
第I 卷听力部分(共20分)
I .听句子,选择与其相符的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)
1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5________
( )6. A. For two hours. B. In two hours. C. Once a week.
( )7. A. Yes, we really do. B. Not until the rain stops. C.Yes, we have a car.
( )8. A. That's true. B. Look out! C.Yes, do please.
( )9. A. You can't miss it. B. You are welcome. C.Here! This way, please!
( )10.A. Yes, we should. B. History. C. No, it's not ours.
( )11.What does the girl’s neighbor always do these days
A. Makes a noise. B. Does lessons. C. Tells stories.
( )12.Why doesn’t the man tell her the way
A. He isn't a policeman. B. He doesn't know the way. C.He doesn't want to tell her.
( )13.Who watered the flowers this morning
A. The daughter. B. The father. C. The mother.
( )14.How will Lucy deal with the problem
A. By learning to forget. B. By joining a club. C.By seeing a doctor.
( )15.Where does the woman probably work
A.In a library. B.In a supermarket. C.In a post office.
( )16.My mother bought me _____alarm, but____alarm didn't go off this morning.
A. a; the B.the; a C.an; the
( )17.Tom is taller than ____ student in his class.
A.any B. the other C.any other
( )18.Most of students felt ______ tired after the long walk.
A.a little bit B.a bit of .a few
( )19._____ it was snowing, _______ it was not very cold.
A.Although; but B.Although; so C.Although; /
( )20.Lucy is going to _______Jim next week.Now it seems that everything is ready.
A.marry for B.marry to C.get married to
( )21We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen____we speak.
A. as twice much as B.twice as much as C. as much as twice
( )22. Hawking is a ____scientist, and he solved many problems_____.
A.successful; successful B.successfully; successful C. successful ; successfully
( )23.----Have you had lunch_____ ----Yes. I have_had it.
A.yet; yet B.already; yet C.yet; already
( )24._____you travel,______your life experience will be.
The less;the more B. The more;the less C. The more;the richer
( )25.----_____________ is the bridge ---It’s about 140 kilometers long.
A.How tall B.How long C.How far
( )26. I don't remember______the book yesterday.
A.where I put B. where did I put C.where will I put
. ( )27.---What were you doing _______knocked at the door ---I was sleeping.
A.when B.once C.while
( )28.The story was very funny and she couldn't stop _____.
A. to laugh B. laughing C.laughed
( )29..----How do they like the story
----_______of the two boys likes it because it’s too boring.
A.Neither B.None C.Both
( )30. ---Would you mind going to the park with us this Sunday
---__________. I haven't been outdoors these days. I can't wait!
A. My pleasure B.Sure,I'd love to C.Certainly not
Today I'd like to tell you a story about the ten suns.Long time ago,31 were ten suns. They appeared in turn in the 32 every day. Each 33 _ the ten suns and their mother washed in a lake in the east. Then only one sun would move off 34___the sky. It would have a one-day journey to 35 a mountain in the west.
One day, the ten suns decided to take the journey36__.They had a good time, but it was so hot on the earth that people couldn't 37 it. The suns~ father. Di Jun, tried to ask his children to appear in tum. 38 , they didn't listen to him. So Di Jun asked Yi to frighten (吓唬)them. To his surprise, Yi 39 nine suns, leaving only one in the sky. Di Jun was so 40 that he turned Yi into a common person.
( )31. A, there B.those C.we
( )32. A.mountain B.ground C.sky
( )33. A.year B.month C.day
( )34. A.to B.from C.with
( )35. A.go B.get C.reach
( )36. A.yet B.together C.already
( )37. A stand B.offer C.find
( )38. A.Though B.However C.So
( )39. A turned B.shot C.saved
( )40.A.dangerous B.excited C.angry
情景交际(A每小题1分,B每小题2分 共计15分)
A:Hey,Sally!_______41______Do you know
B:Yes, of course. It started to rain at 6:30.
B:I was practicing the piano. What about you
B:Did you stop exercising then
A:Yes. Then I rode my bike home. On the way I...
A:My bike hit a tree.
B:Oh, my dear! 45__________________
A:No,I didn't.
B:Thank goodness!
A.I was exercising in the park. B. When did it start to rain this morning C.Did you hurt yourself D.Did you see the doctor E. What were you doing at that time F.What happened to you on the way G.Why not sell your bike
A:What do you think is the most beautiful mountain in China
B:Mountain Huang,of course.
B:It is in Anhui Province.
B:It is about 1,864 meters high.
A:Did you go there before
B:Yes, I did.
B:I went there last summer.
B:I went there with my parents. What about you Did you go there before
A:50._____________. But I plan to go there this summer.
B:I'm sure you will have a good time when you visit it.
A:I hope so.
It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o'clock on a Saturday morning. At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people, Just as I was crossing the road neat the top of the hill, a car came around the corner.It was traveling very fast.Suddenly it hit a lamp post(路灯柱) and turned over, I ran to the car to help the driver at once, He was badly hurt and there was a lot of blood on his face. A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance(救护车)while I took care of the driver,Many people came to see what happened. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions about the accident. After a while the ambulance arrived and the driver was sent to the hospital.On Monday morning I went to the hospital to see the man. The doctor told me that he was much better, and he would leave the hospital after a few days' rest.
( )51. Where did the accident happen
A.Near the school. B. Near the top of the hill. C.In the station.
