
1.How many syllables are there in the word “teacher”
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
2.Which is pronounced differently from the others
A.dear B.wear C.near D.hear
3.—________, Sam! We’re late.
—OK, mom. I’m coming.
A.Good morning B.How do you do C.Come on D.You’re really careless
4.—Cindy, can you spell it, please
A.That’s OK. B.Yes, please. C.M-I-D-D-L-E. D.Sorry, I can’t.
5.—Mom, ________ is my cat
—Oh, look! It’s ________ the tree over there.
A.what, in B.where, on C.what, on D.where, in
6.— ________ But you can not eat anything in the library.
—Oh, I see. I’m so sorry.
A.Excuse me. B.Can I help you C.How are you D.Who are you
7.—Is ________ ________ first name
—Yes, ________ is.
A.Alan, her, it B.Tony, his, he C.Brown, his, he D.Lily, her, it
8.—________ what you are doing! Your soccer almost hit me.
—I’m so sorry.
A.Name B.Do C.Watch D.Think
9.—What do you think of the new movie The Volunteers: To the War
—I think it’s ________. I want to see it again.
A.interested B.great C.just so-so D.boring
10.—How are you today
—Not very well. I drink some water, but it doesn’t ________.
A.use B.see C.go D.work
11.—Who ________ baseball bats in your family
—Only Bill ________.
A.have, has B.does, does C.has, does D.have, has
12.—Frank is a ________ of three.
—Wow, you mean Frank has three kids.
A.sister B.brother C.father D.mother
13.—Sally is a model student in our class.
—Yeah. And she reaches the top not by luck ________ by hard work.
A.and B.also C.because D.but
14.—Have a rest now. If you need any help, you can ________ a nurse.
—Thank you, Doctor.
A.ring for B.ask for C.leave for D.work for
15.—You’re late for the meeting, Mike.
—Sorry, my clock is ________ time.
A.losing B.missing C.telling D.making
I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina. I’m tidy, 16 Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My 17 are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. It’s 18 the desk. Gina’s books are 19 — on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is hers. It’s under the desk. “Where are my keys Where’s my ruler Where’s my schoolbag ” Gina 20 asks.
16.A.and B.but C.then D.after
17.A.TVs B.friends C.keys D.pencil case
18.A.on B.in C.above D.next
19.A.nowhere B.somewhere C.anywhere D.everywhere
20.A.almost B.always C.also D.all
Bill is a 7-year-old boy. There are 21 people in his family. They are his parents and him. He likes doing exercise. He brings a 22 to school every day because he loves it very much. After class, he often plays basketball with his classmates at school. His favorite color is 23 . So he has a blue schoolbag and some other blue stationary.
Bill wants to have a dog, but his mother doesn’t like it. One day, his friend Gina asks him to look after her dog Coco. Coco is very clever. When you 24 , “Coco, come here”, it is coming.
Bill plays with it very happily. But Coco is 25 at night. Bill looks for it everywhere, but he can’t find it. He buys a new 26 . It 27 Coco. The next morning, Gina comes and 28 her dog back. When she gets to Bill’s home, her Coco comes out of nowhere. Bill tells her the story. She doesn’t mind and says thanks to him for his help. Then she goes 29 with Coco. “But what can I 30 the new dog “Bill asks.
21.A.two B.three C.four D.five
22.A.tennis ball B.soccer ball C.basketball D.volleyball
23.A.green B.blue C.black D.brown
24.A.1ook B.read C.speak D.say
25.A.late B.lost C.easy D.out
26.A.one B.animal C.thing D.it
27.A.looks at B.looks up C.looks like D.looks for
28.A.gives B.brings C.buys D.gets
29.A.library B.store C.home D.school
30.A.do with B.play with C.eat with D.study with
Hello, boys and girls! My name is Tim. These are four photos of my friends.
This is Alan Smith. He has a brother but no sisters. His favorite color is brown. His schoolbag is brown. His phone number is 336-6573. This is Anna Jones. She has a sister but no brothers. Red is her favorite color. She has a red hat. She likes it very much. Her phone number is 693-8857.
