故填in。
42.句意:一些青少年希望尽快工作,这样他们就可以帮助父母过上比以往更好的生活,但另一些人希望放学后学习并上大学。根据“help provide…lives for their parents than ever”可知此处应填形容词修饰“lives”,又根据“than”可知要用形容词比较级,good“好的”,比较级是better。故填better。
43.句意:一些青少年希望尽快工作,这样他们就可以帮助父母过上比以往更好的生活,但另一些人希望放学后学习并上大学。根据“hope…after school and go to university.”可知此处应是hope to do“希望做某事”,故填to study。
44.句意:相当多的同学梦想有一天去月亮。根据“Quite…few students”可知此处是quite a few“相当多”,故填a。
45.句意:许多学生梦想成为著名的体育明星或歌手。根据“becoming famous sports people or…”可知此处or连接两个并列成分,与“sports people”体育明星并列的应是singer“歌手”,且people是复数,所以空格处也要用复数,故填singers。
46.句意:一些学校想要去激动的旅游。根据“go on…trips”可知此处应是形容词作定语,excite“使激动”,动词,其用来修饰物的形容词是exciting“激动的”,故填exciting。
47.句意:一名学生说她很想成功地横渡太平洋。根据“she would love to…sail across the Pacific Ocean”可知此处应填副词修饰动词sail“航行”。success“成功”,名词,其副词是successfully“成功地”。故填successfully。
48.句意:这里也有不可能的梦想。根据“For example, three students said they’d like to be able to fly!”例如,3个学生说他们想能够飞。可知这些梦想是不可能的。impossible“不可能的”,故填impossible。
49.句意:似乎大多数学生都愿意接受良好的教育并找到一份好工作。根据“have a good…and find a good job”可知此处应填名词。educate“教育”,名词,其名词为education“教育”。故填education。
50.句意:有个梦想是很重要的,所以坚持你的梦想。根据“so hold…to your dreams.”可知此处应是hold on“坚持”。故填on。
51.would 52.why 53.of 54.does 55.an 56.lives 57.be 58.more 59.and 60.healthy
52.句意:我放弃的原因是我的母亲,作为一个公司的经理,经常工作太多,没有时间照顾我们的家庭。The reason why…is that… “做……的原因是……”,固定句型。故填why。
53.句意:我放弃的原因是我的母亲,作为一个公司的经理,经常工作太多,没有时间照顾我们的家庭。take care of“照顾”,固定短语,故填of。
60.句意:那么我的工作就是让更多的人健康,让他们活得更长。make sb adj.表示“使某人……”,形容词作宾语补足语,health的形容词是healthy。故填healthy。
61.clearly 62.To make 63.to 64.spent 65.herself 66.grades 67.though
68.the greatest 69.a 70.helps
62.句意:为了实现梦想,她总是比别人更努力。根据语境及句意可知,此处用不定式作目的状语,因位于句首,首字母t需大写。故填To make。
63.句意:每天早晨,她尽可能地早起床听英语新闻。listen to表示“听”。故填to。
64.句意:她花了许多时间做英语练习。根据前文“got up”和后文“told”可知句子是过去时态,表示张京为了梦想而拼搏的历程 ,所以空处也应用一般过去时态。故填spent。
67.句意:她最终为了自己的梦想去了中国外交学院,尽管她能去一些更好的学校像北大和清华。根据“She went to China Foreign Affairs University (中国外交学院) at last for her dream, ... she could go to some better schools like Peking University and Tsinghua University.”可知空前后两句是让步关系,用连词though连接。故填though。
68.句意:现在张京是中国最优秀的口译员之一。固定短语one of + 形容词最高级 + 名词复数“最……之一”,所以此处应填great的最高级greatest,最高级前面需加the。故填the greatest。
69.句意:张京作为口译员做得很好,这帮她在中国赢得了许多粉丝。固定短语do a good job“做好工作,做得不错”。故填a。
70.句意:张京作为口译者做得很好,这帮她在中国赢得了许多粉丝。此处应填谓语动词,根据“Zhang does ... good job as an interpreterit, and it ... (help) her win a lot of fans in China.”可知这是一个由and连接的复合句,根据“does”可知时态为一般现在时,所以后半句也应用一般现在时,因主语it为第三人称单数,所以help用三单形式。故填helps。
71.opening 72.youngest 73.but 74.to give 75.for 76.seems 77.between 78.me 79.an 80.ideas
【分析】本文介绍了英国最年轻的店主——Angel Thomas。她是一名学生,现在已经拥有一家宠物服装店,长大后她想成为一名兽医。
71.句意:在利物浦开了宠物服装店之后,Angel成了英国最年轻的店主。根据“After...(open) her pet clothing shop in Liverpool”可知,此处指开宠物服装店,open作动词,after后接动词的-ing形式。故填opening。
72.句意:在利物浦开了宠物服装店之后,Angel成了英国最年轻的店主。根据“Angel has become Britain’s...(young) shopkeeper”可知,此处指Angel是英国最年轻的店主,应用形容词的最高级形式。故填youngest。
73.句意:Angel现在在一所学校学习,但是她总想成功并经营自己的生意。根据“Angel is studying in a school now”和“she always wants to be successful and run her business”可知,前后为转折关系,应用连词but连接。故填but。
74.句意:这个女学生把自己的梦想告诉了她的妈妈Anita,并请求她出钱支持自己的宠物事业。ask sb. to do sth.“请求某人做某事”,此处应用动词的不定式。故填to give。
75.句意:这家店铺出售流行的宠物服装。根据“The shop sells popular clothes ...pets”可知,店铺出售的衣服是给宠物穿的,应用介词for,表示“为了,给”。故填for。
76.句意:这个小女孩好像能很好地在工作和学习之间找到平衡点。根据“ the little girl is good at finding a balance...”可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为it,谓语用第三人称单数形式,it seems that...“看起来……”。故填seems。
77.句意:这个小女孩好像能很好地在工作和学习之间找到平衡点。根据“work and study”可知,此处是between...and...结构,表示“在……和……之间”。故填between。
80.句意:“她有很多想法,并为实现梦想而努力工作,”Anita说道。be full of“充满”,后接可数名词的复数形式。故填ideas。

  • 人教版八年级上册Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.单元话题语法填空练习(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月06日  所属分类:作业答案