( )52. What happened to the driver
A. His car turned over. B. His car hit a lamp post. C.Both A and B.
( )53. Who hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance
A. The writer, B.A policeman. C.A young woman.
( )54.What did the policeman do
A. He took the driver away.
B.He sent the driver to the hospital.
C.He asked the writer a lot of questions.
( )55. Was the driver dead at last
A. Yes, he was. B.No, he was. C. No,he wasn't.
Greenland. Maybe there are more people in one small town on Iceland than those in the whole of Greenland. Be cause most of the island is covered with ice.The ice on Greenland is higher than the tallest building in the world. How about Iceland Is it colder than Greenland No, it isn't. Iceland has ice, but not so much ice as Greenland. Iceland has lots of hot springs. They give out hot water and steam(水蒸气). The weather is not so cold as that on Greenland. And there are more people on Iceland than on Greenland.
( )56. Iceland is the largest island in Europe.
( )57.The weather on Greenland is colder than that on Iceland.
( )58. The underlined words “hot springs”here mean“暖春”in Chinese.
( )59. The whole Iceland is covered with ice.
( )60.The people on Iceland are more than those on Greenland.
Harry Potter is a set of popular books created by J. K. Rowling in Britain. The books tell us some stories about a talented wizard(天才魔法师),Harry Potter. When he was eleven years old, he had an unhappy life. However, a strange letter changed everything.It said he was accepted by Hogwart's---a magic school which was closed to the common people.All kinds of adventures(冒险) happened to Harry from then on. He met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger on his way to school. They became good friends later.Harry did well in his lessons and worked hard to play magic. Harry always had a positive attitude(态度)when he faced the difficulties. With the help of his friends, he tried his best to beat the enemies. Finally, the world peace came back. Smile appeared on everyone's face. If someone wants to know what takes place in the magical world, he will have to read the set of books by himself!
The Information about Harry Potter
The time when he had an unhappy life At the 61. of eleven years old
The feature of Hogwart's Not 62.________ to the common people
The place where he63._______ his good friends On his way to school
The end of his adventures The world peace 64.____________
The way someone knows the magical world Reading the set of books by 65._________
The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character from the famous Chinese story Journey to the West. He has excited the children of China for many years. He is wonderful because he helps weak people. The Monkey King has a magic stick. He uses it to fight bad people. He can make the stick big or small. He can sometimes make the stick so small that he can put it in his ear. When he sees bad people , he thinks of ways to fight them. He can turn himself into different animals and objects. But unless he can hide his tail,he can't make himself a human.Children all over the world love the Monkey King.
根据短文内容,结合生活实际完成下列各题。(66 小题1分,67、68每小题2分,共5分)
known by a lot of people ______________________________
67.Do you want to have a magic stick like the Monkey King's
68.What do you think of the Monkey King
I think he is______________________________________________________(答出两种即可)
An amazing thing happened to Dennis yesterday evening. He was walking alone on his way home when he saw a lightning in the sky. Then a space craft(宇宙飞船)showed up-at least he thought it was a spacecraft. It was orange and white, and it was coming closer and closer. Then it stopped a few meters above the ground. He saw two green people inside. They had big ears and small eyes, but no hair.
Dennis thought they were aliens(外星人)、He had a camera with him then, but he was too scared to take a picture. Then he began to feel weak and fell to the ground. An hour later, he woke up. He found himself lying on the grass in front of his house. He couldn't explain(解释)how he got there. Of course he told his friends about this strange experience. All of them said he was kidding.
69.Where was Dennis when he met the aliens
70.What did the two aliens look like
71.Did Dennis take a photo of aliens
72.Where was Dennis when he woke up
73. Did Dennis' friends believe his experience
74.1.We all know the_________________(important ) of health.
75. Let's think of a good way ______________( help )the sick kids in the hospital.
76.My brother kept _____________( watch)TV after having dinner yesterday.
77. I'm reading an interesting book _____________( call) Harry Potter.
78.He _______________(sleep) when I left home.
79.Miss Gao has taught in the school for 5 years (变一般疑问句)
_______Miss Gao ________ in the school for 5 years
80.Please call me when you arrive in Xiamen.(改为同义句)
Please call me________ __________ ________ you arrive in Xiamen.
1.写明暴风雪的时间:yesterday evening
2.暴风雪时全家人都在做什么:My mother was...
4.暴风雪的后果:all safe
提示词:luckily... Remember to...
My name is Daming. In my city,there was.......
 1E2B3A4C5D  6----10BCACB
---15AB C BA
16----20CCACC 21--25BCCCB 26--30AAB AB
31--35ACCAC 36--40BA BBC
(A) 每题1分共5分。
41---45BEAF C 
(B) 每题2分,共10分。
46、Where is it
47、How high is it
48、When did you go there
49、Who did you go with
50、No,I didn’t.
四、阅读(共35分,ABE 每题5分,C,D每题各10分)
(C)61.ago  62.open  63.met  64. returned 65.himself
(D)66.famous  67.Yes.I do 68.smart/kind
(E)69.On his way home.
They had big ears and small eyes,but no hair.
No,he didn’t.
He was on the grass in front of his house.
No,they didn’t.
74. Importance  75.to help  76,watching 77.called
78.was sleeping 79. Has taught 80.as soon as

  • 黑龙江省绥化市明水县第二中学2023-2024八年级上学期11月期中英语试题(含答案无听力原文及音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月06日  所属分类:作业答案