This boy is Jack. His family name is King. He has no sisters or brothers. His favorite color is green. He often wears (穿) a green jacket. His phone number is 395-1379. She’s Mary. Miller is her family name. She has a brother and a sister. She has a purple schoolbag, a purple cup and a purple watch. Is purple her favorite color Yes, it is. Her phone number is 659-2785.
31.Who writes the material (材料)
A.Tim. B.Alan. C.Anna. D.Mary.
32.Who is the only child of his or her parents
A.Alan. B.Anna. C.Jack. D.Mary.
33.What is purple
A.Anna’s hat. B.Jack’s jacket. C.Mary’s cup. D.Alan’s schoolbag.
34.What can we know from the material
A.Mary has no watch. B.We can call Anna at 693-8857.
C.Tim and Alan are classmates. D.Jack likes his red jacket very much.
35.Where can we probably read the material
A.Lost and Found. B.School Notice Board. C.A Newspaper. D.A Student’s Exercise Book.
Are the classrooms all the same in the world
In China, children have a fixed classroom. In a classroom, you can see desks and chairs in lines and many other school things in order. There are usually about 40 or more students in every class. They always face the blackboard. What are classrooms like in other countries Let’s have a look!
In the UK, most classrooms are similar (相似的). There are usually about 30 students in every class. Usually, two children share a long desk.
In the US, classrooms usually have single (单独的) desks for each student. There are about 15 to 25 students in a class. The US children don’t have a fixed classroom. They always go to different classrooms when the classes are different.
In Japan, students have a fixed classroom. They also have single desks. At the back of the classroom, there are places for students’ clothes. At the gate of the school building, there are places for their shoes.
36.How many countries are mentioned (提到) in the passage
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
37.The underline word “fixed” in the passage means ________ in Chinese.
A.私人的 B.固定的 C.安装的 D.宽散的
38.According to the passage, we can know ________.
A.there are about 15 students in a class in the UK.
B.two students usually share a long desk in the US.
C.there are places for students’ shoes in Chinese schools.
D.students have places for their clothes in Japanese schools.
39.If you are a student in China, you may ________.
A.not have a fixed place to study at school B.have similar classrooms to those in America
C.always have about 40 classmates D.have a tidy classroom
40.The passage is probably from the ________ column (栏目) of a magazine.
A.Food B.Sports C.School D.Clothes
Ken is a worker in a newspaper. He works hard and is self-confident (自信) when he works as an advertisement salesman (销售员). Every time Ken begins his work, he will do some preparation (准备). He closes the door, stands before the mirror and reads the bosses’ names ten times. But this time, his workmates think the task is very hard and it is impossible to finish.
With his great effort (努力), three bosses change their mind and make a deal with him the first day. Three days later he finishes another three tasks. One month passes, only a boss still refused to cooperate (合作) with him.
Ken works harder. He tries to learn something about his company and his family, and visits the boss every day. Every morning, when the boss opens his door, he sees Ken outside his company smiling to him and waiting for his answer. ★ He keeps on visiting him every day. The boss asks him why.
“It is like having a class. You’re really a good teacher. You’re teaching me how to keep it up when I want to do something important,”Ken answers.
The boss nods, “In fact, you’re my teacher. You’re teaching me what is the power of perseverance.”
41.Ken makes a deal with ________ boss(es) on the first day.
A.1 B.3 C.5 D.6
42.Which of the following sentences can be put into ★
A.But again and again “No” is always the only answer. B.The boss is very happy when he sees Ken.
C.Ken is very tired and wants to give up. D.Ken loses his heart at last.
43.At the end of the story, maybe ________.
A.Ken fails and he loses his job B.Ken makes a deal with the boss and he is successful
C.the boss asks “Why” to Ken D.the boss asks the police to take Ken away
44.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Ken works as an advertisement salesman in a newspaper.
B.Only one boss refuses to cooperate with him.
