
16-20.DCD BC
26-30.DA BC E
31-35.BCA DB
36-40.DA BAA
52-56.C DC BA
Hello,my dear friends.I'm Li Hua and I work in the Service Center of our community.Now
I'd like to introduce our community to you.(
Our community is located in the center of the city.(1)It is designed to meet your personal
needs.(I)It has everything that you want,such as convenience store,a shopping mall,a gym,a
clinic and so on.(2)It will bring you a lot of comfort and convenience.(I)
In addition,our community has been equipped with many high-tech facilities.(2)A facial
recognition and hundreds of cameras have been installed,which enhance safety greatly.(3)
Besides,garbage sorting system can help improve the living environment.(2)
Our community is not a luxury community,but a warm home.(2)I'm sure you will live a
happy and comfortable life here.(2)2023-2024学年第 一学期校际联考期中调研测试卷
高二英语 试卷
本试卷分三部分,第一部分语言知识运用, 满分40分;第二部分阅读理解, 满分40分;
第三部分书面表达, 满分20分, 共计100分。 考试时间120分钟。抖音:江苏职教升学
第一部分: 语言知识运用(共40小题;每题1分, 满分40分)
第一节在本节中,你将读到10个句子, 从题中所给的A、B、C、0四个选项中,
选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、 涂黑。
1. The use of robots helps lower the costs and improve _of the production of the
A. effect B. efficiency C. effort D express10n
2. In many travelers'view, the Great Rift Valley is _ beautifut It is filled with
A. other than B. rather than C. less than D. more than
3.As a famous novelist, Charles Dickens a large number of interesting
characters in his works
A. created B. invented C. discovered D. found
4.To our amazement. the re was no one in the screen factory_we visited
this morning .
A. working; that B. working; where
C. worked; that D. worked; where
5. _you didn't express such a request, we'II reduce the price of the leaflets by
A. As long as B. As though C. So that D. Even though
6.Why not go to Hangzhou and _volunteers at the 19th Asian Games
A. work as B. work on C. work out D. work at
7. Everyone knows houses_locations are in the best schools will hold their value
A. which B. whose C. that D. where
8. I'd appreciate_ iif you can explain that question to me again
A. that B. this C. it D. those
9. Mr. Li is considering _ a community equipped with high-tech facilities
A. finding B.to find C. found D. having found
I 0. You must have heard about the good news that Lin Yuwei won the gold medal at the
I 9th Asian Games,
A. did you B小dn't you C. have you D. haven't you
第二节在本节中, 你将读到15个短对话或句子, 从题后所给的A、 B、 C、 D四
个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、
11.- Hey, Robert. I plan to go back home and celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with my
family on Sunday. Would you like to come
校际联考高二年级英语学科试卷 第1页共10页
Shackney, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, uses ChatGPT to quickly
produce a large number of possibly useful ideas for her papers. She then thinks over
these ideas and decides what to include in her papers and what not to include. "With AI
tools, I won't have to " she said. "But I am also not going to depend on
them to do everything for me."
52. While the professor was reading an article, why did a red "warning" flag go up
A. To show the paper was well written
B. To point out the main idea of the article
C. To show it may be written by ChatGPT
D. To show the computer may catch virus
53. To prevent students using chatbot to help with homework, what do some professors
A. Design tasks like "write five pages about this or that"
B. Only ask their students to hand in handwritten papers
C. Design questions too clever for students to answer
D. Design questions that chatbot can't answer easily
54. Which function of ChatGPT isn't mentioned in this passage')
A. Writing articles B. Answering questions
C. Talking with people D. Writing emails
55. What's the main idea of Paragraph3
A. It is necessary to keep students away from ChatGPT
B. It is important to help students use Chat GPT properly
C. It is wise to ban the use of Chat GPT at universities
D. It is necessary for universities to ban Al tools in class
56. What does the underlined phrase "spin my wheels " in the last paragraph mean
A. waste my time or effort 8. waste my talent or youth
C. waste my power or space D. waste my money or energy
第六节在本节中, 你将读到分别来自阅读理解B篇和C篇中有划线的句子, 请
根据上下文把它们翻译成中文, 并将答案写在答题卡上对应处。
57.You can see things there that cannot be found anywhere else in the world
58. Rather than stay away from them, students and teacher alike should learn to make
proper use of them
第七节在本节中, 你将读到 一篇短文。 根据所读内容在短文后表格中的空格处填
入 一 个恰当的词, 并将答案写在答题纸上对应处。 每空一词。
oisy n ighbors a e- a co mon pro lem in a s ciety wh re man pe ple live_ -
closely together. And this can be most important when you share walls, floors or
ceilings with neighbors in a flat. A noisy neighbor can make life challenging, especially
if noise goes well into night, or happens during early morning hours. This situation
needs to be dealt with properly, which requires your ability to keep calm
You should first try to tell your noisy neighbors about the noise. This conversation
should be polite, even friendly. It can begin with a statement like. "I am not sure you are
校际联考高二年级英语学科试卷 第8页共10页

  • 江苏省南京镇江地区中职学校2023-2024高二上学期校际联考期中调研测试英语试卷(图片版含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月05日  所属分类:作业答案