C.Ken is not polite when he meets the boss.
D.The boss learns a lot from Ken.
45.What’s the best title of the passage
A.The power of perseverance. B.A strange boss. C.How to do business. D.How to be a good worker.
46.Jack has a white jacket. (变一般疑问句)
Jack a white jacket
47.This is their model. (同义句转换)
This is .
48. The CDs are in the bookcase. (对划线部分提问)
in the bookcase
49.Must I take them away now (作否定回答)
No, .
50.It’s a radio. (变复数句)
Do You Have a Soccer Ball
Frank Brown
I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the s 51 school and we love soccer. We play it at school with our friends. It’s r 52 .
Gina Smith
Yes, I do. I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs, four basketballs and five baseballs and bats. I love s 53 , but I don’t play them—I only watch them on TV!
Wang Wei
No, I don’t. Soccer is d 54 for me, so I never play it. I like ping-pong. It’s easy for me. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. A 55 class, I play ping-pong with my classmates.
Adam says it was a usual day at work until he notices an envelope on the ground in their store. “I don’t think anything of it at 56 (one). I think there are no things in it, but I think I will go back to make sure. Pick it up and open it. There’s a lot of money. “Adam s 57 . And then he hands in the envelope to his manager (经理), Grace.
“I t 58 to myself he or she even doesn’t know they lost it here. He or she must be sad now.” Grace says. So she decides to turn to the Internet for h 59 . But in order to find out the r 60 person, she 61 (not) give too much information.
“I get a message 62 the Internet. A man named Mark says, ‘The envelop is my 63 (friend). It’s his money. He is worried now.’” Grace says. Mark can make sure it belonged to his friend by describing the appearance of the envelope and the words written on the back. After making sure everything was right, Adam and Grace give the envelope back to the owner.
“I am glad that Mark often uses the Internet and can see t 64 because I would have never seen it,” says Clayon, the owner of the envelope. Clayton says he plans to use the money to buy his two little 65 (child) Christmas gifts. He goes to the store to thank Adam and Grace and leave a small gift behind.
内容提示问题:1. What’s his name, where is he from and something about his family.
2. What can we see in his tidy room
3. What sports does he like to do in his free time and why
4. Something more about Paul.
2. 内容连贯得体。
3. 词数60-80字,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Good morning, everyone! Today, I’d like to introduce my new friend Paul. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I hope you can be his friend one day.
考查音节。teacher/ ti t (r)/,根据音标可知,这个单词有两个音节。故选B。
考查语音辨析。dear [d (r)];wear [we (r)];near [n (r)];hear[h (r)],A、C、D划线部分发音为 [ (r)],B划线部分发音为 [e (r)],故B不同。故选B。
考查情景交际用语。Good morning早上好;How do you do你好;Come on快点;You’re really careless你真的很粗心。由“We’re late”可知他们快迟到了,妈妈在催促Sam快点。故选C。
考查情景交际。That’s OK没关系;Yes, please是的,请;M-I-D-D-L-E单词middle的拼写;Sorry, I can’t对不起,我不能。根据“can you spell it...”可知此处先回答能不能拼写,选项D符合语境。故选D。
考查情景交际。Excuse me打扰一下;Can I help you我可以帮你吗;How are you你好吗;Who are you你是谁。根据“But you can not eat anything in the library”可知此处是提醒对方要注意,所以首先要说“打扰一下”。故选A。
考查主谓一致以及省略。根据“Who...baseball bats...”可知此处表示有棒球棍,主语是who,谓语动词用单三has;根据“Only Bill...”可知此处应用助动词does代指动词has。故选C。
考查名词辨析。sister姐妹;brother哥哥;father爸爸;mother妈妈。根据“you mean Frank has three kids”可知他有三个孩子,Frank是男士的名字,故应是这三个孩子的父亲。故选C。
考查连词辨析。and和,表示并列关系;also也;because因为,表因果关系;but但是,表示转折关系。根据“not by luck...by hard work.”可知,这是转折关系。故选D。
考查动词短语。ring for按铃叫某人来;ask for请求;leave for动身去;work for受雇于。根据“If you need any help, you can... a nurse”可知,在医院如果需要帮助,可以按铃叫护士来。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。lose丢失;miss错过;tell告诉;make制造。根据“You’re late for the meeting, Mike.”可知这里表示钟表慢了。lose time意为“(钟表)走慢了”,符合题意。故选A。
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B
TVs电视;friends朋友;keys钥匙;pencil case铅笔盒。根据“are”可知,主语是名词复数,且在书包里的应是钥匙。故选C。
on在……上面;in在……里面;above在……上面;next下一个。根据“the desk”可知钟表在桌子上,应用介词on。故选A。
nowhere没有地方;somewhere某地;anywhere任何地方;everywhere到处。根据“on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair”可知书到处都是。故选D。
21.B 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.D 29.C 30.A
two二;three三;four四;five五;根据“They are his parents and him.”可知,他家有三口人,故选B。
tennis ball网球;soccer ball足球;basketball篮球;volleyball排球;根据“he often plays basketball”可知,他拿篮球到学校,故选C。
green绿色;blue蓝色;black黑色;brown棕色。根据“So he has a blue schoolbag and some other blue stationary.”可知他的东西是蓝色的,可见他喜欢蓝色。故选B。
look看起来;read读;speak说;say说;空格后“Coco, come here”是说话的内容,应用say,故选D。
late晚的;lost丢失;easy容易的;out出去;根据“Bill looks for it everywhere”可知,Coco丢了,所以Bill在寻找。故选B。
one一个;animal动物;thing事情;it它。根据“but he can’t find it. He buys a new”可知他买了一只新的狗狗,同类不同物,用one。故选A。
looks at看;looks up查阅;looks like看起来像;looks for寻找。根据“It...Coco”可知买的新的狗狗看起来像Coco。故选C。
gives给;brings带来;buys买;gets得到。根据“her dog back”可知Gina把Coco接回去,get back“带回”,故选D。
library图书馆;store商店;home家;school学校;根据“The next morning, Gina comes and...her dog back.”可知,Gina接Coco一起回家,故选C。
do with处理;play with和某人玩;eat with和某人吃饭;study with和某人学习。根据“what can I...the new dog”可知是处理这只新狗狗。故选A。
31.A 32.C 33.C 34.B 35.D
31.细节理解题。根据“My name is Tim. These are four photos of my friends.”可知本文是Tim写的。故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据“This boy is Jack. His family name is King. He has no sisters or brothers”可知Jack没有兄弟姐妹,是独生子女。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据“a purple cup”可知Mary的杯子是紫色的。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据“Her phone number is 693-8857.”可知Anna的电话号码是693-8857。故选B。
36.C 37.B 38.D 39.D 40.C
36.细节理解题。根据“In China”“In the UK”“In the US”以及“In Japan”可知共提到了四个国家。故选C。
37.词义猜测题。根据“In a classroom, you can see desks and chairs in lines and many other school things in order”可知在教室里,你可以看到排成一排的桌椅和许多其他学校的东西,所以教室是固定的,fixed意为“固定的”,故选B。
38.细节理解题。根据“At the back of the classroom, there are places for students’ clothes.”可知在日本的学校里,学生们有位置放衣服。故选D。
39.推理判断题。根据“In a classroom, you can see desks and chairs in lines and many other school things in order.”可知在中国的教室里,你可以看到排成一排的桌椅和许多其他学校的东西,可见中国的教室很整洁。故选D。
41.B 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.A
41.细节理解题。根据“With his great effort (努力), three bosses change their mind and make a deal with him the first day”可知三个老板第一天就改变主意和他做了交易。故选B。
42.推理判断题。根据“He keeps on visiting him every day. The boss asks him why.”可知Ken坚持每天拜访他,可见那个老板还没有同意,选项A“但一次又一次的‘不’总是唯一的答案”符合语境。故选A。
43.推理判断题。根据“In fact, you’re my teacher. You’re teaching me what is the power of perseverance”可知这个老板认为Ken是他的老师,教会了他坚持的力量,由此可推知这个老板会和Ken做生意。故选B。
44.细节理解题。根据“when the boss opens his door, he sees Ken outside his company smiling to him and waiting for his answer”可知Ken总是面带微笑等着老板的回答,可见他很礼貌。故选C。
46. Does have
47. model theirs
48. What are
49. you needn’t
【详解】句意:我必须现在把它们带走吗?根据“Must I...”可知其否定回答为No, you needn’t。故填you;needn’t。
50. They’re radios
【详解】句意:它是一个收音机。it’s的复数形式为they’re,放在句首应大写首字母;a radio的复数形式为radios。故填They’re;radios。
51.(s)ame 52.(r)elaxing 53.(s)ports 54.(d)ifficult 55.(A)fter
51.句意:我们上同一所学校,我们喜欢足球。根据“go to the...school and we love soccer. We play it at school”可知他们上同一所学校,same“同样的”。故填(s)ame。
52.句意:这很令人放松。根据“We play it at school with our friends”可知踢足球让人很放松,作表语用形容词relaxing“令人放松的”。故填(r)elaxing。
53.句意:我喜欢运动,但我不玩它们——我只在电视上看!根据“I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs, four basketballs and five baseballs and bats”可知有很多球,可见喜欢运动,sports“运动”。故填(s)ports。
54.句意:足球对我来说很难,所以我从不打。根据“so I never play it”可知从不踢足球,因为很难,difficult“困难的”。故填(d)ifficult。
55.句意:下课后,我和同学们打乒乓球。根据“class, I play ping-pong with my classmates”可知是下课后打乒乓球,after class“下课后”。故填(A)fter。
56.first 57.(s)ays 58.(t)hink 59.(h)elp 60.(r)ight 61.doesn’t 62.on 63.friend’s 64.(t)hat 65.children
56.句意:一开始什么都没有想。at first“首先”。故填first。
57.句意:亚当说。根据“I don’t think...”可知此处是亚当说的话,say“说”,本文时态为一般现在时,主语是Adam,谓语动词用单三。故填(s)ays。
58.句意:我想他或她甚至不知道他们在这里丢了它。根据“to myself he or she even doesn’t know they lost it here”可知是认为对方不知道自己丢了,think“认为”,本文时态为一般现在时,主语是I,谓语动词用原形。故填(t)hink。
59.句意:所以她决定求助于互联网。根据“turn to the Internet for...”可知是求助互联网,help“帮助”。故填(h)elp。
60.句意:但为了找到正确的人,她没有提供太多信息。根据“find out the...person”可知是找到正确的人,right“正确的”。故填(r)ight。
62.句意:我在网上收到一条消息。on the Internet“在网上”。故填on。
63.句意:信封是我朋友的。根据“The envelop is my”可知信封是我朋友的,用名词所有格。故填friend’s。
64.句意:我很高兴马克经常使用互联网,并且能看到它,因为我从来没有见过它。根据“I am glad that Mark often uses the Internet and can see...”可知是看到亚当在网上发布的信息,用代词that。故填(t)hat。
Good morning, everyone! Today, I’d like to introduce my new friend Paul.
He is Paul. He is an English boy. He is 13 years old. He has a big family. His brother Tom is also a student. His parents are both teachers. His room is tidy. Some books are in the bookcase and there is a dictionary on the desk. He likes playing basketball after school and in his free time because he thinks it’s relaxing. He is outgoing and he likes red. I think he is a very good friend. We all like him.
I hope you can be his friend one day.
①like doing sth.喜欢做某事
②after school放学后
①He likes playing basketball after school because he thinks it’s relaxing. (because引导原因状语从句,省略引导词that的宾语从句)
②There is a dictionary on the desk.(There be句型)

  • 湖北省武汉武珞路实验初级中学2023-2024七年级上学期期中测试英语试题(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月05日  所属分类:作业答案